Eyitayo Owolabi is an assistant professor, nurse/midwife, and an enthusiastic nurse scientist. She earned her doctoral degree in nursing from the University of Fort Hare, South Africa. Her primary research interests include chronic disease prevention and management, precisely about efforts aimed at reducing type 2 diabetes risk, improving access to quality diabetes care, and designing interventions that leverage digital health technologies to improve diabetes self-management behaviors and outcomes for underserved populations. She is currently conducting a study funded by the ASU Institute for Social Science Research to understand multilevel barriers and facilitators to engage in diabetes self-management behaviors and diabetes self-management education for low-income populations. She is also interested in understanding their information, motivation, and behavioral skills needs and preferred digital health technologies for ongoing support. Findings from this study will inform future interventions. Her research adopts qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods designs and involves underserved populations in the U.S. and Africa (South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda).