Linh Vu
Phone: 480-965-5778
Coor 4532 School of Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies Tempe, AZ 85287-4302
Mail code: 4302Campus: Tempe
Linh Vu is a historian of modern China. Her first monograph, Governing the Dead: Martyrs, Memorials, and Necrocitizenship in Modern China, examines the efforts of the Chinese nation-state to record, commemorate, and compensate for military and civilian deaths and how these efforts transformed social and cultural institutions. She is researching and writing a book on virtues and citizenship in modern and contemporary China and Taiwan. Her other ongoing projects include war commemoration, citizenship, terrorism, and sovereignty. She teaches courses on violence in Chinese history, memories of wars, and global history. She is a faculty affiliate of the Center for Asian Research.
- Ph.D. University of California-Berkeley, 2017
- M.A. University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 2009
- Taiwan National Normal University, Taipei, Summer 2007
- B.A. Connecticut College, New London, CT, 2007
- John Cabot University, Rome, Italy, Fall 2005
War, Commemoration, Martyrdom, Memories, China
- Governing the Dead: Martyrs, Memorials and Necrocitizenship in Modern China (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2021) Interview Read the Introduction
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
- "Archives of the Afterlife: The Disappearance of the British Empire’s Dead in Twentieth-Century China." OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying (Online First). Free Download.
- “(Un)rest in Revolution: Beijing’s Eight Treasures Mountain (Babaoshan) Revolutionary Cemetery and the Making of China’s National Memory.” Memory Studies 17, no. 1 (2024): 56–70. Free download.
- "Remains of the republic Fate, fortune and families of fallen soldiers in nationalist China." Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal 9, no. 2 (2023): 18–39. (Open Access)
- "Personal Allegiances in Nineteenth-century China's Southern Borderland." Small Wars & Insurgences 34, no. 3 (2023): 725–46. Free download
- “Commemorative Contention: The Taipei Martyrs’ Shrine and and the Politics of Death.” Modern Asian Studies 57, no. 1 (2023): 1–31. (Open Access)
- "Martyred Patriarchs, Institutionalized Virtues, and the Gendered Republic of Twentieth-Century China." Modern China 47, no. 3 (2021): 290–319. Free download
- "Bones of Contention: China’s World War II Military Graves in India, Burma, and Papua New Guinea." Journal of Chinese Military History 8, no. 1 (May 2019): 52–99. Free download
- "Mobilizing the Dead in Wartime Chongqing." Journal of Modern Chinese History 11, no. 2 (December 2017): 264–87. Free download
- “Careless and Carless Natives: Automobile Accidents and the Project of Modernity in French Indochina.” SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 27, no. 2 (2012): 328–41.
- “Drowned in Romances, Tears, and Rivers: Young Women’s Suicide in Early Twentieth-Century Vietnam.” EXPLORATIONS 9 (Spring 2009): 25–46.
Book Chapters:
- “Dealing with the Dead in the China-Burma-India Theater.” In Uneasy Allies: Sino-American Relations, 1937-1949, ed. Judd Kinzley and Zach Fredman, 194–214. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024. Free download.
- "A Walk in a Park of Memories: Nature, Leisure, and Remembrance at Shanghai Longhua Martyrs’ Cemetery." Transposed Memory: Visual Sites of National Recollection in 20th and 21st Century East Asia, ed. Alison J. Miller and Eunyoung Park, 182–99. Leiden: Brill, 2024. Free download
- "Loyal Sacrifice Shrines in Republican China, 1912–1949." In War and Memorials The Second World War and Beyond, ed. Frank Jacob and Kenneth Pearl, 149–81. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2019. Free download
- The Sovereignty of the War Dead: Martyrs, Memorials, and the Makings of Modern China, 1912-1949 (PhD Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 2017).
- "Review of Enchanted Revolution: Ghosts, Shamans, and Gender Politics in Chinese Communist Propaganda, 1942–1953 by Xiaofei Kang." Twentieth-Century China 49, no. 2 (2024): E5-E7.
- "Review of The Collapse of Nationalist China: How Chiang Kai-shek Lost China's Civil War by Parks M. Coble." Journal of Chinese History 8, no. 1 (2024): 192–95.
- "Review of The Funeral of Mr. Wang: Life, Death, and Ghosts in Urbanizing China by Andrew B. Kipnis." Pacific Affairs 95, no. 4 (2022): 839–40.
- “Review of Chiang Kai-shek’s Politics of Shame Leadership, Legacy, and National Identity in China by Grace C. Huang,” Journal of Asian Studies 81, no. 3 (2022): 573-75.
- “Review of Cultural and Literary Representations of the Automobile in French Indochina: A Colonial Roadshow by Stéphanie Ponsavady,” Journal of Vietnamese Studies 16, no. 3 (2021): 157–59.
- “Review of Forgotten Ally: China’s World War II, 1937-1945 by Rana Mitter.” Hanxue yanjiu tongxun 33, no. 4 (2014): 31-32 (in Chinese).
Other Writings:
- "Taipei National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine," The Database of Religious History, Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia.
- “Yellow Flower Hill (Huanghuagang) Martyrs’ Cemetery,” The Database of Religious History, Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia.
- “Eight Treasures Mountain (Babaoshan) Revolutionary Martyrs’ Cemetery,” The Database of Religious History, Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia.
- “Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum,” The Database of Religious History, Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia.
- 2024: Academia Historica & Academia Sinica (Taipei)
- 2023: Academia Historica (Taipei)
- 2019: Shanghai Municipal Library, Academia Historica (Taipei)
- 2018: Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
- 2015: Second Historical Archives (Nanjing), Jiangsu Provincial Archives, Nanjing Municipal Archives, Nanjing Library, Chongqing Municipal Archives, Guangzhou Municipal Archives, Guangdong Provincial Archives
- 2014: Academia Historica, Nationalist Party Commission Archives, and National Central Library (Taipei)
- 2013: Archives Nationales d'Outre-Mer (Aix-en-Provence); British National Archives & British Library
- 2012: Academia Historica & National Central Library (Taipei); Shanghai Municipal Archives & Shanghai Library
- 2011: No. 1 National Archives & Han-Nom Research Library (Hanoi)
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 495 | Methods of Historical Inquiry |
SGS 111 | Global History Since 1500 |
SGS 111 | Global History Since 1500 |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 495 | Methods of Historical Inquiry |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 495 | Methods of Historical Inquiry |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 101 | Global History Since 1500 |
HST 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
HST 598 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
HST 495 | Methods of Historical Inquiry |
HST 384 | Modern China: 1700 to Present |
- Presenter: “Militarizing Memories: The Narrative of Civilian Resistance in Wartime China.” Panel: “Experiences of War in Modern China: From World War II to the Present Day,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Boston (March 19-22)
- Presenter: “Corporeal Sovereignty: Bones, Burials, and Biopolitics of the Sino-American Alliance during the Burma Campaign,” Grassroots Sino-US Relations Workshop, Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan (July 11-13)
- Presenter: “Proxy Citizenship, Revolutionary Lineage, and Affective Nationalism in Republican China,” International Society for Chinese Law and History Biannual Meeting, Taipei University, Taipei (May 31-June 1)
- Presenter: “Death and Corporeal Remains,” Culture & International History VI: Visions of Humanity Conference, Free University, Berlin (May 6-8)
- Presenter: “Nationalistic Religiosity, Commemorative Traditionality, and Revolutionary Sensitivity in Twentieth-Century China.” Panel: “Bridging the 1949 Divide: The CCP Takeover and the Continuities of the Chinese Nation-State-Building Project,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Denver (March 21-24)
-Panel Organizer: “Imprints of Violence: Objects, Sites, and Memory.” Presenter: “Recasting Violence: China’s War of Resistance and the Spirit-Molding Scholarly Society.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Washington DC (March 22-25)
- “War Commemoration in Postwar China,” China in Global World War II, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Cambridge University, Cambridge (July 3-14)
-Panel Organizer: “Charting Intersections and Interstices in East Asian Memoryscapes.” Presenter: “Nationalist Religiosity and the Making of Republican Memorial Space in Wartime and Postwar Chongqing, 1938-1949.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Toronto (March 16-19)
- “War Commemoration and Nationalist Religiosity: Loyal Sacrifice Shrines in Republican China, 1912-1949,” UCSIA Summer School on Religion, Culture, and Society, University of Antwerp, Antwerp (August 27-September 4)
- “Tales of Three Loyal Sacrifice Shrines in China’s Wartime Capital,” War and Society in Modern China Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle (July 22-25)
- “Feminine Narratives of War,” Asia on Its Own Terms Workshop, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv (May 14-June 17)
- Panel Organizer: “Grievances Against the State, Legacies of War, and Legal Discourses in Twentieth- Century East Asia.” Presenter: “Exchanging Life for Honor: Compensation Policies for Revolutionaries’ Families in Republican China, 1911-1949,” American Society for Legal History Annual Conference, Washington DC (October 29-November 1)
- “Soldierly Ideals in Republican China through Martyrs’ Biographies and Petition Letters,” The ‘Good Soldier’ - Ideal, Instrument of Manipulation or Contradiction, Air Force Academy, Trondheim, Norway (October 14-17)
- “County Martyrs’ Shrines in Republican China,” International Workshop and Conference on “War and Society in Modern China,” Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (July 10-13)
- Panel Co-organizer: “Hagiographic Discourses and Communities of Belonging: Digital Approaches to Martyrdom in 19th- and 20th-Century China and Vietnam.” Presenter: “The Making of the Yellow Flower Hill (Huanghuagang) Martyrs in the Early Republic,” Association for Asian Studies-in-Asia Annual Conference, Taipei (June 22-25)
- Invited Lecturer, “Bones of Contention: Chinese Soldiers Buried in India, Burma, and Papua New Guinea during World War II,” National Central Library, Taipei (March 20) (delivered in Chinese)
- “The Dead and the Nation,” International Doctoral Student Workshop, Academia Sinica, Taipei (January 19-23) (delivered in Chinese)
- “Loyalty and Sacrifice Shrines in Republican China,” International Dissertation Workshop, National Chengchi University, Taipei (January 11-18)
- “Multiple Modernities and Chinese Republican Martyrdom,” International Summer School on “Multiple Modernities,” University of Göttingen, Göttingen (September 1-6)
- “Making Republican Revolutionary Martyrdom: The Yellow Flower Hill Uprising and Its Commemoration during the 1910s and 1920s,” International Conference on Modern China in Global Contexts, 1600-Present, Academia Sinica, Taipei (August 11-13)
- “Republic of Martyrs: Compensation Policies in Republican China,” Law & Society Annual Conference, Minneapolis (May 29-31)
- Summer Institute on Conducting Archival Research (SICAR), Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/George Washington University, Washington DC (May 17-25)
- “Grave Concerns: China’s Overseas Military Graves and International Politics,” Sites of Knowledge: Space, Locality, and Circulation between Asia and Europe, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg (August 4-8)
- “Death of the Patriarch, Memory of the Martyr: The Family and the State in Modern China,” Social Lives of Dead Bodies in Modern China, Brown University, Providence (June 14-16)
- Winter Institute on Han Religion, Academia Sinica, Taipei & Tainan (January 4-12)
- “Allegiances and Patronage across the Late Nineteenth-Century Guangxi-Tonkin Border,” The South China Sea: Re-Assessing Regional Order in Asia, Institute of East Asian Studies at University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley (September 7-8)
- Summer Seminars in Asian Arts, Religion and History, Fudan University, Shanghai (June 24-July 3)
-“It’s Personal! Allegiances and Patronage Across the Late Nineteenth-Century Guangxi-Tonkin Border,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Toronto (March 16-19)
- “Under the Rubber Regime: Plantation Workers in Cochinchina (1918-1945),” 6th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, Asian Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore (July 11-15)
- “Understanding China’s Colonial Experience: A Comparative Study of “Semicolonialism” in China, Siam, and Indochina,” World History Association Annual Conference, Capital Normal University, Beijing (July 7-10)
- “Carless and Careless: Automobile Accidents in French Indochina,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference in Japan, International Christian University, Tokyo (June 25-26)
- Winter Institute on Modern Chinese History, Academia Sinica, Taipei (January 3-13)
- “‘Alternative Chastity’ in Feng Menglong’s Vernacular Stories,” Western Conference for the Association of Asian Studies (WCAAS), University of Arizona, Tucson (October 23-24)
- “New Women and New Literature” from The Ladies’ Journal,” Fudan University-UCLA Workshop in Scholarly Translation, Shanghai (August 1-30)
- “Female Revolutionaries in the Vietnamese Nationalist Party,” Phi Alpha Theta 25th Annual Hawai’i Regional Conference, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu (March 14)
- “Women’s Suicides in Early Twentieth-Century China and Vietnam: Perils in the Family,” 8th East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference, Honolulu (February 12-14)
- Association for Asian Studies First Book Subvention Grant, 2021
- Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Book Subvention Grant, 2021
- Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Grant, 2017
- F. Hilary Conroy Award, Association for Asian Studies, 2017
- American Historical Association’s Council Annual Meeting Travel Grant, 2017
- Dissertation Normative Time Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 2016-2017
- Helen Gan-Richard Aston Fellowship for Chinese Economic and Social History, UC Berkeley, 2015-2016
- U.S. Fulbright Student Research Grant (Visiting Scholar, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, China), 2014-2015
- Association for Asian Studies (AAS) China and Inner Asia Council (CIAC) Small Grant, 2014-2015
- Republic of China East Asian Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 2014-2015
- Taiwan National Central Library’s Center for Chinese Studies Scholarly Research Grant, 2014
- Haas Junior Scholar Fellowships, UC Berkeley, 2013-2014 & 2016-2017
- Liu Family Graduate Research Fellowship in Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley, 2013-2014
- Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 2010-2012
- American Historical Association
- Association for Asian Studies
- Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China