Long Bio
Elly van Gelderen is a syntactician interested in language change. Her work shows how regular syntactic change (grammaticalization and the linguistic cycle) provides insight in the Faculty of Language. Her 2011 book, "The Linguistic Cycle: Language Change and the Language Faculty" (Oxford University Press) shows how cyclical change can be accounted for through an economy principle. Her "Clause Structure" (Cambridge University Press, 2013) examines a number of current debates in theoretical syntax. She worked on the history of argument structure, e.g. how unaccusatives and unergatives change in very different directions in "The Diachrony of Meaning" (Routledge 2018). Her most recent books are "Third Factors in Variation and Change" (CUP, 2022) and another book on "The Linguistic Cycle" (Routledge, 2023). Related interests are the evolution of language, biolinguistics, prescriptivism, authorship debates, forensic linguistics, and code switching.
Elly van Gelderen is the author of 13 books, 12 edited volumes, and 100 or so articles/chapters in journals such as Linguistic Analysis, Studia Linguistica, Word , and Linguistic Inquiry . She taught at ASU from 1995 to 2023 and is currently Regents' Professor Emeritus.
Ph.D. Linguistics, McGill University, Montréal, Canada 1986
M.A. "Doktoraal." English Language and Literature, Utrecht University, The Netherlands 1981
B.A. "Kandidaats." English Language and Literature, Utrecht University, The Netherlands 1979
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Diachronica, Book review editor (2008 - Present)
Carlie Fellowship, Advisor, Chair of Selection Commitee (2007 - Present)
Edinburgh Historical Linguistics monograph series, board member (2007 - Present)
Prison Literacy Project, Collecting and delivering books to local prisons (2005 - Present)
Planning Committee for a PhD in Applied Linguistics, Member (2005 - Present)
Linguistics Today - Book Series, Co-Editor (2003 - Present)
HOA Las Casas, Secretary (2002 - Present)
Programs in Linguistics and TESL; English Dept, Director (2002 - Present)
Graduate Committee, Member (2002 - Present)
NSF; OUP; CSLI; ZFS, etc, Occasional Referee (2001 - Present)
Academic Computing Advisory Committee, Member (2000 - Present)
Dean's Strategic Planning and Academic Resources Advisory Council (SPARAC), Member (2000 - Present)
Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Advisory Board (2000 - Present)
Ask-A-Linguist panel, Member (2000 - Present)
WCCFL, WECOL, LSA, GGSW, and ISB, Reviewer (2000 - Present)
Journal of Germanic Linguistics, Southwest Journal in Linguistics, and Diachronica, Referee (1999 - Present)
WWW Committee, Chair (1996-1998) (1996 - Present)
Admissions' Committee MTESL, MA in English and Concentation Linguistics, Member and Chair (1995 - Present)
Dutch Proficiency Exams, Evaluator (1995 - Present)
International Society for Historical Linguistics., Executive Committee (2007 - 2011)
Journal of Germanic Linguistics, Member Editorial Board (1999 - 2009)
Carlie Fellowship Committee, Chair (2006 - 2008)
English Dept, Member Personnel Committee (2007 - 2008)
English Dept, Member Search Committee - Medievalist (2006 - 2007)
Medievalist Search Committee, Member (2006 - 2007)
Outreach, Found Contacts (2006 - 2006)
South West Journal of Linguistics, Member of Editorial Board (2000 - 2006)
Self-Study Committee English Dept, Member (2005 - 2006)
Linguistic Association of the South West, President (2003 - 2005)
Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Member Advisory Board (2000 - 2005)
Committee on Linguistics, Member (1995 - 2004)
Navajo Language Academy, Teacher (2004)
Personnel Committee, Member (2004 - 2004)
Journal of Germanic Linguistics, Member of Editorial Board (1999 - 2004)
Committee for Assistant Professor Information Technology and Information Literacy, Chair (2003 - 2004)
IT/IL Asst Prof Search Committee, Chair (2003 - 2004)
Diachronica, Member of Editorial Board (2002 - 2003)
Linguist List Advisory Board, Member (2001 - 2003)
ISB4, Member of Organizing Board (2000 - 2003)
Society for Germanic Linguistics, President 2000-2003 (2000 - 2003)
Amnesty Internation (CSES), RAN coordinator (1986 - 2003)
ACAC, Member (2003)
Admissions' Committee PhD Rhet/Comp/Ling, Member (2003)
East Timor Action Network, Faculty Advisor (2003)
International Symposium on Bilingualism 4 Organizing Board, Member (2003)
Linguistics/TESL Area Committee, Various (2003)
Service learning, Help to get more ESL teachers in 'at risk' communities (2003)
Women of Juarez, Various, e.g. part of panel during the 3rd teach in Febr 04 (2003)
TEVAL, Member (1999 - 2003)
Departmental Arbitrator (2000 - 2001)
Committee on Committees, Member (1997 - 2000)
HCF Specialist search committee, Member (1998 - 1999)
Human Subjects' Institutional Review Board, Member (1999 - 1999)
Rhet/Comp/Ling PhD Program, Co-Director (1998 - 1998)
Ad-hoc bridge committee: Curriculum Review, Member (1997 - 1998)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences' Student Grievance Committee, Member and Chair (1997) (1995 - 1997)