Lucrezia Lucchi
Mail code: 1104Campus: Tempe
Student Information
Graduate StudentPsychology
The College of Lib Arts & Sci
Lucrezia Lucchi is a Psychology PhD student in the Dynamics of Perception, Cognition, & Action Lab directed by Dr. Nia Amazeen. Drawing on theoretical perspectives from ecological psychology and methodological approaches from complexity science, they hope to contribute to a developing understanding of how individuals, groups, and societies fundamentally make meaning from the environments in which they are embedded. They are interested in the dynamical structures underlying:
- socially-mediated processes of emotion regulation;
- habitual and ritualistic behaviors, enacted beliefs, and longer-term processes of trauma, addiction & recovery;
- the emergence of flow & insight experiences (e.g., aha! state transitions as embodied phenomena) in the contexts of problem-solving, learning, and motor skill development;
- affordances & constraints of artistic performance sports (at the physiological, biomechanical, psychological, and sociocultural levels);
- interactions between stress and chronic pain, especially in a holistic rehabilitative context.
MSc Human Movement Sciences, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (2021 - present)
BSc Exercise Physiology; Minor in Chemistry, University of Miami (2020)
perception & action; emotion dynamics; motor control; learning & motivation; developmental psychology; forensic psychology
Cherup, N. P., Strand, K. L., Lucchi, L., Wooten, S. V., Luca, C., & Signorile, J. F. (2021). Yoga meditation enhances proprioception and balance in individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Perceptual and motor skills, 128(1), 304-323.
Strand, K. L., Lucchi, L., Copo, T. G., Cherup, N. P., & Signorile, J. F. (2019). Optimal loads for power in older men and women using plate-loaded resistance machines. Experimental gerontology, 124, 110638.
Lucchi, L., van Klaveren, L., Blau, J., Cox, R. F. A. (2024). Fractal scaling of low-level perceptual variables in films and subjective aesthetic appraisals of viewers. [Poster Presentation]. The XXII International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA); June 25-28, 2024; Trondheim, Norway.
Other Public Communication
- Hao, R., Lucchi, L., & Gorman, J. (2024, November 11). What is Human-AI Teaming in Three Levels of Complexity in Learning Environments? [Blog Post]; U.S. NSF National AI Institute For Student-AI Teaming.
- How do you get up from a chair? (Barbara Gutierrez; 2019, July 31)