Eric Kostelich
Phone: 480-965-5006
Fax: 480/965-8119
WXLR A833 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1804
Mail code: 1804Campus: Tempe
Eric Kostelich is interested in nonlinear dynamics, uncertainty quantification, and mathematical biology. He is one of the principal developers of a computationally efficient and very accurate method for estimating the initial conditions of numerical weather models from sparse sets of noisy observations, a procedure called data assimilation. Kostelich has been working on related problems in data assimilation for “space weather” in the ionosphere. He is also interested in questions of uncertainty quantification and parameter identification in mathematical models, including those related to the growth and treatment of cancer, such as prostate cancer and malignant glioma. He has co-authored (with Professor Dieter Armbruster) an undergraduate textbook on differential equations.
Ph.D. University of Maryland-College Park 1985
Data assimilation, uncertainty quantification, mathematical biology, and high-performance computing.
Professor Kostelich directs a research program, funded by the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission, on data assimilation and mathematical modeling of glioblastoma, a virulent form of brain cancer. This work is a collaboration with co-principal investigator Yang Kuang at ASU and Dr. Mark Preul at the Barrow Neurological Institute.
Dr. Kostelich also has research interests in atmospheric modeling and data assimilation, which he pursues in collaboration with Professors Alex Mahalov and Mohamed Moustaoui at ASU.
With Professor Wenbo Tang, Professor Kostelich has directed the (AM)^2 Applied Mathematics Reseach Experience for Undergraduates Program at ASU in partnership with Maricopa Community Colleges, which is funded by the National Science Foundation. This program provides intensive summer research experiences for selected mathematics majors and for community college students with interests in the mathematical sciences and related fields.
- Duane C. Harris, Changhan He, Mark C. Preul, Eric J. Kostelich, and Yang Kuang, Critical patch size of a two-population reaction diffusion model describing brain tumor growth. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 84 (2024), S249–S268.
- Bryce M. Barclay, Eric J. Kostelich, and Alex Mahalov, Vectorial EM propagation governed by 3D stochastic Maxwell vector wave equations in stratified layers. Atmosphere 14 (2023), 1451.
- Bryce M. Barclay, Eric J. Kostelich, and Alex Mahalov, Sensor placement sensitivity and robust reconstruction of wave dynamics from multiple sensors. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 21 (2022), 2297-2313.
- Duane C. Harris, Giancarlo Magnucci-Jim\'enez, Yuan Xu, Steffen E. Eikenberry, C. Chad Quarles, Mark C. Preul, Yang Kuang and Eric J. Kostelich, Tracking glioblastoma progression after initial resection with minimal reaction-diffusion models. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 19 (2022), 5446-5481.
T. Reckell, K. Nguyen, T. Phan, S. Crook, E. J. Kostelich, and Y. Kuang, Modeling the synergistic properties of drugs in hormonal treatment for prostate cancer. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 514 (2021), 110570.
J. Durazo, E. J. .Kostelich, and A. Mahalov, Data assimilation for ionospheric space-weather forecasting in the presence of model bias. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 7 (2021), 679477.
- S. E. Eikenberry, M. Mancuso, E. Iboi, T. Phan, K. Eikenberry, Y. Kuang, E. J. Kostelich, A. B. Gumel, To mask or not to mask: Modeling the potential for face mask use by the general public to curtail the COVID-19 pandemic. Infectious Disease Modeling, 5 (2020), 293–308.
- Tin Phan, S. M. Crook, A, H. Bryce, C. C. Maley, E. J. Kostelich and Y. Kuang, Review: Mathematical modeling of prostate cancer and clinical application. Applied Sciences, 10 (2020), 2721.
- T. L. Stepien, E.J .Kostelich, and Y. Kuang, Mathematics + Cancer: An undergraduate course implementing applications of differential equations. SIAM Review 62 (2020), 244–263.
- L. Han, S. Eikenberry, C. He, L. Johnson, M. C. Preul, E. J. Kostelich, and Y. Kuang, Patient-specific parameter estimates of glioblastoma multiforme growth dynamics from a model with explicit birth and death rates. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16 (2019), 5307–5323.
- Z. Wu, T. Phan, J. Baez, Y. Kuang, and E. J. Kostelich, Predictability and identifiability assessment of models for prostate cancer under androgen suppression therapy. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16 (2019), 3512–3536.
- J. Durazo, E. J. Kostelich, and A. Mahalov, Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter for ionospheric data as- similation: Observation influence analysis during a geomagnetic storm event. Journal of Geophysical Research— Space Physics 122 (2017), 9652–9669.
- E. M. Rutter, T. L. Stepien, B. J. Anderies, J. D. Plasencia, E. C. Woolf, A. C. Scheck, G. H. Turner, Q. Liu, D. Frakes, V. Kodibagkar, Y. Kuang, M. C. Preul, and E. J. Kostelich, Mathematical analysis of glioma growth in a murine model. Scientific Reports 7 (2017), 2508.
- J. Durazo, E. J. Kostelich, A. Mahalov, and W. Tang, Observing system experiments with an ionospheric elec- trodynamics model. Physica Scripta 91 (2016), 044001.
- N. L. Martirosyan, E. M. Rutter, W. L. Ramey, E. J. Kostelich, Y. Kuang, and M. C. Preul, Mathematically modeling the biological properties of gliomas: A review. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 12 (2015), 879–905.
- M. Moustaoui, A. Mahalov, and E. J. Kostelich. A numerical method based on leapfrog and a fourth-order implicit time filter. Monthly Weather Review (2014).
- T. Bellsky, E. J. Kostelich, and A. Mahalov. Kalman filter data assimilation: Targeting observations and parameter estimation. Chaos (2014).
- M. Moustaoui, A. Mahalov, and E. J. Kostelich. A numerical method based on leapfrog and a fourth-order implicit time filter. Monthly Weather Review (2013).
- J. McDaniel, E. J. Kostelich, Y. Kuang, J. Nagy, M. C. Preul, N. Z. Moore and N. L. Matirosyan. Data Assimi- lation in Brain Tumor Models. Mathematical Methods and Models in Biomedicine (2013).
- E. J. Kostelich, Y. Kuang, J. McDaniel, N. Z. Moore, N. L. Martirosyan, and M. C. Preul. Accurate state estimation from uncertain data and models: An application of data assimilation to mathematical models of human brain tumors. Biology Direct (2011).
- H. Li, J. Liu, E. Fertig, E. Kalnay, E. Kostelich, and I. Szunyogh. Improved analyses and forecasts with AIRS temperature retrievals using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. Journal of Tropical Meteorology (2011).
- J. A. Aravequia, I. Szunyogh, E. J. Fertig, E. Kalnay, D. Kuhl, and E. J. Kostelich. Evaluation of a strategy for the assimilation of satellite radiance observations with the local ensemble Kalman filter. Monthly Weather Review (2011).
- M.J. Hoffman, S.J. Greybush, R.J. Wilson, G. Gyarmati, R.N. Hoffman, E. Kalnay, K. Ide, E.J. Kostelich, T. Miyoshi, and I. Szunyogh,. An ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system for the Martian atmosphere: Implementation and simulation experiments. Icarus (2010).
- J. Liu, H. Li, E. Kalnay, E.J. Kostelich, and I. Szunyogh. Univariate and multivariate assimilation of AIRS humidity retrievals with the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. Monthly Weather Review (2009).
- S. Eikenberry, T. Sankar, M.C. Preul, E.J. Kostelich, C. Thalhauser, and Y. Kuang. Virtual glioblastoma: Growth, migration, and treatment in a three-dimensional mathematical model. Cell Proliferation (2009).
- I Szunyogh, Eric Kostelich, G Gyarmati, E Kalnay, B Hunt, E Ott, E Satterfield, J Yorke. A local ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system for the NCEP global model. Tellus (2008).
- I. Szunyogh, E. J. Kostelich, G. Gyarmati, E. Kalnay, B. R. Hunt, E. Ott, E. Satter?eld, and J. A. Yorke. A local ensemble Kalman Filter data assimilation system for the NCEP global model. Tellus A (2008).
- J. Liu, E. Fertig, H. Li, E. Kalnay, B. R. Hunt, E. J. Kostelich, I. Szunyogh, and R. Todling. Comparison between the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter and PSAS in the NASA Finite-volume GCM: Perfect model experiments. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 15 (2008), 645–659.
- R. N. Hoffman, R. M. Ponte, E. J. Kostelich, A. Blumberg, I. Szunyogh, S. V. Vinogradov, and J. M. Henderson. A simulation study using a local ensemble transform Kalman ?lter for data assimilation in New York Harbor. Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Technology 25 (2008), 1638–1656.
- B. R. Hunt, E. J. Kostelich, and I. Szunyogh. Efficient data assimilation for spatiotemporal chaos: A local ensemble transform Kalman filter. Phyisca D 230 (2007), 112–126.
- D. Kuhl, J. A. Yorke, I. Szunyogh, E. J. Kostelich, D. Patil, G. Gyarmati, M. Oczkowski, B. R. Hunt, E. Kalnay, and E. Ott. Assessing predictability with a local ensemble Kalman filter. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 64 (2007), 1116–1140.
- I Szunyogh, Eric Kostelich, G Gyarmati, D Patil, B Hunt, E Kalnay, E Ott, J Yorke. Assessing a local ensemble Kalman filter: Perfect model experiments with the NCEP global model. Tellus (2005).
- B. R. Hunt, E. Kalnay, E. J. Kostelich, E. Ott, D. Patil, T. Sauer, I. Szunyogh, J. A. Yorke, and A. Zimin. Four-dimensional ensemble Kalman filtering. Tellus A 57 (2004) 528–545.
- E Ott, B Hunt, I Szunyogh, A Zimin, Eric Kostelich, M Corazza, E Kalnay, D Patil, J Yorke. A local ensemble Kalman filter for atmospheric data assimilation. Tellus A 56 (2004) 415–428.
- E. Ott, B. R. Hunt, I. Szunyogh, A. Zimin, E. J. Kostelich, M. Corazza, E. Kalnay, D. Patil, and J. A. Yorke. Estimating the state of large spatio-temporally chaotic systems. Physics Letters A (2004).
- B Zeff, D Lanterman, R McAllister, R Roy, Eric Kostelich, D Lathrop. Measuring intense rotation and dissipation in turbulent flows. Nature (2003).
- E. J. Kostelich, D Armbruster, and Y Lai. Reply to 'Comment on "Intermittency in Chaotic Rotations"'. Physical Review E (2001).
- E. J. Kostelich. Bootstrap estimates of chaotic dynamics. Physical Review E (2000).
- E. J. Kostelich, D Armbruster, Y Lai. Intermittency in chaotic rotations. Physical Review E (2000).
- E. J. Kostelich, M Dhamala, Y Lai. Detecting unstable periodic orbits from transient chaotic time series. Physical Review E (2000).
- E. O’Neill-Carrillo, G. T. Heydt, E. J. Kostelich, S. S. Venkata, and A. Sundaram, Nonlinear deterministic modeling of highly varying loads. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 14 (1999), 537–542.
- E. O’Neill-Carrillo, E. J. Kostelich and G. T. Heydt, Chaotic phenomena in power systems: Detection and applications. Electric Machines and Power Systems 27 (1999), 79–92.
- E. Bollt and E. J. Kostelich, “Optimal targeting of chaos. Physics Letters A 245 (1998), 399–406.
- E. J. Kostelich, The analysis of chaotic time series data. Systems and Control Letters 31 (1997), 313–319.
- E. J. Kostelich, I. Kan, C. Grebogi, E. Ott, and J. A. Yorke, Unstable dimension variability: a source of nonhyperbolicity in chaotic systems. Physica D 109 (1997), 81–90.
- S. Boccaletti, A. Farini, E. J. Kostelich and F. T. Arecchi, Adaptive Targeting of Chaos. Physical Review E 55 (1997), 4845–4848.
- “Control of Chaos: Impact Oscillators and Targeting,” with E. Barreto, F. Casas, and C. Grebogi, in IUTAM Symposium on Interaction between Dynamics and Control in Advanced Mechanical Systems, ed. by D. H. van Campen. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, pp. 17–26.
- E. J. Kostelich, J. A. Yorke and Z. You, “Plotting stable manifolds: error estimates and noninvertible maps,” Physica D 93 (1996), 210–222.
- A. Palacios, D. Armbruster, E. J. Kostelich and E. Stone, Analyzing the dynamics of cellular flames. Physica D 96 (1996), 132–161.
- “Targeting and Control of Chaos,”with E.Barreto, in Control and Chaos, ed. by K.Judd, A.Mees, K.L.Teo and T. Vincent. Boston: Birkhäuser, 1997, pp. 158–169.
- E. Barreto, E. J. Kostelich, C. Grebogi, E. Ott, and J. A. Yorke, “Efficient switching between controlled unstable periodic orbits in higher dimensional chaotic systems,” Physical Review E 51 (1995), 4169–4172.
- C. S. Daw, C. E. A. Finney, M.Vasudevan, N. A. van Goor, K.Nguyen, D. D. Bruns, E. J. Kostelich, C. Grebogi, E. Ott, and J. A. Yorke, Self organization and chaos in a fluidized bed. Physical Review Letters, 75 (1995), 2308–2311.
- Y.-C. Lai, C. Grebogi, and E. J. Kostelich, “Extreme final state sensitivity in asymmetric spatiotemporal chaotic systems,” Physics Letters A 196 1994, 206–212.
- R. Heiland, D.Armbruster, and E. J. Kostelich, KLTOOL: A tool to analyze spatio-temporal complexity. Chaos 4 (1994), 421–424.
- E. J. Kostelich, Uncertain determinism. Nature 465 (9 Sept. 1993), 106–107.
- E. J. Kostelich and T. Schreiber, Noise reduction in chaotic time series data: a survey of common methods.
Physical Review E, 48 (1993), 1752–1763. - E. J. Kostelich, C. Grebogi, E.Ott and J. A.Yorke, Higher dimensional targeting. Physical Review E 47 (1993),
305–310. -
D. Armbruster, R. Heiland, E. J. Kostelich and B. Nicolaenko, “Phase space analysis of bursting behavior in Kolomogorov flow,” Physica D 58 (1992), 392–401.
E. J. Kostelich, “Problems in estimating dynamics from data,” Physica D 58 (1992), 138–152.
Z. You, E. J. Kostelich, and J. A. Yorke, “Calculating stable and unstable manifolds,” Bifurcation and Chaos 1 (1991), 605–624.
E. J. Kostelich and J. A. Yorke, “Noise Reduction: Finding the Simplest Dynamical System Consistent with the Data,” by Physica D 41 (1990), 183–196.
- D.P. Lathrop and E.J. Kostelich, “The Characterization of an Experimental Strange Attractor by Periodic Orbits,” Physical Review A 40 (1989), 4028–4031.
- W.L. Ditto, S. Rauseo, R. Cawley, C. Grebogi, G.-H. Hsu, E.J. Kostelich, E. Ott, H.T. Savage, R.Seyman, M.L. Spano, and J. A. Yorke, “Experimental Observation of Crisis-Induced Intermittency and Its Critical Exponent,” Physical Review Letters 63 (1989), 923–926.
- E. J. Kostelich and H. L. Swinney, “Practical Considerations in Estimating Dimension from Time Series Data,” Physica Scripta 40 (1989), 436–441.
- E. J. Kostelich and J. A. Yorke, “Noise Reduction in Dynamical Systems,” Phys. Rev. A 38 (Aug. 1988), 1649– 1652.
W. F. Langford, R. Tagg, E. J. Kostelich, H. L. Swinney, and M. Golubitsky, “Primary Instabilities and Bicriti- cality in Flow between Counterrotating Cylinders,” Physics of Fluids, 31 (1988), 776–785.
- C. Grebogi, E. J. Kostelich, E. Ott, and J. A. Yorke, “Multi-Dimensioned Intertwined Basin Boundaries and the Kicked Double Rotor,” Physica D 25 (1987), 347–360.
- E. J. Kostelich and J. A. Yorke, “Lorenz Cross Sections of the Chaotic Attractor of the Kicked Double Rotor,” Physica D 24 (1987), 263–278.
- Kostelich,Eric John and Kuang, Yang. Patient-Specific Neuro-Oncology: Forecasting Tumor Growth and Recurrence in Individual Patients. Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (3/1/2017-2/29/2021).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. Scholarships for Needy Students to Pursue Research in Mathematics and Statistics. ASU FDN (7/1/2015 - 5/20/2016).
- Kostelich,Eric John*, Armbruster,Hans Dieter, Czygrinow,Andrzej Michal, Fishel,Susanna, Gelb,Anne, Jacobs,Mark, Kawski,Matthias, Kuang,Yang, Mahalov,Alex, Moustaoui,Mohamed, Platte,Rodrigo B, Tang,Wenbo. MCTP: Mathematics Mentoring Partnership Between Arizona State University and the Maricopa County Community College District. NSF-MPS-DMS (7/15/2012 - 6/30/2017).
- Kostelich,Eric John*, Mahalov,Alex. Collaborative Research: Mathematics and Climate Change Research Network. NSF-MPS-DMS(10/1/2010 - 9/30/2016).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. An Ensemble Kalman Filtering Approach for Regional Ocean Data Assimilation. ATMOSPHERIC & ENVIRONMENTL RES(5/1/2008 - 10/30/2009).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. Collaborative research: Carbon Data Assimilation with a Coupled Ensemble Kalman Filter. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(12/3/2007 - 12/2/2010).
- Kostelich,Eric John*, Armbruster,Hans Dieter, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie, Gardner,Carl L, Gelb,Anne, Jackiewicz,Zdzislaw, Jones,Donald, Lopez,Juan Manuel, Mahalov,Alex, Renaut,Rosemary Anne, Ringhofer,Christian, Welfert,Bruno Denis. CSUMS: Undergraduate research Experiences for Computational Math Science Majors at ASU. NSF-MPS-DMS(9/15/2007 - 8/31/2014).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. A Novel Data Assimilation System for Complex Dynamical Systems. NSF-MPS(7/15/2005 - 6/30/2007).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. Local Ensemble Kalman Filtering Applied to AIRS Satellite Data. UNIV OF MARYLAND(5/15/2004 - 5/14/2008).
- Rodriguez,Armando A*, Kostelich,Eric John, Si,Jennie, Sugar,Thomas, Welfert,Bruno Denis, Wells,Valana Lorraine. Development of an Interactive Systems and Controls E-Book. NSF-EHR(2/15/2003 - 4/30/2007).
- Kostelich,Eric John*, Lai,Ying-Cheng, Lai,Ying-Cheng. DYNAMICS DAYS ARIZONA 2003. DOD-NAVY-ONR(12/1/2002 - 9/30/2003).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. Development of Evaluation of a Curriculum in Scientific Computing for Mathematical Science Majors. NSF-EHR(2/15/2002 - 7/31/2004).
- Kostelich,Eric John*, Heydt,Gerald. Chaotic Load Models for Power System. NSF-ENG(9/1/1998 - 8/31/2001).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. Dynamics Days Arizona, 1997. DOD-NAVY-ONR(12/17/1996 - 12/31/1997).
- Armbruster,Hans Dieter*, Kostelich,Eric John. CHARACTERIZING THE DYNAMICS OF SPATIO-TEMPORAL DATA. NSF-MPS(6/15/1995 - 11/30/1997).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. CHARACTERIZING THE DYNAMICS OF SPATIO-TEMPORAL DATA. DOE(6/1/1994 - 9/30/1996).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. Dynamics Days Arizona, 1993. DOD-NAVY(12/1/1992 - 11/30/1993).
- Kostelich,Eric John*. Low Dimensional Dynamical Characterization of Partial Differential Equations, NSF(5/15/1991 - 4/30/1995).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 300 | Mathematical Structures |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAT 343 | Applied Linear Algebra |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
MAT 353 | Mathematics and Cancer |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 243 | Discrete Math Structures |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 343 | Applied Linear Algebra |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 792 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 595 | Continuing Registration |
MAT 275 | Modern Differential Equations |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 300 | Mathematical Structures |
MAT 300 | Mathematical Structures |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 595 | Continuing Registration |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 300 | Mathematical Structures |
MAT 300 | Mathematical Structures |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
MAT 275 | Modern Differential Equations |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 595 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 300 | Mathematical Structures |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
MAT 599 | Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
- ASU President's Professor (2012 - present)
- Special recognition, ASU Parents Association Professor of the Year, 2009
- Charles Wexler Teaching award, 2018
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
- Morehead Scholar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Member of the American Mathematical Society, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, American Physical Society, and American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Professor Kostelich is one of the directors of the Hands-On School for Complex Systems Research, a program administered by the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. The School is an intensive, two-week program for early-career scientists from developing countries. Participants work on tabletop laboratory experiments, mathematical modeling, and oral and written scientific communication in English of their own research.
- SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, Associate editor and member of the editorial board (2013 - 2021)
- Goldwater Scholarship selection committee, member (2007 - present)
- University and CLAS Senate, SoMSS Senator (2013 - 2021)
- Program chair, SIAM Activity Group on Applied Math Education (2016 - 2018)
- Participant on various National Science Foundation review panels (2006 - present)