John Buckley is an ASU alum, having graduated with a BA in English Literature in 2005. He then went on to obtain his MPW (MFA equivalent) from USC in 2008, with a dual focus on short fiction and screenwriting. After completing his post-secondary education, Mr. Buckley began teaching English at the community college level in 2008, which he did full-time until 2014, when he became a full-time technical writer/editor in the corporate sector (while still teaching night classes). In 2016, Mr. Buckley was hired as a Faculty Associate in the Writers' Studio, and he became a full-time Instructor in 2017. He then became the Writing Mentor Coordinator in 2019. In this role, he hires, trains, and oversees a group of 70+ course-embedded tutors. In his free time, Mr. Buckley still writes short fiction and regularly publishes pieces in literary journals, both in print and online.
MPW (Short Fiction and Screentwriting), University of Southern California, 2008
BA (English Literature), Arizona State University, 2005