Ayako Hiasa
Mail code: 1401Campus: Tempe
Student Information
Graduate StudentLinguistics and Applied Linguistics
The College of Lib Arts & Sci
Ayako Hiasa is a Ph.D. candidate in the Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program at Arizona State University. She has a decade-long experience of teaching English in K-12 contexts in Japan. Her primary research interests include Englishes in global and local contexts, transnational language teachers, and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English.
- M.A. TESOL, Sophia University 2014
- B.A. Foreign Studies, Sophia University 2012
A. Referred articles
Hiasa, A. (2025). Multilingual English teachers in Asian Expanding Circle. English Today. http://doi.org/10.1017/S0266078424000427
Hiasa, A. (2024). Attitudes toward diverse English accents among Japanese elementary school students. World Englishes. http://doi.org/10.1111/weng.12706
Hiasa, A. (2024). Introducing Four-Skills-Based Tests in Japanese College Entrance Exams: Why did the Plan Fail? In R.J. Dickey & H.K. Lee (Eds.), AsiaTEFL Proceedings 2023: Papers from the 21st AsiaTEFL Conference (pp. 23-32). AsiaTEFL. (ISBN: 979-11-982534-0-8)
Hiasa, A. (2024). Pedagogical use of machine translation in novice second language writing classes. TESOL Journal 15(2), e757. http://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.757
B. Book Review
Hiasa, A (2023). Review of The Commodification of Language Conceptual Concerns and Empirical Manifestations (John E. Petrovic & Bedrettin Yazan (Eds.). (2021). Language in Society 52(1). 180-181. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047404522000781
C. English as a Foreign Language Textbooks
April, 2024 Wrote two chapters for Earthrise English Logic and Expression III Advanced. (high school English coursebook authorized by the Japanese government) Tokyo, Japan, Suken Publisher.
April, 2024 Wrote two chapters for Earthrise English Logic and Expression III Standard. (high school English coursebook authorized by the Japanese government) Tokyo, Japan, Suken Publisher.
April, 2023 Wrote two chapters for Earthrise English Logic and Expression II Advanced. (high school English coursebook authorized by the Japanese government) Tokyo, Japan, Suken Publisher.
April, 2023 Wrote two chapters for Earthrise English Logic and Expression II Standard. (high school English coursebook authorized by the Japanese government) Tokyo, Japan, Suken Publisher.
April, 2022 Wrote two chapters for Earthrise English Logic and Expression I Advanced. (high school English coursebook authorized by the Japanese government) Tokyo, Japan, Suken Publisher.
April, 2022 Wrote two chapters for Earthrise English Logic and Expression I Standard. (high school English coursebook authorized by the Japanese government) Tokyo, Japan, Suken Publisher.
May, 2019 Wrote reading comprehension questions for Unite Stage 2.5 4-skills integrated English workbook, Suken Publisher. https://www.chart.co.jp/goods/item/indexes/36569.html
D. Non-referred articles (invited)
Hiasa, A. (2024). Teaching English in a globalized world: debunking native-speakerism. English education. 72(9), 56-57. (in Japanese)
Conference presentations
Hiasa, A. (March, 2024). Attitudes toward diverse English accents among sixth-grade EFL students. Paper presented at the TESOL 2024 International Convention & English Language Expo, 21-23 March in Tampa, Florida, USA.
Hiasa, A. (March, 2024). Multilingual Teacher Identities in the Japanese Middle School: Counter Discourse Against Nativespeakerism. Paper presented at AAAL, 16-20 March in Houston, Texas, USA.
Hiasa, A. (February, 2024). Three Contact Zones of Outer and Expanding Circle teachers and Expanding Circle learners: A review of literature. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Graduate Linguistics, Applied Linguistics & TESOL Symposium, Arizona State University, 17 February in Tempe, Arizona, USA.
Ritzkert, B., & Hiasa, A. (February, 2024). Conceptualizing the Micro-Moments in the Japanese EFL Classroom Through Positioning Theory and Spatial Pedagogy. Paper presented at 23rd Interdisciplinary SLAT Roundtable, University of Arizona, 3 February in Tuscon, Arizona, USA
Hiasa, A. (August, 2023). Introducing four-skills-based tests in Japanese college entrance exams: Why did the plan fail? Paper presented at the 21st Asia TEFL International Conference, 17-19 August, online.
Hiasa, A. (March, 2023). “Suho speaks clearly and slowly”: Attitudes towards various English accents among 6th-grade EFL students. Paper presented at AAAL, 18-21 March in Portland, Oregon, USA.
Hiasa, A. (March, 2023). Pedagogical Use of Machine Translation in Novice L2 Writing Classes. Paper presented at the TESOL 2023 International Convention & English Language Expo 22-24 March in Portland, Oregon, USA.
Hiasa, A. & Sakamoto, M. (August, 2022). Conceptualizing and understanding assistant language teachers (ALT) in Japan: Discrepancies among government policy documents. Paper presented at the annual conference of Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning (LPP2022), 25-27 August in Montreal, Canada.
Hiasa, A. (August, 2022). Framework for using machine translation in novice L2 writing. Paper presented at the 20th Asia TEFL International Conference, 5-6 August, online.
Hiasa, A. (April, 2022). The commodification of language affect in the eikaiwa industry: A critical review of literature. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Graduate Linguistics, Applied Linguistics & TESOL Symposium, Arizona State University, 2 April in Tempe, Arizona, USA.
Hiasa, A. (March, 2022). A survey study on 6th-grade EFL students on their perception of NS/NNS English accents. Poster presentation at AAAL, 19-22 March in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Hiasa, A. (October, 2021). Process writing and machine translation: A writing project at an EFL elementary school. Paper presented at the 21st JES (Japan Association of English Teaching in Elementary Schools) Annual National Conference, 23 October, online.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 107 | First-Year Composition |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 102 | First-Year Composition |
ENG 102 | First-Year Composition |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 107 | First-Year Composition |
ENG 108 | First-Year Composition |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 108 | First-Year Composition |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 107 | First-Year Composition |
ENG 107 | First-Year Composition |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 102 | First-Year Composition |
ENG 102 | First-Year Composition |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 101 | First-Year Composition |