Alex Mahalov
Phone: 480-226-2730
PS A831 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1804
Mail code: 1804Campus: Tempe
Dr. Mahalov joined Arizona State University in 1991, where he was promoted to the Wilhoit Foundation Dean’s Distinguished Professor in 2008. He has authored over 200 research articles and scientific reports. His current research interests include 3D Maxwell and Navier-Stokes equations and their applications, stochastic processes, physics-informed AI/ML computational modeling, imaging, optical turbulence, and the stochastic theory of electromagnetic wave propagation.
Dr. Mahalov is also exploring next generation multi-scale earth system models with applications to food-energy-water systems and space physics. The mathematical tools involve Navier-Stokes and Maxwell’s equations which are the fundamental equations used to study fluid flow and electric/magnetic fields in science and engineering applications including remote sensing, imaging and communication. Particular emphasis is given to how these equations can be used to study processes that rapidly and randomly change with time and location. These more complex models can now be analyzed more accurately through advances in computing and data science. The scientific payoff of his research encompasses advances in fundamental mathematical knowledge as well as deepening our understanding of environmental, agricultural, atmospheric and space sciences.
Ph.D. Cornell University, NY 1991
- A. Mahalov. Multiscale modeling and nested simulations of three-dimensional ionospheric plasmas: Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence and nonequilibrium layer dynamics at fine scales. Physica Scripta (2014).
- B. Ruddell, F. Salamanca and A. Mahalov. Reducing a Semiarid City's Peak Electrical Demand Using Distributed Thermal Energy Storage. Applied Energy (2014).
- F. Salamanca, M. Georgescu, A. Mahalov, M. Moustaoui and M. Wang. Anthropogenic Heating of the Urban Environment due to Air Conditioning. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. (American Geophysical Union) (2014).
- J. Li, M. Georgescu. P. Hyde, A. Mahalov and M. Mpustaoui. Achieving accurate simulations of urban impacts on ozone at high resolution. Environ. Res. Lett (2014).
- W. Chow, M. Georgescu, A. Mahalov, B. Ruddell, F. Salamanca and J. Milne. Estimating city-wide anthropogenic heat fluxes: a multi-method and multi-scale approach. Atmospheric Environment (2014).
- A. Mahalov and S. Suslov. Wigner function approach to oscillating solution of the quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials (2013).
- A. Mahalov, E. Suazo and S. Suslov. Spiral laser beams in inhomogeneous media. Optics Letters (2013).
- B. Cheng and A. Mahalov. Euler equations on a fast rotating sphere -- Time-averages and zonal flows. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids (2013).
- C. Krattenthaler, S. Kryuchkov, A. Mahalov and S. Suslov. On the problem of electromagnetic field quantization. Int. Journal of Theoretical Physics (2013).
- F. Salamanca, M. Georgescu, A. Mahalov, M. Moustaoui and M. Wang. Assessing summertime urban air conditioning consumption in a semiarid environment. Environmental Research Letters (2013).
- W. Tang and A. Mahalov. Stochastic Lagrangian dynamics for charged flows in the E-F regions of ionosphere. Physics of Plasmas (2013).
- A. Mahalov, I. Sudakov. INFOGRAPHICS: Mathematics of Climate Infographics in Teaching Calculus. (2013).
- A. Mahalov. What can Models Tell Us About Climate Change: Current Trends, Future Projections and Limitations. (2013).
- A. Mahalov and S. Suslov. An "Airy gun": Self-accelerating solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in vacuum. Physics Letters A (2012).
- F. Flandoli and A. Mahalov. Stochastic 3D Navier-Stokes Equations: Averaging, Convergence and Regularity. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2012).
- H. Koba, A. Mahalov and T. Yoneda. Global well-posedness for the Rotating Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq equations with stratification effects. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications (2012).
- M. Georgescu, A. Mahalov and M. Moustaoui. Seasonal hydroclimatic impacts of Sun Corridor expansion. Environmental Research Letters (2012).
- M. Georgescu, M. Moustaoui, A. Mahalov and J. Dudhia. Summertime climate impacts of projected megapolitan expansion in Arizona (USA). Nature Climate Change (2012).
- W. Tang, B. Knutson, A. Mahalov and R. Dimitrova. The geometry of inertial particle mixing in urban flows, from deterministic and random displacement models. Physics of Fluids (2012).
- A. Mahalov and M. Moustaoui. Multi-Scale Nesting and High Performance Computing of Environmental Flows. Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics: Systems, Pollution, Modeling, and Measurements (2012).
- A. Mahalov and C.Y. Jung. Wave propagation in random waveguides. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst (2011).
- A. Mahalov, M. Moustaoui and V. Grubisic. A numerical study of mountain waves in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2011).
- M. Georgescu, M. Moustaoui, A. Mahalov and J. Dudhia. An alternative explanation of the semi-arid urban area oasis effect, Journal of Geophysical Research. Journal of Geophysical Research (2011).
- M. Hess, M. Hieber, A. Mahalov and J. Saal. Nonlinear stability of Ekman boundary layers. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (2011).
- W. Tang, J.E. Taylor and A. Mahalov. Lagrangian dynamics in stochastic inertia-gravity waves. Physics of Fluids (2011).
- Euler Foundation. International Mathematical Congress Dedicated to Leonhard Euler, vol 2. (2011).
- A. Mahalov. Turbulent flows subject to external agencies and with coupled fields. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2011).
- A. Mahalov and M. Moustaoui. Characterization of Atmospheric Optical Turbulence for Laser Propagation. Laser and Photonics Reviews (2010).
- A. Mahalov. Invited Lecture on Navier-Stokes Equations (Video). (2010).
- Chen, Dasgupta, Kostelich, Mahalov, Shrivastava, Syrotiuk, Speyer. Intel at ASU - Parallel Computing. (2010).
- A. Mahalov. Atmospheric Characterization and Ensemble Forecasting of Multi-Scale Flows in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS). American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Journal (2009).
- A. Mahalov and M. Moustaoui. Vertically Nested Nonhydrostatic Model for Multi-Scale Resolution of Flows in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere. Journal of Computational Physics (2009).
- O. Korotkova, N. Farwell and A. Mahalov. Jet-Stream on the Intensiin the Upper Layers of the Turbulent Atmospherety of Laser Beams Propagating Along Slanted Paths. Waves in Random and Complex Media (2009).
- A. Mahalov. Multi-scale Predictability of High-Impact Upper Tropospheric Ice Clouds. IEEE Comp. Soc. J (2008).
- A. Mahalov, M. Moustaoui and B. Nicolaenko. Instabilities in Non-Parallel Shear Stratified Flows. Kinetic and Related Models (2008).
- A. Mahalov, M. Moustaoui and B. Nicolaenko. Three-Dimensional Instabilities in Non-Parallel Shear Stratified Flows. Kinetic and Related Models (2008).
- Y. Giga, A. Mahalov and T. Yoneda. On time analyticity of the Navier-Stokes equations in a rotating frame with spatially almost periodic data. Physica D (2008).
- Y. Giga, K. Inui, A. Mahalov and J. Saal. Solvability of the Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations for Nondecaying Initial Data. Indiana Univ. Math. J (2008).
- Y. Giga, K. Inui, A. Mahalov and J. Saal. Uniform Global Solvability of the Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations for Nondecaying Initial Data. Indiana Univ. Math. J (2008).
- Y. Giga, K. Inui, A. Mahalov and J. Saal. Uniform Global Solvability of the Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations for Nondecaying Initial Data. Idiana University Math. Journal (2008).
- A. Mahalov, D. Stanzione. Close Up on Arizona State University: Resolving Complexity. Quad-Core Intel Xeon Processors Turn on the Power. (2008).
- Alex Mahalov. Fast singular oscillating limits of the 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler equations: Global regularity and three-dimensional Euler dynamics. (2008).
- Chris Kjelgaard, Senior Editor (Technology). Avoiding Turbulence - with Supercomputers. (2008).
- Joe Kullman. Air travelers and astronomers stand to benefit from research on atmospheric turbulence. (2008).
- A. Mahalov, B. Nicolaenko and T. Shilkin. Local Smoothness of Weak Solutions to the Magnetohydrodynamics Equations via Blowup Methods. Equations aux Derivees Partielles (2007).
- Alex Mahalov. A posteriori error estimates for viscous flow problems with rotation. J. Math. Sci (2007).
- Alex Mahalov. Bursting Dynamics of the 3D Euler Equations in Cylindrical Domains. Instability in Models Connected with Fluid Flows. International Mathematical Series (2007).
- Alex Mahalov. Multi-Scale Predictability of High-Impact Stratopsheric Clear Air Turbulence Events. IEEE High Performance Computing (2007).
- Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko, G Seregin. New Sufficient Conditions of Local Regularity for Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (2007).
- Alex Mahalov, M Moustaoui, B Nicolaenko. Computational Studies of Inertia-Gravity Waves Radiated from Upper Tropospheric Jets. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Springer-Verlag (2007).
- Alex Mahalov, M Moustaoui, B Nicolaenko. Computational Studies of Inertia-Gravity Waves Radiated from Upper Tropospheric Jets. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Springer-Verlag (2007).
- E Gorshkova, Alex Mahalov, P Neittaamaki, S Repin. A posteriori error estimates for viscous flow problems with rotation. J. Math. Sci (2007).
- E Gorshkova, Alex Mahalov, P Neittaamaki, S Repin. A posteriori error estimates for viscous flow problems with rotation. Problems of Mathematical Analysis (2007).
- Y Giga, Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko. The Cauchy Problem for the Navier-Stokes Equations with Spatially Almost Periodic Initial Data. Annals of Mathematical Studies, Princeton University Press (2007).
- Y Giga, Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko. The Cauchy Problem for the Navier-Stokes Equations with Spatially Almost Periodic Initial Data. Annals of Mathematical Studies, Princeton University Press (2007).
- Y Giga, K Inui, Alex Mahalov, J Saal. Global regularity for the Navier-Stokes equationsfor initial data with Fourier image supported in sum-closed frequency sets. Advances in Differential Equations (2007).
- Y Giga, K Inui, Alex Mahalov, J Saal. Global regularity for the Navier-Stokes equationsfor initial data with Fourier image supported in sum-closed frequency sets. Advances in Differential Equations (2007).
- Y Giga, K Inui, Alex Mahalov, S Matsui, J Saal. Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations in a halfspace with Initial Data Nondecreasing at Infinity: The Ekman Boundary Layer Problem. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2007).
- Y Giga, K Inui, Alex Mahalov, S Matsui, J Saal. Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations in a halfspace with Initial Data Nondecreasing at Infinity: The Ekman Boundary Layer Problem. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2007).
- Y. Giga, A. Mahalov and Y. Saal. Global Solvability of the Navier-Stokes Equations in Spaces Based on Sum-Closed Frequency Setsn. Advances in Differential Equations (2007).
- Y. Giga, K. Inui, A. Mahalov and Y. Saal. Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations in ${\bf R}_{+}^3$ wInitial Data Nondecreasing at Infinity: The Ekman Boundary Layer Problemith. Archive for Rational Mech. and Analysis, Springer (2007).
- Y Giga, K Inui, Alex Mahalov, S Matsui. Navier-Stokes Equations in a Rotating Frame with Initial Data Nondecreasing at Infinity. Hokkaido University Mathematics Journal (2006).
- Y Giga, K Inui, Alex Mahalov, S Matsui. Uniform Local Solvability for the Navier-Stokes Equations with the Coriolis Force. Methods and Applications of Analysis (2006).
- Mahalov, Alex, Nicolaenko, B. Characterization of Stratospheric Clear Air Turbulence for Air Force Platforms. IEEE Publication (2006).
- Alex Mahalov, B Nicoleanko, C Bardos, F Golse. Non Blow-Up of the 3D Euler Equations for a Class of 3D Initial Data in Cylindrical Domains. Methods and Applications of Analysis (2005).
- J Hunt, R Pacheco, Alex Mahalov, H Fernando. Effects of Rotation and Sloping Terrain on the Fronts of Density Currents. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2005).
- Mahalov, Alex, Nicolaenko, B. High Resolution Numerical Simulations and Modeling of Optical Turbulence Across Jet Streams. (2005).
- Ruggiero, F, Mahalov, Alex, Nicolaenko, B, Werne, J. Characterization of High Altitude Turbulence for Air Force Platforms. (2005).
- Alex Mahalov, B Joseph, B Nicolaenko, K-L Tse. Eddy-Mixing in Jet-Stream Turbulence under Stronger Stratification. Geophys. Research Lett (2004).
- Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko, C Bardos, F Golse. Regularity of the Incompressible Euler Equations for a Class of Three-Dimensional Initial Data. Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, Birkhauser, Basel (2004).
- Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko, F Golse. Non Blow-Up of the 3D Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics Equations for a Class of Three-Dimensional Initial Data in Cylindrical Domains. Zapiski of Petersburg Steklov Mathematical Institute (2004).
- Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko, F Golse. Non Blow-Up of the 3D Incompressible Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics Equations for a Class of Three-Dimensional Initial Conditions in Cylindrical Domains. Zapiski of St Petersburg Steklov Math. Inst (2004).
- B Joseph, Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko, K Tse. Variability of Turbulence and its Outer Scales in a Model Tropopause Jet. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (2004).
- K-L Tse, Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko, B Joseph. High Resolution DNS of Shear-Convective Turbulence and Its Implications to Second-Order Parameterizations. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (2004).
- Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko. Global Regularity of the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations with Weakly Aligned Large Initial Vorticity. Russian Mathematical Surveys (2003).
- Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko, K Tse, H Fernando. Quasi-equilibrium dynamics of shear-stratified turbulence for a model of atmospheric jet at the tropopaus. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2003).
- Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko, K Tse, H Fernando. Quasi-equilibrium dynamics of shear-stratified turbulence for a model of atmospheric jet at the tropopause. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2003).
- Alex Mahalov, M Adams, B Nicolaenko. Clear Air and Optical Turbulence in a Jet Stream in the Airborne Laser Context. DoD HPC Navigator (2003).
- B Joseph, Alex Mahalov, B Nicolaenko, K Tse. High Resolution DNS of Jet Stream Generated Tropopausal Turbulence. Geophysical Research Letters (2003).
- . . Review of: Navier-Stokes Equations and Turbulence (2003).
- Babin, A (Author) ,Mahalov, Alex (Author) ,Nicolaenko, B (Author) . Fast Singular Oscillating Limits of the 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations. Mathematics of the Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics (2003).
- Brown, W, Foucault, B, Mahalov, Alex, Nicolaenko, B, Ruggiero, F, Werne, J. Atmospheric Propagation, Adaptive Optics, and Turbulence Characterization Studies for the Airborne Laser. (2002).
- . Vortex Tubes in Shear-Stratified Turbulence. (2002).
- Mahalov,Alex*, Georgescu,Matei, Kamarianakis,Ioannis, Mack,Elizabeth Anne, Moustaoui,Mohamed, Turner II,Billie Lee. EASM-3: Collaborative Research: Physics-Based Predictive Modeling for Integrated Agricultural and Urban Applications. USDA-NIFA(5/1/2015 - 4/30/2020).
- Mahalov,Alex*. Non-Paraxial Propagation through Strongly Inhomogenous Ionospheric Turbulence: Solving the 3D Stochastic Maxwell's Equations. DOD-AFOSR(2/15/2015 - 2/14/2018).
- Mahalov,Alex*, Georgescu,Matei, Kamarianakis,Ioannis, Mack,Elizabeth Anne, Moustaoui,Mohamed, Turner II,Billie Lee. EASM-3: Collaborative Research: Physics-Based Predictive Modeling for Integrated Agricultural and Urban Applications. NSF-MPS-DMS(9/1/2014 - 8/31/2019).
- Georgescu,Matei*, Chhetri,Netra B, Hanemann,William Michael Micha, Mahalov,Alex. WSC - Category 3: Sustainable Large-Scale Deployment of Perennial Biomass Energy Crops. NSF-GEO-EAR(9/15/2012 - 8/31/2017).
- Mahalov,Alex*. Fine Scale Modeling and Forecasts of Upper Atmospheric Turbulence Computer Time User Interface (STTR). IntelliWare(9/1/2012 - 8/31/2014).
- Kostelich,Eric John*, Armbruster,Hans Dieter, Czygrinow,Andrzej Michal, Fishel,Susanna, Gelb,Anne, Jacobs,Mark, Kawski,Matthias, Kuang,Yang, Mahalov,Alex, Moustaoui,Mohamed, Platte,Rodrigo B, Tang,Wenbo. MCTP: Mathematics Mentoring Partnership Between Arizona State University and the Maricopa County Community College District. NSF-MPS-DMS(7/15/2012 - 6/30/2017).
- Mahalov,Alex*. Multiscale Modeling and High Resolution Coupled Three-Dimensional Simulations of Ionospheric Irregularities for EM Propagation. DOD-AFOSR(8/1/2011 - 7/31/2014).
- Kostelich,Eric John*, Mahalov,Alex. Collaborative Research: Mathematics and Climate Change Research Network. NSF-MPS-DMS(10/1/2010 - 9/30/2016).
- Mahalov,Alex*. Fine Scale Modeling and Forecasts of Upper Atmospheric Turbulence Computer Time, User Interface. Intellieware(5/18/2010 - 1/31/2011).
- Mahalov,Alex*, Fernando,H J S, Huang,Huei-Ping, Moustaoui,Mohamed, Tang,Wenbo. CMG Research: Multiscale Modeling of Urban Atmosphere in a Changing Climate. NSF-MPS-DMS(9/1/2009 - 8/31/2014).
- Mittelmann,Renate M*, Fernando,H J S, Herrmann,Marcus, Huang,Huei-Ping, Lopez,Juan Manuel, Mahalov,Alex, Tang,Wenbo. Plant Fund: SCREMS: Visualization of Complex Spatio-Temporal Multiscale Fluid Dynamic Phenomena. NSF-MPS-DMS(8/1/2009 - 7/31/2010).
- Mahalov,Alex*, Fernando,H J S, Stanzione Jr,Daniel Charles. DURIP: Multi-Core Hardware for High Performance Atmospheric Characterization and Forecasting. DOD-AFOSR(6/1/2009 - 5/31/2010).
- Mahalov,Alex*. Nonlinear Stochastic Averaging and Ensemble Forecasting of High Impact Multiscale Stratospheric Turbulence. DOD-AFOSR(2/15/2008 - 5/31/2011).
- Kostelich,Eric John*, Armbruster,Hans Dieter, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie, Gardner,Carl L, Gelb,Anne, Jackiewicz,Zdzislaw, Jones,Donald, Lopez,Juan Manuel, Mahalov,Alex, Renaut,Rosemary Anne, Ringhofer,Christian, Welfert,Bruno Denis. CSUMS: Undergraduate research Experiences for Computational Math Science Majors at ASU. NSF-MPS-DMS(9/15/2007 - 8/31/2014).
- Nichols-Nicolaenko,Basil*, Fernando,H J S, Mahalov,Alex. Characterization and Prediction of Clear Air and Optical Stratospheric Turbulence for DoD High Altitude Platforms. DOD-AFOSR(1/1/2005 - 12/31/2007).
- Mahalov,Alex*, Nichols-Nicolaenko,Basil. Regularity of Nonlinear Problems in the Theory of Fluids and Geophysics. US CIV RSH & DEV FDN(6/1/2004 - 6/1/2006).
- Nichols-Nicolaenko,Basil*, Fernando,H J S, Mahalov,Alex. STATISTICS AND VARIABILITY OF TURBULENCE DYNAMICS IN THE MIDDLE ATMOSPHERE. DOD-AFOSR(1/1/2002 - 1/31/2005).
- Nichols-Nicolaenko,Basil*, Fernando,H J S, Mahalov,Alex. ISSUES OF CHARACTERIZATION OF TURBULENCE IN THE MIDDLE ATMOSPHERE. DOD-AIR FORCE(10/1/1998 - 12/31/2001).
- Fernando,H J S*, Anderson,James R, Berman,Neil Sheldon, Boyer,Don Lamar, Buseck,P R, Mahalov,Alex. MODELING OF CONTAMINATED DISPERSION IN COMPLEX TERRAIN FLOWS. NSF-ENG(8/1/1997 - 5/31/2000).
2025 Summer
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STP 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAE 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 343 | Applied Linear Algebra |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
APM 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
APM 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
MAT 343 | Applied Linear Algebra |
2024 Summer
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STP 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAE 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
APM 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
MAT 343 | Applied Linear Algebra |
2023 Fall
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MAT 342 | Linear Algebra |
APM 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
2023 Summer
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STP 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAE 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
APM 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
MAT 342 | Linear Algebra |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
MAT 343 | Applied Linear Algebra |
2022 Summer
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STP 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAE 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
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MAT 342 | Linear Algebra |
APM 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
2021 Fall
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2021 Summer
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STP 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAE 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
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APM 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 342 | Linear Algebra |
APM 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
MAT 342 | Linear Algebra |
2020 Summer
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STP 792 | Research |
STP 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
MAE 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 342 | Linear Algebra |
STP 792 | Research |
- A. Mahalov. Mathematics for Nonlinear Phenomena: Analysis and Computation. International Conference in honor of Professor Yoshikazu Giga on his 60th birthday, Japan (Aug 2015).
- A. Mahalov. Frontiers in Environmental Science. The Eminent Scholar Lecture Series (ESLS) (Apr 2015).
- A. Mahalov. Multi-scale Modeling and Nested Simulations of Three-dimensional Ionospheric Dynamics: Predicting Ionospheric Variability at Fine Scales. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Space Sciences (Jan 2015).
- A. Mahalov. ASU-NCAR Worksop: Physics Based Predictive Modeling for Integrated Agricultural and Urban Applications. ASU-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Worksop funded by NSF and USDA (Jan 2015).
- A. Mahalov. Mathematics of Planet Earth, Part 1. Imperial College London (Dec 2014).
- A. Mahalov. Mathematics of Planet Earth, Part 2. University of Reading, England (Dec 2014).
- A. Mahalov. Multi-Scale Modeling of Urban Atmospheres in a Changing Climate. University of Alberta (Nov 2014).
- A. Mahalov. Multiscale modeling and nested simulations of three-dimensional ionospheric plasmas: Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence and nonequilibrium layer dynamics at fine scales. Mathematics of Turbulence Program at the NSF Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA (Oct 2014).
- A. Mahalov. Optical Turbulence. Lagrange Lecture (Jul 2014).
- Alex Mahalov. Stochastic 3D Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations: Averaging, Convergence and Regularity. Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics: Stochastic and Deterministic Methods (Apr 2014).
- A. Mahalov. Stochastic Lagrangian dynamics for charged flows in the E-F regions of ionosphere. Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society (Nov 2013).
- A. Mahalov. Physics Based Predictive Modeling of Environmental Flows. Colloquium, University of Miami, Physics Department (Oct 2013).
- A. Mahalov. Modeling Energy Consumption and Climate Adaptations: Seeking Sustainable Solutions for Rapidly Expanding Urban Areas. Argonne National Laboratory, Department of Energy (Aug 2013).
- A. Mahalov. Physics Based Predictive Modeling of Atmospheric Layers for Imaging Applications. Optical Society of America Congress on Imaging and Applied Optics (Jun 2013).
- Alex Mahalov. Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013. Distinguished Lecture, Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013 (Apr 2013).
- A. Mahalov. Urban Climate and Energy. ASU Workshop on Climate Challenges hosted by President Crow and Sir Crispin (Apr 2013).
- A. Mahalov. I developed a module for the Global Institute of Sustainability course for the World Bank/International Finance Corporation employers. The title of my What can Models Tell Us About Climate Change: Current Trends, Future Projections and Limitations. World Bank/International Finance Corporation Seminar (Mar 2013).
- A. Mahalov. Stochastic 3D Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations: Averaging, Convergence and Regularity. Colloquium, University of Maryland (Mar 2013).
- A. Mahalov. Physics Based Predictive Modeling of Atmospheric Optical Turbulence. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Technology Seminar Series (Mar 2013).
- A. Mahalov. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany (Feb 2013).
- A. Mahalov. High Performance Computing of Environmental Flows. Brown University, Scientific Computing Colloquium Series (Nov 2012).
- A. Mahalov. Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center. International Conference on Parabolic and Navier-Stokes Equations (Sep 2012).
- A. Mahalov. Building Partnerships to Meet the 2030 Grand Challenge: Wind Farm Underperformance and Partnerships (DOE Workshop). Department of Energy Workshop (Mar 2012).
- A. Mahalov. Stochastic 3D Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations: Averaging, Convergence and Regularity. Department of Mathematics, Stanford University (Feb 2012).
- A. Mahalov. Stochastic 3D Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations: Averaging, Convergence and Regularity. Stanford University, Department of Mathematics (Feb 2012).
- A. Mahalov. High Performance Computing of Environmental Flows: Dynamics and Control. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Dec 2011).
- B. Cheng and A. Mahalov. Euler Equations on a Rotating Sphere. SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (Nov 2011).
- A. Mahalov. Turbulent flows subject to external agencies and with coupled fields. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Annual Meeting (Jun 2011).
- M. Georgescu, A. Mahalov and M. Moustaoui. On improved representation of the diurnal cycle over a semi-arid, metropolitan area. WRF Workshop at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder (Jun 2011).
- A. Mahalov. Mathematical Fluid Dynamics. Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques (CIRM) in Luminy (May 2011).
- A. Mahalov. High Resolution Simulations of Stratified and Rotating Turbulence. National Center for Atmospheric Research (Aug 2010).
- A. Mahalov. High Resolution Simulations of Limited Area Atmospheric Environments. National Center for Atmospheric Research Workshop (Jun 2010).
- A. Mahalov. 3D Navier-Stokes equations of Geophysics: Theory and Computations. Colloquium, Center for Applied Mathematics, University of Southern California (Mar 2010).
- A. Mahalov. 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations for Rotating Flows. Colloquium, Drexel University. Department of Mathematics (Mar 2010).
- A. Mahalov. Analysis and Computation of Incompressible Fluid Flow. Institute for Mathematics and Applications (IMA) Annual Program, The University of Minnesota (Feb 2010).
- A. Mahalov. Analysis and Computation of Incompressible Fluid Flow. Institute for Mathematics and Applications (IMA) (Feb 2010).
- A. Mahalov (Distinguished Lecure). Non-linear Analysis, PDEs and Applications. 9th Annual Red Raider Symposium on PDEs funded by NSF and Red Raider Foundation (Oct 2009).
- A. Mahalov. Multiscale Resolution and High Performance Computing Simulations of Limited Area Atmospheric Environments. Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A & M University (Oct 2009).
- A. Mahalov. Mathematical Aspects of Hydrodynamics. Oberowlfach Mathematical Institute, Germany (Jul 2009).
- A. Mahalov. High Performance Computing Simulations of Atmospheric Environments. National Center for Atmospheric Research (May 2009).
- A. Mahalov. Fast Singular Oscillating Limits of the 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations. De Giorgi International Mathematical Institute and the University of Pisa (Mar 2009).
- A. Mahalov. High Performance Computing of Multiscale Environmental Flows. UCLA, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (Nov 2008).
- A. Mahalov. Navier-Stokes equations: Classical and generalized models. Conference at the Nonlinear PDEs Centro De Giorgi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Sep 2008).
- A. Mahalov. Multi-scale Predictability of High-Impact Upper Tropospheric Ice Clouds. High Performance Computing Annual Users Group Conference (Jul 2008).
- A. Mahalov. Verticall Nested Nonhydrostatic Model for Multiscale Computations of Flows in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder (Jun 2008).
- A. Mahalov. Harmonic Analysis and PFEs in Fluids. Maxwell Inst Centre for Nonlinear PDEs, Edinburgh, Scotland (Apr 2008).
- A. Mahalov. High Impact Optical Turbulence in the Atmosphere. AFOSR TCATs (Mar 2008).
- A. Mahalov. Navier-Stokes Equations in Geophysics. Colloquium (Mar 2008).
- Alex Mahalov. Fast singular oscillating limits of the 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler equations: Global regularity and three-dimensional Euler dynamics. Cambridge University Video Lecture (60 min). Isaac Newton Math Inst (Mar 2008).
- A. Mahalov. Navier-Stokes Equations in Geophysics. Colloquium at Indiana University (Feb 2008).
- A. Mahalov. High Performance Computing and Ensemble forecasting of high-impact stratospheric optical turbulence. International Society for Optical Engineering Annual Conference (Jan 2008).
- A. Mahalov. Lasers and Applications in Science and Engineering Symposium. Photonics West Annual Meeting (Jan 2008).
- Mahalov, Alex. Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (OCIAM) Seminar (Dec 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. Bursting Dynamics of the 3D Euler Equations. Colloquium, Oxford Centre for Analysis and Nonlinear PDEs (Dec 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. Optical Turbulence in the Atmosphere. Séminaires fluides et plasmas en astrophysique (Oct 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. Fast Singular Oscillating Limits and Global Regularity of the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations of Geophysics. (Sep 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations in a Halfspace: The Ekman Boundary Layer Problem. 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07) (Jul 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. DoD High Perfoirmance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP). DoD High Perfoirmance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) Annual Meeting (Jun 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. 3D Euler Equations with Uniformly Large Initial Vorticity and Bursting Dynamics. Mathematical Hydrodynamics: Euler Equations and Related Topics (Jun 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. Ensemble Forecasting of High Impact Stratopsheric Turbulence. Colloquium, European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), Reading, UK (May 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. High Resolution Simulations of Topographic Gravity Waves. Lighthill Institute of Mathematical Sciences (LIMSApplied Mathematics in Defense Applications) Workshop on (May 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. Highly Oscillatory Problems for the 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations. University of Minnesota School of Mathematics Seminar Series in Partial Differential Equations (Apr 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. Highly Oscillatory Problems for the 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations: Global Regularity and Quasi-Integrability. International Conference on The Theory of Highly Oscillatory Problems (Mar 2007).
- Mahalov, Alex. International Conference on "Rotating Fluids in Geophysics" (Sep 2006).
- Mahalov, Alex. Bursting and Homoclinic Dynamics of the 3D Euler Equations in Cylinders. Workshop on Nonlinear PDEs in Analysis and Geometry (Jan 2006).
- Mahalov, Alex. Computational Challenges of Multiscale Atmospheric Flows. Conf. on the Navier-Stokes Equations and their Applications (Jan 2006).
- Mahalov, Alex. Fast Singular Oscillating Limits, Restricted Convolutions and Regularity of Solutions of Partial Differential Equations. (Nov 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex. KAM Theory of the 3D Euler Equations with Uniformly Large Initial Vorticity in Cylinders. Department of Mathematics Colloquium (Nov 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex. 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations with Uniformly Large Initial Vorticity: Global Regularity and Quasi-Integrability. International Conf. 'Chaos and Disorder in Mathematics and Physics' dedicated to Prof. Sinai (Sep 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex, Nicolaenko, B. High Resolution Numerical Simulations and Modeling of Optical Turbulence Across Jet Streams. Conference on Atmospheric Optical Modeling, Measurement and Simulation (Aug 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex. Mathematical Challenges in the Theory of Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations. Equadiff 11. International Conference on Differential Equations (Jul 2005).
- Ruggiero, F, Mahalov, Alex, Nicolaenko, B, Werne, J. Characterization of High Altitude Turbulence for Air Force Platforms. DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program Annual Meeting (Jun 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex, Nicolaenko, B. High Performance Computing of Stratospheric Optical and Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) for DoD High Altitude Platforms. AFOSR Annual Workshop on Optical and Stratospheric CAT (May 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex, Nicolaenko, B. Eddy Mixing in Jet Stream Shear-Stratified Turbulence. European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (Apr 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex. Global Regularity of the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations with Uniformly Large Initial Vorticity. Workshop 'Deterministic and Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations (Mar 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex. High Performace Computing and Modeling of Shear-Stratified Turbulence in the Stratosphere. Colloquium, Department of Meteorology (Feb 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex. Fast Singular Oscillating Limits and Global Regularity of the 3D Primitive Equations of Geophysics. Department of Mathematics and Center for Sci. Comp. and Math. Modeling Colloquium (Feb 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex, Nicolaenko, B. High Performance Computing of Environmental Flows. HIgh Performance Computing Initiative Workshop (Feb 2005).
- Mahalov, Alex. High performance Computing of Environmental Flows. Ecosystems Seminar Series (Nov 2004).
- Mahalov, Alex. Modeling and high resolution simulations of optical clear air turbulence in the stratosphere. ASU- Lockheed Martic Seminar Series (Oct 2004).
- Mahalov, Alex. Fast Singlular Oscillating Limits in Nonlinear PDEs. Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics (Oct 2004).
- Mahalov, Alex. Global Regularity of the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations with Initial Data Characterized by Uniformly Large Vorticity. Symposium on Nonlinear Dispersive Equations (Sep 2004).
- Mahalov, Alex. High Performance Computing of Environmental Flows. (Sep 2004).
- Mahalov, Alex. Department of Mathematics Colloquium (Sep 2004).
- Mahalov, Alex. 3D Navier-Stokes Equations in Geophysics. International Conference on Navier-Stokes Equations (May 2004).
- Mahalov, Alex. Analysis of non-linear PDEs. (Mar 2004).
- Mahalov, Alex. DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) Annual Meeting (Jun 2002).
- Mahalov, Alex. Fourth International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Symposium in Singular Perturbation and Propagation of Waves (May 2002).
- Mahalov, Alex. AFOSR-ABL Atmospheric Workshop (Apr 2002).
- Mahalov, Alex. CNRS-NSF Workshop on 3D Stratified and Sheared Turbulent Flows: Comparison between DNS, LES and Observations (Dec 2001).
- Mahalov, Alex. International Conference on Theoretical and Numerical Fluid Dynamics (Aug 2001).
- Mahalov, Alex. Modeling of Optical Turbulence in the Stratosphere at the AirForce Weather Agency (AFWA). Offutt AFB (Aug 2001).
- Mahalov, Alex. NAST Hyperspectral Data: Implications for Numerical Weather Prediction and Turbulence Studies. NASA Workshop (Jun 2001).
- Mahalov, Alex. Workshop on Analytical and Statistical Approaches to Fluid Models (Sep 2000).
- Mahalov, Alex. Dispersive Wave Turbulence. Joint SIAM-AMS Summer Research Conference (Jun 2000).
- Mahalov, Alex. AFOSR Contractors/Grantees Meeting, Computational and Applied Mathematics (Jun 2000).
- Mahalov, Alex. Joint AMS-SIAM Meeting, Special Session on Navier-Stokes Equations (Jan 2000).
- Mahalov, Alex. MAthematical Problems of Rotating Turbulence. International Workshop on New Directions in PDEs
- Mahalov, Alex. Regularity and other qualitative aspects of the Navier-Stokes Equations. Institute of Mathematics
- Mahalov, Alex. Regularity of the 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations with uniformly large initial vorticity. The 5th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Mentorship Appreciation Award, Arizona State University, June 2000.
Clay Mathematical Institute Ambassador, Fall 2000.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Fellowship, Arizona State University, Spring 1999.
Rosenbaum Research Fellowship, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University, 1996.
International Business Machines Corporation Graduate Fellowship, 1990-1991.
Mathematical Science Institute Graduate Fellowship, Cornell University, 1988-1989.
- ASU Climate Center Committee in the Global Institute of Sustainability (GIOS)., member (2014 - Present)
- ASU Faculty Advisory Committee on High Performance Computing, member (2014 - Present)
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), member (2014 - Present)
- Department of Energy, member (2014 - Present)
- Global Institute of Sustainability, research faculty (2014 - Present)
- National Science Foundation, member (2014 - Present)
- School of Sustainability, faculty (2014 - Present)
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA), member (2014 - Present)
- Churchill Scholarship Selection Committee, member (2013 - Present)
- ASU Climate Center Committee in the Global Institute of Sustainability (GIOS)., member (2013 - Present)
- ASU Faculty Advisory Committee on High Performance Computing, member (2013 - Present)
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), member (2013 - Present)
- Annals of Mathematics, referee (2013 - Present)
- Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, referee (2013 - Present)
- Department of Energy, member (2013 - Present)
- Global Institute of Sustainability, research faculty (2013 - Present)
- Global Institute of Sustainability, research faculty (2013 - Present)
- Global Institute of Sustainability Outreach Activities: Climate and Sustainability, lead (2013 - Present)
- Intel Academic Community, member, ASU lead (2013 - Present)
- National Science Foundation, member (2013 - Present)
- Refereed 1-2 manuscripts for journals incl Nature, J Fluid Mech, P. London Math Soc, Phys of Plasma, referee (2013 - Present)
- Refereed 1-2 manuscripts for several journals incl. J of Comp Phys, Ind U Math, J of Geoph Res., referee (2013 - Present)
- SIAM journals in applied mathematics and mathematical analysis, referee (2013 - Present)
- School of Sustainability, faculty (2013 - Present)
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA), member (2013 - Present)
- ASU Climate Center Committee in the Global Institute of Sustainability (GIOS)., member (2012 - Present)
- ASU Faculty Advisory Committee on High Performance Computing, member (2012 - Present)
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), member (2012 - Present)
- Annals of Mathematics, referee (2012 - Present)
- Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, referee (2012 - Present)
- Global Institute of Sustainability, research faculty (2012 - Present)
- National Science Foundation, member (2012 - Present)
- Refereed 1-2 manuscripts for several journals incl Nature, J of Fluid Mech, Proc of London Math Soc,, referee (2012 - Present)
- Refereed 1-2 manuscripts for several journals incl. J of Comp Phys, Ind U Math, J of Geoph Res, ..., referee (2012 - Present)
- SIAM journals in applied mathematics and mathematical analysis, referee (2012 - Present)
- School of Sustainability, teaching faculty (2012 - Present)
- National Science Foundation, Mathematics and Climate Research Network,, management team (2011 - Present)
- National Science Foundation. Mathematics and Climate National Research Network., management team (2011 - Present)
- ASU Climate Center Committee in the Global Institute of Sustainability (GIOS)., member (2011 - Present)
- ASU Executive Committee on High Performance Computing, member (2011 - Present)
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), member (2011 - Present)
- Environmental Fluid Dynamics Handbook, member (2011 - Present)
- Fulton School of Engineering faculty hiring committee in Environmental Fluid Dynamics, member (2011 - Present)
- Intel Academic Community, member, ASU lead (2011 - Present)
- National Science Foundation, member (2011 - Present)
- SIAM Journals on applied mathematics and mathematical analysis, referee (2011 - Present)
- SoMSS Hiring Committee for a TT faculty in Appled/Computational Math, member (2011 - Present)
- annals of mathematics, referee (2011 - Present)
- archive for rational mechanics and analysis, referee (2011 - Present)
- Promotion and Tenure Committee, member (2010 - Present)
- ASU Executive Committee on High Performance Computing, member (2010 - Present)
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research, referee proposals for AFOSR program managers, referee proposals submitted to AFOSR (2010 - Present)
- Center for Environmental Fluid Dynamics, member (2010 - Present)
- Intel Academic Community, member, ASU lead (2010 - Present)
- National Science Foundation advisory board in MPS and panel reviews, member (2010 - Present)
- Hiring Committee, member (2009 - Present)
- Promotiion and Tenure Committee, member (2009 - Present)
- AFOSR, Referee proposals and work in AFOSR panels (2009 - Present)
- ASU Committee on High Performance Computing, member (2009 - Present)
- Annals of Mathematics, referee (2009 - Present)
- Environmental Fluid Dynamics, member (2009 - Present)
- School Transition Committee (School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences), member (2008 - Present)
- Annals of Mathematics, referee (2008 - Present)
- Indiana University Mathematics Journal, referee (2008 - Present)
- National Science Foundation Applied Mathematics Panel, member (2008 - Present)
- National Science Foundation, Mathematics of Fluids Panel, member (2008 - Present)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) journals in applied mathematics, analysis and, referee (2008 - Present)
- Advisory Committee, High Performance Computing at ASU, Member (2006 - Present)
- Committee on reorganization of graduate program in the department of math. and stats, Member (2006 - Present)
- Computing Facilities Committee, Member (2006 - Present)
- Faculty Mentor, Chair (2006 - Present)
- Geophysical Research Letters, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Nonlinearity, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Opening Ceremony of the Fulton High Performance Computing Initiative, Presentation of exhibit on high performance computing of environmental flows (2005 - Present)
- Opening Ceremony of the Decision Theatre, Exhibit on high performance computing of environmental flows (2005 - Present)
- Committee on High Performance Computing at ASU, Member (2005 - Present)
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Referee (2005 - Present)
- Annals of Mathematics, Reviewer (2005 - Present)
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Referee (2005 - Present)
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Referee (2005 - Present)
- SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Reviewer (2005 - Present)
- US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), Referee (2005 - Present)
- ASU-Lighthill Institute of math Sci (london) the University College London/Lighthill I, Member (2004 - Present)
- Review Committee, Department of Mathematics, Member (2004 - Present)
- University Committee on High Performance Computing (HPC) in the Fulton School of Engineering, Member (2004 - Present)
- Graduate Advisory Committee, Member (2002 - Present)
- Executive Committee, Atmospheric Certificate Program at ASU, Member (2002 - Present)
- Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), NSF Mathematics Institute at UCLA, committee member (2014 - 2014)
- Hiring Committee, member (2010 - 2011)
- ICIAM07, Co-Organizer, Mini-Symposium on Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Topics (2007 - 2007)
- ICIAM07, co-organizer of mini-symposium (2007)
- Organizing Committee, Member (2005 - 2006)
- Review Committee, Member (2006 - 2006)
- Conference Organizing Committee, Member (2005 - 2006)
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, Guest Editor (2004)
- Intel Science and Engineering Fair 2004 (ISEF 2004), Intel Special Judge (2004 - 2004)
- Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), Panel review of proposals (2003)
- Graduate Examination Committee in Differential Equations, Chair and member (2003)
- Graduate Examinations Committees in MAE, CEAS, Member (2003)
- Interdisciplinary air quality research team in EFD, Member (2003)
- Lighthill Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Member (2003)
- NSF, Reviewer (2003)
- Panel proposal review committee for AFOSR, Member (2003)
- Promotion to Full Prof. Committee for Sergei Suslov, Member (2003)
- Personnel and Budget Committee, Dept of Mathematics, Member (2002 - 2003)
- Colloquium and Math Awareness Committee, Member (2000 - 2002)
- Undergraduate Advisory Committee, Member (1998 - 2002)
- Program Committee, 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Member (2001 - 2001)
- International Environmental Hydraulics Symposium at ASU, member of the organizing committee (Present)
- AFOSR, referee proposals (Present)
- Co-Chairman, International Conference dedicated to 300th Birthday of Leonard Euler, Co-Chairman of the organizing committee (Present)
- Memorial Distinguished Nonlinear Studies Endowment at ASU, Member (Present)