Laurie Anderson’s research centers on Transformative Service Research (TSR) and consumer well-being, especially related to social justice, vulnerability, culture and health. Recent projects include alternative views of services and TSR, value-laden services, community action research, space as public good, going between cultural worlds, self-socialization of teens, health organizations and consumer-centricity.
She joined ASU in 1993. Her prior appointment include: Bocconi University, University of Torino, University of St. Thomas, University of Minnesota, University of Virginia, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Professor Anderson has served as the associate editor for the Journal of Service Research and Co-editor for a special issue of the Journal of Service Research on Transformative Service Research. She is a member on the editorial review boards for the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, tje Journal of Service Research, and served in the past on the editorial review boards for the journals: Journal of Consumer Research, Consumption, Culture and Markets, and Journal of Advertising.
- Ph.D.,Arizona State University
- M.N. University of Washington
- B.S. University of Minnesota
Laurie Anderson’s research centers on Transformative Service Research (TSR) and consumer and employee well-being, especially related to vulnerability, social justice, culture and health. Recent projects include alternative views of services and TSR, value-laden services, diabetes action research, space as public good, going between cultural worlds, self-socialization of teens, health organizations and consumer-centricity. She holds two health degrees and has been published in JCR, JPPM, JSR, JBR, Journal of Advertising and others. She is co-editor of a special issue of JSR focused on TSR
Representative Publications
“Transformative Service Research: An Agenda for the Future,” (2013), Journal of Business Research, Volume 66, Issue 8, 1203-1210.
“A Co-Constructed World: Adolescent Self-Socialization on the Internet,” (2012), Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. Volume 31, Number 2, 240-253. With Deborah Brown McCabe.
“Action Research Methods in Consumer Culture,” (2012) chapter in Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective. Edited by Lisa Peñaloza, Nil Toulouse and Luca Massimiliano Visconti. With Julie Ozanne.
“Conceptualization and Aspirations of Transformative Service Research,” (2011), Journal of Research for Consumers, Issue 19.
“Immigration, Culture and Ethnicity in Transformative Consumer Research,” (2011). Journal of Public Policy and Marketing , Volume 30, Number 1, 47-54. With David Crockett, Sterling Bone, Garrett Coble, Abhijit Roy and Jeff Wang.
“Symbiotic Postures of Commercial Advertising and Street Art Rhetoric for Creativity,” (2010), Journal of Advertising. Vol. 39, #3, 113-126. With Stefania Borghini, Luca Visconti and John Sherry.
“Street Art, Sweet Art? Reclaiming the “Public” in Public Place ,” (2010), Journal of Consumer Research. Vol. 37, #3, 511-529. With Luca Visconti, John Sherry and Stefania Borghini.
“Community Health Action Research,” (2010), Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol.29. #1 (Spring). 123-137. With Julie Ozanne.
“Improving Well-Being through Transformative Services,” (2010) in “Moving Forward and Making a Difference: Research Priorities for the Science of Service,” by Amy Ostrom, Mary Jo Bitner, Stephen Brown, Kevin Burkhard, Michael Goul, Vicki Smith-Daniels, Haluk Demirkan, Elliott Rabinovich in Journal of Service Research, 13: 4-36. Awarded 2011 Best Article for Journal of Service Research.
- Anderson,Laurel Ann*. CULTURE & CHANGE IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. ED(8/1/1996 - 2/28/1998).
- Anderson,Laurel Ann*. CULTURE & CHANGE IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. ED(8/1/1995 - 7/31/1997).
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MKT 520 | Innovating Through Services |
MKT 501 | Fundamentals of Marketing Mgmt |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MKT 791 | Seminar |
MKT 502 | Marketing Management |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MKT 791 | Seminar |
MKT 550 | Product and Service Innovation |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MKT 502 | Marketing Management |
HSM 550 | Health Care Marketing |
MKT 530 | Creativity and Innovation |
MKT 791 | Seminar |