Terrence Wiley
Phone: 480-965-6357
Emeritus College Arizona State University Tempe, CA 88282
Dr. Terrence G. Wiley is Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University, where he served as Executive Dean of the Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education and Director of the Division of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies.
He is immediate past president of the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, DC, and he serves as Special Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership and Graduate School, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. He has also been serving as a Visiting Professor in the School of Foreign Languages for Renmin (Peoples’) University of China’s International Programs.
In addition to his work in China, Professor Wiley and has done visiting professorships and lectured at universities in Africa, East and South Asia, Europe and the UK, North, South, and Central America, Australia, and New Zealand. He is also organizer of the international Language Policy Research Network of AILA (Association Internationale de la Linguistique Appliquée).
Professor Wiley is the 2014 recipient of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Distinguished Scholarship and Service Award and the 2018 recipient of the Joshua Fishman Award for Heritage Language Research from UCLA's National Heritage Language Resource Center.
Areas of Expertise and Professional Preparation: Applied linguistics; English language teaching (ELT); multicultural and multilingual curriculum and instruction; literacy and biliteracy studies; and comparative intellectual historical studies.
Areas of Research and Publication: language policy and planning; teaching English as second/foreign/world language; bilingual education, including comparative and international education; immigrant and heritage-community language education; societal multilingualism including language demography, and language maintenance and change; adult literacy/multi-literacy; and the history of language policies, with emphasis on the impact of policies on the integration of minority groups.
- Wiley, Terrence. Language Policy. Encyclopedia of bilingual education in the United States (2008).
- Wiley, Terrence. Language policy in teacher education. Encyclopedia of language and education, 2nd Ed (2008).
- Wiley, Terrence. Language Rights. Encyclopedia of bilingual education in the United States (2008).
- Gerda Klerk, Terrence Wiley. Using the American Community Language Survey to investigate bilingualism and biliteracy among immigrant communities. Journal of Southeast Asian Education and Advancement (2008).
- . . Chinese as a Heritage Language in the United States (2008).
- . . Heritage language: A new field emerging (2008).
- Terrence Wiley. Beyond the foreign language crisis: Toward Alternatives to xenophobia and national security as bases for U.S. language policies. Modern Language Journal (2007).
- Terrence Wiley. The foreign language "crisis" in the U.S.: Are heritage and community languages the remedy?. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies (2007).
- Wiley, Terrence. Accessing language rights in education: A brief history of the U.S. context. Bilingual education: An introductory reader (2007).
- Wiley, Terrence (Author) . Immigrant minorities: USA. Handbooks of applied linguistics, Vol. 9: Language and communication: Diversity and change (2007).
- Wiley, Terrence. The lessons of historical investigation: Implications for the study of language policy and planning. Language policy: Essential readings (2006).
- Terrence Wiley. Discontinuities in heritage and community language education: Challenges for educational language policies. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (2005).
- Terrence Wiley. The reemergence of heritage and community language policy in the U.S. national spotlight. Modern Language Journal (2005).
- Wiley, Terrence. Literacy and Language Diversity in the United States. (2005).
- Ramirez, J. D., Wiley, Terrence, Klerk, G. de, Lee, E, Wright, W. E. Ebonics in the Urban Educaton Debate. (2005).
- . . Ebonics in the urban debate : Multilingual Matters (2005).
- . . Ebonics in the urban debate.Multilingual Matters (2005).
- Wiley, Terrence (Author) . Second language literacy and biliteracy. Handbook of research in second language learning (2005).
- Wiley, Terrence (Author) . The lessons of historical investigation: Implications for the study of language policy and planning. Language policy: Essential readings (2005).
- . Thematic Issue: The condition of language minority education in Arizona. (2005).
- Terrence Wiley, W Wright. Against the undertow: Language-minority education and politics in the age of accountability. Educational Policy (2004).
- . . Language in the USA: Perspectives for the twenty-first century (2004).
- Danzig, Arnold,Kim, Bong-Sik,Szecsy, Elsie M,Wiley, Terrence,OSANLOO, AZADEH F,Gonzalez, Josue M,Hunnicutt, Kay Hartwell,Macey, Donna J,Boyle, Charlotte Mandrill. . Educational Leadership: Knowing the Way, Showing the Way, Going the Way (2004).
- Ovando, Carlos Julio (Author) ,Wiley, Terrence (Author) . Language Education in the Conflicted United States. World Yearbook of Education 2003: Language Education (2003).
- T Ricento, Terrence Wiley. Language, identity, and education and the challenges of monoculturalism and globalization. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education (2002).
- Terrence Wiley. Heinz Kloss revisited: National Socialist ideologue or champion of language-minority rights?. International Journal of Sociology of Language (2002).
- Terrence Wiley, T Ricento. Language rights and educational access at the crossroads, past and present: Editors' introduction. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education (2002).
- . . Review of: Rights to language (2002).
- Quezada, M S (Author) ,Wiley, Terrence (Author) ,Ramírez, D (Author) . How the reform agenda shortchanges English learners. Justice, ideology, and education: An introduction to the social foundations of education (2002).
- Wiley, Terrence (Author) . Accessing language rights in education: A brief history of the U.S. context. Language policies in education: Critical readings (2002).
- Wiley, Terrence (Author) . Biliteracy. Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history, theory, and practice (2002).
- . Revisiting the mother-tongue question in language policy, planning, and politics. (2002).
- Wiley, Terrence (Author) . On defining heritage languages on their speakers. Heritage languages in America: Blueprint for the future (2001).
- Wiley, Terrence (Author) . Policy formation and implementation. Heritage languages in America: Blueprint for the future (2001).
- Terrence Wiley, G Valdés. Heritage language instruction in the United States: A time for renewal. Bilingual Research Journal (2000).
- Wiley, Terrence (Author) . Continuity and change in the function of language ideologies in the United States. Ideology, politics, and language policies: Focus on English (2000).
- . Special issue: Heritage language instruction in the United States: A time for renewal. (2000).
- Wiley,Terrence*. Scottsdale Unified School District Enrollment Projections. SUSD(11/1/2006 - 6/30/2009).
- Wiley,Terrence*. ASU Language Policy Research Unit Heritage and Community Languages Project. UCLA (AT LOS ANGELES)(8/15/2006 - 8/14/2009).
- Wiley,Terrence*. PHOENIX UNION CADRE. PHOENIX UNION HS DISTRICT(5/22/2000 - 7/30/2001).
2025 Summer
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DCI 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Summer
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DCI 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
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2022 Summer
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2021 Summer
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DCI 799 | Dissertation |
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2020 Fall
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DCI 792 | Research |
EDA 792 | Research |
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2020 Summer
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DCI 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Spring
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DCI 799 | Dissertation |
- Wiley, Terrence, Duff, Patricia, Cummins, Jim. When is a Language a Heritage Language?. Heritage Languages, Identity, and Education. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (Jun 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence, McCarty, Teresa. Language Planning and Linguistic Human Rights: Challenges and Possibilities in Cross-National Perspective - From Dialogue to Action. Language Law and Law Rights Conference (Jun 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence, McCarty, Teresa. Language Rights and Educational Equity in English-Only Arizona. Language Law and Law Rights Conference (Jun 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence. Language Attitudes among Chinese International Students toward Varieties of Chinese and English. Linguistic Minority Research Institute Conference (May 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence, Baugh, John. Language Attitudes toward Mandarin, Chinese "Dialects", and "Accented English" among Chinese International Students and Immigrants. Linguistic Profiling Conference (Apr 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence, Wright, Wayne. Snake Oil or Reasonable Accommodation? The Burden of Proof for SEI. "Structured English Immersion" or "Submersion?" The New Burden of Proof for English-only. American Educational Research Association (Apr 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence, Peyton, Joy. Language Policy and Planning: Promoting and Inhibiting HL-CL Development (paper). Symposium - Heritage languages in the United States: Reconstructing the 'resource' framework. Georgetown Roundtable on Linguistics (Mar 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence, Wright, Wayne. Life After Unz: How effective is English-only Education in the age of NCLB and Accountability?. CABE Annual Conference (Feb 2006).
- Castro, Mario, Lee, Jin, Wiley, Terrence, Wright, Wayne. The Future of Heritage and Community Languages in the U.S.: Local and Global Connections. CABE Annual Conference (Feb 2006).
- Castro, Mario, Sook Lee, Jin, Wiley, Terrence. The Future of the Chinese Language and Language Education in the U.S. CABE Annual Conference (Feb 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence. Intensive session on "Lessons for Promoting Heritage Languages: Local and Global Connections". National Association for Bilingual Education (Jan 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence. Science, Common Sense, and Public Opinion: Advocating for ELLs in the NCLB Era. National Association for Bilingual Education (Jan 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence, Ovando, Carlos. Bilingual Education in Guatemala. National Association for Bilingual Education (Jan 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence, Chair, Kate. Snake Oil or Reasonable Accommodation? The Burden of Proof for SEI. Language Policy SIG Institute, Menken, National Association for Bilingual Education (Jan 2006).
- Wiley, Terrence. Mending Broken Connections in Foreign and Heritage Language Education: Challenges and Opportunities. UC Consortium for Language Learning and Teaching National Colloquium on U.S. Language Educational Policy (Oct 2005).
- Wiley, Terrence, Ramanathran, Vai. Tensions between Dominant and Vernacular Language Varieties in the Unites States. Symposium on Language Ideologies and Tensions around Dominant and "Vernacular" Language Varieties, 14th World Congress on Applied Linguistics (Jul 2005).
- Wiley, Terrence, Szecsy, E, You, B, Gonzalez, J, Danzig, A, Garcia, E. Language and Literacy Issues from a University Perspective. Panel on Bridging Theory and Praxis through Professional Development for Schools: A University - School District Collaboration, American Educational Research Association (AERA) (Apr 2005).
- Wiley, Terrence, Wright, W, Rumberger, R. Leaving ELLs behind in Arizona: An Analysis of Statewide Policy in Arizona. Panel on Children Left behind and Research in the Middle: Studies on Policy and Practice for Bilingual Students, American Educational Research Association (AERA) (Apr 2005).
- Szecsy, Elsie, Wiley, Terrence, Gonzalez, Josue. . Language and literacy issues from a university perspective. Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association (Apr 2005).
- Wiley, Terrence. English as a Language of Wider Communication in the Global Age: Implications for English Language Teaching. Southern Taiwan University of Technology (Dec 2004).
- Byeong-Keun, You, Wiley, Terrence. Children Negotiating Korean American Identity through Language. Arizona Language Minority Education Roundtable (Apr 2004).
- Serrano, Rafael, Wiley, Terrence. Spanish Language Media Outlets in Arizona and Their Coverage of Education related issues that impact Hispanics. Arizona Language Minority Education Roundtable (Apr 2004).
- Wiley, Terrence, Boyd, William. Language Minority Education Policy and Politics in the Age of Accountability. Politics of Education Yearbook Session - Curriculum Politics and Multicultural America. American Educational Research Association (AERA) (Apr 2004).
- de Klerk, Gerda, Wiley, Terrence. The Utility of National Data Sets in Assessing the Education Progression and Achievement of the Mexican-origin Population in the U.S. Binational Symposium of Education Researchers/Simposio Binacional de Investigadores en Educación (Mar 2004).
- Wiley, Terrence. From the Community to the Classroom: Challenges and Prospects for Heritage Language Instruction. (Mar 2004).
- Wiley, Terrence. The Role of Language and Culture in Literacy Development. National Center for Education and the Economy (Dec 2003).
- Danzig, A, Kiltz, G, Osanloo, A, Szecsy, E, Wiley, Terrence. Creating an Environment for Learner Centered Leadership in Schools: First -Year Rationales, Experiences, and Findings from the Learner Centered Leadership Grant Project. Annual meeting of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (Aug 2003).
- Wiley, Terrence, Garcia, Eugene, Christian, Donna, Genesee, Fred, Sims, Christine, Li, Wei. Research Priorities in Bilingualism. Fourth International Symposium on Bilingual Education (May 2003).
- Wiley, Terrence, Ovando, Carlos. Heritage Languages Initiatives in the United States: Policy Prospects & Possibilities. Colloquium on Global Policy Challenges and Prospects for Bilingualism, Fourth International Symposium on Bilingual Education (May 2003).
- Wiley, Terrence. Historical Barriers and Contemporary Challenges for Less Commonly Taught Languages in the United States. National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages (May 2003).
- Rolstad, Kellie, Wiley, Terrence, Smith, Karen, Valadez, Concepcion, Paul Gee, James, MacSwan, Jeff, Macedo, Donaldo, Baratolome, Lilia. Privileged Literate Statuses and the Construction of Deficiency: Overcoming Five Centuries of Reproduction . Rethinking Academic Language in Language Minority Education. Fourth International Symposium on Bilingual Education (Apr 2003).
- Wiley, Terrence. Against the Undertow: Challenges and Prospects for Heritage Language Initiatives. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Annual Conference (Mar 2003).
- Wiley, Terrence. The Importance of Sub-group Ethnolinguistic Analyses of Immigrant Students: The Case of Chinese "Dialect" Speakers. Relevance of Assessment and Culture in Evaluation (Jan 2003).
- Wiley, Terrence. Prospects for 'Chinese' Mother Tongue Preservation among U.S. Immigrants: Lessons from the Bi-National Saga of 'Taiwanese' in the Age of Globalization. Preservation of World Languages in an Age of Globalization Conference, Linguistic Student Association of California State University, Long Beach (Dec 2002).
- Wiley, Terrence. Heritage Language Education: Challenges in Policy and Practice. Annual Conference of the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) (Feb 2002).
- Wiley, Terrence. One Workplace, Two Languages: Challenges, Myths, and Opportunities. Building on the Benefits of Our Bilingual Multicultural Workforce. Sponsored by Adult Bilingual Curriculum Institute and Johns Hopkins University, funded by U.S. Department of Labor (Nov 2001).
- Wiley, Terrence. Dialect-Speakers as Heritage Language Learners: A "Chinese" Case Study. Australia-United States Bi-National Heritage Languages Research Conference, Victoria University (Jul 2001).
- Wiley, Terrence, LoBianco, Joseph. Implications of Propositions 227 and 203 for Heritage Language Learners in the United States. Symposium on Heritage Language Education: Evolving International and Local Perspectives. Our Languages Our Heritages: Community Languages into the Future Conference, Victoria University (Jul 2001).
- Wiley, Terrence, Langman, Juliet. Standards for the Non-Standard. Colloquium on the Role of Standard English in ESL/EFL Classrooms Worldwide. International Conference of Teacher of English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) (Mar 2001).
- Wiley, Terrence, Moore, Helen. Language Rights in US Education: Historical Background and Current Policy Context. Colloquium on Debating New Research Directions in Language Policy and Planning. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) (Feb 2001).
- Wiley, Terrence, Austin, Theresa. Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk: University and Community Connections in Heritage Language Instruction. Challenges and Promises in Language Policy and Planning. Annual Conference of the National Association for Bilingual Education (Feb 2001).
- Wiley, Terrence. Implications of Standards-Based Curricula for Language Minority Students: A Critical Assessment. Relevance of Assessment and Culture in Evaluation Conference (RACE). Arizona State University (Jan 2001).
- Wiley, Terrence. ULCA Heritage Languages Research Conference (Sep 2000).
- Wiley, Terrence. The Fate of a 'Heritage' Language Learner: A Case Study in Misclassification. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
- Wiley, Terrence. Promoting Heritage and Community Languages for Refugees: Challenges and Opportunities for Schools and Teachers. Arizona Refugee Resettlement Program Annual Conference