James Middleton
ENGRC 381 TEMPE, AZ 85287-6106
Mail code: 6106Campus: Tempe
James A. Middleton is professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering in the School for the Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy at Arizona State University. He is the past director of the Center for Research on Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (CRESMET) at Arizona State University, which worked to improve K-12 STEM education. Prior to these appointments, Middleton served as associate dean for research for ASU's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College for three years, and as director of the division of curriculum and instruction for another three years plus. He received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1992, where he also served in the National Center for Research on Mathematical Sciences Education as a postdoctoral scholar for three years.
Middleton’s research interests focus in the following areas where he has published extensively: children’s mathematical thinking; teacher and student motivation in mathematics; and teacher change in mathematics. He is currently developing methodologies for utilizing the engineering design process to improve learning environments in science, engineering and mathematics. He has also written on effective uses of educational technology in mathematics and science education as a natural outgrowth of these interests. To fund his research, Middleton has garnered more than $20 million in grants to study and improve mathematics education in urban schools. He just finished a $1.8 million research grant to model the longitudinal development of fractions, rational number and proportional reasoning knowledge and skills in middle school students, and is currently engaged in a project studying the sustainability of changes in urban elementary teachers’ mathematics practices. All of his work has been conducted in collaborative partnerships with diverse, economically challenged, urban schools. This relationship has resulted in a significant (positive) impact on the direction that partner districts have taken, including a significant increase in mathematics achievement in the face of a rising poverty rate.
Professor Middleton just finished a term as senior co-chair of the Special Interest Group for Mathematics Education in the American Educational Research Association. Previously he served for three years on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Research Committee, chairing that committee in 2006. He has served on several task forces for the NCTM, is a regular reviewer for the National Science Foundation and the Department of Education, and serves on the boards of several regional and national-level research centers. He has been a consultant for the Rand Corporation, the National Academies, the American Statistical Association, the IEEE, and numerous school systems around the country.
Ph.D. Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1992
Student learning of mathematical concepts. Motivation and mathematics learning. Teacher change. Applications of technology to mathematics teaching and learning.
Journal Articles
Middleton, J. A.(in press). Archimedes, Euler, & Nursing Cats: Rethinking the Arithmetic Mean. OnCore, Fall, 2018.
Judson, E., Ross, L., Middleton, J. A.,& Krause, S. J. (2017). Measuring engineering faculty views about benefits and costs of using student-centered strategies. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 7(2), 65-78. Available from http://online-engineering.org/dl/iJEP/iJEP_vol7_no2_2017_S.pdf
Judson, E., Ernzen, J., Krause, S., Middleton, J. A.,& Culbertson, R. J. (2016). How engineering standards are interpreted and translated for middle school. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research 6(1). doi: 10.7771/2157-9288.1121
Middleton, J. A. (2015). Making Data. OnCore, Fall, 2015, xxxx.
Weber, E., Tallman, M., & Middleton, J. A. (2015). Developing Elementary Teachers' Knowledge about Functions and Rate of Change through Modeling. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 17(1), 1-33.
Middleton, J. A. (2014). The Law of Large Numbers: A Critical Concept for Statistical Reasoning. OnCore, Fall, 2014, 42-56.
Middleton, J. A.(2014). Motivation in Mathematics Learning. In S. Lerman (Ed). Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education, (pp. 457-459). New York: Springer.
Middleton, J. A.(2013). The Problem of Motivation in the Middle Grades. Middle Grades Research Journal, 8(1), xi-xiii.
Middleton, J. A.(2013). More than Motivation: The Combined Effects of Critical Motivational Variables on Middle School Mathematics Achievement. Middle Grades Research Journal, 8(1), 77-95.
Megowan-Romanowicz, M.C., Middleton, J. A., Ganesh, T., & Joanou, J. (2013). Norms for Participation in Middle School Mathematics Classroom and its Effect on Student Motivation. Middle Grades Research Journal, 8(1), 51-76.
Middleton, J.A.,Leavy, A.M., & Leader, L. (2012). A Path Analysis of the Relationship Among Critical Motivational Variables and Achievement in Reform-Oriented Mathematics Curriculum. Research in Middle Level Education, 36(8), 1-10. Article available online: http://www.amle.org/portals/0/pdf/publications/RMLE/rmle_vol36_no8.pdf
Leavy, A. M., & Middleton, J. A.(2011). Elementary and Middle School Students’ Construction of Typicality. Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 30(3), 235-254.
Middleton, J. A.(2010). Research on Science and Mathematics Learning: The Pragmatics of Cognition and its Implications for Science and Mathematics Teaching and Policy. The Journal of Education, 189(3), 65-72.
Lamberg, T., & Middleton, J.A.(2009). Design Research Perspectives on Transitioning from Individual Microgenetic Interviews in a Laboratory Setting to a Whole Class Teaching Experiment. Educational Researcher, 38(4), 233-245.
Kurz, T., Middleton, J. A., & Batarelo, I. (2009). Examining Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Perspectives Concerning Curriculum Themes for Video Case Integration. Educational Technology Research and Development. Available: http://www.springerlink.com/content/47616465m227725x/fulltext.pdf
Lesh, R., Middleton, J. A., Caylor, E., & Gupta, S. (2008). A Science of Need: Designing Tools to Engage Students in Modeling Complex Data. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 68(2), 113-130.
Oksuz, C., & Middleton, J. A. (2007). Middle School Children’s Understanding of Algebraic Fractions as Quotients. International Online Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(1), [Online serial], Available: http://www.upd.edu.ph/~ismed/online/articles/middle/abstract.htm.
Middleton, J. A. (2007). Book Review: Developing Mathematical Talent: A Guide for Challenging and Educating Gifted Students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(1), 82-83.
Kurz, T., & Middleton, J. A.(2006). Using a Functional Approach to Change Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of Mathematics Software. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 39(1), 45-65.
Ganesh, T. G., & Middleton, J. A.(2006). Challenges in Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Elementary Settings with Math Instruction using Learning Technologies. Urban Review. 38(2), 101-143.
Heid, K., Larson, M., Fey, J., Strutchens, M., Middleton, J.,Guttstein, E., King, K., & Tunis, H. (2006). The challenge of linking research and practice. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 37(2), 76-86.
Kurz, T., Middleton, J. A., & Yanik, H. (2005). A taxonomy of software for mathematics instruction. Journal for Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 5(2). [Online serial], Available: http://www.citejournal.org/vol5/iss2/mathematics/article1.cfm
Middleton, J. A., & Coleman, K. (2005). Learner-Centered Teacher Leadership in Mathematics Education.Journal of Mathematics Teacher Leadership.8(1), 25-30.
Guttstein, R., Heid, K., Middleton, J. A.,Dougherty, B., Johnson, I., & Fey, J. (2005). Equity in School Mathematics Education: How Can Research Contribute? Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.36(2), 92-100.
Leader, L. F., & Middleton, J. A. (2004). From Ability to Action: Designing Instruction for Critical Thinking Dispositions. Research in Middle Level Education.
Toluk, Z., & Middleton, J. A. (2004). The development of children’s understanding of quotient: A Teaching experiment. International Journal of Mathematics Teaching and Learning.5(10).Article available online http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/ijmtl/ijmenu.htm.
Middleton, J. A. (2004). Globalization and Identity in Mathematics Education Research: An Essay. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 16,8-14.
Middleton, J. A.,Heid, K., Dougherty, B., d’Ambrosio, B., Guttstein, R., Johnson, I., & Reys, R. (2004). A Research Agenda for Action: Beginning the Discussion. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 35(2), 74-80.
Smith, G., G., Olkun, S., & Middleton, J.A.(2003). Interactive versus Observational Learning of Spatial Visualization of Geometric Transformations, Australian Educational Computing Journal, 18(1), 3-10.
Flores, A., Knaupp, J., Middleton, J. A.,& Staley, F. (2002). Integration of technology, science, and mathematics in the middle grades: A teacher preparation program. Journal for Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. [Online serial], 2(1). Available: http://www.citejournal.org/vol2/iss1/mathematics/article1.cfm
Middleton, J. A. (2000). From Manuscript to Multimedia: How Technologies Transform Education Research. Current Issues in Education, 3(2). http://cie.ed.asu.edu/volume3/number2/index.html
Middleton, J. A. (1999). Curricular influences on the motivational beliefs and practice of two middle school mathematics teachers: A follow-up study. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 30(3), 349-358.
Middleton, J. A., & Spanias, P. (1999). Motivation for achievement in mathematics: Findings, generalizations, and criticisms of the recent research. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 30(1), 65-88.
Middleton, J. A., & Toluk, Z. (1999). First steps in the development of an adaptive, decision-making theory of motivation. Educational Psychologist,34(2), 99-112.
Middleton, J. A., van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., & Shew, J. A. (1998). Using bar representations as models for connecting concepts of rational number. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 3(4), 302-312.
Piburn, M. D., & Middleton, J. A. (1998). Patterns of faculty and student conversation in listserve and traditional journals in a program for pre-service mathematics and science teachers. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 31(1), 62-77.
Middleton, J. A., Flores, A., & Knaupp, J. (1997). Shopping for Technology Educational Leadership, 55(3), 20-23.
Middleton, J. A., & Roodhardt, A. (1997). Using knowledge of story schemas to structure mathematical activity. Current Issues in Middle Level Education,6(1), 40-55.
Meyer, M. R., Delagardelle, M., & Middleton, J. A. (1996). Addressing Parents’Concerns Over Curriculum Reform. Educational Leadership, 53(7), 54-57.
Middleton, J. A. (1995). A Study of Intrinsic Motivation in the Mathematics Classroom: A Personal Constructs Approach. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 26(3), 254-279.
Middleton, J. A., & van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. (1995). The Ratio Table: Helping Students Understand Rational Number. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 1(4), 282-288.
Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., Middleton, J. A., & Streefland, L. (1995). Student-generated problems: Easy and difficult problems on percentage. For the Learning of Mathematics, 15(3), 21-27.
Clasen, D. R., Middleton, J. A., & Connell, T. J. (1994). Assessing artistic and problem-solving performance in minority and nonminority students using a nontraditional multidimensional approach. The Gifted Child Quarterly, 38(1), 27-32.
Middleton, J. A., Littlefield, J, & Lehrer, R. (1992). Gifted students' conceptions of academic fun: An examination of a critical construct for gifted education. The Gifted Child Quarterly, 36(1), pp. 38-44.
Books and Edited Volumes
Hannula, M. S., Di Martino, P., Pantziara, M., Zhang, O. Morselli, F., Heyd-Metzuyanim, E., Lutovac, S., Kaasila, R., Middleton, J. A.,Jansen, A., & Goldin, G. A (Eds). (2016). Attitudes, Beliefs, Motivation and Identity in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer.
Middleton, J. A., Cai, J., & Hwang, S (Eds). (2015). Large-scale Research Studies in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer.
Middleton, J. A.(Ed.). (2013). Motivation. Special Issue of Middle Grades Research Journal. 8(1), Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publications.
Middleton, J. A., & Jansen, A. (2011). Motivation Matters and Interest Counts: Fostering Engagement in Mathematics.Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kim, J. H., Vallejo, C., & Middleton, J. A. (2005). (Eds). Improving Teacher Quality: Proceedings of the 2004 Teacher Quality Enhancement Project Directors’ Meeting. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University. Publication available online at http://cresmet.asu.edu/pubs/Proceedings2004TQEProjectDirectorsMeeting.p….
Middleton, J. A., & Goepfert, P. (1996). Inventive Strategies for Teaching Mathematics: Implementing Standards for Reform. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Wiezel, A., Middleton, J. A., & Jansen, A. (in press). Mathematics Learning Experiences: The Practice of Happiness and the Happiness of Practice. To appear in B. Sriraman & S. A. Chamberlain (Eds.), Affect and Mathematical Modeling. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ankeny, C. J., Mayled, L. H., Ross, L., Hjelmstad, K. D., Krause, S. J., Middleton, J. A., Culbertson, R. J. (2018). Creating and Scaling an Evidence-based Faculty Development Program. In Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: ASEE.
Judson, E., Ross, L., Hjelmstad, K.L., Krause, S. J., Culbertson, R. J., Hjelmstad, K. D., Mayled, L. H., Middleton, J. A.,(2018). The Effects of Professional Development and Coaching on Teaching Practices. In Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: ASEE.
Middleton, J. A.,Judson, E., Krause, S. J., Culbertson, R. J., Hjelmstad, K. D., Mayled, L. H., Ross, L., Hjelmstad, K.L., & Chen, Y. (2018). Social Network Analysis of Faculty Connections in a Multi-year Professional Development Program. In Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: ASEE.
Ross, L., Judson, E., Ankeny, C. J., Krause, S. J., Culbertson, R. J., Hjelmstad, K. D., Mayled, Glassmeyer, K., Middleton, J. A.,& Hjelmstad, K.L. (2018). Is There a Connection Between Classroom Practices and Attitudes Towards Student-Centered Learning in Engineering. In Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: ASEE.
Middleton, J. A.(2018). A High School Curriculum Focused on Engagement. In J. Settlage, & A. Johnson (Eds.), Science Education and the Crossroads 2017 Proceedings.Alta, UT: Weber Stat University.
Jansen, A., Wiezel, A., Zhang, X., Curtis, K., & Middleton, J. (2018). Navigating dilemmas of studying mathematics engagement in secondary classrooms. In Hodges, T. E., Roy, G. J., & Tyminski, A. M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.Greenville, SC: University of South Carolina & Clemson University.
Judson, E., Ross, L., Krause, S. J., Middleton, J. A.,Ankeny, C. J., Culbertson, R. J., & Hjelmstad, K. D. (2017). An Expectancy Theory Based Instrument Assessing Relationships Between Faculty Dispositions and Use of Student-Centered Strategies. In Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference. Columbus, OH: ASEE.
Middleton, J. A.,Jansen, A., & Goldin, G. A. (2017). The complexities of mathematical engagement: Motivation, affect, and social interactions. In J. Cai (Ed.), Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education(pp. 87-119). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Middleton, J. A.,Jansen, A., & Goldin, G. (2016). Motivation. In M. S. Hannula, P. Di Martino, M. Pantziara, O. Zhang, F. Morselli, E. Heyd-Metzuyanim, S. Lutovac, R. Kaasila, J. A.Middleton, A. Jansen, A., & G. A. (Eds). (pp. xxxx). Attitudes, Beliefs, Motivation and Identity in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer.
Smith, B., Park, Y.S., Ross, L., Krause, S.J,. Chen, Y.C., Middleton, J. A., Judson, E., Culbertson, R., Ankeny, C.J., Hjelmstad, K., & Yan, C.Y. (2016). Pathways of Student Stayers, Movers, and Leavers in the First Two Years of Undergraduate Engineering. In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: ASEE.
Lee, A., Zhu, H., & Middleton, J. A.(2016). Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom for Mechanics of Materials. In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: ASEE.
Middleton, J. A., Krause, S.J., Judson, E., Culbertson, R., Ross, L., Hjelmstad, K., Park, Y.S., Smith, B. B., & Collofello, J. (2016). Connections Among University Faculty Engaged in the First Two Years of Engineering, and Their Impact on Faculty Attitudes and Practice. In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: ASEE.
Judson, E., Ross, L., Middleton, J. A., Krause, S.J,. Ankeny, C.J., Chen, Y.C., Culbertson, R., Hjelmstad, K., & Park, Y.S. (2016). Work in Progress: Measuring Dispositions toward Teaching Strategies and Their Reported Use. In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: ASEE
Smith, B., Park, Y.S., Ross, L., Krause, S.J,. Chen, Y.C., Middleton, J. A., Judson, E., Culbertson, R., Ankeny, C.J., Hjelmstad, K., & Yan, C.Y. (2016). Faculty Characteristics that Influence Student Performance in the First Two Years of Engineering. In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: ASEE.
Ross, L., Judson, E., Krause, S.J,. Middleton, J. A., Ankeny, C.J., Chen, Y.C., Culbertson, R., Hjelmstad, K., Park, Y.S., & Smith, B.B. (2016). How do Male and Female Faculty Members View and Use Classroom Strategies? In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: ASEE
Mangu, D., Lee, A., Middleton, J. A., & Nelson, J, K. (2015). Motivational Factors Predicting STEM and Engineering Career Intentions for High School Students. In 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings (pp. 2285-2291). El Paso, TX: IEEE.
Middleton, J. A., Krause, S., Beeley, K., Judson, E., Ernzen, J., & Culbertson, R. (2015).Examining the Relationship between Faculty Teaching Practice and Interconnectivity in a Social Network. In 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings (pp. 2285-2291). El Paso, TX: IEEE.
Judson, E., Ernzen, J., Krause, S., Middleton, J. A., Culbertson, R. Beeley, K., & Chen, Y. (2015).How are Next Generation Engineering Design Standards Interpreted for Middle School Classroom Practice?In 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings (pp. 2285-2291). El Paso, TX: IEEE.
Ernzen, J., Judson, E., Krause, S., Middleton, J. A., Culbertson, R. Beeley, K., & Chen, Y. (2015).What is the Effect of Establishing Programs that Address Sense of Belonging on Undergraduate Engineering Retention? In 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings (pp. 2285-2291). El Paso, TX: IEEE.
Middleton, J. A., Helding, B., Megowan-Romanowicz, C., Yang, Y., Yanik, B., Kim, A., & Oksuz, C. (2015). A Longitudinal Study of the Development of Rational Number Concepts and Strategies in the Middle Grades. In Middleton, J. A., Cai, J., & Hwang, S. (Eds). Large-scale Research Studies in Mathematics Education., (pp. 265-289). New York: Springer.
Orletsky, D., Middleton, J. A.,& Sloane, F. (2015). A Review of Three Large-Scale Datasets Critiquing Item Design, Data Collection, and the Usefulness of Claims. In Middleton, J. A., Cai, J., & Hwang, S. (Eds). Large-scale Research Studies in Mathematics Education., (pp. 311-334). New York: Springer.
Middleton, J. A.,Cai, J., & Hwang, S. (2015). Why Mathematics Education Needs Large-Scale Research. In Middleton, J. A., Cai, J., & Hwang, S. (Eds). Large-scale Research Studies in Mathematics Education., (pp. 1-13). New York: Springer.
Cai, J., Hwang, S., & Middleton, J. A.,(2015). The Role of Large-Scale Studies in Mathematics Education. In Middleton, J. A., Cai, J., & Hwang, S. (Eds). Large-scale Research Studies in Mathematics Education., (pp. 405-415). New York: Springer.
Middleton, J. A., Tallman, M., Hatfield, N., & Davis, O. (2015). Taking the Severeout of Perseverance: Strategies for Building Mathematical Determination. In N. Alpert & C Kurose, (Eds.), Mathematics Instruction for Perseverance. Chicago, Il: Spencer Foundation.
Middleton, J. A., Krause, S., Beeley, K., Judson, E., Ernzen, J., & Chen, Y. C. 2015). Examining Relationships and Patterns in Pedagogical Beliefs, Attitudes and Classroom Practices for Faculty of Undergraduate Engineering, Math and Science Foundational Courses. To be published in Proceedings of the 2015 ASEE Annual Conference. Seattle, WA: ASEE.
Krause, S., Middleton, J. A., Judson, E., Ernzen, J., Beeley, K., & Chen, Y. C. (2015). Factors Impacting Retention and Success of Undergraduate Engineering Students. To be published in Proceedings of the 2015 ASEE Annual Conference. Seattle, WA: ASEE.
Middleton, J. A., Krause, S., Maas, S., Beeley, K., Collofello, J., & Culbertson, R. (2014). Early Course and Grade Predictors of Persistence in Undergraduate Engineering Majors. In 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings (pp. 2285-2291). Madrid, Spain: IEEE. Article Available online [https://www.dropbox.com/s/36iu8ozq7nogi3z/FIE2014_Proceedings.pdf?dl=0]
Sullivan, P., Cheeseman, J., Michels, D., Mornane, A., Clarke, D., Roche, A., & Middleton, J. (2011). Challenging mathematics tasks: What they are and how to use them. In L. Bragg (Ed.), Maths is multi-dimensional(pp. 33-46). Melbourne: Mathematical Association of Victoria.
Middleton, J. A., Toncheff, M., & Haag, S. (2011). Growth In Secondary Teachers’ Content Knowledge And Practice In Discrete Mathematics. In T. Lamberg & D. Wiest (Eds.), Proceedings of North American Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference. Reno, NV.
Middleton, J. A., & Weber, E. (2011). Developing Elementary Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge Of Rate-Of-Change In Engineering Thermodynamics: A Design Study. In T. Lamberg & D. Wiest (Eds.), Proceedings of North American Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference. Reno, NV.
Kubishta, A., & Middleton, J. A.(2011). Analysis Of The Motivation And Achievement Of Secondary Students Enrolled In A Summer Mathematics AcademyIn T. Lamberg & D. Wiest (Eds.), Proceedings of North American Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference. Reno, NV.
Middleton, J. A.,Llamas-Flores, S., & Guerra, P. (in press). English Language Learning and Learning Academic Language in Mathematics. To appear in B. Arias & C. Faltis (Eds.), Research in Second Language Learning: Academic Language in Second Language Learning.
Guerra, P., Hernandez, L., Kim, A., Meneske, M., & Middleton, J. A.(2010). Two case studies of fifth grade students’ reasoning about levers. In R. Lesh, P. L. Galbraith, C. R. Haines, & G. Kaiser (Eds.), Modeling Students’ Mathematical Competencies (pp. xx – xx). New York: Springer.
Ganesh, T. G., Thieken, J., Elser, M., Baker, D., Krause, S., Roberts, C., Kurpius-Robinson, S., Middleton, J., & Golden, J. (2009). Eliciting underserved middle-school youths’ notions of engineers: draw an engineer. In 2009 Annual conference proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education.
Standards Revision Committee. (2008). Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics, Articulated by Grade Level. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Department of Education. (committee member and author. Editor, content articulation across grades)
Middleton, J. A.(2008). The Preparation and Support of Mathematics and Science Teachers in Arizona. In W. Doyle (Ed.), Who Will Teach Our Children?(pp. 133-152). Phoenix, AZ: 92ndArizona Town Hall. Article available online: [http://www.aztownhall.org/pdf/92nd_Workbook_complete.pdf].
Middleton, J. A., & Dougherty, B. (2008). Doctoral Preparation of Researchers. In B. Reys & J. Dossey (Eds). U. S. Doctorates in Mathematics Education: Developing Stewards of the Discipline. Washington, DC: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences.
Middleton, J. A.,Lesh, R., & Fennewald, T. (2008). Modeling Complexity Thinking Utilizing Sustainability Data for Decision-Making. In L. D. Miller & S. Saunders (Eds.), Proceedings of the US-Sino Workshop on Mathematics and Science Education. Murfreesboro, TN: Middle Tennessee State University.
Middleton, J. A., Gorard, S.,Taylor, C., & Bannon-Ritland, B. (2008). The compleat design experiment: From soup to nuts. In E. Kelly, R. Lesh, & J. Baek. (Eds.), Design Research: Investigating and assessing complex systems in mathematics, science and technology education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kortman, S., Surbeck, E., & Middleton, J. A. (2007). Caught in the middle: High quality teaching and professional development for the middle school teacher. In D. Garcia & R. Marx (Eds). Arizona education in the middle years.Tempe, AZ: Educational Policy Studies Laboratory
Middleton, J. A., & Coleman, K. (2007). The development of leadership in mathematics: Cases of urban reform. In A. Danzig (Ed.), Professional Development for Learner Centered Leadership: Policy, Research and Practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Savenye, W., Brush, T., Middleton, J., Igoe, A., & Kurz, T. (2004). Developing and evaluating online teacher videocases for learning technology integration. In C. Vrasidas & G. Glass (Eds.), Preparing Teachers to Teach with Technology(pp. 317-330). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Kurz, T., Middleton, J. A., & Yanik, H. B. (2004). Preservice teachers’ conceptions of mathematics-based software. In Proceedings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference PME-28, Bergin, Norway.
Li, J., Middleton, J. A., Oksuz, C., Savenye, W., & Louis, E. (2003). Digitizing Classroom Video: Technical Considerations in Video Editing. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education. Phoenix, AZ: AACE.
Savenye, W., Middleton, J. A., Oksuz, C., Kurz, T., Llama, G., Li, J., Igoe, A., Mann, M., Louis, E., & Puligundla, P. (2003). Developing and Researching Videocases for Teacher Education. To appear in Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education. Phoenix, AZ: AACE.
Oksuz, C., Savenye, W., & Middleton, J. A., (2003). Developing a Videocase for Educators: Major Aspects and Some Basic Considerations. Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education. Phoenix, AZ: AACE.
Leader, L. & Middleton, J.(2003). From ability to action: Technology-integrated instruction for critical-thinking dispositions. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 2003(1), 1360-1367. [Online]. Available: http://dl.aace.org/11949.
Middleton, J. A., Sawada, D., Judson, E., Bloom, I., & Turley, J. (2002). Relationships Build Reform: Developing Partnerships for Research in Teacher Education. In L. English (Ed.), Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education(pp. 409-431). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lamberg, T. d., & Middleton, J.A. (2002). The role of Inscriptional Practices in the development of Mathematical ideas in a Fifth grade classroom. Proceedings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference PME-26, Norwich, England.
Middleton, J. A., Lesh, R., & Heger, M. (2002). Interest, Identity, and Social Functioning: Central Features of Modeling Activity. In Doerr, H. & Lesh, R. (Eds.), Beyond Constructivism: A Models & Modeling Perspective on Mathematics Problem Solving, Learning and Teaching.Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Middleton, J. A.,& Spanias, P. (2002). Pedagogical implications of the research on motivation in mathematics education. In J. Sowder & B. Schappelle (Eds). Lessons Learned from Research(pp. 9-15). Washington, DC: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Anderson-Rowland, M., Baker, D. R., Secola, P.M., Smiley, B. A., Evans, D.L., & Middleton, J. A. (2002). Integrating engineering concepts under current K-12 state and national standards. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.Washington, DC: ASEE.
Middleton, J. A., de Silva, T., Toluk, Z., & Mitchell, W. (2001). The Emergence of Quotient Understandings in a Fifth-Grade Classroom: A Classroom Teaching Experiment. In R.S. Speiser & C. Maher (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28thAnnual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Snowbird, UT: ERIC.
Toluk, Z., & Middleton, J. A. (2001). The development of children’s understanding of quotient: A Teaching experiment. M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 25thAnnual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Hogrefe.
Ganesh, T. G., & Middleton, J. A. (2000). Language as access to mathematics learning and technology in a Title I school. In K. E., Sparks & M. Simonson (Eds.), 22ndAnnual Proceedings: Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the 2000 National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology(pp. 113-128). Columbus, OH: RTS & Associates, Inc.
Ganesh, T. G., Glass, G. V., Andrews, S., Middleton, J. A.,Jennings, T. A., & Leavy, A. (2000). Scholarly electronic journals: Economic and technical issues. In K. E., Sparks & M. Simonson (Eds.), 22ndAnnual Proceedings: Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the 2000 National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology(pp. 129-136). Columbus, OH: RTS & Associates, Inc.
Leader, L.F., & Middleton, J. A. (1999) From ability to action: Designing instruction for critical thinking dispositions. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the National Convention of the Association for educational Communications and Technology. Houston, TX.
Middleton, J. A., Smith, Stephanie Z., Romberg, T. A., & Smith, Marvin E. (1995). What to teach next year in seventh grade mathematics: A curriculum that meets the NCTM Standards. In B. Honig & N. Peterson (Eds), What's a Teacher to Do? New Curricula for New Standards. Washington, DC: National Center on Education and the Economy.
Middleton, J. A., & Corbett, R. (1998). The Development of Students' Thinking About Structure and Geometry. In R. Lehrer & D. Chazan (Eds.), New Directions in Teaching and Learning Geometry(pp. 249-265). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Middleton, J. A., & Webb, N. L. (1994). Collaboration and Urban School Systems. In N. L. Webb and T. A., Romberg (Eds.), Reforming Mathematics Education in America's Cities, (pp. 105-128). New York: Teachers' College Press.
Romberg, T. A., & Middleton, J. A. (1994). Conceptions of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Held by Teachers. In N. L. Webb and T. A. Romberg (Eds.), Reforming Mathematics Education in America's Cities, (pp. pp. 83-104)). New York: Teachers' College Press.
Meyer, M. R., & Middleton, J. A. (1993) Affect and Motivation in Secondary Mathematics. In A. E. Woolfolk (Ed.), Readings and Cases in Educational Psychology. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Clasen, D. R., & Middleton, J. A. (1991). Identifying gifted minority students: An analysis of the Project STREAM talent assessment model. In N. Colangelo, S. G. Assouline, & D. L. Ambroson (Eds.), Talent Development: Proceedings from the 1991 Henry B. and Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium on Talent Development. Unionville, NY: Trillium Press.
SMiLES: Secondary Mathematics, in-the-moment, Longitudinal Engagement Study,$1.5 millionto study in-the-moment engagement in urban High School mathematics students using Experience Sampling Methods. (2017–2021). Principal Investigator.
STEM Rural Activation and Innovation Network (RAIN), $2.8 millionto develop a network of rural communities in Arizona, recruiting STEM business, agencies, and personnel to provide informal science education. Study of community identity and organization. (2016-2020). Co-Principal Investigator, Research Director.
Scaling a Cyber-Enabled, Just-in-Time-Teaching with Two-Way Formative Feedback (JTF) Project From the Individual Faculty Level to the Disciplinary Department Program Level (JTFD), $1.5 milliontocreate faculty communities of practice within Engineering disciplines. Research will 1) characterize the shifts in faculty beliefs, strategies, and practice toward student-centered learning; 2) assess faculty fidelity of classroom implementation of this new pedagogy in comparison with their faculty beliefs; 3) develop sustainable disciplinary communities of practice and assess their impact on faculty change; 4) characterize disciplinary differences in barriers to use of JTFD in classroom implementation of evidence based practices; and 5) assess, for faculty classroom use of JTFD, the disciplinary differences of change in attitude, achievement, and persistence of students, especially for underrepresented populations. (2015-2019). Co-Principal Investigator.
WIDER: EAGER: "Championing Educational Change through Assessment for the Next Generation of Engineers Success (CHANGES)," $300,000to study persistence and retention among engineering majors, and to examine pedagogical and departmental cultural factors predicting student success, retention, and motivation in engineering. (2012-2015). Co-Principal Investigator.
Mathematics and Science Partnership: Partnership Access for Student Success (PASS). $500,000Arizona Department of Education grant to perform professional development in partnership with the Mesa Unified School District. (2012-2013). Principal Investigator.
WIDER: EAGER: "Championing Educational Change through Assessment for
the Next Generation of Engineers Success (CHANGES)"$298,854 National Science Foundation grant to assess the STEM experiences of freshman engineers at ASU (2013-2015). Co-Principal Investigator.
Innovation through Institutional Integration: The Modeling Institute.$1.25 millionNational Science Foundation grant to develop a STEM College for Kids, and an associated content Masters’ Degree for middle school teachers. Partners include Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert, and Fountain Hills Unified School Districts (2009-2014). Co-Principal Investigator, Project Director.
Mathematics and Science Partnership: Mathematical Modeling Project. $500,000Arizona Department of Education grant to develop a high school 4thyear curriculum in mathematical modeling and discrete mathematics. Professional development in partnership with the Phoenix Union High School District. (2009-2010). Principal Investigator.
Moving Teachers and Students from Arithmetic to Algebraic Thinking in Murphy School District (K-5): Building Multilevel Insight.$250,000National Science Foundation grant grounded in an approach designed from over 20 years of research on Cognitively Guided Instruction (Carpenter, Fennema, Franke, Levi, & Empson, 1999). 60 teachers, grades K-5 will receive 2 years of CGI training. Following these years, we are studying the robustness of the effects over time, assessing how these programs can effect change on teacher knowledge, classroom practice, and student learning. Rather than understanding one level, this project looks to understand how professional development influences the complex interactions within classrooms and schools that produce important learning gains in mathematics. Partners include the Murphy Elementary School District (2008-2010). Co-Principle Investigator.
Formula for the Future.$5,000Research Corporation grant to develop a retooling program for elementary teachers to get mathematics and science content to make them highly qualified under the No Child Left Behind act. (2009). Principal Investigator.
ITEST at ASU: Learning through engineering design and practice. $1 millionNational Science Foundation outreach grant to encourage female and underrepresented students to learn about engineering through participation in inquiry-based learning through hands-on engineering projects designed to increase their interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Partners include the Mesa Unified School District (2007-2009). Co-Principal Investigator.
A longitudinal study of the development of rational number knowledge in the middle grades. $1.8 millionNational Science Foundation Research grant to study the development of understanding of ratio and proportion in middle grades students. Partners include the Creighton School District (2004-2007). Principal Investigator
Bridges to Engineering Education. $96,000 National Science Foundation planning grant to develop closer linkages between Engineering Programs and Teacher Education. Partners include the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (2002-2003). Co-Principal Investigator
Development of Tri-University Science and Mathematics Teacher Education Program.Three year (Spring 2002 – Spring 2005). $750,000Arizona Board of Regents project to establish a three-university post-baccalaureate teacher preparation program using e-learning technologies. Partners include the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University. Principal Investigator
Proposal for the Development of a Tri-Campus, Content-Specific, Science and Mathematics Teacher Induction Modules. $75,000Arizona Board of Regents project to establish a three-campus team to design mathematics and science modular coursework. Partners include ASU West and ASU East. Principal Investigator
AriZona Teacher Excellence Coalition. Five year (Spring 2000 – Fall 2005). $13.8 millionU.S. Department of Education project to establish a statewide partnership for the reform of mathematics and science teacher preparation. Partners include the University of Arizona, Northern Arizona University, the Maricopa Community College District, and state school districts. Principal Investigator
Phoenix Urban Systemic Program.(Fall 2000 – Summer 2001). $850,000National Science Foundation project to develop teacher leaders in the Phoenix Union High School District. Co-Principle Investigator.
Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology.(Fall 2000 – Spring 2003). $1.3 million U.S. Department of Education project to reform teacher preparation in content area use of technology. Development of digital video cases of best practice. Co-Principle Investigator.
Teaching Reflectively: Extending and Sustaining Use of Reforms in Mathematics Classrooms. Three-year (Spring 2000 – Spring 2003). $1.5 millionNational Science Foundation Local Systemic Change project. Developed in conjunction with the Madison Elementary School District. Co-Principal Investigator.
Information Technology and Teacher Education: Leveraging the Power of Learning Theory and Technology. Three year (Fall, 1999 – Summer 2002). $2.2 millionU.S. Department of Education national consortium to catalyze change in the application of technology to learning and instruction. Project partners include Vanderbilt University, Bank Street College, Middle Tennesee State, Stanford, University of Maryland, and the University of Vermont. Co-Principal Investigator.
WISE Investments. Three-year (Spring 1999-Spring 2002). $300,000National Science Foundation project to improve the status of engineering as a viable career opportunity for young women. Co-Principal Investigator.
Cognitively Guided Instruction in the Phoenix Urban Systemic Initiative. Three-year (Fall, 1996-Fall, 1999), $1 millionNational Science Foundation project to provide staff development to 2300 teachers in the Phoenix USI, and to do research in children’s’ mathematical thinking and teacher change. Co-Principal Investigator, Director of Research Component.
Proposal to Develop Integrated Mathematics, Science Modules for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Funds were awarded by the Provost 's Office through the Initiative to Improve Undergraduate Education. $4,500was awarded to Middleton, Staley, and Knaupp to develop a curriculum module for the integration of data probe hardware and software into the undergraduate mathematics and science methods courses. $3,500in matching funds were provided by the Phoenix Urban Systemic Initiative. Principle Investigator.
Technology Coordinatorfor the Teacher Education for Arizona Mathematics and Scienceproject, the College of Education component of the Arizona Collaborative for the Educational Preparation of Teachers, a 5 milliondollar project sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Applied for and received $70,000 to develop a model mathematics and science technology-based classroom.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 799 | Dissertation |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 792 | Research |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
MAE 484 | Internship |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MTE 590 | Reading and Conference |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 799 | Dissertation |
MEE 489 | Mech Engineering Design II |
MTE 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 484 | Internship |
ASU 101-MEE | The ASU Experience |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ASU 101-AEE | The ASU Experience |
MTE 792 | Research |
MTE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MEE 488 | Mech Engineering Design I |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 792 | Research |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MTE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EGR 792 | Research |
MTE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 394 | Special Topics |
MEE 489 | Mech Engineering Design II |
EGR 792 | Research |
MTE 792 | Research |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
ASU 101-MEE | The ASU Experience |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MTE 792 | Research |
MTE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MEE 488 | Mech Engineering Design I |
EGR 792 | Research |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 792 | Research |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EGR 792 | Research |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 394 | Special Topics |
MEE 489 | Mech Engineering Design II |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EGR 792 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MTE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MEE 488 | Mech Engineering Design I |
EGR 792 | Research |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 792 | Research |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MAE 215 | Intro to Programming in MATLAB |
MAE 215 | Intro to Programming in MATLAB |
MAE 215 | Intro to Programming in MATLAB |
MTE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EGR 792 | Research |
MAE 215 | Intro to Programming in MATLAB |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MAE 215 | Intro to Programming in MATLAB |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MAE 215 | Intro to Programming in MATLAB |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 792 | Research |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MTE 590 | Reading and Conference |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MAE 394 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MTE 590 | Reading and Conference |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 493 | Honors Thesis |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
ASU 101-MEE | The ASU Experience |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 599 | Thesis |
MTE 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
MTE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 301 | Applied Experimental Statistic |
MAE 394 | Special Topics |
MTE 590 | Reading and Conference |