Mr. Kazilek advises the university provost on academic technology and is the executive director of K-12 outreach in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In this role, he works with the dean of The College and the provost. He focuses on a broad range of technologies that can be implemented in the classroom, research, marketing, and outreach. His K-12 outreach work involves the globally successful Ask A Biologist website, which he developed and has directed since 1998. The Ask A Biologist model is now expanding into other disciplines including anthropology with Ask An Anthropologist and Earth and Space with the recently released Ask An Earth Space Scientist. As a research professional in the School of Life Sciences, his primary research interest is in biological imaging.
In addition to biological imaging, Mr. Kazilek has been involved with informal and formal educational outreach programs for more than 20 years. He is the creator and developer of Ask A Biologist and the co-developer of the Paper Project. He hosts a popular podcast that is distributed both on the Ask A Biologist website and the Apple Podcast channel. Mr. Kazilek is also an artist who works in both the real and virtual worlds of visual arts. To see more of his alter ego, you can visit his personal web page.
M.S. Natural Sciences, Arizona State University 1992
Charles Kazilek. Ask A Biologist: Bringing Science to the Public. PLoS Biology (2010).
Charles Kazilek. Got a Question? "Ask A Biologist". Science (2010).
Kazilek, Charles. Exploring Fiberscapes: Experiencing Paper in 3D. Exhibit extended to September 30 2010. (2010).
Schrein, Caitlin M., John M. Lynch, Sarah K. Brem, Gary E. Marchant, Karen K. Schedler, Mark A. Spencer, Charles J. Kazilek, Margaret G. Coulombe. Preparing Teachers to Prepare Students for Post-Secondary Science: Thoughts From of a Workshop About Evolution in the Classroom. Journal of Effective Teaching (2009).
Charles Kazilek. Ask A Biologist Audio Podcast program. (2009).
Kazilek, Charles. Exploring Fiberscapes: Experiencing Paper in 3D. (2009).
Kazilek, Charles, Margaret Coulombe and Arianne Cease. Darwinfest Distinguished Lecture Series. (2009).
Charles Kazilek. Ask A Biologist Audio Podcast program. (2008).
Charles Kazilek. Nikon Small World Exhibit Tour. (2008).
Kazilek, Charles Joseph, Cooper, Kim, Magid, Alan. Instructor's Manual: Anatomy and Physiology. Martini (Seventh Edition). (2006).
Charles Kazilek, Gene Valentine, Jennifer Tsukayama. 3D Images: how anaglyphic images work. Microscopy III (CD) (2005).
Pearson, David, Kazilek, Charles Joseph, Knisley, C Barry. A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of Canada and the United States : Identification, Natural History, and Distribution of the Cicindelidae. (2005).
Charles Kazilek, Dennis McDaniel. Confocal Microscopy for Home and in the Classroom. Microscopy II (CD) (2004).
Charles Kazilek, Gene Valentine. The Paper Project - a new light on paper. Microscopy II (CD) (2004).
Kazilek, Charles Joseph, Cooper, Kim. Instructor's Manual: Anatomy and Physiology. Martini. (2004).
Kazilek, Charles. Inaugural Herberger Art Walk Juried Exhibition. (2003).
Valentine, G (Author) ,Kazilek, Charles Joseph (Author) . Rediscovering the Familiar: The Interior Aesthetics of Paper. Timeless Paper (2002).
Research Activity
Birchfield,David A, Elser,Monica Mueller, Ganesh,Tirupalavanam Gopal, Greenes,Carole E., Haag,Susan G, Kazilek,Charles Joseph, Megowan,Colleen, Middleton,James Arthur, Phillips,Elizabeth Deutsch, Taylor,Wendy Lynn. Innovation through Institutional Integration (I3): The Modeling Institute. NSF-EHR-DUE(9/15/2009 - 8/31/2014).
Kazilek,Charles Joseph*, Coulombe,Margaret Garrett, Walters,Debra Molina. Ask A Biologist - Answering Questions and Developing Content for a Community-based Web Generation. NSF-EHR-DUE(1/1/2009 - 12/31/2010).
Charles Kazilek, Jacob Sahertian, Matthew A. Cordial. The Devil is in the Drupal Details - lessons learned managing content with Drupal. National Science Digital Library Annual Meeting (Nov 2010).
Charles Kazilek. Puzzling Questions Spur Millions to the Virtual Doorstep of Ask A Biologist. National School Boards Association’s Technology and Learning Conference (Oct 2010).
Charles Kazilek. Introducing the New Ask A Biologist Website. Arizona Science Center - Teacher Back to School Event (Sep 2010).
Charles Kazilek. Navigating the new Ask A Biologist Website. Arizona Science Center Body Depot Event (Mar 2010).
Charles Kazilek. Dr. Biology Presents the New Ask A Biologist Website. Microcomputers in Education Conference (Mar 2010).
Charles Kazilek and Elizabeth Hagen. Science Matters. National Science Teachers Association Conference (Dec 2009).
Kazilek, Charles J, Margaret Coulombe, Molina Walters, and Jacob Sahertian. Ask A Biologist Extreme Web Makeover 2.0. National Science Digital Library Annual Meeting (Nov 2009).
Charles Kazilek. See the Ask A Biologist Extreme Web Makeover 2.0 Beta Site. Arizona Science Center - Teacher Back to School Event (Sep 2009).
Charles Kazilek and Arianne Cease. Podcasting with Dr. Biology. Microcomputers in Education Conference (Mar 2009).
Charles Kazilek, Robert Payo, and Susan Van Gundy. Creating Podcasts for iTunesU. Nationl Science Digital Library (NSDL) (Oct 2008).
Charles Kazilek. Through the Looking Glass in 3-D: engaging young minds in the classroom and beyond. Arizona Imaging and Microanalysis Society Annual Conference (Apr 2008).
Charles Kazilek. Seeing is Believing: Using Color to Capture the Imagination of Students in the Classroom and Online. First Annual Frontiers in Science Conference Series (Feb 2008).
Kazilek, Charles. Ask a Biologist & the Paper Project. SEE ASU (Mar 2007).
Kazilek, Charles. Ask A Biologist: Caputuring the Imagination in the World of Life Sciences. Arizona Library Association Annual Conference (Nov 2006).
Kazilek, Charles. Fun Flexible Data Sets for Use in K-12 Instruction. AAAS-SWARM Annual Meeting (Apr 2006).
Kazilek, Charles. Ask a Biologist & the Paper Project. SEE ASU (Mar 2006).
Kazilek, Charles. How to Use the Fun Flexible Data Sets from Ask a Biologist and the Paper Project. ASU Polytechnic Education Fair (Oct 2005).
Kazilek, Charles. 2005 Classics Awards Showcase - Teacher Education. Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) International Meeting (Jul 2005).
Kazilek, Charles. Ask a Biologist & the Paper Project. International Sciences Fair - Discovery Room (May 2005).
Kazilek, Charles. Fun and Flexible Data Sets from the Ask a Biologist Program and the Paper Project. Microcomputers in Education Conference (MEC) (Mar 2005).
Kazilek, Charles. Ask a Biologist. SEE ASU (Mar 2005).
Kazilek, Charles, Thorn, Patti. Classroom Performance System (CPS): A Catalyst fo Learner-Centered Instruction in Undergraduate Life Sciences Courses. Microcomputers in Education Conference (MEC) (Mar 2005).
Kazilek, Charles, Valentine, Gene. Looking into Desert Fiber Papers: Confocal Microscapes. Friends of Dard Hunter 2005 Annual Meeting (Mar 2005).
Kazilek, Charles. A Simple Question of Art and Science: how a simple scientific question evolved into a multi-discipline collaborative program of art, science and educational outreach. ASU Sneaker Tour presentation (Nov 2004).
Kazilek, Charles, Ortiz-Barney, Elena. Dr. Biology's Pocket Seed Experiment: A Flexible Technology-based Learning Tool to Teach Inquiry. Microcomputers in Education Conference (MEC) (Mar 2004).
Kazilek, Charles, Valentine, Gene. Paper, Paper Everywhere, Let's Use It to Get Our Students to Think. Microcomputers in Education Conference (MEC) (Mar 2004).
Kazilek, Charles, Tsukayama, Jennifer. Synergy Between Art and Science: how a simple scientific question evolved into a multi-discipline collaborative program of art, science and educational outreach. ASU Sneaker Tour presentation (Feb 2004).
Kazilek, Charles. Through the Fibers: Confocal Images of Handmade Paper Are Fused with Art and Dance. Arizona Imaging and Microanalysis Society (Mar 2003).
Kazilek, Charles. Technology and People: keeping a personal touch. Communicating Science to the Public. ASU Down to Earth Science (Feb 2002).
Kazilek, Charles. Ask a Biologist Web Project. ASU Down to Earth Science - Saturday Showcase (Jan 2002).
Kazilek, Charles. The Secret Life of Biologists and Biology in 3-D. Arcadia Neighborhood Learning Center (Dec 2000).
Kazilek, Charles. Confocal Microscopy and Paper Interiors. International Hand Paper Makers and Paper Artists Conference, Chiusi, Italy (Aug 2000).
Kazilek, Charles. Ask A Biologist Web Project. SEE ASU: two day open house (Mar 2000).
Kazilek, Charles. “Dr. Biology’s Imaginative Classroom. Microcomputers in Education Conference
Kazilek, Charles. Inaugural Herberger Art Walk Juried Exhibition.
Kazilek, Charles. Ask-a-Biologist: Science Language and ELL activities. Second Annual Colloquium - ASU College of Teacher Education and Leadership
Kazilek, Charles. Dr. Biology’s Imaginative Classroom. Arizona Science Center Teacher Workshops
Kazilek, Charles. Dr. Biology’s Imaginative Classroom. Arizona Science Center Teacher Workshops
Kazilek, Charles. Integrating Ask-a-Biologist into the Classroom. Arizona Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consortium
Arizona Imaging and Microscopy Society, President Elect (2005 - Present)
Eighth Annual International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology Local Organizing Committee, Member (2003 - Present)