Juliane Schober
Phone: 480-727-8027
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Mail code: 4302Campus: Tempe
Juliane Schober (PhD., University of Illinois, 1989) is Professor of Religious Studies and an anthropologist of religion, working primarily on Myanmar Buddhist formations and the Theravada Buddhist traditions of Southeast Asia. She has served as Director of the Asia Center at ASU since 2011. In her role as Co-Director of the Religious Studies Graduate program (2009-12), she developed a doctoral track in the anthropology of religion.
She has held leadership positions in the Association for Asian Studies, the American Academy of Religion, and in the American Anthropological Association. Her work has been supported by more than 30 grants and fellowships, totaling $4.3 million from organizations like The Robert N. H. Ho Foundation/ACLS, The Henry Luce Foundation, SSRC, NEH, the Smithsonian Institution, Wenner-Gren, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation and others. She was Principal Investigator on Title VI grants (NRC, FLAS and UISFL). She was PI on multiple Title VI grants (NRC, FLAS and UISFL). She serves on several editorial boards and as a Trustee of the Burma Studies Foundation and on the Academic Board of the Inya Institute, Yangon, Myanmar.
With support from the Henry Luce Foundation, Professor Schober developed a collaborative project on Theravada Buddhist Civilizations in Southeast Asia. This project brought together international scholars to chart new directions in this field and organized annual workshops for dissertation writers. In 2014, she founded the Theravada Studies Group, an academic organization affiliated with the Association for Asian Studies. that promotes comparative and scholarly exchanges in the social sciences and humanities about Theravada Buddhist traditions in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Southwest China and globally though pilgrimage and diaspora networks.
Her areas of research include Theravada Buddhist practices in Southeast Asia, especially Myanmar (Burma), Anthropology of Religion; Material Culture, Media and Aesthetics; Icons; Ritual; Modernity, Politics and Religion; Colonial Studies; Conflict and Civil Society; Theravada Buddhism; and Sacred Biography. She published 4 books and more than 40 articles, delivered over 70 invited lectures, and organized numerous conferences and panels. Her publications can be accessed on Academia and her citations can be viewed on Google. Her book, "Modern Buddhist Conjunctures in Myanmar: Cultural Narratives, Colonial Legacies and Civil Society," was published in 2011 (University of Hawai’i Press). She is editor of "Sacred Biography in the Buddhist Traditions of South and Southeast Asia" (1997) and co-edited Buddhist Manuscript Cultures (2008) and Theravada Buddhist Encounters with Modernity (2018).
- Ph.D. University of Illinois-Urbana 1989
- M.A. University of Illinois-Urbana 1980
- B.A. University of Northern Colorado 1976
Juliane Schober (Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign) is Professor of Religious Studies and an anthropologist of religion who works on Theravada Buddhist practice in Southeast Asia, especially Burma/Myanmar. Her current research focuses on technologies of communication in manuscript, print and digital media contexts. Her research expertise includes include material culture, ritual, modernity, postcolonial theory, sacred biography, pilgraimge, and religion and politics. Her publications can be accessed at http://asu.academia.edu/JulianeSchober
The Theravada Studies Group, Founder and Chair, 2011-present,
The Theravada Civilizations Project: http://theravadaciv.org/
Her publications can be accessed at http://asu.academia.edu/JulianeSchober
Selected Publications:
Theravada Buddhist Encounter with Modernity, Juliane Schober and Steven Collins, editors (Routledge, 2017).
Modern Buddhist Conjunctures in Myanmar (University of Hawai’i, 2011)
Buddhist Manuscript Cultures: Knowledge, Ritual and Art, co-edited with Stephen Berkwitz and Claudia Brown (Routledge, 2008).
Sacred Biography in the Buddhist Traditions of South and Southeast Asia, Editor. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997; reprinted by Motilal Banarsidass, 2002.
Articles and Essays:
Belonging in a New Myanmar: Identity, Law and Gender in the Anthropology of Contemporary Buddhism, Religion and Society: Advances in Research, special issue on the Anthropology of Buddhism, vol. 8 (2017): 158-172.
To Be Burmese is to Be Buddhist: Formations of Buddhist Modernity in Colonial Burma, Buddhism and Colonialism in Asia, Th. Borchert ed., Routledge, 2018: 21-41.
Theravada Buddhist Civilizations and Their Modern Formations, co-authored with S. Collins, Theravada Buddhist Encounter with Modernity, J.Schober and S.Collins, eds., 2017:.3-16.
Mőnche in Myanmar, in Myanmar - Das Goldene Land, Georg Noak and Ines de Casro, eds., Linden-Museum Stuttgart, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, 2014: 23-35.
Genealogies in the Study of Religion in Burma, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, special issue on “Communities of Interpretation in the Study of Burma,” 39(2), pp. 255-267, June 2008.
Educating the 'Other': Buddhism and Colonial Knowledge in Burma, in Buddhism, Power and Political Order, Ian Harris (ed.), Routledge Curzon Critical Studies in Buddhism Series, 2007: 52-70.
Acharn Mun (1870-1949); Aung San Suu Kyi (b.19, June, 45); Bodies of the Buddha; Buddhadasa (1926-1993) Disciples of the Budda; Famous Buddhist and Ideal Types; Mahasi Sayadaw (1904-1982); The Life of Siddhartha Gautama; U Nu (1907-1995); in Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Damien Keown and Charles Prebish, (eds.) London, New York: Routledge. 2007
Buddhism, Violence and the State in Burma (Myanmar) and Sri Lanka, Disrupting Violence: Religion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia, L. Cady and S. Simon, eds., Oxon: Routledge, 2006: 51-69.
Buddhism and Modernity im Myanmar, in Buddhism in World Cultures: Contemporary Perspectives, ABC-Clio, S. Berkwitz, editor, 2006: 73-100.
“Buddhist Visions of Moral Authority and Civil Society: The Search for the Post-Colonial State in Burma” in Burma at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century (M. Skidmore, ed., Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 2005: 113-133).
Burmese Spirit Lords and their Mediums, Encyclopedia of Shamanism, Mariko Walters (ed.), ABC-CLIO, 2004.
Mapping the Sacred in Theravada Buddhist Southeast Asia, Sacred Places and Modern Landscapes: Sacred Geography and Social-Religious Transformations in South and Southeast Asia, Ronald Bull (ed.), Program for Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series, Arizona State University. Pp.1-29, 2004.
Sacred Biography, in Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Robert Buswell (editor), MacMillan, pp.45-47, 2003.
"Venerating the Buddha's Remains in Burma: From Solitary Practice to the Cultural Hegemony of Communities,” The Journal of Burma Studies, 2001, vol. 6, pp. 111-140.
Paying Homage to the Buddha's Tooth Relic: A Modern Burmese State Ritual. In Frank E. Reynolds and Jason Carbine, editors, A Living Buddhism. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2000.
"Buddhist Just Rule and Burmese National Culture: State Patronage of the Chinese Tooth Relic in Myanmar." In History of Religions, February 1997, 36:3, pp. 218-243.
In the Presence of the Buddha: Ritual Veneration of the Burmese Mahamuni Image. In Sacred Biography in the Buddhist Traditions of South and Southeast Asia, edited by Juliane Schober. Hawaii University Press.
Schober,Juliane S*. Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships grant for Asian Studies at ASU, 2018-22. Schober,Juliane Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Fellowship in Buddhist Studies (2018), AMER COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOC Schober,Juliane Asia Mediated, Title VI UISFL, PI, faculty and curriculum development (2016-18)
- Schober,Juliane S*. Visiting Professorship in Pali Buddhist Literature-Steven Collins. AMER COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOC(1/1/2016 - 6/1/2016).
- Schober,Juliane S*. The Theravada Civilizations Project II: Integrating New Directions in the Study of Buddhism in Southeast Asia (ASUF 30005123). ASU FDN(1/1/2015 - 12/31/2017).
- Schober,Juliane S*. CHIF: Luce Foundation Cost Share Student (ASUF 30005923). ASU FDN(1/1/2014 - 12/31/2015).
- Cady,Linell E*, Carlson,John, Durfee,Alesha D, Gallab,Abdullahi A, Henn,Alexander Ernst, Jacobson,David, Peskin,Victor, Saenz,Delia S, Schober,Juliane S. Teaching and Talking About Religion - Phase II. FORD FDN(8/15/2008 - 8/14/2011).
- Neuberg,Steven Laurence*, Broome,Benjamin J, Millsap,Roger E, Schaefer,David, Schober,Juliane S, Taylor,Thomas J, Thomas,George, Warner,Carolyn, Winkelman,Michael James. AOC-The Dynamics of Religion and Conflict: A Multidisciplinary, Emperical Approach. NSF-SBE(1/1/2008 - 12/31/2011).
- Schober,Juliane S*. NAT'L RESOURCE UNDERGRAD CNTR FOR S.E.ASIAN STUDIES AT ASU. ED(8/15/1992 - 8/14/1993).
- Schober,Juliane S*. LUCE FELLOWSHIPS FOR STUDENTS SEA STUDIES. LUCE (HENRY) FDN, INC(7/6/1992 - 6/30/1996).
- Schober,Juliane S*. SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES SUMMER INSTITUTE 91-92. UNIV OF WASHINGTON(6/1/1992 - 9/30/1992).
- Schober,Juliane S*. SOUTH EASTERN ASIAN LIBRARIES. LUCE (HENRY) FDN, INC(1/1/1992 - 1/1/1995).
- Schober,Juliane S*. NAT'L RESOURCE UNDERGRAD CENT. FOR S.E. ASIAN STUDIES AT ASU. ED(8/15/1991 - 8/14/1992).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
REL 620 | Theories: Anthropology of Rel |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
REL 352 | Modern Buddhism |
- Juliane Schober. Towards a New Anthropology of Buddhism in Myanmar. Religion and Culture in a Globalized World, UCSIA, University of Antwerpen, Belgium (Aug 2014).
- Juliane Schober. Rethinking Buddhist Authority and Secular Power in Modern Myanmar. Intenational Association of Buddhist Studies, Wien (Jul 2014).
- Juliane Schober. Buddhist Interventions in Myanmar: a genealogy of 'political' monks. hosted by UCLA, Center for Southeast Asian Studies and Center for Buddhist Studies (May 2014).
- Juliane Schober. Merit-Making in Theravada Buddhism and the Anthropology of Giving. Discussing Dana: a Symposium on Buddhist Charity, Princeton University (May 2014).
- various. Formal & Informal Sectors across Asia. AAS meetings in Philadelphia (Mar 2014).
- Juliane Schoer. Religion and Public Policy in Burma. Workshop on Managing Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia, Berkeley Center, Georgetown University (Jan 2014).
- Juliane Schober. Water in Asia. one day symposium at ASU (Apr 2013).
- Juliane Schober. Theravada Civilizations Project Dissertation and Post-doctoral workshop 2013. annual dissertation workshop (Mar 2013).
- Juliane Schober. Modern Buddhist Genealogies in Myanmar: Buddhism in a Secular State. University of Washington, Jackson School of International Studies, Southeast Asia Center (Oct 2012).
- Juliane Schober. Monastic Activism in Myanmar. Seattle Art Museum, Gardener Center for Asian Art and Ideas (Oct 2012).
- Juliane Schober. Modern Iterations of Buddhist Power: In Search of the Dhammaraja Ideal in Burmese Contexts. Meetings of the Association for Asian Studies (Mar 2011).
- Juliane Schober. Modern Buddhist Encounters - 2 day conference. University of Chicago (Sep 2010).
- Juliane Schober. The Limits of Buddhist Moral Authority in the Secular State,. European Association of Asian Studies Gothenburg, Sweden, (Aug 2010).
- Juliane Schober. The Longevity of Weikza. International Burma Studies Conference in Marseille, France, (Jul 2010).
- Juliane Schober. Theravada Buddhism in Colonial Burma: Modern Formations in a Genealogy of Resistance against the State. National University of Singapore, Buddhist Studies Center, conference (May 2010).
- Juliane Schober. F.K.Lehman and the Study of Burma. Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia (Mar 2010).
- Juliane Schober. F.K.Lehman and the Study of Religion. AAS (Mar 2010).
2018 Research Fellow, The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation in Buddhist Studies
2011 Nominated for election to the office of Vice-President, Association for Asian Studies
See additional list of grants under Research
Keynote Lecture: How can the Study of Theravada Buddhism Define its Subject? SOAS, July 14, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41na2TtVmNk
Board Member / Foundation Trustee
2013 –present Theravada Studies Group, affiliated with AAS, Founder
2012- present Inya Institute, Academic Board member, in support of civil society and higher education in Myanmar
2006-2009 American Institute of Sri Lankan Studies (AISLS), board member
1992 - present Burma Studies Foundation Trustee, elected
1991 - 1995 Secretary Treasurer, Burma Studies Group, elected
1987 – 1993 Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI), board member
Editorial Board Member
2018- Routledge Handbook on Theravada Buddhism, Editorial Board
2013- Asian Ethnology, Editorial Board, https://nirccm.nanzan-u.ac.jp/ae
2011 - The Journal of Burma Studies, International Advisory Board
2007 - Critical Studies in Buddhism, Routledge, Editorial Board
2002-2007 Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Editorial Board Member, Rutledge Curzon, London\
1998- 2001 Journal of Asian Studies, monograph review editor for Southeast Asia
1991 - 1995 Bulletin of the Burma Studies Group, Association for Asian Studies, Editor
1989 - 1993 Suvannabhumi, Southeast Asia - Land of Gold, Newsletter, Southeast Asia Studies at ASU
- Association for Asian Studies
- Board of Directors, Program Committee (2012-15), Chair (2015).
- The Theravada Studies Group, Founder and Chair (2013 - Present)
- 2004-2007 Southeast Asia Council, elected member
- 1995/6 Board of Directors, member
- 1995/6 Chair, Southeast Asia Council
- 1994/5 Vice Chair, elected, Southeast Asia Council
- 1993 - 1996 Southeast Asia Council, elected member
American Academy of Religion:
- 2006-2009 Colonialism and Religion, Steering Committee, member
- 1997-2002 Buddhism Section, Steering Committee, member, elected
Committee on Research Materials on Southeast Asia:
- 1987-1989 Committee on Research Materials on Southeast Asia
- 1995 - 1996 Committee on Research Materials for Southeast Asia, faculty advisor
Doctoral Committees: Mulung Hsu (chair), Beiyin Deng (chair), Blayne Harcey (chair), Brooke Schedenck (chair), Jordan Johnson (chair), Sherry Harlacher (Art History, member), Joon Sik Hwang (member), Francine Banner (Justice Studies, member), Eiji Suhara (Religious Studies, member)
Master’s Committees: Rehn Kovacic (chair, 2005), Katharine Reinhold (chair,1999), Brenda Whitlock (2005), Sherry Montgomery (2005), Blain Cameaux (Anthropology, 2002), Dean LeVay (2001), Chutavat Noochniyom, (Design, 2001), Jennifer Drinen (1998), Seishu, (1996), Jane Stevenson (1996), Kevin Jacques (1996), Scott Bowden Henderson (1996), Shibani Bakshi (1996), Rochelle Jacobs (1994)
Academic Appointments:
2011- present Director,The Asia Center, Arizona State University
2010 - present Professor, Religious Studies, Arizona State University
2009 -2012 Co-Director of Graduate Studies in Religious Studies, Arizona State University
2006 Interim Director, Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University
1997- 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Arizona State University
1991 - 1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Arizona State University
1988 - 1993 Director, Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University