James Klemaszewski
Phone: 480-727-6997
Mail code: 1604Campus: Tempe
James E. Klemaszewski enjoys a successful career as a creative and approachable leader, educator, writer, and research scientist. During NASA’s Galileo Mission to Jupiter, Jim was part of the team that discovered oceans on Jupiter’s moons—the first oceans to be discovered in nearly 500 years. Jim, also known as "Klem," has presented scientific results at dozens of conferences in the U.S. and abroad, including as an invited speaker at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Cornell University, California Institute of Technology, and other institutions. Klem has been quoted by CNN, NASA HQ, ABC News, and other news outlets worldwide.
As a writer, Klem has been a productive member of the SMS Marketing and Communications team for the past several years, having published nearly 90 articles since 2020. He is a member of The College Development Success Network, working with Lisa Roubal-Brown and the Development team to build strategic relationships with donors. Klem is also part of the newly formed "Outreach Hub" team to develop alumni relations and a philanthropy culture for SMS, representing the Natural Sciences division, that will become a model for The College. This includes working with Michelle Stermole, Senior Director of Public Relations & Strategic Communications on recent donations to SMS with which I have been involved, such as the $1.3M Dow in-kind donation, and Paul Liddell's estate gift. For many years he has organized Open Door and Homecoming activities for SMS, helped organize Sun Devil Giving Day (the SMS team was recognized for its accomplishments during Sun Devil Giving Day), created Wikipedia pages for SMS and several faculty, edited the SMS newsletter, and participated in a variety of outreach events. Additionally, he has authored and co-authored many news articles, scientific papers, abstracts, encyclopedia articles, books, book chapters, grant proposals, and educational materials. He was responsible for writing and editing daily mission press releases for NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Galileo Mission to Jupiter and writing a variety of education and outreach materials for NASA, Arizona State University, and Grand Canyon University.
Klem has also been successful in communicating through the visual arts, having press-release images and artwork published on the front page of USA Today, the New York Times, Der Spiegel, and in newspapers around the world. He has provided image products for NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the European Space Agency, and numerous professional journals and popular magazines. He has produced work at the request of Sky & Telescope, National Geographic for their Millennium Edition, and by special request for the United States Congress. Other scientific artwork Jim has produced has received attention worldwide, being published by Encyclopedia Britannica, major newspapers, television shows (e.g., the “CBS Evening News,” “Farscape,” and “Southpark”), internet sites, and was reported on by the BBC. Scientific images Jim created and research to which he contributed are found in many textbooks used in high schools, colleges, and universities globally.
With respect to leadership and management, Klem organized and spoke at educator conferences at NASA Ames and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on a variety of topics, including volcanoes in the solar system, water in the solar system, and life in the solar system. He received a commendation for his leadership of the Solid-State Imaging team in the project science group for NASA’s Galileo Europa Mission. Subsequently, Klem was offered a management position at JPL’s Multi-mission Image Processing Laboratory. He served for a time as the Director of Educational Services at the Arizona Science Center and was Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Science and Mathematics at Grand Canyon University. Currently, Klem is the director of ASU Science is Fun outreach program, and manager of the SMS demonstration facility. He is a member of The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Council to provide input to Dean Kenney, serve as an ambassador to The College, and engage in high-value networking, such as meeting with potential donors and community stakeholders. Klem has also worked with the ASU College Dean’s Office and Development Office to help develop the Futures Center and provide input on College initiatives that create opportunities to connect the College, students and business professionals. He has served on several College committees focusing on student success and faculty development. He is active in local communities, supporting education in local schools.
M.N.S., Arizona State University, Department of Microbiology
B.A., Southwestern College, Religious Studies
A.A.S., State University of New York, Alfred, Computer Science
2016, Launching the Project of You, James E. Klemaszewski, Arizona State University.
2015, Career Exploration and Assessment, James E. Klemaszewski, Arizona State University.
2014, Academic Success: How to Succeed in College, James E. Klemaszewski, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 212 pp.
2014, The New Commandment, James E. Klemaszewski, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 190 pp.
2007, Callisto, in Jupiter, the Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere, F. Bagenal et al, eds., Cambridge University Press, 748 pp.
2005, The Christian Mind in the World Today: A Worldview Critique, J.M Boville and J.E. Klemaszewski, Scholargy Press, 103 pp.
2004, Sharing the Skies: Native American and Western Cosmology, N. Maryboy, D. Begay and J.E. Klemaszewski, Boulder: World Hope Foundation, 96 pages.
2002, Correlations of CO2 and Geology on Callisto, J. Geophys Res. Planets (in revision), C.A. Hibbitts, J.E. Klemaszewski, T.B. McCord, R. Greeley.
2001, Ancient drainage basin of the Tharsis region, Mars: Potential source for outflow channel systems and putative oceans or paleolakes, J. Geophys. Res. 106, 32,943-32,955, J.M. Dohm, J.C. Ferris, V.R. Baker, R.C. Anderson, T.M. Hare, R.G. Strom, N.G. Barlow, K.L. Tanaka, J.E. Klemaszewski, D.H. Scott.
2001, Impact features on Europa: results of the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM), Icarus, 151, 93-111, Moore, J.M., E. Asphaug, M.J.S. Belton, B. Bierhaus, H.H. Breneman, S.M. Brooks, C.R. Chapman, F.C. Chuang, G.C. Collins, B. Giese, R. Greeley, J.W. Head III, S. Kadel, K.P. Klaasen, J.E. Klemaszewski, K.P. Magee, J. Moreau, D. Morrison, G. Neukum, R.T. Pappalardo, C.B. Phyllips, P.M. Schenk, D.A. Senske, R.J. Sullivan, E.P. Turtle, and K.K. Williams.
2001, Geology of Lofn Crater, Callisto, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 106, 3261-3273, R. Greeley, S. Heiner and J.E. Klemaszewski.
2000, Galileo Views of the Geology of Callisto, Planetary and Space Science 48, 829-853, R. Greeley, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Wagner and the Galileo Imaging Team.
2000, Geologic mapping of Europa, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 105, 22559-22,578, R. Greeley, P.H. Figueredo, D.A. Williams, F.C. Chuang, J.E. Klemaszewski, S.D. Kadel, L.M. Prockter, R.T. Pappalardo, J.W. Head III, G. C. Collins, N.A. Spaun, R.J. Sullivan, J.M. Moore, D.A. Senske, B.R. Tufts, T.V. Johnson, M.J.S. Belton and K.L. Tanaka.
2000, The search for current geologic activity on Europa, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 105, 22559-22,578, C.B. Phillips, A.S. McEwen, G.V. Hoppa, S.A. Fagents, R. Greeley, J.E. Klemaszewski, R.T. Pappalardo, K.P. Klaasen, and H.H. Breneman.
2000, Callisto, G. Schubert and J.E. Klemaszewski, in Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, P. Murdin et al, eds., Institute of Physics Publishing (Nature Publishing Group), 2500 pp in 4 vol.
2000, Ganymede, G. Schubert and J.E. Klemaszewski, in Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, P. Murdin et al, eds., Institute of Physics Publishing (Nature Publishing Group), 2500 pp in 4 volumes.
1999, Mass movement and landform degradation on the icy Galilean satellites: Results of the Galileo nominal mission, Icarus 140, 294-312, J.M. Moore, E. Asphaug, D. Morrison, J.R. Spencer, C.R. Chapman, B. Bierhaus, R.J. Sullivan, F.C. Chuang, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, K.C. Bender, P.E. Geissler, P. Helfenstein & C.B. Pilcher.
1999, Does Europa have a subsurface ocean? Evaluation of the geological evidence, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 104, 24015-24055, R.T. Pappalardo, M.J.S. Belton, H.H. Breneman, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, G.C. Collins, T. Denk, S. Fagents, P.E. Geissler, B. Giese, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, J.W. Head, P. Helfenstein, G. Hoppa, S.D. Kadel, K.P. Klaasen, J.E. Klemaszewski, J. Magee, A.S. McEwen, J.M. Moore, W.B. Moore, G. Neukum, C.B. Phillips, L.M. Prockter, G. Schubert, D.A. Senske, R.J. Sullivan, B.R. Tufts, E.P. Turtle, R. Wagner & K.K. Williams.
1999, Calibration and Performance of the Galileo Solid State Imaging System in Jupiter Orbit, Optical Engineering, 38, 1178-1199, K. Klaasen, H. Breneman, W. Cunningham, A. Ingersoll, J. Kaufman, J. Klemaszewski, K. Magee, H. Mortensen, A. McEwen, R. Pappalardo, D. Senske, R. Sullivan.
1998, Europa: Initial Galileo geological observations, Icarus, 135 , 4-24, R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, J. Klemaszewski, K. Homan, J.W. Head III, R.T. Pappalardo, J. Veverka, B. Clark, T.V. Johnson, K. Klaasen, M. Belton, J. Moore, E. Asphaug, M.H. Carr, G. Neukum, T. Denk, C.R. Chapman, C.B. Pilcher, P.E. Geissler, R. Greenberg, and R. Tufts.
1998, Galileo Observations of Europa's Opposition Effect, 1998, Icarus, 135 , 41-63, P. Helfenstein, N. Currier, B. Clark, J. Veverka, M. Bell, R. Sullivan, J. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, R. T. Pappalardo, J. W. Head III, T. Jones, K. Klaasen, K. Magee, P. Geissler, R. Greenberg, A. McEwen, C. Phillips, T. Colvin, M. Davies, T. Denk, G. Neukum, and M.J.S. Belton.
1998, Large impact features on Europa: Results of the Galileo nominal mission, 1998, Icarus, 135 , 127-145, J.M. Moore, E. Asphaug, R.J. Sullivan, J.E. Klemaszewski, K.C. Bender, R. Greeley, P.E. Geissler, A.S. McEwen, E.P. Turtle, C.B. Phillips, B.R. Tufts, J.W. Head III, R.T. Pappalardo, K.B. Jones, C.R. Chapman, M.J.S. Belton, R.L. Kirk, and D. Morrison.
1998, Episodic plate separation and fracture infill on the surface of Europa, Nature, 391 , 371-373, R. Sullivan, R. Greeley, K. Homan, J. Klemaszewski, M.J.S. Belton, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, R. Tufts, J.W. Head, R. Pappalardo, J. Moore, and P. Thomas.
Abstracts and Conference Presentations:
Greeley, R., R. Sullivan, K.C. Bender, K. Homan, J. Klemaszewski, S. Fagents, M.J. S. Belton, M. Carr, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, P. Greeley, Ronald, K. Bender, R. Sullivan, K. Homan, J. Klemaszewski, S. Fagents, M.J.S. Belton, and the Galileo Imaging Team. First Galileo Views of Europa Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting 28, vol. 28, p. 2135+, 1996.
Greeley, R., R. Sullivan, K.C. Bender, K. Homan, J. Klemaszewski, S. Fagents, M. Carr, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, J. Moore, A. McEwen, C. Phillips, T. Johnson, D. Senske, F. Fanale, G. Neukum and the Galileo SSI Team, Galileo's First Look at Europa, Eos, Transactions, AGU, 77, 441, 1996.
Greeley, R., R. Sullivan, K. Bender, M.J.S. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, B.E. Clark, S.A. Fagents, P.E. Geissler, J.W. Head, K.S. Homan, T. Johnson, K. Klaasen, J. Klemaszewski, A.S. McEwen, J.M. Moore, G. Neukum, R.T. Pappalardo, C.B. Phillips, C. Pilcher, D. Senske, P.C. Thomas and the SSI Team. Geology of Europa: Initial Galileo Imaging Results, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXVIII, p. 453-454, 1997.
Heiner, S.E., J.F. McHone, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, K.C. Bender, K.S. Homan. Lofn Crater, Callisto: A Large flat-floored impact structure observed by Galileo (abstract), EOS, Amer. Geophys. Union, vol. 78, n. 46 suppl, 419, 1997.
Hibbitts, C.A., T.B. McCord, G.B. Hansen, J. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, K.C. Bender, M. Segura, R.W. Carlson, W.D. Smythe, G. Neukum, T. Denk, P. Geissler, M.J.S. Belton. Correlations and Relations Between Galileo NIMS and SSI Measurements for Callisto. DPS meeting 29.
Hibbits, C.A., T.B. McCord, G.B. Handen, P.D. Martin, J.C. Granahan, J. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, M. Segura, R.W. Carlson, W.D. Smythe, G. Neukum, T. Denk, and the NIMS and SSI Teams, Relations between Surface Chemistry and Topography of Callisto as observed during the Galileo Mission by NIMS and SSI (abstract), EOS, Amer. Geophys. Union, v. 78, n. 46 suppl, 420, 1997
Homan, K.S., K.C. Bender, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, L. Prockter, and the Galileo Imaging Team, Multi-ring structures on Callisto: New views from Galileo (abstract), EOS, Amer. Geophys. Union, v. 78, n. 46 suppl, 419, 1997.
Klemaszewski, J.E. and R. Greeley. Topography of Europan Brown and Gray Mottled Terrains from Galileo Images At Low Sun Illumination. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. 28, Part 2, p. 739-740, 1997
Klemaszewski, J.E. and R. Greeley, K.S. Homan, K.C. Bender, R.J. Sullivan, S. Kadel, F.C. Chuang, C. Chapman, W.J. Merline, J. Moore, R. Wagner, G. Neukum, T. Denk, J. Head, R. Pappalardo, M. Belton, T.V. Johnson, C. Pilcher (1997). Galileo SSI at Callisto: Observations During the Nominal mission, Brown-Vernadsky Microspymposium, 26, 54.
Klemaszewski, J.E. , J. Moore, E. Asphaug, D. Morrison, R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, P. Geissler, C. Chapman, C. Pilcher, W. Ip, and the Galileo SSI Team, Exogenic Degradation and Mass Wasting on the Icy Gallilean Satellites (abstract), Geol. Soc. Amer, v. 29, n. 6, 314, 1997.
Klemaszewski, J.E., R. Greeley, R.J. Sullivan, K.S. Homan, K.C. Bender, S. Kadel, C. Chapman, W. Merline, J. Moore, M. Belton, T.V. Johnson, C. Pilcher, and the Solid State Imaging Team, Galileo SSI imaging of Callisto--nominal mission (abstract), EOS, Amer. Geophys. Union, v. 78, n. 46 suppl, 408, 1997.
Merline, W.J., C.R. Chapman, B. Bierhaus, S. Brooks, J. Keller, R.J. Sullivan, J.E. Klemaszewski, R.T. Pappalardo 1997. Galileo observations of cratering on Callisto (abstract no. 51422). Geol. Soc. America, Salt Lake City, 1997.
Pappalardo, R.T., J.W. Head, L.M. Prockter, G.C. Collins, R. Greeley, R.J. Sullivan, J. Klemaszewski, S. Kadel, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, P. Geissler, B.R. Tufts, C. Phillips, A. McEwen, J.M. Moore, C. Pilcher, G. Schubert, W. Moore, P. Helfenstein, B.E. Clark, J. Veverka, M.J.S. Belton and the Galileo SSI Team (1997). Galileo Imaging of Europa: Models of Diapirism and Convection, Brown-Vernadsky Microspymposium, 26, 94.
Prockter, L.M., J.W. Head, D. Senske, G. Neukum, R. Greeley, R.T. Pappalardo, K. Bender, J. Moore, J. Klemaszewski and the Galileo SSI Team, The origin and evolution of furrow systems on Ganymede and Callisto: New results from Galileo Solid State Imaging, presented at Global Connections. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, October 20-23, 1997.
Sullivan, R., R. Greeley, K. Homan, J. Klemaszewski, M. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, J. Head, R. Pappalardo, R. Greenberg, A. McEwen, B. Tufts, J. Moore, C. Pilcher. Galileo SSI Views: Evidence for Tectonic and Structural Activity on Europa's Icy Surface, AGU spring meeting, vol., n. supp, 1997
Sullivan, R., R. Greeley, K. Homan, J. Klemaszewski, M. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, J. Head, R. Pappalardo, R. Greenberg, A. McEwen, B. Tufts, J. Moore, C. Pilcher and the Galileo SSI Team, Galileo SSI Views: Evidence for Tectonic and Structural Activity on Europa's Icy Surface, Eos, Transactions, AGU, 78, 203, 1997.
Chuang, F.C., R. Greeley, J.E. Klemaszewski, J.M. Moore, and the Galileo SSI Team, Intracrater landslides on Callisto: Observations from the Galileo Nominal Mission (abstract), LPSC XXIX, 1331-1331, 1998.
Greeley, R., J. Klemaszewski, S. Kadel, R. Sullivan, R. Pappalardo, J. Head III , G. Neukum, T. Denk ,J. Moore , R. Greenberg, P. Geissler, R. Tufts, G. Hoppa, and the Galileo Imaging Science Team. Europa In The Prime Galileo Mission. LPSC XXIX, 1402, 1998.
Greeley, R., K. Homan, J. Klemaszweski, S. Kadel. Returning Pictures From Space. . NSTA Southwest Area Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December 3-5, 1998.
Heiner, S. E., J.F. McHone, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, K.C. Bender, K.S. Homan, T.B. McCord, C.A. Hibbitts, G.B. Hansen and the Galileo SSI and NIMS Teams. Lofn Crater, Callisto: A Large Flat-floored Impact Crater Observed by Galileo. LPSC XXIX, 1884, 1998.
Homan, K. S., K.C. Bender, K.K. Williams, J. Klemaszweski, R. Greeley and the Galileo SSI Team. Galileo Views of Three Major Multi-Ring Features on Callisto. LPSC XXIX, 1079, 1998,
Homan, K., J. Klemaszweski, S. Kadel, R. Greeley. The Galileo Mission: Classroom Exercises. NSTA Southwest Area Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December 3-5, 1998.
Homan, K., R. Greeley, J. Klemaszewski. Returning Pictures From Space. Arizona Science Teachers Association, October, 1998.
Kadel, S.D., S.A. Fagents, R. Greeley, J.E. Klemaszewski, J.M. Moore, R.J. Sullivan, R. Greenberg, G. Hoppa, R. Tufts and the Galileo SSI Team. Doublet Ridges on Europa: Physical Characeristics and Origin Inferred From Morphology, AGU spring meeting, vol. 79, n. 17 supp, S203, 1998.
Kadel, S., K. Homan, J. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley. Edible Curriculum: Modeling Lava Flows Using Pudding. NSTA Northwestern Area Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 29-31, 1998.
Klemaszewski, J., K. Homan, S. Kadel, R. Greeley, L. Lowes. Exploring the Jovian system from your classroom. NSTA Northwestern Area Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 29-31, 1998.
Klemaszewski, J.E., R. Greeley, and K.S. Homan, Multiring Structures: Interpreting Callisto’s Crustal Evolution (abstract, submitted), AGU fall meeting, vol. 79, n. 45 supp, F542, 1998d.
Klemaszewski, J.E., R. Greeley, K.S. Homan, K.C. Bender, S. Kadel, R.J. Sullivan, C. Chapman, W.J. Merline, J. Moore, R. Wagner, T. Denk, G. Neukum, J. Head, R. Pappalardo, L. Procktor, M. Belton, T.V. Johnson, C. Pilcher, and the SSI Team, Galileo at Callisto: Overview of Nominal Mission Results (abstract), LPSC XXIX, 1866-1867, 1998a.
Klemaszewski, J.E., R. Wagner, R. Greeley, G. Neukum, C. Chapman, W.J. Merline, and the Galileo SSI Team, Callisto Multi-Ring Structures and Large Impactor Populations from Galileo Data (abstract), Annales Geophysicae, vol. 16 supl. III, 992, 1998b.
Klemaszewski, J.E., R. Wagner, R. Greeley, K. Homan, G. Neukum, C. Chapman, W.J. Merline, and the Galileo SSI Team, Multi-Ring Strutctures and Jovian Large Impactor Populations from Galileo Data of Callisto (abstract), Eos, Transactions, AGU spring mtg, vol. 79, n.17 supp, S197, 1998c.
Merline, W.J., C.R. Chapman, B. Bierhaus, S. Brooks, J. Moore, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley & Galileo Imaging Team 1998. Cratering on Callisto from the Galileo Prime Mission (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 30, 1122.
Moore, J.M., E. Asphaug, D. Morrison, R.J. Sullivan, C.R. Chapman, R. Greeley, J.E. Klemaszewski, S. Kadel, F. Chuang, J. Moreau, K.K. Williams, P.E. Geissler, A.S. McEwen, E.A. Turtle, C.B. Phillips, B.R. Tufts, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, G.C. Collins, G. Neukum, R. Wagner, K.P. Klaasen, H.H. Breneman, K.P. McGee, D.A. Senske, J. Granahan, M.J.S. Belton and the Galileo SSI Team. Impact Features on Europa: Results of the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM) (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 30, 1084, 1998.
Moore, J. M., J.R. Spencer, E. Asphaug, D. Morrison, J.E. Klemaszewski, R.J. Sullivan, F.C. Chuang, R. Greeley, K.C. Bender, P.E. Geissler, C.R. Chapman, C.B. Pilcher, and the Galileo SSI team. Mass Movement and Landform Degredation on Callisto and Ganymede as Observed During the Galileo Nominal Mission: The Role of Sublimation. LPSC XXIX, 1553, 1998.
Neukum, G., R. Wagner, U. Wolf, B.A. Ivanov, J. W. III Head, R.T. Pappalardo, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, M.J.S. Belton, and the Galileo SSI Team. Cratering Chronology in the Jovian System and Derivation of Absolute Ages. LPSC XXIX, 1742, 1998.
Pappalardo, R.T., N.D. Sherman, J.W. Head, G.C. Collins, R. Greeley, J. Klemaszewski, R. Sullivan, C.B. Phillips, A.S. McEwen, P.E. Geissler, and the Galileo Imaging Team. Distribution of Mottled Terrain on Europa: A Possible Link to Nonsynchronous Rotation Stresses. LPSC XXIX, 1923, 1998.
Phillips, C.B., A.S. McEwen, G.V. Hoppa, P.E. Geissler, R. Pappalardo, R. Greeley, J. Klemaszewski, D.P. Simonelli, R. Sullivan, and the Galileo SSI Team. Change Detection on Europa and Io from Voyager and Galileo Images. LPSC XXIX, 1732, 1998.
Sullivan, R., R. Greeley, J. Klemaszewski, J. Moreau, J.W. Head, R. Pappalardo, J. Moore, B.R. Tufts. High Resolution Galileo Views of Ridged Plains on Europa. Eos, Transactions, AGU spring meeting, vol. 79, n. 17 supp, S198, 1998.
Wagner, R., U. Wolf , G. Neukum, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, and the Galileo Imaging Team. Time-Stratigraphy & Crater Retention Ages of Callisto’s Geologic Units. LPSCXXIX, 1918, 1998.
Alexander, C., Yung, Y., Carlson, R., and Klemaszewski, Perspectives on the Surface-to-Atomsphere Oxygen and Carbon Cycle of Callisto Magnetospheres of the Outer Plantes. La Sorbonne, 1999.
Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J., Neukum, G., Wagner, R., Pappalardo, R., and the Galileo SSI Team, Large Impacts on Callisto: Windows to the Subsurface (solicited paper) egs. 1999.
Head, J.W., Pappalardo, R.T., Collins, G., Prockter, L., Spaun, N.A., Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J., Chapman, C., and the Galileo SSI Team, Geological Processes on Europa: New Insights from SSI Data (solicited paper) egs 1999.
Head, J.W. III, Pappalardo, R.T., Prockter, L.M., Spaun, N.A., Collins, G.C., Greenly, R., Klemaszewski, J., Sullivan, R., Chapman, C., and the Galileo SSI Team, Europa: Recent Geological History form Galileo Observations [#1404], LPSC 1999.
Hibbitts, C. A., McCord, T.B., Hansen, G.B., and Klemaszewski, J. E., Possible exogenic and impact
origins for CO2 on the Surface of Callisto. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, Houston, Texas, xxx-xxx, March 15-19, 1999.
Sullivan, R., Pappalardo, R., Prockter, L., Klemaszewski, J., and the Galileo Imaging Team, Eurpoa: High Resolution Views of Spreading at Thynia Linea, #2059, LPSC 1999.
Williams, D., Klemaszewski, J., Greeley, R., Moore, J., Pappalardo, R., Prockter, L., Head, J., Geissler, P., Hoppa, G., Phillips, C., Tufts, B., Greenberg, R., Sullivan R., Belton, M., and the Galileo Imaging Team, Terrian variation on Europa: Overview of Galileo Orbit E17 Omaging Results, In Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, Abstract #1396, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM), p.1396-97, 1999.
Philips, C., McEwen, A., Hoppa, G., Fagnets, S., Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J., Pappalardo, R., Klaasen, K., Breneman, H.H., The Search for Current Geological Activity o Europa. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 105, p. 22,579-22,597, 2000.
Wagner, R.J., Wolf, U., Neukum, G., Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J., and the Galileo SSI Team, [#1955] Lpsc XXXI, 2000.
Klemaszewski, J., Greeley, R., and the Galileo SSI Team, Callisto’s Crustal Thickness Estimates Based on Multiring Structure Analysis, Jupiter Meeting, 2000.
Dohm, J.M., Baker, V., Anderson, R., Ferris, J., Hare, T., Tanaka. K., Klemaszewski, J., Scott, D., Skinner, J., Martian Magmatic-Driven Hydrothermal Sites: Potential Scources of Energy, Water, and Life, LPSC, 2000.
Phillips, C., McEwen, A., Hopps, G., Fagents, S., Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J., Pappalardo, R., Klaasen, K., Breneman, H., The Search for Current Geologi Activity on Europa. J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105, No. E9, p. 22,579, 2000.
Wagner, R., Wolf, U., Neukum, G., Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J., and the Galileo SSI Team, Callisto During the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM) II: Geology and Stratigraphy of the C21 Target Area, LPSC XXXI [#1955], 2000.
Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J., Arizona State University: Europa Landing Site Project, Arizona State University, Arizona, (Earthwatch SCAP), 2000.
Wagner, R., Wolf, U., Neukum, G. (DLR Berlin), Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J. (ASU Temp, AZ), and the Galileo SSI Team, Session 35. Icy Galilean Satellites I: Geology and Geogrpahics, November 2001.
Klemaszewski, J., ad Greeley, R., Geological Evidence for an Ocean on Callisto, #1818, LPSC 2001.
Klemaszewski, J., Greely, R., and the Galileo SSI Team, Cratering and Erosion on Callisto, New Sights, Jupiter Meeting, 2001.
Hibbits, C., Pappalardo, R., Klemaszewski, J., McCord, T., Hansen, G., Comparing Carbon Dioxide Distributions on Ganymede and Callisto [#1263], LPSC xxxii, 2001.
Wagner, R., Neukem, G., Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J., and the Galileo Imaging Team, Fractures, Scarps, and Lineaments On Callisto and Their Connectiosn with Surface Degradation, LPSC xxxiii, #1838, 2001.
Greeley, R., Klemaszewski, J., Heiner, S., and the Galileo SSI Team, Geology of Lofn Crater, Callisto, J. Geophys, Res. Vol. 106, No. E2, p. 3261, 2001.
- Greeley,Ronald*, Klemaszewski,James Edwar. EUROPA-LANDER SITE SELECTION PROJECT. EARTHWATCH(1/15/2000 - 7/31/2000).
2025 Spring
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BCH 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
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2024 Spring
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2023 Fall
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2022 Fall
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2022 Spring
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2021 Spring
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2020 Fall
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2020 Spring
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BCH 494 | Special Topics |