Profiles in "Probability" Expertise Area

  • Kostelich is interested in nonlinear dynamics, uncertainty quantification, and mathematical biology.
  • The aim of Lanchier's research is to understand the role of space in biological and social communities through the mathematical analysis of a class of stochastic processes known as interacting particle systems.
  • Tepedelenlioglu's areas of expertise include wireless communications statistical signal processing estimation and equalization.
  • Tang’s research concerns the nonlinear dynamics of fluids that are relevant in environmental sciences and geophysics.
  • Smith's research focuses on differential equations, dynamical systems, and their applications to the biological sciences.
  • Current research interests include 3D Navier-Stokes and Maxwell equations, physics-informed AI/ML computational modeling and the stochastic theory of electromagnetic wave propagation.
  • Motsch' research interests focus in the mathematical modeling of biological systems and especially those which exhibit self-organization such as bacterial colonies or flock of birds.
  • World language and mathematics secondary educator, innovator, and life-long learner