Julie Codell
ART 250 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1505
Mail code: 1505Campus: Tempe
Julie F. Codell is professor of art history at Arizona State University. She was director of the School of Art, 1991-2001, and interim chair of Film and Media Studies (2010-11). She is currently a senior consultant to the School of Art Director and a faculty affiliate in English, Film and Media Studies and the Asian Research Center. Her areas of specialization are 19th-century visual culture in the UK and the US, the art press, Indian culture under the British Raj, life writings (autobiographies and biographies), travel narratives, representations of race and gender, material culture, the art market, the history of collecting, and world film.
She has published 185 books, book chapters, articles, encyclopedia entries and book and exhibition reviews in prestigious scholarly journals and anthologies. She wrote The Victorian Artist: Artists' Life Writings in Britain, ca. 1870-1910 (Cambridge, 2003; paperback rev. ed., 2012) and Images of an Idyllic Past: Photographs of Edward S. Curtis (exhibition catalogue, 1988). She edited Nineteenth-Century British Artists' Autograph Replicas: Auras, Aesthetics & Economics (Routledge 2020); Transculturation in British Art, 1770-1930 (Ashgate, 2012; pbk Routledge 2017); Power and Resistance: The Delhi Coronation Durbars (Mapin, 2012); The Political Economy of Art (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2008); Genre, Gender, Race, and World Cinema (Blackwell's, 2007); Imperial Co-Histories: National Identities and the British and Colonial Press (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2003); and co-edited Replication in the Long Nineteenth Century: Re-Makings and Reproductions (with L. Hughes, Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2018); Orientalism, Eroticism and Modern Visuality in Global Cultures (with J. DelPlato, Routledge, 2016; pbk 2018); Encounters in the Victorian Press: Editors, Authors, Readers (with L. Brake; Palgrave Macmillan, 2004) and the now classic Orientalism Transposed: The Impact of the Colonies on British Culture (with D. S. Macleod; Ashgate, 1998), awarded republication in the Routledge Revival book series, 2018. She was the guest editor for two volumes of Visual Resources on reproductions in art (2010, 2011), three special issues of Victorian Periodicals Review on domesticity in the 19th-century press (v. 51, 2018), the 19th-century press in India (v. 37, 2004) and Victorian art in the press (v. 24, 1991, 2 issues) and a special issue on material culture for the Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies (2022). Forthcoming and recent publications include essays on art dealers, art collecting, 19th-century orientalism; art history and fashion; artist biopics; and the art market; .
She has been invited to speak at museums, conference keynotes and universities in China, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Canada, France, India, Italy, and in the US at the Smithsonian Institution, Yale Univ., Univ of Oklahoma, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Univ. of Colorado, Univ. of Iowa, Emory Univ., University of Virginia, Univ. of Southern California, Univ. of California Davis, Univ. of Oregon, Univ. of California Los Angeles (UCLA), UC Berkeley, the Huntington Library. She was an invited participant in an international research project, '"Internationalism and Cultural Exchange, 1870-1920," organized jointly by York University and the University of Bristol in the UK.
She was recently awarded a Seed Grant from ASU's Institute for Humanities Research, 2020-2021, and the School of Art Evelyn Smith Award for 2019-20 for her research. She has received fellowships and grants from: The Kress Foundation (2014), Yale University's British Art Center (2011, 1994), the Getty Foundation (2014, 2006), the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH; fellowships, 2003 and 1993; summer stipend, 1988; travel grants, 1986 and 1990; summer institute grants, 1989 and 1991), the Huntington Library (2004), the Harry Ransom Humanities Center (2002), the American Institute of Indian Studies (2002), ASU's Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts (2015, 2014, 2008, 2002), ASU's Institute for Humanities Research (2014, 2012-13). She received the Renaissance Society's Nelson Prize (1986) for her essay on Giotto's Peruzzi Chapel frescoes, originally her master's thesis. She won the ASU Herberger College of Arts Outstanding Faculty Researcher Award in 2004.
Her course topics include the art market; the history of art collecting; culture and empire; the self in 19th-century culture (autobiography and portraiture); the portrait; gender, race and world cinema; artist biopic films; the body in 19th-c. art; critical theory and global art history. She served on dissertation and thesis committees at Oxford University, Yale University, The University of Sydney, The University of Ghent in Belgium, Queen's College, Ontario, Nehru University in Delhi, and several ASU departments—School of Art, English, History, Religious Studies.
She served for six years on the Board of Directors of Arizona Humanities on which she chaired the grants committee and was a member of the executive and the development committees. She edits the blog for The International Art Market Studies Association (TIAMSA) and is on the editorial boards of Visual Resources; Visual Culture in Britain (UK); The Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies (which she edited for five years); and Victorian Periodicals Review. She regularly reads manuscripts and writes book reviews for these and other journals and academic presses. She has been president of the Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western U.S., the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, and the Midwestern Victorian Studies Association, and an officer and board member of five professional organizations. She was chair of the College Art Association Mather Award Jury for two years and is currently a grant assessor for the American Philosophical Society, the Australian Research Council and the National Humanities Center in Durham, North Carolina, and has served as grants evaluator for the National Endowment for the Humanities in Washington, D.C.
- Ph.D. Comparative Literature (Comparative Arts) and Certificate in Renaissances Studies, Indiana University
- M.A. Art History, Indiana University
- M.A. English, University of Michigan
- B.A. English, Vassar College
Prominent Scholars of America; Who’s Who in Art; Who’s Who in America; Who's Who in American Art; Who's Who of American Women; Who’s Who in American Education; Biography Today (Delhi)
2020-2021 Seed grant, Institute for Humanities Research, ASU
2019-20 Awarded the annual Evelyn Smith Professorship for Research
2019 Faculty Development Grant, School of Art, ASU
2018-19 Sabbatical
2018 Collaboration Grant, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, ASU
2017-18 Participating Investigator, Center for Asian Research Asia Mediated UISFL Grant (USDOE), awarded
2016-18 Institute for Humanities Research, ASU, Research Cluster Group, participant on project "Global Cultures of the Modern, 1750-1850" --funded for two years
2016-17 Project Grant, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, ASU
2015-16 Institute for Humanities Research, ASU, Seed Grant for Collaborative Project, $12,000
2014-15 Project Grant, American Collectors of European Replicas, ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
2014 Getty Art History Digital Workshop Fellowship, George Mason Univ., July
2014 Kress Art History Digital Workshop Fellowship, Middlebury, VT, Aug
2013-14 Seed Grant, collaborative project: replication in 19th c., ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
2013-14 Co-investigator, Project Grant, Orientalism and music, ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
2013-pres. Assessor, Australian Research Council (ARC)
2012-13 Fellow, Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University
2012 Sabbatical, ASU
2011 Yale Center for British Art Scholar Award
2010 Project Narrative Summer Institute, English Dept., Ohio State University
2009-pres. Invited to join the Internationalism and Cultural Exchange, 1870-1920 research project conducted jointly by University of Bristol and York University, UK
2009 Recipient of Canadian grant funding as invited speaker for joint conference on Victorian Studies, Vancouver
2009 Research funds from DOE grant to promote South Asian course content at Arizona State University
2008 Herberger College of the Arts Research Grant ($5000) for project Commodity, Fetish, Relic, Collectible: Virtuality and Objects in Victorian Paintings
2008 Center for Asian Research Grant, Arizona State University, for collaborative research on intercoloniality
2006 Getty Visiting Scholar Fellowship
2004-05 Sabbatical, ASU (Delhi Coronation Durbars, 1877-1911)
2004 Fellowship, Huntington Library and Museum, San Marino, CA
2004 Outstanding Faculty Researcher Award, ASU Herberger College of Fine Arts
2003 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellowship--taken 2005-06
2002 Skaaren Film Fellowship, Ransom Humanities Ctr, U Texas, Austin
2002 Senior Scholar Travel Fellowship, American Institute of Indian Studies
2002 College of Liberal Arts/Sciences, Asian Studies Ctr, Steele Grant, Arizona State Univ
2002 AZ State U Herberger College of Fine Arts Research Grant
1997-98 Sabbatical, ASU: Edit book on British colonialism; draft book on Victorian artists
1997 Victorian Studies Centre Fellowship, University of Leicester (declined)
1996 ASU College of Fine Arts Faculty Dev. Grant to computerize course on British colonialism
1996 Arizona Commission on the Arts Grant for visit of Turkish artist B. Anilanmert
1994 Fellowship, Yale British Art Center
1993 NEH Fellowship (Artists' Careers and the Image of the Artist in England, 1870-1914)
1992 Arts, Sciences, Humanities (ASH) Grant, Arizona State U
1991 NEH Stipend for Summer Institute on Victorian Culture and Society, Yale British Art Center
1990 NEH Travel-to-Collections Grant
1989 NEH Stipend for Summer Institute on Theory & Interpretation in Visual Arts, U of Rochester
1988 NEH Summer Stipend
Summer Research Grants, University of Montana, 1981, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
1986-87 Sabbatical, U of Montana (Victorian Artists’ Professional Lives)
1986 Renaissance Society’s William Nelson Prize for best ms. submitted to Renaissance Quarterly
1986 NEH Travel-to-Collections Grant
1984 Distinguished Teacher Award, University of Montana
1982 Outstanding Young Women of America
1977 Renaissance Studies Fellowship, Indiana U (Dissertation Research in Italy and England)
Books and Edited Projects:
2020 Editor, Victorian Artists' Autograph Replicas: Auras, Aesthetics, Patronage and the Art Market (Routledge).
2018 Co-editor (w/ L. Hughes), Replication in the Long 19th Century: Re-makings and Reproductions (University of Edinburgh Press).
2018 Editor, "Domesticity and the Victorian Press," special issue of Victorian Periodicals Review 51/2 (Summer)
2016 Co-editor (w/ J. DelPlato). Orientalism, Eroticism & Modern Visuality in Global Cultures (Routledge).
2012 Paperback ed., The Victorian Artist: Artists' Life Writing in Britain (Cambridge UP; orig. pub. cloth 2003)
2012 Editor, Transculturation in British Art, 1770–1930 (Aldershot: Ashgate).
2012 Editor. Power and Resistance: The Delhi Coronation Durbars (Ahmedabad: Mapin).
2011 Guest Editor, Special Issue of Visual Resources, 27/1 (March), vol. 2 on collecting and iconography.
2010 Guest Editor, Special Issue of Visual Resources, 26/3 (Sept), vol. 1 on the art press and photography.
2008 Editor, The Political Economy of Art (NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson U P/Associated University Presses).
2007 Editor, Genre, Gender, Race, and World Cinema (Oxford: Blackwell's).
2004 Co-editor (with L. Brake). Encounters in the Victorian Press: Editors, Authors, Readers (London: Palgrave).
2004 Guest Editor. The 19th-Century Press in India. Special issue, Victorian Periodicals Review, v. 37 (Summer).
2003 The Victorian Artist: Artists’ Lifewritings in Britain, ca. 1870-1910 (Cambridge U P).
2003 Editor. Imperial Co-Histories (NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson U P/Associated University Presses).
1998 Co-editor (with D. S. Macleod). Orientalism Transposed: The Impact of the Colonies on British Culture
(Aldershot: Ashgate).
1991 Guest Editor. "Victorian Art and the Press." Two special issues, Victorian Periodicals Review, 24 (Sum & Fall).
1988 Images of an Idyllic Past: Photographs of Edward S. Curtis. Exhibition Catalogue (Miles City, MT). Venues MT, Texas, Nevada.
Chapters in books:
2020 “The Relativity of the Past: Pre-Raphaelite New Histories of British Culture,” Representing the Past in the Art of the Long Nineteenth Century: Historicism, Postmodernism, and Internationalism. ed. Matthew Potter (London: Routledge), in press.
2020 "Convergences: Art History, Museums and Scholar-Agent Martin Birnbaum's Transatlantic Art for the Public," Art Markets, Agents and Collectors: Collecting Strategies in Modern Europe, eds. Susan Bracken and Adriana Turpin (Bloomsbury), 316-27.
2019 “Orientalism in Art,” A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Art. Ed. M. Facos (Wiley-Blackwell), 121-38.
2019 "William Morris and the Intersection of the Histories of Design and Art," Teaching William Morris, eds. Elizabeth Miller and Jason Martinek (Fairleidgh Dickinson UP, 2018), 235-48.
2018 Co-authored, "Introduction: Replication in the Long 19th Century-Re-makings and Reproductions," Replication in the Long Nineteenth Century: Re-makings and Reproductions (U of Edinburgh Press), 1-20.
2018 "Transatlantic Autograph Replicas and the Uplifting of American Culture," Replication in the Long Nineteenth Century: Re-makings and Reproductions (University of Edinburgh Press), 46-66.
2017 "Dress and Desire: Rossetti's Erotics of the Unclassifiable and Working-Class Models," Fashion in European Art: Dress and Identity, Politics and the Body, 1775-1925, ed. J. De Young (London: I. B. Tauris), 91-119.
2016 "Going Native/Going British: Victorian Mimesis, Alterity and Repetition," Civilization and Nineteenth-Century Art: A European Concept in a Global Context, ed. David O'Brien (Manchester UP), 178-202.
2016 "Art Periodicals," The Routledge Handbook to 19th-C. British Periodicals and Newspapers, eds. King, Easley and Morton (London: Routledge), 377-89.
2016 "Nationalizing Abject American Artists: Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner & Jean-Michel Basquiat," Invented Lives, Imagined Communities: The Biopic and American National Identity, eds. Epstein and Palmer (SUNY Press), 161-80.
2016 "Victorian Artists' Autobiographies: Transgression, Res Gestae, and the Collective Life," A History of English Autobiography, ed. Adam Smyth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 221-36.
2016 "The Conceit of Burton's Scar: Orientalism as Identity and Transgression," Orientalism, Eroticism and Modern Visuality in Global Cultures, eds. Julie Codell and Joan DelPlato. Ashgate/T&F, 115-40.
2014 "The Art Collection and Museum of Baroda," Jews and the Indian National Art Project, eds. K. Robbins and M. Tokayer (New Delhi: Niyogi), 37-58.
2014 "Artistic," Blackwell Companion to Victorian Literature & Culture, ed. Tucker. 2nd ed. (London: Blackwell), 284-98.
2014 "Exotic, Fetish, Virtual: Visual Excesses in Victorian Painting," Uses of Excess, ed. Skelly (Ashgate), 89-109.
2013 "International Exhibitions: Linking Culture, Commerce, and Nation," A Companion to British Art and Architecture. Eds. Arnold and Peters Corbett (London: Blackwell’s), 220-40.
2013 "Displaying Aestheticism’s Bric-a-Brac: Rossetti’s Material and Virtual Goods," Palaces of Art: Whistler & the Art Worlds of Aestheticism, eds. L. Glazer and L. Merrill (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution), 119-31.
2013 "Gender, Genius and Abjection in Artist Biopics," The Biopic in Contemporary Film Culture. Eds. T. Brown & B. Vidal (London: Routledge), 159-75.
2012 "The Art of Transculturation," Transculturation in British Art, 1770–1930, ed. Codell (Ashgate), 1-17.
2012 "Photographic Interventions and Identities: Colonising and Decolonising the Royal Body," Power and Resistance: The Delhi Coronation Durbars. Ed. Codell (Ahmedabad: Mapin), 110-39.
2012 "Photography and the Delhi Coronation Durbars: 1877, 1903, 1911," Power and Resistance: The Delhi Coronation Durbars, ed. Codell (Ahmadabad: Mapin), 16-43.
2011 "Blackface, Faciality and Colony Nostalgia in 1930s Empire Films," Postcolonial Cinema Studies. Eds. Sandra Ponzanesi and Marguerite Waller (London: Routledge), 32-46.
2011 "Domesticating Empire," Empire & Film, eds. Grieveson & MacCabe (London: Palgrave Macmillan), 189-203.
2011 "The Art Press and the Art Market: The Artist as 'Economic Man,'" The Rise of the Modern Art Market in London, 1850–1939. Eds A. Helmreich and P. Fletcher (Manchester: Manchester University Press), 128-50.
2010 "The Ideological Adventure of The Man Who Would Be King," John Huston: Essays on a Restless Director. Eds. Tony Tracy and and Roddy Flynn (Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press), 33-46.
2010 "The Sacred Celebrity Body: Swami Vivekananda’s American Tours," Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Power & Representation in Colonial & Postcolonial Cultures. Ed. R. Clarke (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars), 55-72.
2009 "From Rebels to Representatives: Masculinity, Modernity and National Identity in Histories of Pre-Raphaelitism," Writing the Pre-Raphaelites, eds. Barringer & Giebelhausen (Aldershot:Ashgate), 53-79.
2009 "Vulgar India From Nabobs to Nationalism: Imperial Reversals and the Mediation of Art," Victorian Vulgarity, eds. Michie and Bernstein (Aldershot: Ashgate), 223-39.
2009 "Alexander Somerville's Rise from Serfdom: Working-Class Self-Fashioning through Journalism, Auto-biography and Political Economy," The Making of the Working-Class Intellectual in 18th & 19th c. Britain. Ed A. Krishnamurthy (Aldershot: Ashgate), 195-218.
2009 "Indian Crafts and Imperial Policy: Hybridity, Purification and Imperial Subjectivities," Material Cultures, 1740-1920: The Meanings and Pleasures of Collecting. Eds. Myzelev & Potvin (Aldershot: Ashgate), 149-70.
2009 "Imperial Exchanges of Goods and National Identities: Victorian and Swadeshi Views of Crafts under the Raj," Crossing Cultures: Conflict, Migration, Convergence. Ed. J. Anderson (Melbourne U P), 311-15.
2008 "Transposing Travel Narrative: Irony, Ethnography and the Guest Discourse in Indian Travel Writing," Before Windrush: Recovering a Black and Asian Literary Heritage within Britain. Eds. Rastogi and Stitt (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press), 88-116.
2008 "Painting Keats: Pre-Raphaelite Artists Between Social Transgressions and Painterly Conventions," in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Topics Volume, Ed K. Darrow, v. 196 (Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning), 131-44. RPT from Victorian Poetry, v. 33, no. 3-4, autumn-winter, 1995, pp. 341-370.
2008 "From Culture To Cultural Capital: Victorian Artists, John Ruskin, and The Political Economy Of Art," The Political Economy of Art. Ed. J. Codell (NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP/Associated Univ. Presses), 27-39.
2008 "Life Writings as Cultural Contexts for Meanings of Art and Artist," Teaching Life Writing Texts. Eds. Howes and Fuchs in Modern Language Association Approaches to Teaching Series (NY: MLA), 161-70.
2007 "Imperial Masculinity, Mimicry and the New Woman in Rhodes of Africa," Art and the British Empire. Eds. Barringer, Fordham, and Quilley (Manchester U P), 254-66.
2006 "Excursive Discursive in Gandhi's Autobiography: Undressing and Redressing the Transnational Self," Life Writing and Victorian Culture. Ed. D. Amigoni (Aldershot: Ashgate), 166-95.
2004 "Gentlemen Connoisseurs & Capitalists: Modern British Imperial Identity in the 1903 Delhi Durbar Exhibition of Indian Art," Cultural Identities and the Aesthetics of Britishness. Ed. D. Arnold (Manchester U P), 134-63.
2004 "Islam, Women, and Imperial Administration," Encounters in the Victorian Press. Eds. L. Brake and J. Codell (London: Palgrave Macmillan), 195-212. Co-authored introduction, "Encountering the Press," 1-7.
2004 "British and Indian Imperial Identities in the 1903 Delhi Coronation Durbar's Exhibition of Indian Art," Revisiting the Raj. Eds. Jharna Sanyal and Krishna Sen (Kolkata/Calcutta: Dasgupta and Co.), 139-76.
2003 "Introduction: Imperial Co-Histories" and "The Empire Writes Back: Native Informant Discourse in the Victorian Press," Imperial Co-Histories. Ed. Codell (Fairleigh Dickinson U P), 15-26; 188-218.
2001 "Empiricism, Naturalism & Science in Millais's Paintings," John Everett Millais. Ed. Mancoff (Yale), 119-47.
2000 "Victorian Artists' Family Biographies," Biographical Passages. Eds. Hughes & Law (U of Missouri), 65-108.
1998 "Resistance and Performance: Native Informant Discourse in Biographies of Maharaja Sayaji Rao III of Baroda," Orientalism Transposed. Eds. Codell & Macleod (Ashgate), 13-45.
1998 Co-authored with Dianne S. Macleod, "Transposing Orientalism: The 'Easternization' of Britain and Interventions in Colonial Discourse," Orientalism Transposed, 1-11.
1998 "Giotto's Peruzzi Chapel Frescoes," Giotto, Master Painter and Architect. Ed. A. Ladis (NY: Garland), 149-77. RPT: from Renaissance Quarterly, 41 (1988), 583-613.
1997 "Charles Fairfax Murray and the Pre-Raphaelite 'Academy'," Collecting the Pre-Raphaelites. Ed. M. F. Watson (Aldershot: Ashgate), 35-49.
1995 "The artist colonized: Holman Hunt's 'bio-history', masculinity, nationalism & the English school," Re-framing the Pre-Raphaelites. Ed. E. Harding (Aldershot: Scolar), 211-29.
1995 "Artists' Professional Societies: Production, Consumption and Aesthetics," Towards a Modern Art World. Ed. B. Allen (London: Yale U P), 169-87.
1992 "Decapitation and Deconstruction: The Body of the Hero in Robert Bresson's Lancelot du Lac," The Arthurian Revival: Essays on Form, Tradition and Transformation. Ed. D. Mancoff (NY: Garland Press), 266-82.
Articles in Refereed Journals:
2021 "Multiple Versions, Multiple Markets, Multiple Meanings: The Global Trade in British Autograph Replicas," Art History
44 (Summer), in press.
2020 "Empire and the 'Closed' Periodical: Aurobindo Ghosh and the Indian Press," Victorian Periodicals Review 53
(Summer), in press.
2018 "Dismantling the Canon: The Pre-Raphaelite List of Immortals," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies ns 27 (spr), 1-17.
2018 "Introduction: Domesticity, Culture and the Victorian Press," Victorian Periodicals Review 51.2 (Sum), 1-21.
2017 "The Picturesque, Portraiture, and the Manor House: The Social Functions of Art in Mary Augusta Ward’s Marcella," Victorian Literature and Culture 45.4, 857-80.
2015 "From English School to British School: Modernism, Revisionism and National Culture in the Writings of M. H. Spielmann," Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, www.19thc-artworldwide.org (Summer).
2012 "Victorian Portraits: Re-Tailoring Identities," Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 34/5 (Fall), 493-516.
2011 "Nationalizing Abject American Artists," a/b: Auto/biography Studies 26/1(Dec), 118-37.
2011 "The Art Press and Its Parodies: Unraveling Networks in Swinburne’s 1868 Academy Notes," Victorian Periodicals Review, Special issue on networks, guest ed. Alexis Easley, 44/2 (Summer), 165-83.
2010 "The Recovery of William Holman Hunt," J of Pre-Raphaelite Studies ns 19 (Spring), 89-105.
2010 "'Second Hand Images': On Art's Surrogate Means and Media," Visual Resources, 26/3 (Sept), 214-25.
2009 "Decentering & Doubling Imperial Discourse in the British Press: D. Naoroji & M. M. Bhownaggree." Special issue, Media History, Print Culture & Imperialism, guest ed. C. Kaul, 15 (Fall), 371-84.
2008 "Rethinking Pre-Raphaelitism—Global, Virtual, Modernist and Interdisciplinary Possibilities," Pre-Raphaelite Society of the US Newsletter #20 (Fall), 1-2.
2007 "Interdisciplinarity, Visual Culture and Victorian Art History," Victorian Review 33/1 (Spring), 14-17.
2007 "Reversing the Grand Tour: Guest Discourse in Indian Travel Narratives," The Huntington Library Quarterly, 70/1 (March), 173-89.
2006 "Imperial Differences and Culture Clashes in Victorian Periodicals' Visuals: The Case of Punch," Special issue of Victorian Periodicals Review. Guest ed. T. Magnum, 39 (Winter), 410-28.
2006 "Playing Doctor: François Truffaut’s L'Enfant sauvage and the Auteur/Autobiographer as Impersonator," Autobiography and Film: Special Issue of Biography. Guest ed. Linda Rugg, v. 29 (Winter), 101-22.
2004 "Getting the Twain to Meet: Global Regionalism in East and West: A Monthly Review," The 19th c. Press in India: Special issue of Victorian Periodicals Review. Guest ed. J. Codell, v. 37 (Summer), 214-32.
2004 "Introduction: The Nineteenth-Century News from India," The 19th-c. Press in India: Special issue of Victorian Periodicals Review. Guest Ed. J. Codell, v. 37 (Summer), 106-23.
2003 "Ironies of Mimicry: The Art Collections of Sayaji Rao III Gaekwad, Maharajah of Baroda, and the Cultural Politics of Early Modern India," Journal of the History of Collections, v. 15, 127-46.
2003 "Pre-Raphaelites in the Desert: The Special Collection at Arizona State University," The Pre-Raphaelite Society Newsletter, 3 (Spring), 1-2.
2002 "Visual Culture beyond Consumption & Finding Post-Colonial Victorians," J of Vict Culture, v. 7, 125-32.
2001 "Artists’ Biographies and the Anxieties of National Culture," Victorian Review v. 27, 1-35.
2000 "Constructing the Victorian Artist: National Identity, the Political Economy of Art, & Biographical Mania in the Periodical Press," Victorian Periodicals Review, v. 33, 283-316.
2000 "Righting the Victorian Artist: The Redgraves’ A Century of Painters of the English School and the Serialization of Art History," Oxford Art Journal, v. 23, 93-118.
2000 "Serialized Artists’ Biographies: A Culture Industry in Late Victorian England," Book History, v. 3, 94-124.
1998 "Ford Madox Brown, Carlyle, Macaulay, Bakhtin," Art History, v. 21, 324-66.
1996 "Public Images of Victorian Artists: Family Biographies," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, v. 5, 4-29.
1995 "Painting Keats: Pre-Raphaelite Artists Between Social Transgressions and Painterly Conventions," Victorian Poetry: Special issue on Word and Image. Guest Ed. D. Macleod, v. 33, 341-70.
1992 "Sentiment, the Highest Attribute of Art," Dickens Studies Annual v. 22, 233-52.
1991 "The Dilemma of the Artist in Millais's Lorenzo and Isabella," Art History, v. 14, 51-66.
1991 "The Aura of Mechanical Reproduction: Victorian Art and the Press," Victorian Periodicals Rev, v. 24, 4-10.
1991 "High and Low Seriousness: Humor Against the Avant-Garde in Victorian Art Periodicals," Beloit College Museum's Occasional Papers, v. 1, 19-28.
1990 "Fine Arts Quarterly Rev & Artpolitics of the 1860s," Victorian Periodicals Rev, v. 23, 91-97.
1989 "Horne's Botticelli: Pre-Raphaelite Modernity, Historiography and the Aesthetic of Intensity," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite and Aesthetic Studies, v. 2, 27-41.
1989 " ‘The Artist's Cause at Heart’: Marion Harry Spielmann and the Late Victorian Art World," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, v. 71, 139-63.
1989 "M. H. Spielmann & the Press in the Professionalization of Artists," Victorian Periodicals Rev, v. 22, 7-15.
1989 "Murphy's Law, Robocop's Body, Capitalism's Work," Jump Cut, A Rev of Contemporary Media v. 34, 12-19.
1988 "Giotto's Peruzzi Chapel Frescoes: Wealth, Patronage, and the Earthly City," Renaissance Quarterly, v. 41, 583-613. Winner, Nelson Award for best manuscript, 1986.
1988 "Sir Isumbras, M.P.: Millais's Painting & Political Cartoons," J of Popular Culture, v. 22, 29-48.
1987 "Moderate Praise: Art Criticism of The Portfolio," Victorian Periodicals Rev, v. 20, 83-93.
1987 "William Cave Thomas," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, v. 7, 25-40.
1987 "After the Fall: New Domesticity in Works of N. Erickson," Surface Design J, v. 11, 26-31.
1986 "Expression Over Beauty: Facial Expression, Body Language and Circumstantiality in the Paintings of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood," Victorian Studies, v. 29, 255-90.
1983 "The Century Guild Hobby Horse: 1886-94," Victorian Periodicals Rev, v. 16, 43-52.
1981 "Women's Art and Art History: Challenging the Great Tradition," Giltedge, v. 2, 90-94.
Encyclopedia Entries:
2021 "Martin Birnbaum," Art Market Dictionary (AMD), ed. Johannes Nathan (Berlin: De Gruyter), in press.
2021 "Scott and Fowles Gallery," Art Market Dictionary (AMD), ed. J. Nathan (Berlin: De Gruyter), in press.
2020 "Victorian Women Artists’ Autobiographies: Breaking the Mold," Encyclopedia of Victorian Women
Writers, ed. Lesa Scholl. London: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02721-6
2014 Entry: "The Grosvenor Gallery, 1877" for BRANCH: Britain, Representation, and Nineteenth-Century History. http://www.branchcollective.org/?ps_articles=julie-codell-on-the-grosve…
2012 Entry: "Delhi Coronation Durbars, 1877, 1903 1911," for BRANCH: http://www.branchcollective.org/?ps_articles=julie-codell-on-the-delhi-…
2009 "Marion Harry Spielmann," "The Portfolio," Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism, eds. L. Brake and M. Demoor (Ghent and London: Academia Press and the British Library; online version ProQuest 2009).
2004 "Charles Fairfax Murray," "T. Fisher Unwin," "Chas Holme," New Dict of Natl Biography (Oxford U P).
2004 "Ford Madox Brown," The Encyclopedia of the Victorian Era. 4 vols. Eds. Tom Pendergast and Sara Pendergast. James Eli Adams, editor-in-chief (Danbury: Grolier Academic Press), I: 170-73.
2001 "Biographical Dictionary," Ency. of Life Writing, ed. M. Jolly (Fitzroy Dearborn), I: 107-8.
1998 "Artist," Ency. of Comparative Iconography, ed. H. Roberts (Fitzroy Dearborn), I: 59-67.
1995 "L. Borden" & "J. Sterrenburg," No. Amer Women Artists of 20th C. Eds. Heller & Heller (Garland), 76, 528.
1993 "Herbert Horne," "Phil May," "Charles Ricketts," "M. H. Spielmann," 1890s Encyclopedia of Art, Literature & Culture, ed. G. Cevasco (Garland), 284-5, 388-9, 506-8, 579-81.
1991 "T. Fisher Unwin," Dictionary of Literary Biography, eds. Rose & Anderson (Gale Research), 304-11.
Exhibitions and Catalogue Essays:
1996 "Scene/seen out the window" for Retrospective Exhibition of the Work of Gennie DeWeese. Missoula Museum of the Arts, Missoula, MT, pp. 5-11.
1992 "Herbert Horne: Chelsea Bohemian," Artists & Artisans of Florence: Works from Horne Museum, Florence: Dixon Gallery, Memphis, 1992; U of GA, 1992; Indiana U, 1993
Review Essays:
2018 “Private Collecting, Exhibition and the Shaping of Art History in London: The Burlington Fine Arts Club by Stacey J. Pierson, Visual Resources 34.2, 440-45.
2013 "The Cult of Aestheticism," review of The New Painting of the 1860s by A. Staley and The Cult of Beauty, catalog and exhibition (San Francisco), Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 22 (Spring), 116-22.
2002 "Ruskin in connoisseurship and critical theory: Ruskin’s Artists, ed. R. Hewison; Ruskin, Turner & Pre-Raphaelites, eds. R. Hewison, et al.," J of Pre-Raphaelite St 11, 114-19.
2001 "When Art Historians Use Periodicals: Methodology & Meaning," Vict Periodicals Rev, v. 34/3 (Fall), 284-9.
2001 "Biographical Subjectivities" [on biographies of Victorian photographer Clementina Hawarden], Biography 24, 477-83.
2000 "Lives of the Artists: Books on Leighton & Herkomer," J of Pre-Raphaelite St 9, 101-09.
1997 "C. Newall, Grosvenor Gallery; Casteras & Denny, Grosvenor Gallery; Exhibit, Grosvenor Gallery, Yale British Art Center," J of Pre-Raphaelite St 6, 91-99.
1991 "Mary Cowling, The Artist as Anthropologist," Art Bulletin 73, 325-28.
1991 "P. Gillett, Worlds of Art; E. Holt, The Expanding World of Art," Victorian St 34, 274-75.
1990 "M. Cowling, Artist as Anthropologist; P. Gillett, Worlds of Art," Victorian Rev 16, 12-17.
1990 "Gibson &Wright, eds. Jos Mayer; W. Morfey, Painting the Day," Victorian St 33, 499-500.
1989 "J. Treuherz, Hard Times; Woolf & Seed, eds., The Culture of Capital; T. J. Clark, Painting of Modern Life," 19th-C. Contexts 13, 134-41.
Recent Book Reviews:
2019 “Modern Painters, Old Masters by Elizabeth Prettejohn,” Victorian Studies 60.4 (Summer), 662-64.
2018 “The Evolution of Taste in American Collecting by René Brimo, Trans. K. Haltman,” Journal of the History of Collections 30.2 (July), 365-67.
2017 "Pictures-within-Pictures in 19th-Century Britain by K. Roach," Visual Culture in Britain 18 (Fall), 315-17.
2017 Review of Historians of British Art Panel, CAA 2017: "Transglobal Collecting: Co-Producing and Re-visioning British Art Abroad," HBA Newsletter (Spring), 6-7.
2017 "Making of Women Artists in Victorian England by J. Devereux," 19th-Century Contexts 39 (Fall), 333-35.
2017 "Frederic Leighton by Keren Rosa Hammerschlag," Victorian Studies 59.3 (Spring), 537-39.
2016 "Julia Margaret Cameron’s Fancy Pictures by Jeff Rosen," History of Photography 40/4, 456-58.
2016 "Self-Projection: The Director's Image in Art Cinema by Linda Rugg," A/B: Auto/biography, 31.3 (Fall), 622-25.
2016 "Women Writing Art History in the 19th Century by H. Fraser," 19th-Century Contexts 38.1 (Feb), 71-73.
2015 "Pre-Raphaelite Masculinities, Yates and Trowbridge, eds." Victorian Review 41.1 (Spring), 196-98.
2015 "Mimesis Across Empires by N. Eaton," Visual Culture in Britain 16.1, 120-23.
2014 "Projected Art History: Biopics, Celebrity Culture, and the Popularizing of American Art by Doris Berger," Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 37.3 (Summer), 799-803.
2013 "Museums in Industrial Britain: Review of Transformative Beauty by A. Woodson-Boulton," Journal of Victorian Culture 18.4 (Dec), 568-71.
2013 "Frances Bedford, Landscape Photography & 19th-c. British Culture by S. Spencer," History of Photography, 253-55.
2013 "Walter Pater and the Language of Sculpture by L. Østermark-Johansen," Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (RaVoN) Issue 63 (April 2013) at http://www.ron.umontreal.ca/
2013 "The Cambridge Companion To The Pre-Raphaelites by Elizabeth Prettejohn," Review 19 New Books Online, 12-22-2012 at http://www.nbol-19.org
2012 "Jewellery in the Age of Queen Victoria by C. Gere and J. Rudoe," Victorian Review 38/1 (2012), 218-20.
2012 "The Art-Journal and Fine Art Publishing in Victorian England By K. Haskins," Victorian Periodicals Rev 45/4 (Winter 2012), 493-96.
2012 "Reading the Pre-Raphaelites, rev. edition, by Tim Barringer," Historians of British Art Newsletter (2012-2013), 31-33; http://www.historiansofbritishart.org/
2012 "Tennyson Transformed, ed. J. Cheshire," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 21 (Spr) 94-97.
2011 "Crafting the Nation in Colonial India by A. McGowan," J of Colonialism and Colonial History 12/2 (Fall), online http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_colonialism_and_colonial_histor…
2011 "The Literate Eye by R. Teukolsky," Victorian Review 37/1 (Spring), 203-06.
2011 "Perspectives by Linda Shires," Visual Culture in Britain 12/2 (Winter), 241-44.
2010 "Richard Parkes Bonington: The Complete Paintings by P. Noon," CAA Reviews Online.
2010 "At Home with the Empire, eds. Hall and Rose," The Historian 71/3 (Fall), 675-77.
2009 "Grand Designs by L. Kriegel," Victorian Review 35/2 (Fall), 158-61.
2008 "India by Design: Colonial History & Cultural Display by Saloni Mathur," Victorian Studies 51/1 (Au) 143-5.
2008 "The Lure of the East, ed. N. Tromans," The Middle East in London 5/5 (Nov 2008), 18.
2007 "Media and the British Empire, ed. C. Kaul," 50/1 Victorian Studies (Fall 2007), 157-60.
2007 "The World in Paint by D. P. Corbett," J of Pre-Raphaelite Studiesm16 (Fall), 119-24.
2007 "Haunted Museum by J. Siegel," H-Net Reviews at http://www.h-net.org/reviews
2007 "Critical Voices by Meaghan Clarke," Victorian Periodicals Review 40/3 (Fall), 256-59.
2006 "Cultural Cross-Currents by J. B. Bullen," Nineteenth-Century Literature 61/2 (Sept), 241-45.
2006 "The Culture of Property by J. Bailkin," Visual Culture in Britain 1/2 (Winter), 113-17.
2006 "Telling Lives in India, eds. D. Arnold and S. Blackburn," Biography 29/2 (Spring), 370-75.
2005 "Men at Work: Art and Labour in Victorian Britain by Tim Barringer," Victorian Studies 47/4 (Sum), 611-13.
2005 "Reporting the Raj: The British Press and India by Chandrika Kaul," Media History 11/3 (Dec), 247-50.
2005 "Monuments, Objects, Histories by T. Guha-Thakurta," J of Colonialism and Colonial History 6/1, 4 pp. online at.http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/jcch/
2004 "Difficult Subjects: Working Women and Visual Culture, Britain 1880-1914 by Kristina Huneault," RACAR (Revue d'art canadienne/Canadian Art Review), v. 29, nos. 1-2, 96-98.
2004 "Francis Frith in Egypt and Palestine by D. R. Nickel," Historians of British Art Newsletter (Fa/Win), 8-10.
2004 "Waterhouse by P. Trippi," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies ns 13 (Spring), 120-23.
2003 "Boats of Bengal by Robert Hardgrave," CAA Reviews Online at http://www.caareviews.org/
2001 "Modern Life and Modern Subjects by Lisa Tickner," Albion 33, 531-32.
2001 "The Essence of Art by Craig Harrison," Victorian Studies 44, 352-54.
1999 "The Art of Ford Madox Brown by Kenneth Bendiner," Albion 31, 144-45.
1998 "Art and the Victorian Middle Class by Dianne Sachko Macleod," Victorian St 41, 279-81.
1996 "Pre-Raphaelite Art in Its European Context by Casteras & Faxon, eds.," Victorian St 39, 175-78.
1996 "Masculinities in Victorian Painting by J. Kestner," Vict. Periodicals Rev 29, 249-51.
1996 "English Art and Modernism, 1900-1939 by Charles Harrison," Albion 39, 530-32.
1994 "A ‘Studio’ Portrait by A Brothers," Vict Periodicals Rev 27, 368-70.
1994 "Sickert Painting, eds. Baron and Shone," Albion 37, 742-43.
1994 "Andromeda's Chains by A. Munich," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite St 3, 42-43.
1993 "A Pot of Paint: Whistler v. Ruskin by L. Merrill," Victorian Studies 37, 52-56.
1993 "Ford Madox Brown & PR Circle by Newman & Watkinson," J of Pre-Raphaelite St 2, 49-51.
1993 "Naked Authority by Marcia Pointon," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 2, 41-44.
1992 "Charles Ricketts: A Biography by J. G. P. Delaney," Albion 35, 811-813.
1992 "Subjectivities by R. Gagnier," J of Pre-Raphaelite Studies ns 1, 40-42.
1995-2001 Book Review Editor, Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies.
1991-94 Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies.
Art Criticism:
1990 "Gallery Notes" for exhibition by Beth Lo, Yellowstone Art Center, Billings, MT
1988 "Vision and Literacy," Artweek, 19 (May 7, 1988), 7.
1987 "James Morris: Installing Disasters," Artweek, 18 (Oct 31, 1987), 6.
2021 Invited presenter, "Martin Birnbaum: Making American Culture Cosmopolitan," at conference, "Jewish Dealers and the European Art Market (1850-1930)," Dec 5-8, London
2020 Guest lecturer, Society for the History of Collecting, "Collecting as a Public Good," July 30, remote
2019 Historians of British Art panel, "Current State of Research in British Art," College Art Association conference. NYC, Feb
2019 ASU Institute for Humanities Research, mock peer review panel moderated by NEH Deputy Director Russell
Wyland, panel, “What Makes a Successful Grant Proposal?” Sept 25
2018 "Being a Radical Artist in Victorian England," Oklahoma Art Museum, Oklahoma City, November, in conjunction with exhibition "Victorian Radicals: The Pre-Raphaelites and the Arts and Crafts Movement"
2018 Invited lecture, "Collecting Degas in America," Denver Art Museum, March, in conjunction with the exhibition, "Degas: A Passion for Perfection"
2018 Plenary panel, Interdisciplinary 19th c. Studies Conference, March
2016 To conduct Tate Britain professional seminar on replication in British art at Birmingham Art Museum, UK, July
2016 To conduct workshop, "Print culture & the mass public," Midwest Victorian St. Assoc., Columbia, MO April
2015 Lecture on M. H. Spielmann exhibition, National Portrait Gallery, London, July
2015 Lecture, "Transatlantic Replicas: The Role of Replicas in American Culture, 1880-1920," Symposium on replica/replication, TCU, April
2015 Plenary panelist, "The Senses Within: Aestheticism, Reverie and Female Consciousness," Midwest Victorian St. Assoc., Iowa City, May
2015 Discussant, Pacific Coast British Studies Conference, for panel, "Re-Visiting the Victorian Exhibition Equipoise: Art, Children and Failure," March, Las Vegas
2014 Consultant and presenter, mini-symposium on 19th-century replicas and replication, TCU, November
2014 Plenary panelist, Victorian Studies Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the US West, “American Collectors and Victorian Replicas,” Fullerton
2014 Plenary panelist, "The Ruins of Violence: The Aftermath of the 1857 Rebellion in the Photographs of Robert and Harriet Tytler," Midwest Victorian Studies Association, April
2013 Invited to speak at Keats-Shelley Museum, Rome: "Painting Keats: Victorian Paintings of Keats's poetry," June
2013 Invited discussant, ASU Institute for Humanities Symposium on The Imaginary: The Senses and Memory
2012 Invited Speaker, "Aestheticism's Bric-a-Brac: The Material and the Virtual," Louisiana State University
2012 Guest Speaker, “Colonial Photography in India,” Yale 19th-C. Visual Culture Consortium, New Haven
2012 Plenary Speaker, "Networks and Replica Chains," No. American Victorian St Assoc, Madison
2012 Plenary Speaker, "Victorian Portraits: Material Culture of Identity," Interdisciplinary 19th-C. St, Lexington
2012 Invited speaker, "American Landscape Art," American Culture Institute, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu, China
2011 Plenary panelist on Victorian culture and history, No. American Conference on British Studies, Denver
2011 Paper, "Displaying Aestheticism’s Kitsch," Lunder Foundation Symposium, Freer Gallery, Smithsonian, D. C.
2011 Invited By Art Historians of 19th-c. Art (CAA Affiliate) to organize panel, "The Art of Cultural Capital," for the 19th c. Studies Assoc conference, Albuquerque
2010 Invited participant, "Teaching Empire: Interdisciplinary Roundtable," Interdisciplinary 19th-c. St (INCS), Austin
2010 Invited organizer/chair for panel on Future Directions for Assoc. of Historians of 19th-c. Art, Chicago, CAA
2010 Invited discussant for forum, "Texting and Imaging the Oriental Body," College Art Association, Chicago
2009 Invited speaker for workshop The British in India: Art, Culture and Society, U of Wisconsin, Madison
2009 Invited to participate in Internationalism and Cultural Exchange, 1870-1920 workshop, Univ. of Bristol
2009 Invited Workshop Organizer, "Aesthetics, Art and the Market," Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Assoc of Western US/ Victorian Studies Assoc of Western Canada, joint international conference, Vancouver, Canada
2009 Plenary speaker, "Victorian Artworld Networks," Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, Minneapolis
2008 Invited workshop coordinator North American Victorian Studies Association conference for workshop on Victorian Painting at the Yale Center for British
2008 Keynote speaker, "The Unexplored Empire," Midwest Victorian St Association conference, April, Chicago
2008 Invited symposium participant, June 27, as part of International Auto/biography Assoc. conference
2007 Invited lecture, "Commodity, Fetish, Relic, Collectible: Objects in Victorian Paintings," University of California at Davis symposium in honor of Dianne Macleod
2007 Invited to organize special panel sessions on colonial objects in global circulation; organized and chaired two panels, Material Empire I and II: The Conflicts Of Collecting And Consuming Colonial Objects, No. American Victorian St Assoc, Victoria, B.C.
2007 Invited panelist, "Indian Writers in the British Press," International So. Asian St. Alliance conference, LA
2006 Invited speaker, "Indian Travel Narratives," UCLA, 19th-Century Group
2006 Invited speaker, "Being Modern in Colonial India," UCLA, Anthropology Dept.
2006 Invited speaker, "'Endless objects of attraction': Colonial Photography's Identities and Interventions," McIntire Lecture Series. University of Virginia, Charlottesville
2006 Invited workshop organizer, "Reading the Maharaja's Body," No. Amer Victorian Studies Assoc Conf, Purdue
2005 Invited speaker, "Pre-Raphaelitism as Cultural Revolution," University of Oregon, Eugene
2005 Invited speaker, "Victorians’ Eyes on India," Huntington Library Brown Bag Lecture Series
2005 Invited commentator, panel on monuments & memorials in 20th-c. Britain, No. American Conf. on British Studies, Denver
2004 "Indians Abroad in Europe," USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute Seminar on Asian Travel Literature, USC, Los Angeles (Mellon Foundation Grant funded)
2004 Plenary Speaker, "Serious Pleasures of Tweaking the Raj," Interdisciplinary 19th C. St Conference, Iowa City
2004 Invited to chair conference seminar on Victorian art collecting, No. American Victorian St Association, Toronto
2003 Invited speaker, "Theatre of the Raj," for Yale Center for British Art symposium, New Haven
2003 Invited symposium speaker, "National and Imperial Identities in the 1903 Delhi Coronation Durbar Exhibition," Asiatic Society & English Dept., U of Calcutta
2003 "Indian Art Through Raj Eyes," Center for Asian Studies, ASU, A. T. Steele Lecture Series
2002 "Keatsian Eroticism in Pre-Raphaelite Painting," Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane, Australia
2002 Invited seminar leader, staff of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane
2002 "Victorian Artists’ Autobiographies," Depts. of English & Art History, U of Sydney
2001 Keynote speaker, "Precious dangers: vile artists and chaste objects," conference "Precious," Sheffield, UK
1998 "Keats and the Pre-Raphaelites: Intertextual Transgressions," U of Colorado, Boulder
1997 Invited presenter, "History Vs. Romance in Brown's Murals," Australasian Vict St Assoc, Christchurch, NZ
1996 "Colonialism Reversed: Indian Art Collecting & Display in the Raj," U of Arizona Art History Series
1996 "Public Image of the Victorian Artist: Family Biographies," William Morris Society, Toronto
1995 Keynote speaker, "C. F. Murray: Making Victorian Culture," Symposium, Wilmington, DE
1995 Invited panelist and Chair, Panel on methodology, Historians of British Art (CAA Affiliate), San Antonio
1995 Invited panelist for panel on changing canons in Victorian studies. Midwest Victorian St Assoc., Chicago
1992 "Chelsea Bohemian: Herbert Horne & the Late 19th C.," Two invited lectures with exhibit, "Works from the Horne Museum, Florence": Dixon Gallery, Memphis; Georgia Museum of Art, Athens, GA
1992 "The Image of the Artist in Pre-Raphaelite Painting," Emory U, Atlanta
1991 "Feminism, the Avant-Garde, and Critical Theory," U of Nevada, Las Vegas
1990 "The Female Spectator and the Female Artist," Arizona State U
1987 "Reading Victorian Paintings: Hidden Meanings of Gesture and Expression," St. Lawrence U
2021 Panel organizer, Historians of British Art, "A New Story About British Culture?" Feb 10-13, virtual conf
2021 "Multiple Truths: Dialogues on Science of Landscape Painting in Nature Magazine," Midwest Victorian Studies
Conference, Chicago, April
2021 "Transatlantic Pre-Raphaelites: American Collectors and Celebrity Artists," Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies
Association of the Western US, Reno, Oct
2021 Paper, "Film and Collectivity: Feminism & Age in British & New Zealand Films," Midwest Modern Language Assoc., Milwaukee Nov.
2020 "Toward a Historiography of Pre-Raphaelite (Post)Modernism and the Future of the Pre-Raphaelite Past," Modern Language Assoc. conference, Seattle
2020 Panel organizer, "The Collector and Cultural Narratives," College Art Association, Feb., Chicago
2019 “Creating Victorian Stakeholders: Industrialist Art Collectors, Cultural Capital, and the Nation of Culture,”
Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies of the Western US (VISAWUS), Seattle, Nov.
2019 Organizer, panel, “Disrupting Genres,” No. American Victorian Studies Assoc (NAVSA), Columbus, OH, Oct
2019 “Disrupted Genres, Collapsed Time: Pre-Raphaelite Metalepsis and the Portrait Historié,” NAVSA,
Columbus, OH, Oct
2019 "From Abjection to Icon: Artist Biopics and the Representation of Artists’ Historical Identities," Arts in Society International Conference, Lisbon, June
2019 "The New National Power of Provenance: The Symbiotic Cultural Authority of Critics and Collectors,” Midwest Victorian Studies Association, Ft. Worth, April
2019 Organizer, panel, "Imagined Memory, Fragmented Monuments: Invented Histories in Museums and Archives," Interdisciplinary 19th c. Studies (INCS), Dallas, March
2019 “Museums: Monuments to Invented Memory,” Interdisciplinary 19th c. Studies (INCS), Dallas, March
2019 Organizer, panel, “The Studio as Market,” The International Art Market Studies Association (TIAMSA) session at College Art Association conference, NYC, February
2019 Presentation, “The Studio as Market: Victorian Artists’ Studios as Public Spaces,” CAA, New York City, February
2018 “Multiple Versions, Multiple Markets, Multiple Meanings: The Global Trade in British Autograph Replicas,” International Conference on British Art and the Global. Univ of California, Berkeley Sept
2018 Presentation, "Autograph Replicas in Motion: Industrial Production, Global Demand, and Conflicting Valuations," Conference: Art on the Move – Mobility in the Long Nineteenth Century, Birmingham, Jan.
2018 Presentation, “Dialogic Seriality of Artists’ Autograph Replicas: Time, Taste and the Transatlantic,” Interdisciplinary 19th c. Studies (INCS), San Francisco, March
2018 Organizer, panel, “The Collector and Cultural Narratives, 1845-1918,” Southeast College Art Conf. (SECAC)
2018 Organizer, panel, “Looking Outward, Past Seeing,” No. American Victorian Studies Assoc. (NAVSA)
2018 NAVSA Paper presentation, “Looking Outward Within: Reverie and Rossetti's Female Figures,” Oct.
2018 “Back to the Pre-Raphaelite Future: Mutable Time, Directionless History and the End of Progress,” Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies of the Western US (VISAWUS), Palm Springs, Nov.
2017 "Double Temporalities: Metalepsis, the Portrait Historié, and Artists' Chronotope," Society for Literature, Science and Art, Tempe, Nov.
2017 "Philanthropic Collecting for the People: Art for Cultural Uplift, 1880-1930," Southeastern College Art Conference, Oct
2017 "Folding the Canon: The Pre-Raphaelite List of Immortals and the Anti-Canon," for conference "Form and Reform," University of California, Santa Cruz, July
2017 "Victorian Taste in Art: Public Taste, Ekphrasis and the Nation," Midwest Victorian Studies Assoc. Conf, Oberlin, April
2017 Organizer, transglobal collecting of British art panel, for Historians of British Art, College Art Association, NYC, Feb
2016 "Transatlantic Art History: Martin Birnbaum's Networks of Objects and Artists," Creating Markets, Collecting Art, Christie's, London, July
2016 "Agent-Scholar Martin Birnbaum (1878-1970): Modernizing the Agent," for conference, "The Art Market, Collectors and Agents: Then and Now," London, July
2016 "Promoting & Condemning Artists' Economic Growth," Research Soc. for Victorian Periodicals, Kansas City, Sept.
2016 "The Cultural Economy of Replicas: The Case of Rossetti," and organizer of two panels on Replicas and Replication in the Victorian Age, Victorians Institute STEAM conf, Raleigh, NC, Oct.
2016 Discussant and Organizer for panel, "The Arts: Social and Socializing Victorians," NAVSA, Tempe, Nov.
2015 "Ekphrasis, Empathy and Art Criticism's Cathartic Mission: Inducing Sentiment, Socializing Feeling," and Organizer of Panel, "Painted Feelings and Victorian Art's Cathartic Missions," The Arts and Feeling in 19th-c. Literature and Culture, Birkbeck College, University of London, July
2015 "Transcendent Death: Artists' Obituaries in the Victorian Press," Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, Ghent, Belgium, July
2015 "Self-Fashioning Orientalism as Identity and Transgression," Victorian Interdisciplinary St Assoc of the Western US, October, Denver
2015 "Art and Science Joined: The Pre-Raphaelites and Nature Magazine," Midwest MLA, Columbus, OH, Nov
2014 Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, “The Aesthetic Ideology of Home and Heritage in The Magazine of Art,” Sept, Wilmington, DE
2014 International Auto/biographical Association, “Abjection in Transit: Voice-overs and Queering Art in Derek Jarman's Caravaggio,” Banff, Canada
2014 College Art Association, "Defying Fashion: Re-inventing Dress, Eroticism and Female Agency in Victorian Painting," Chicago
2014 Interdisciplinary 19th-c. Studies, "Energy and Entropy: Aestheticism's Images of Women,” Houston
2013 No. American Victorian Studies Assoc., "Curzon's Lamp: Art's Suppression of Evidence," Pasadena
2013 Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Assoc., "Old Modernity & the New Woman in Painting," Portland
2013 Interdisciplinary 19th-c. St, "Cultural Pleasures & the Social Capital of Antiquity," Univ. of Virginia
2013 19th-c. Studies Assoc., "Things in motion: Origins, Authenticity & Global Trajectories," Fresno
2013 Victorian Interdisciplinary St Assoc Western US, "Old Modernity and the New Woman in Painting," Portland
2013 No. American Victorian St Assoc., "Curzon's Lamp: Affective Evidence for a New History," Pasadena
2013 College Art Assoc., organizer/chair, "Parallel Lines Converging: Art, Fashion and Design Histories," NYC
2012 International Conf. on Romanticism, "The Art of Landscape: Picturesque, Sublime and Oriental," Tempe,
2012 Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, "Training the Sentiments in Art Criticism," Austin
2012 College Art Association, "Going Native: Victorian Portraits of Civilized Barbarity," Los Angeles
2012 Modern Language Association, "Inventing Rossetti: Biographies as Reception," Seattle
2011 No. American Victorian St Conf, "Performing Portraiture: The Case of Carlyle," Nashville, Nov
2011 Interdisciplinary 19th-C. Studies (INCS), "Rossetti's Beauties, Beasts, Birds, and Botanicals," Claremont, CA
2011 19th-C. Studies Association (NCSA), "The Transvaluation of Goods: Painting as a Site of Cultural and Economic Exchange," Albuquerque
2011 Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Assoc of the Western US, "Proprieties of Vision: Seeing Desire," Houston
2011 Modern Language Association, "Politics, Ethics and Aesthetics in Mary Ward's Marcella," Los Angeles
2011 Association of Art Historians, "Inventing History Through Genealogy," Warwick, UK, March
2010 No. American Victorian St Conf, "The Overscaled in Victorian Painting: Haptic Space, Visual Caesura, and the Sensorium," and organized/chaired panel, "On Longing in Victorian Visuality," Montreal
2010 Victorian Interdisciplinary St of Western US, "'Other' Eyes and Victorian Display: Asian Art/," Honolulu
2010 Victorian Interdisciplinary St of West US, Chair, panel, "Eastern Artifacts and Victorian Consumers," Honolulu
2010 Interdisciplinary 19th-c. Studies Conference, "Metaleptic Genealogies: Uncanny Family Resemblances and Invented Cultural ‘Fathers,’" Austin
2009 Western Conference of Association of Asian Studies, "Photographic Interventions and Identities: Colonizing and Decolonizing Maharajas' Bodies"; Organizer/Chair, panel, "Photography and Agency in Asia," Tucson
2009 Southern Comparative Literature Conference, "Translating Empire Films Across Time and Nationality," and Organizer/Chair of panel, "Translation/Transculturation in Visual, Musical, and Performing Arts," Tempe
2009 Artists' Writings 1850-Present, "Private into Public: Rhetorical and Professional Systems in Victorian Artists' Letters," Courtauld Institute, London (unable to attend)
2009 No. American Victorian Studies Assoc., Chair of panel, "Art and Temporality," Cambridge, UK
2009 Victorian Interdisciplinary St Assoc of Western US, "The Art Press and Art Markets," Vancouver
2009 College Art Association, "Painting as Display: Heterotopic Space, Commodity Culture and Artists' Aesthetic Authority," Los Angeles
2009 Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, Chair, Panel, "Networks in the Art World," Minneapolis
2008 International Congress of the History of Art, "Imperial Exchanges of Goods and National Identities: Swadeshi and Indian Crafts under the Raj," Melbourne, Australia
2008 College Art Association, "Art of Transculturation," and Chair/Organizer, Open Forum, "Art of Transculturation: Imperial Artists, Borders and Encounters," Dallas
2008 International Auto/Biography Assoc, "The Gender of Genius in Artists’ Biopics: Sex and the Studio," Honolulu
2008 Victorian Interdisciplinary St Assoc. of the Western US, "Market Cycles, Aesthetic Commodities and Heterotopias: The Politics of Tastemaking," Seattle
2007 Modern Language Association, "Women Artists' Life Writings: Performing Identities at Image-and-Text Intersections," Chicago
2007 Conference on British Cinema in the 1970s: "The Ideological Adventure of John Huston's The Man Who Would Be King (1975)," Exeter, UK
2007 Victorian Interdisciplinary St Assoc of the Western US, Chair of panel, "Recording Motion: Verbal and Visual Representations of Travel," Boulder
2007 Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Organizer/chair, Workshop on Empire in Film, Chicago
2007 College Art Association, "Victorian Realisms, Market Cycles and Aesthetic Commodities," NYC
2007 Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium, "Re-writing Diversity across Generations: Indian film and the Indian Diaspora in Britain," and organizer/chair of panel "Asia Anglicized, Europe Asianized: The Case Of Contemporary Britain," Tempe
2006 The International Society for Travel Writings, "Indian Travelers’ Narratives: The Guest Discourse, Multiple Identities and Resistant Modernities," Denver
2006 Victorian Interdisciplinary St Assoc of the Western US, Chair, panel, "Victorian Art's Modern Past"
2006 Society for Cinema & Media Studies, "Paul Robeson's Body: Africa, Empire & Black Masculinity," Vancouver
2006 Association for Asian Studies, "Photographic Portraits of Maharajahs: Interventions and Identities" and Chair/Organizer of panel, "Photographs and Pageantry in Colonial India," San Francisco
2006 International Conference on Romanticism, "Victorian Picturesque: From Aesthetic to Morality in Mary Ward’s Marcella," and Chair/Organizer of panel, "The Persistence of the Romantic Aesthetic," Tempe
2005 Midwest Modern Language Association, "Paul Robeson in 1930s Empire Films: The Black Body Exiled in Imperial History," and Chair/Organizer, Panel, "Africans in Film" Milwaukee
2005 Association of Asian Studies, "Readership and Irony in Late 19th-Century Indian Travel Narratives," and Chair/Organizer of panel, "South Asian Travelers in Image and Text: Photography, Tourism and Travel Narratives," Chicago
2005 Victorian Interdisciplinary St Assoc of the Western US (VISAWUS), "Ritualized Dress, Decorum and Politics in the Delhi Coronation Durbars" and Chair/Organizer, Panel, "Imperial Celebrations and Rituals in India," Albuquerque; also attended as board member
2005 Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies in the Western US (VISAWUS), Chair, panel, State and Public Rituals
2004 Interl St in Travel Writing, "The Colonial Visitor: Irony & Readership in Indian Travel Narratives," Milwaukee
2004 No Amer Victorian St Assoc (NAVSA), "The Press and the London Visit of Zulu King Cetawayo," Toronto
2004 Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western US (VISAWUS): Introduced plenary speaker and attended Executive Board meeting as board member
2004 31st International Congress of Art History, "Empire as Gesamtkunstwerk: Delhi Coronation Durbars as Utopian/Atopian Spectacles of the Imagined Empire," Montreal
2004 19th-century Studies Association, "The Raj and the Indian National Congress: Competing for India's Culture," and Chair, panel, "Studies of Imperialism," St. Louis,
2004 College Art Assoc, Chair/Organizer, panel, "British Visual Culture, Public Spectacle, and Visuality," Seattle
2004 Association of Asian Studies, "Indians Abroad: Indian Narratives of Travel to Europe," and Chair/Organizer, panel, "Modern Formations of South Asian Identities," San Diego
2004 International Symposium on Regional Consciousness in India, Chair, " Major Themes, First Examples," Tempe
2003 Midwest Modern Language Association, Chair, panel, Indian Victorian: Gandhi's Autobiography," and Organizer/Chair, "Anglophone Lifewritings and Formations of Colonial Identities," Chicago
2003 Interdisciplinary 19th c. Studies Assoc. Conf, "Local/Global," Paper, "Writing the World’s Culture: Europe and Asia in Victorian Histories of Art," and Chair, "Intertextual Pre-Raphaelitism", London
2003 Anglo-American Conference on the Body, Chair of panel, "Describing 'Other' Bodies in the 18th C.," London
2003 Western Conf of Assoc of Asian St, "Photography & Films of Coronation Durbars of 1903 and 1911," Tempe
2002 College Art Association: "Exhibiting India for Britain," Philadelphia
2002 Lifewritings Conference: "Palimpsests of Gendered Lives: Women Artists’ Autobiographies," Melbourne, AU
2002 Midwest Victorian St Assoc: "Indian Art under the Raj: Crossing Borders," Chicago
2002 Rocky Mt. MLA, "Gandhi as Victorian Sage and Hindu Saint," Scottsdale, AZ
2001 Victoria & Albert Museum conf, "Locating Victorians": "Between Metropole and Colony: British and Colonial Encounters in the Press," and Chair, "Gender & Representation," London
2001 Art and Empire Conf: "Phallic Female & Feminized Empire in British Films of the 1930s," London
2001 College Art Association, Chair, panel, "The Political Economy of Art," Chicago
2001 Performance St Internatl: "Coronation Durbars and Performance of Englishness," Mainz
2001 Victorian Interdisciplinary St Assoc of Western US: "Exhibiting India for the Raj," UCLA
2000 30th International Congress of History of Art: "The Empress’s New Clothes," London
2000 Interdisciplinary 19th C. Studies: " ‘Other’ Eyes in the Victorian Press," Paris
2000 Material Culture Conf: "Sociologies of the Text: Artists’ Biographies," Edinburgh
2000 Research Society for Victorian Periodicals: "The Empire Writes Back," London
1999 Midwest Victorian St Conf: "Righting the Victorian Artist," Chicago
1998 College Art Assoc: "Intertextual Empire," Toronto
1998 No. American Conf on British St: "The Ironies of Mimicry: Art Collecting in the Raj," CO Sprgs
1997 Interdiscip. 19th-c. St: "Orientalism & Archaeology in Wm. Holman Hunt's Painting," Lancaster
1996 NW Regional Asian Studies Association Meeting: Chair, Session on India, Arizona State U
1996 College Art Assoc, Co-Chair, panel, "British Colonialism & Cultural Exchanges," Boston
1996 Interdisciplinary 19th-C. St conf: "Indian Art Collecting & Display in the Raj," New Haven
1995 John Ruskin Symposium: "John Ruskin's Political Economy of Art," Santa Fe
1995 College Art Assoc. conf: "Madox Brown's Manchester Town Hall Murals," San Antonio
1995 American Association of Higher Education, Panelist on Strategic Planning Initiatives, Phoenix
1994 Modern Language Assoc conf: "Keats and the Pre-Raphaelite Artist," San Diego
1994 Natl Council of Art Administrators, Facilitator, "Rethinking Paradigms--Outreach," Chicago
1994 No. American British St conf: "Keats in Pre-Raphaelite Painting," Vancouver
1994 American Assoc. of Higher Ed Conf: "On Evaluating Faculty Artists," New Orleans
1994 Historians of British Art: Commentator, Session New Directions in British Art History, Yale
1993 W States British Studies Meeting: "Victorian Cellini: Wm. Powell Frith’s Autobiography," NM
1993 College Art Assoc. Meeting: "Posthumous Auto/biographies: Keeping the Dead Alive," Seattle
1993 Phoenix Art Museum Ruskin Symposium, Moderator of Symposium Panel, Phoenix
1992 Modern Language Assoc. Meeting: "Revivals and Revisions: Pre-Raphaelites after 1900," NYC
1992 Interdisciplinary 19th C. St: "Woman/Artist/Socialist in Ward's Marcella," New Orleans
1991 College Art Assoc, "Creating Patrons," Washington, D. C.
1991 Mod Lang Assoc Meeting: "Hybrid Biography & the Victorian Artist," San Francisco
1990 Interdisciplinary 19th C. St: "The Engendered Body and the Body Social," Long Beach
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 792 | Research |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 335 | Fashion & Dress Visual Culture |
ARS 335 | Fashion & Dress Visual Culture |
FSH 335 | Fashion & Dress Visual Culture |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 434 | Revolution to Impressionism |
ARS 534 | Revolution to Impressionism |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 540 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 692 | Research |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 335 | Fashion & Dress Visual Culture |
ARS 335 | Fashion & Dress Visual Culture |
FSH 335 | Fashion & Dress Visual Culture |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 540 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 591 | Seminar |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 692 | Research |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 394 | Special Topics |
ARS 394 | Special Topics |
FSH 394 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 540 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 591 | Seminar |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 692 | Research |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 394 | Special Topics |
ARS 394 | Special Topics |
FSH 394 | Special Topics |
ARS 700 | Research Methods |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
ARS 540 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 591 | Seminar |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 595 | Continuing Registration |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
FMS 427 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 692 | Research |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 595 | Continuing Registration |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 692 | Research |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 440 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
ARS 540 | Identity and World Film |
ARS 591 | Seminar |
ARS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 595 | Continuing Registration |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 790 | Reading and Conference |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARS 799 | Dissertation |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 599 | Thesis |
ARS 792 | Research |
ARS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARS 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARS 595 | Continuing Registration |
ARS 592 | Research |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 330 | The Portrait |
ARS 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARS 434 | Revolution to Impressionism |
ARS 534 | Art & Visual Culture/19th Cent |
ARS 700 | Research Methods |
Arizona State University: 1991-pres., Arizona State University: Professor, Art History. Faculty, Certificate in Global Cinema; Affiliate Faculty: Women and Gender Studies, Film and Media Studies (FMS), English Dept., Center for Asian Research, Center for the Study of Film, Media and Popular Culture
U of Montana: 1979-90, Dept of Art: Prof., 1989-90; Associate Prof., 1985-89; Asst. Prof., 1979-85
Affiliate faculty, Humanities Program
Courses taught at ASU: Art and Money; From Revolution to Realism in the 19th c.; The Body in 19th c. Art; Images of Italians and Italian-Americas in US Media (FMS Rome Program, summer 2013); The Portrait; Artists in Film: Artist Biopics (cross-listed English, FMS); Identity and World Film (cross-listed English, FMS); Films of India (cross-listed English, FMS); British Culture and Empire (cross-listed English); Empire Cinema (cross-listed English, FMS); Film History (cross-listed FMS); The Pre-Raphaelites (cross-listed English); The Self in Victorian Culture (autobiography and portraiture; cross-listed English); Critical Theories in the Visual Arts; Collectors and Dealers; The Body in Art;
ONLINE COURSES: The Pre-Raphaelites; Identity & World Film; The Portrait