Andrew Kirby
Senior Global Futures Scholar,
Global Futures Scientists and Scholars
Other ASU affiliations
Emeritus Professor,
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
FAB S153 PHOENIX, AZ 85069-3051
Long Bio
Andrew Kirby is emeritus professor in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. His research is primarily focused on issues linked to climate change adaptation, and bibliometrics. He is Senior Associate Editor of the Journal of Urban Affairs, and Associate Editor of Publications.
Ph.D. University of Newcastle, UK
Research Interests
Research interests include:
urban growth and development, especially suburbanization; bibliometrics; the history and philosophy of science; popular culture, especially as it intersects with urban history.
- Einecker, R. & Kirby, A “Climate change: a bibliometric study of adaptation, mitigation and resilience” Sustainability 2020 12(17), 6935;
- Kirby A. Sustainability, Adaptation and the Local State: An Overview. Journal of Sustainability Research. 2019;1:e190012.
- Kirby, A. "Transdisciplinarity and sustainability science: A response to Sakao and Brambila-Macias in the context of sustainable cities research" Journal of Cleaner Production 210, 238-245.
- “Urban adaptation to climate change: geographers and wicked problems”. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 79, 1–17.
- “Jane Jacobs and the limits to experience” Cities: international journal of policy and planning : refereed contribution to special issue ‘Cities and Justice’.
- “Seeing Cities through Urban Art” Geography, 102 (1) 33-43 2017; winner of GA ‘Award for Excellence in Leading Geography’ 2018.
- “The Challenges of Journal Startup in the Digital Era” Publications 3, 219-231; doi:10.3390/publications3040219
- Kirby A. "Adapting cities, adapting the curriculum". Geography (2014).
- Kirby, A. "Geographical leadership, sustainability and urban education". Geography (2014).
- Kirby A. Cities and powerful knowledge: An editorial essay on accepted wisdom and global urban theory [Part I]. Current Research on Cities (2013).
- Kamalski, J. Kirby, A. "Bibliometrics and the production of urban knowledge". Cities (2012).
- Kirby A, Glavac. "Privatisation and the quality of urban life". Urban Design and Planning (2012).
- Kirby A. Introduction to a new meta-journal in urban studies. Current Research in Cities (2012).
- Kirby, A. "Scientific communication, Open Access, and the publishing industry". Political Geography (2012).
- Kirby, A. "The semantic web, bibliometrics and Current Research on Cities". Cities (2012).
- Kirby, A. Current Research on Cities and its contribution to urban studies. Current Research on Cities (2012).
- Kirby, A. and J. Kamalski. "Bibliometrics and Urban Research". Research Trends (2012).
- Kirby A. The bibliometrics of urban creativity and CCS. City Culture and Society (2011).
- Kirby, A. The bibliometrics of political geography. Political Geography (2011).
- Walker P. Hurley P. Planning Paradise. (2011).
- Kirby, A. Could the Dallas Way be the Right Way?. New (2010).
- Kirby, A. Religious Freedom or a tax-free ride?. (2010).
- Kirby, A. Time to hate those HOAs again. (2010).
- Kirby, A. What is the answer to the subrban question?. (2010).
- Kirby, A. & Modarres A. "The suburban question". Cities, (2010).
- Modarres A. and Kirby A. "The suburban question: notes for a research program". Cities (2010).
- Kirby, A. Finding and retaining reviewers. Editors' Update (2009).
- Kirby, A. How Phoenix will come back. (2009).
- Kirby, A. Peer review reprised. Editors' Update (2009).
- Kirby A. ‘A Phoenix Lament’. (2008).
- Kirby, A. Bubble opportunity: a new life for public housing?. (2008).
- Kirby, A. Rethinking risk during a financial crisis learning from Mexico. (2008).
- Kirby, A. The production of private space and its implications for urban social relations. Political Geography (2008).
- . . Review of: City and Environment (2008).
- . . Review of: Private Neighborhoods (2008).
- Andrew Kirby, Sharon Harlan. Examining the significance of housing enclaves in the metropolitan US. Housing, Theory and Society 23 (2006).
- Andrew Kirby. From homeland to wasteland; the politics of the American city in the 21st century. Cities (2005).
- Andrew Kirby. Peering into the future of academic review. Cities (2005).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . Cities and Film. Encyclopedia of the City London (2005).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . Cities and the Arts. Encyclopedia of the City (2005).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . Environment and the City. Encyclopedia of the City (2005).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . Home Economics and Urban Governance: the challenges of globalism, gigantism and privatism. Urban Development Debates in the New Millennium IV (2005).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . Popular Culture and Cities. Encyclopedia of the City (2005).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . Sir P.G. Hall. Encyclopedia of the City (2005).
- Andrew Kirby. Celebrity Cities and B-list Boroughs. Cities (2004).
- Andrew Kirby. Corruption and torture?. Cities (2004).
- Andrew Kirby. Green Scales. Cities (2004).
- Andrew Kirby. Homage to Barcelona. Cities (2004).
- Andrew Kirby. On Sprawl. Cities (2004).
- Andrew Kirby. Retropolitics or Metropolitics?. Antipode (2004).
- Andrew Kirby, L Larsen. Bonding and Bridging: understanding the relationship between social capital and civic action. Journal of Planning Education and Research (2004).
- Garcia Ramon, Andrew Kirby, R Luna. The Occidental Tourist: Said, Orientalism and the Mediterranean. Arab World Geographer (2004).
- . . Urban Development Studies, Theory and Praxes (2004).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . The Global Culture Factory. Globalization and its Outcomes (2004).
- Andrew Kirby. Casting the net wider. Cities (2003).
- Andrew Kirby. Change is constant. Cities (2003).
- Andrew Kirby. How EZ is it to build and own your own city?. Cities (2003).
- Andrew Kirby. The housing market and the contemporary American city: A global overview. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografica (2003).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . When extreme political ideas move into the mainstream. The Spaces of Hate (2003).
- Andrew Kirby. Do cities have a purpose?. Cities (2002).
- Andrew Kirby. Editorial-Cedric Pugh. Cities (2002).
- Andrew Kirby. Everything is solid after all. Cities (2002).
- Andrew Kirby. Joining the culture club. Cities (2002).
- Andrew Kirby. On creating a global manifesto. Cities (2002).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . Popular culture, academic discourse and the incongruities of scale. Geographies of Power (2002).
- Andrew Kirby. Housing in the Developing Economies. Cities (2001).
- Andrew Kirby. Pushing the E-nvelope?. Cities (2001).
- Andrew Kirby. Things change, they stay the same. Cities (2001).
- Andrew Kirby. Things Change, They Stay the Same (Part II). Cities (2001).
- Andrew Kirby. What in the world? Notes on Peter Taylor's Political Geography: world economy, state and locality. Political Geography (2001).
- Andrew Kirby. Your home is your bank. Dwell (2001).
- Andrew Kirby. All new, improved. Cities (2000).
- Andrew Kirby. Cognitive search engines and the neighborhood. Cities (2000).
- Andrew Kirby. Death by a thousand bikes. Cities (2000).
- Andrew Kirby. Sweat the small stuff Cities. Cities (2000).
- Andrew Kirby. The destruction of architectural heritage. Cities (2000).
- Andrew Kirby. The Smiths go to Washington Cities. Cities (2000).
- . . (2000).
- Kirby, Andrew (Author) . The Construction of Geopolitical Images: the world according to Biggles (and other fictional characters). Geopolitical Traditions (2000).
Research Activity
- Kirby,Andrew*, Kirby,Andrew*. CITIES. ELSEVIER SCIENCE LIMITED(10/1/1997 - 12/31/2010).
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 394 | Special Topics |
SBS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SBS 200 | Intro to Soc & Behavioral Sci |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SBS 200 | Intro to Soc & Behavioral Sci |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SOS 394 | Special Topics |
SBS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SBS 200 | Intro to Soc & Behavioral Sci |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SBS 200 | Intro to Soc & Behavioral Sci |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SOS 394 | Special Topics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 111 | Sustainable Cities |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SBS 200 | Intro to Soc & Behavioral Sci |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SBS 200 | Intro to Soc & Behavioral Sci |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SOS 111 | Sustainable Cities |
SOS 394 | Special Topics |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 111 | Sustainable Cities |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SBS 200 | Intro to Soc & Behavioral Sci |
2019 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SBS 200 | Intro to Soc & Behavioral Sci |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SBS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SOS 111 | Sustainable Cities |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
- Kirby, A. Neighborhoods Revisited. Neighborhood Dynamics workshop (Mar 2011).
- Kirby, A. Neighborliness. Family Consortium conference (Mar 2011).
- Kirby, A. Bibliometrics and urban creativity. Towards the Century of Cities conference, Osaka, Japan (Dec 2010).
- Kirby, A. Beyond Celebration--or celebrating the beyond?. Address to invited audience, Museum of Contemporary Art, Barcelona (May 2010).
- Glavac, S. and Kirby, A. "An exploratory analysis of neighborliness in public and private neighborhoods". Western Regional Science Association annual meeting (Feb 2010).
- Kirby, A. Editorship: best practice. Editor's conference, Elsevier Science (Oct 2009).
- Kirby, A. Peer review: towards better practice. Editorial Conference, Elsevier (Apr 2009).
- Kirby, A. "Peer review: towards better practice". Elsevier Editors' Conference (Nov 2008).
- Kirby, A. "Coping with climate change, rethinking urban sustainability". The Sustainable City V, Skiathos, Greece; (Oct 2008).
- Modarres A. and Kirby, A. "Towards a New Suburbanism?". ‘A Suburban World’ conference, Virginia Polytechnic, Reston VA; (Apr 2008).
- Kirby, Andrew, Glavac, S, Howze, K. Neighborliness in the virtual age. Urban Affairs annual conference (Apr 2006).
- Kirby, Andrew. Privatizing the metropolis, and social action. RGS Annual conference (Sep 2005).
- Kirby, Andrew. A reappraisal of housing enclaves and gated communities. Urban Affairs Association (Apr 2005).
- Kirby, Andrew. Phoenix Sprawling. Goldwater Institute (Apr 2005).
- Kirby, Andrew. Global Cities. Oxford Round Table Pembroke College (Mar 2005).
- Kirby, Andrew. The changing character of Metro Phoenix. Department of History (Feb 2005).
- Kirby, Andrew. Urban Legends. Goldwater Institute (Feb 2005).
- Kirby, Andrew. Do strong fences make good neighbors after all?. International Geographical Congress (Aug 2004).
- Warren, P, Hope, D, Harlan, S, Kirby, Andrew, Casagrande, D, Jones, N, Kinzig, A. Correlated ecological and social variation in the urban landscape: Exploring potential causes and consequences. Sixth Annual CAP LTER Poster Symposium (Feb 2004).
- Kirby, Andrew. Community and environment in a desert metropolis. 2nd International Conference on the Social Sciences (Jun 2003).
- Kirby, Andrew. Dystopias and utopias: representations of the city and their implications in an urban world. Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, annual conference (Mar 2003).
- Kirby, Andrew. Neighborhoods and sprawl: creating new utopias or dystopias?. Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery (Mar 2003).
- Kirby, Andrew. From Berlin Wall to Garden Wall: boundary formation around the home. Association of American Geographers (Mar 2002).
- Kirby, Andrew, Brenner, N. From Chicago to LA. American Sociological Association annual conference (Aug 2001).
- Kirby, Andrew. Understanding opponents of Home Owner Associations. Community Associations Institute annual conference (May 2001).
- Harlan, S, Nelson, A, Hackett, E, Kirby, Andrew, Bolin, B, Pijawka, D, Rex, T, Hope, D. Phoenix area social survey: Long-term monitoring of social interaction, and environmental change in urban neighborhoods. CAP LTER Third Annual Poster Symposium (Jan 2001).
- Kirby, Andrew. Crabgrass Prohibited. Urban Affairs Association annual conference (May 2000).
- Kirby, Andrew. Moving from evaluation to regulation: urban governance and the improvement of the QOL. Second International Conference on the Quality of Life (Mar 2000).
- Kirby, Andrew. The Quality of Life in American cities. Second International Conference on the Quality of Life (Mar 2000).
- Nelson, A, Harlan, S, Hogan, T, Rex, T, Hackett, E, Bolin, R, Sadalla, E, Pijawka, D, Burns, E, Kirby, Andrew. Phoenix area social survey. CAP LTER Second Annual Poster Symposium (Jan 2000).
- Harlan, S, Larsen, L, Rex, T, Wolf, S, Hackett, E, Kirby, Andrew, Bolin, B, Nelson, A, Hope, D. The Phoenix Area Social Survey: Community and environment in a desert metropolis. Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Contribution Series 2
- Harlan, Sharon, Bolin, Robert, Hackett, Edward, Hope, Diane, Kirby, Andrew, Larsen, Larissa, Nelson, Amy, Tom, Rex, Wolf, Shapard, Jones, N. Community and environment in a desert metropolis. CAP LTER Fifth Annual Poster Symposium
- Harlan, S, Nelson, A, Hackett, E, Bolin, B, Kirby, Andrew, Pijawka, D. Long-Term Ecological Research: Unifying Principles and Global Applications. LTER All Scientists Meeting
- *Publications*, Board Member (2014 - Present)
- Journal of Sociology and Space, Invited to join Editorial Board (2014 - Present)
- Standards Committee, divisional representative (2011 - Present)
- Current Research on Cities, Editor (2011 - Present)
- Current Research on Cities, Editor (2011 - Present)
- WNPR Public Radio Hartford CT, Guest on program focused on suburban development (2010 - Present)
- Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, City Profiles Editor (2010 - Present)
- Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, City Profiles editor (2010 - Present)
- Journal of Planning Literature, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Landscape and Urban Planning, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Environment and Planning B, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Landscape and Urban Planning, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Open Urban Studies Journal, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Political Geography, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Urban Affairs Review, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Geographical Association, UK, Advisory Panel (2008 - Present)
- Graduate Faculty, Geography, Member (2007 - Present)
- Forum on Public Policy, Editorial Board (2006 - Present)
- Political Geography, Editorial Board (2002 - Present)
- Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, Editor (1995 - Present)
- Editorial Collective, INQUIRE, an undergraduate research journal, one of four active members who designed all procedures for the new journal, including scope, standards, layout and production issues (2014 - 2017)
- Current Research on Cities, Editor (2013 - 2015)
- University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, External Reviewer, Promotion and tenure file (2014 - 2014)
- Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, Invited proposl reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Bilkent University, Ankara. Turkey, External Referee, one promotion to Professor, one to Associate Professor (2013 - 2013)
- Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, Research Proposal reviewer (2013 - 2013)
- Search Committee, SBS Director, member (2012 - 2013)
- Search Committee, Sociology Asst Professor, member (2012 - 2013)
- Search Committee, Social Media, member (2011 - 2012)
- Standards Committee, divisional representative (2011 - 2012)
- Personnel Review, Chair (2010 - 2010)
- Academic Program Review, member (2009 - 2010)
- Academic Program Review, New college, Member (2009 - 2010)
- Personnel [P+T], Chair (2009 - 2010)
- Personnel committee, New college, Chair (2009 - 2010)
- Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, Editor (1995 - 2009)
- Personnel Committee, Chair (2008 - 2008)
- Open Urban Studies Journal, Reviewer (2008 - 2008)
- Professional Geographer, Reviewer (2008 - 2008)
- Progress in Human Geography;, Reviewer (2008 - 2008)
- International Scientific Committee, 5th International Conference on the Sustainable City, Member (2007 - 2008)
- Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival, Juror (2008 - 2008)
- West campus 25th Anniversary celebration committee, member (2008 - 2008)
- West campus Housing Taskforce, member (2008 - 2008)
- Peer Review Committee, S. Glavac (2007 - 2007)
- International Advisory Committee, Member (2006 - 2007)
- Journal of California Policy and Politics, Editorial Board (2003 - 2007)
- Urban and Regional Development Studies, Editorial Board (1997 - 2007)
- Cave Creek Film & Arts Festival, Juror (2007)
- Leader Faculty Development Workshop (2007)
- Research Advisory Committee, member (2006 - 2006)
- Personnel Committee, Chair (2004 - 2005)
- Promotion and Tenure Committee, Chair (2004 - 2005)
- Encyclopedia of the City, Editorial Board (2001 - 2004)