Daniel Collins joined the School of Art faculty at Arizona State University in 1989. In addition to teaching courses in intermedia and foundations, Professor Collins is founding co-director of the PRISM lab, an interdisciplinary 3D modeling and rapid prototyping facility, and coordinator of the foundation program in basic art instruction (artCore). He is also a senior sustainability scholar in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability.
Collins was awarded a Fulbright to Malaysia for research and teaching in 1987 and the Herberger College Award for Research and Creative Activity in 2000, 2007, 2010, and 2013. He received the Evelyn Smith Research Award from the School of Art in 2018. He is currently funded by the EPA to develop environmental education curricula for high schools in the Intermountain West. A project focused on "stories of place" with Arizona high schools was recently funded through AZ Humanities.
Collins is currently president of the Telluride Institute, an organization devoted to watershed education and cultural sustainability.
His theoretical essays and reviews in the areas of art, education, and technology have appeared in Leonardo, New Art Examiner, Computer Graphics, and the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education among others. He has co-edited two collections of essays on contemporary art: "The Simulated Presence" (1993) and "The Eighth Day: The Transgenic Art of Eduardo Kac" (2003), both of which were published by the Institute for Studies in the Arts at ASU. He recently completed a chapter on PGIS strategies for the Handbook of Visual Research (Sage Publications). His work is featured in a book by Bruce Wands entitled, "Art in the Digital Age" (Thames and Hudson).
Collins's work in digital sculpture and installation has been exhibited at the Boston Cyberarts Festival, the Basel Art Fair, The Center for the Future, Slavonice, Czech, SIGGRAPH, Scottsdale Center for the Arts, the Phoenix Art Museum, the Tucson Museum of Art and in numerous one person shows in commercial galleries and public museums in Arizona, New York., and China (Urumqi and Beijing). He is currently working on a series of large scale "incident maps" of communities across the Southwest United States.
Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Humanities, Arizona State University 2009
M.F.A. New Forms and Sculpture,University of California-Los Angeles 1984
M.A. Art Education, Stanford University 1975
B.A. Studio Art and Art History, University of California-Davis 1974
3D modeling and visualization, 3D laser scanning, rapid prototyping, tangible interfaces, interactivity, watershed visualization, sustainability, environmental education, GIS
A full list of Collins' projects can be found here.
Research Activity
Research Award, Evelyn Smith Research Award (School of Art / ASU). Oct. 2018.
[$5K grant plus Teaching Assistant for “stories of place” project with 4 high schools in Arizona]
Research Award, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, D.C., August 2018
[$100K grant for environmental education project with 5 high schools in the Intermountain West.
Project Grant, AZ Humanities Council, Phoenix, AZ, March 1, 2018.
[$20K award. “Stories of place” with AZ high school students]
Research Award, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, D.C., June 2016
[$192K grant for environmental education project with 10 high schools along the Colo. River]
Research Award, AZ Humanities, Phoenix, AZ, Aug. 31, 2015
[$5000 award. Denied. Student-produced video on the Colorado River in Arizona]
Research Award, Citizen Science & Citizen Engagement, Arizona State University, 2014
[$10K award to pursue the development of student-produced video on the Colorado River]
Faculty research Award, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, Arizona State Univ., 2013-2014.
[$5000 award to pursue the development of a multi-modal 3D body scanner]
Research Award, Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University, 2013.
[$12000 award to pursue the development of a set of interactive resources on the Colorado River]
Research Award, National Park Service, Pipe Springs National Monument, 2012 – 2015.
[$12,000 award to The Center for Archaeology and Society and the PRISM lab at Arizona State University to create an inventory of 3D models derived from photogrammetry, laser scanning, and other technologies at Pipe Spring National monument in northern Arizona].
Faculty research Award, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, Arizona State Univ., 2010-2011.
Faculty research Award, Herberger College of the Arts, Arizona State Univ., 2007-2008.
Research and Creative Activity Award, Herberger College of the Arts, Arizona State Univ., 2006-2007.
Simon,Arleyn W*, Collins,Daniel Lee. Conduct 3D Imaging of Prehistoric Rock Art and Historic Inscriptions at Pipe Spring National Monument. DOI-NPS(7/1/2012 - 9/30/2015).
Razdan,Anshuman*, Collins,Daniel Lee, Farin,Gerald E. George Washington Project. George Washington's Mt. Vernon(5/25/2004 - 2/28/2006).
Razdan,Anshuman*, Behrens,John Thomas, Capco,David George, Collins,Daniel Lee, Farin,Gerald E, Henderson,Mark Richard, Marzke,Mary, Mccartney,Peter H, Nielson,Gregory M, Panchanathan,Sethuraman, Ramakrishna,B L, Rowe,Jeremy, Simon,Arleyn W. 3D KNOWLEDGE: ACQUISITION REPRESENTATION & ANALYSIS IN A DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT. NSF-CISE(9/1/1999 - 2/29/2004).