Mark Hayes
Phone: 480-965-2566
Mail code: 1604Campus: Tempe
Mark A. Hayes holds an associate professorship in the School of Molecular Sciences at Arizona State University, where he serves as an active researcher, mentor, teacher and colleague. His academic career has produced significant results across several disciplines within the analytical, clinical, biological, and physical chemistry communities that includes aspects of engineering, physics, biology and medicine. While contributing to the knowledge base, he has energetically and creatively supported the wider profession at local, regional, national and international levels.
He initially worked in private industry at a ‘mom & pop’ analytical laboratory and at J&W Scientific capillary gas chromatography column manufacturer (now part of Agilent) after earning his undergraduate degree at Humboldt State University (California). He then entered graduate school at Penn State University and studied under Professor Andrew G. Ewing (currently the Marie Currie Chair at University of Gothenburg, Sweden), developing electrokinetic approaches to neuroscience and building new instrumentation. Postdoctoral studies were with Dr. Werner Kuhr at the University of California, Riverside focused on biosensor develop exploiting enzymes.
Professor Hayes has contributed to several different research areas, ranging from creating bionanotubules from liposomes with electric fields to establishing a framework for vastly improved microscale array-based separations in more than 80 publications and book chapters. He has served as Program Chair, Governing Board Chair, Long Range Planning Chair and Marketing Chair for Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) over a several-year period of time and was instrumental in altering the management structure and changing the name of the North American meeting to SciX Conference. He recently served as president (ending in 2015) of AES Electrophoresis Society. He has mentored 60 undergraduate and graduate students, producing 16 doctorates while supporting them with research funds and prestigious fellowships (NSF, Kirkbright, ACS, Fulbright, FLAS and local awards).
Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University 1993
My research is focused on developing new technology for ultrasmall volume biological fluids and tissue analysis. New technologies will allow the full chemical and bioactive analysis of incredibly small samples—on the order of a few nanoliters or a cube about one-tenth the diameter of a human hair. The idea of these ultrasmall volume biological assays opens the door to a wide variety of revolutionary applications, including inexpensive disposable clinical assays chips, implantable micro health monitoring systems, millions of parallel assays from a single microscopic sample (proteomic and genomic application—leading to personalized medical care), the ability to chemically map tissues at high spatial resolution, non-invasive sampling and local disease treatment among other interesting applications. To develop and apply these new technologies, our group’s research interests span chemistry, physics, biochemistry, engineering, medical science and biology. Much of the details of accomplishing our tasks lie in fundamental issues including surface chemistry, materials design, micro- and nanofluidics, dynamic interfacial physics & chemistry, and microfluidic/microelectronic chip design and fabrication.
One long-term goal is provide truly predictive pattern recognition for early disease detection for individuals, and by definition, define various states of wellness. The earliest a disease can be detected is when the wellness state begins to falter. All of the bioanalytical technical advances can be related to developing the ability to map the detailed chemical patterns of an active biological system. This map includes the idea of pattern recognition in the sense of varying concentrations of ‘markers’ for specific disease states and pattern recognition of those concentrations over time. One of the biggest challenges in proposing to address early disease detection is defining quantitatively the baseline or normal fluctuations of the operating biological system. A clearly ideal starting point for developing these capabilities is the observation of established chemical markers of stress. Arguable, a system under stress is the first step away from wellness and toward disease.
Our current projects focus on enabling the accurate and precise measurement of important bio-particles and molecules, which is a very difficult task. The huge variety and subtle differences between bio-particles and molecules presents a massive challenge to isolate and concentrate the important materials away from the unimportant. We have pioneered a new separation scheme enabled by the electronics industry fabrication strategies, resulting in micro and nanofluidics, where unheard of control of electric and flow fields can uniquely capture targets. We have demonstrated this on human and pathogen cells, along with a variety of important proteins.
- Mark Hayes. The future of separation science: goodbye old friends. LC-GC North America (2021).
- Yameng Liu and Mark A. Hayes. Orders-of-Magnitude Larger Force Demonstrated for Dielectrophoresis of Proteins Enabling High-Resolution Separations Based on New Mechanisms. Analytical Chemistry (2021).
- Mark A. Hayes and Federica Caselli. Bioanalytics and higher order electrokinetics. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2020).
- Mark A. Hayes. Dielectrophoresis of proteins: experimental data and evolving theory. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Early Access 4/1/2020).
- Shannon Huey Hilton, Claire V. Crowther, Alex McLaren, Jared P. Smithers, Mark A. Hayes. Biophysical differentiation of susceptibility and chemical differences in Staphylococcus aureus. Analyst (2020).
- Yameng Liu, Mark A. Hayes. Differential Biophysical Behaviors of Closely Related Strains of Salmonella. Frontiers in Microbiology (2020).
- Crowther, Claire V.; Hilton, Shannon Huey; Kemp, LaKeta; Hayes, Mark A. Isolation and identification of Listeria monocytogenes utilizing DC insulator-based dielectrophoresis. Analytica Chimica Acta (2019).
- Fanyi Zhu, Brent L. Nannenga, Mark A. Hayes, Electrophoretic exclusion microscale sample preparation for cryo-EM structural determination of proteins. Biomicrofluidics (2019).
- Claire V. Crowther, Viola Sanderlin, Mark A. Hayes, Gillian H. Gile, Effects of surface treatments on trapping with DC insulator-based dielectrophoresis. Analyst (2019).
- Robert J. Soto, Mark A. Hayes, Marc D. Porter, Electrochemically Modulated Liquid Chromatography in Fused Silica Capillary Columns. Analytical Chemistry (2019).
- Yameng Liu, Alan Jiang, Estelle Kim, Clarissa Ro, Tayloria Adams, Lisa A. Flanagan, Thomas J. Taylor, Mark A. Hayes. Identification of neural stem and progenitor cell subpopulations using DC insulator-based dielectrophoresis. Analyst (2019).
- Shannon Huey Hilton, Mark A. Hayes. A mathematical model of dielectrophoretic data to connect measurements with cell properties. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2019).
- Lisa M. Ponton, David W. Keller, Lorraine M. Siperko, Mark A. Hayes, Marc D. Porter. Investigation of Adsorption Thermodynamics at Electrified Liquid-Solid Interfaces by Electrochemically Modulated Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2019).
- Fanyi Zhu, Mark A. Hayes. Simulation and experiment of asymmetric electrode placement for electrophoretic exclusion in a microdevice. Electrophoresis (2019).
- Claire V. Crowther and Mark A. Hayes. Design of Efficient Traps for Gradient Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis (g-iDEP). Analyst (2017).
- Fanyi Zhu and Mark A. Hayes. Exploring Gradients in Electrophoretic Separation and Preconcentration on Miniaturized Devices. Chromatograph (2016).
- Jie Ding, Brenda G. Hogue, Robert Lawrence, Mark A. Hayes. Selective Concentration of Sindbis Virus with Gradient Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis. Analyst (2016).
- Paul V. Jones, Shannon Huey, Paige Davis, Ryan Mclemore, Alex Mclaren, Ryan Yanashima, Mark A. Hayes. Dielectrophoretic Differentiation and Separation of Staphylococcus based on Antibiotic Resistance Analyst (2015).
- Christine F. Woolley and Mark A. Hayes. Sensitive Detection of Cardiac Biomarkers Using a Magnetic Microbead Immunoassay. Analytical Methods (2015).
- Christine F. Woolley and Mark A. Hayes*. Theoretical Limitations of Quantification for Noncompetitive Sandwich Immunoassays. Anal. Bioanal (2015).
- Mark A. Hayes* and Paul V. Jones. Development of the Resolution Theory for Gradient Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis. Electrophoresis (2015).
- Paul V. Jones, Shannon Huey, Paige Davis, Ryan Mclemore, Alex Mclaren, and Mark A. Hayes. Dielectrophoretic Differentiation and Separation of Staphylococcus based on Antibiotic Resistance. Analyst (2015).
- Christine F. Woolley and Mark A. Hayes. Emerging Technologies for Biomedical Analysis. Analyst (2014).
- Paul V. Jones, Alexa F. DeMichele, LaKeta Kemp, and Mark A. Hayes. Differentiation of Escherichia coli Serotypes Using DC Gradient Insulator Dielectrophoresis. Anal. Bioanal (2014).
- Paul V. Jones, Alexa F. DeMichele, LaKeta Kemp, and Mark A. Hayes*. Differentiation of Escherichia coli Serotypes Using DC Gradient Insulator Dielectrophoresis. Anal. Bioanal (2014).
- Prasun Mahanti*, Thomas Taylor, Douglas Cochran, Michael Keebaugh, and Mark A. Hayes. Simulation and visualization of velocity fields in simple electrokinetic devices. Proceedings of Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA 2014) 2014, 10th annual (2014).
- Sarah Staton*, Andrea Woodward, Josemar Castillo, Kelly Swing and Mark A. Hayes. Ground level bioaerosol concentrations in various Ecuadorian environments: potential uses of aerosolized protein for ecological research. Ecological Indicators (2014).
- Stacy M. Kenyon, Michael Keebaugh, and Mark A. Hayes*. Development of the resolution theory for electrophoretic exclusion. Electrophoresis (2014).
- Christine F. Woolley and Mark A. Hayes. Recent developments in emerging micro-immunoassays. Bioanalysis (2013).
- Sarah J. R. Staton, Josemar A. Castillo, Thomas J. Taylor, Pierre Herckes and Mark A. Hayes. Identifying indoor environmental patterns from bioaerosol material using HPLC. Anal. Bioanal (2013).
- Michelle M. Meighan, Jared Vasquez, Luke Dziubcynski, Sarah Hews, and Mark A. Hayes*. Investigation of electrophoretic exclusion method for the concentration and differentiation of proteins. Anal. Chem (2011).
- Noah G. Weiss, Jason W. Jarvis, Randall W. Nelson, & Mark A. Hayes* , , . Analysis of serum amyloid P component using capillary isoelectric focusing coupled offline to matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization. Proteomics (2011).
- Noah G. Weiss, Mark A. Hayes, Antonio A. Garcia, and Rafat R. Ansari , 27(1), , . Isoelectric Focusing in a Drop. Langmuir (2011).
- Prasun Mahanti*, Thomas J. Taylor*, Mark A. Hayes*, Douglas Cochran, & Matthew M. Petkus. Improved detectability and signal strength for rotating phase fluorescence immunoassays through image processing. Analyst (2011).
- Noah G. Weiss, Nicole L. Zwick, & Mark A. Hayes. cIEF coupled offline to MALDI-MS with syringe pump mobilization. Journal of Chromatography (2010).
- Sarah J. R. Staton, Kang Ping Chen, Thomas J. Taylor, Jose Rafael Pacheco, & Mark A. Hayes* , DOI: 10.1002/elps.201000438. Characterization of particle capture in a sawtooth patterned insulating electrokinetic microfluidic device. Electrophoresis (2010).
- Barbara Jones, Matthew Vergne, David Bunk, Laurie Locascio, Mark Hayes. Reagentless Cleavage of Peptides and Proteins Using Light Generated Radicals. Anal. Chem (2007).
- Ana Egatz-Gómez, T Clement, D Yang, Mark Hayes, Devens Gust, Sonia Melle, Antonio GarcÃa, S Lindsay, M Márquez, P DomÃnguez-GarcÃa, Miguel Rubio, S Picraux, J Taraci. Discrete Magnetic Microfluidics. App. Phys. Let (2006).
- Antonio Garcia, Manuel Marquez, Tong Cai, Rohit Rosario, Zhibing Hu, Devens Gust, Mark Hayes, Sean Vail, Choong-Do Park. Photo-, thermally-, and pH-responsive microgels. Langmuir (2006).
- Matthew Petkus, A Vuppu, L Rios, Antonio Garcia, Mark Hayes. Detection of FITC-cortisol via Molecular Light Houses. Anal. Chem (2006).
- Ron Calhoun, A Yadav, P Phelan, A Vuppu, A Garcia, Mark Hayes. Paramagnetic Particles and Mixing in Micro-Scale Flows. Lab on a Chip (2006).
- S Aksyonov, R Rivera, D Williams, P Williams, M Bittner, L Bloom, L Reha-Krantz, Ian Gould, Mark Hayes, U Kiernan, E Niederkofler, V Pizziconi. Multiplexed DNA Sequencing-By-Synthesis. Anal. Biochem (2006).
- Michele Pysher, Mark Hayes. Effects of Deformability, Uneven Surface Charge Distributions, and Multipole Moments on Biocolloid Electrophoretic Migration. Langmuir (2005).
- Ron Calhoun, Richard Waskowsky, Patrick Phelan, Antonio Garcia, Mark Hayes, Anil Vuppu. CFD Analysis of Paramagnetic Particle Containment in Microwells. Lab on a Chip (2005).
- Timothy Crowley, Mark Hayes. Analysis of Human Blood Serum Using the Off-Line Coupling of Capillary Isoelectric Focusing to Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry. Proteomics (2005).
- M Pysher, Mark Hayes. Examination of the Electrophoretic Behavior of Liposomes. Langmuir (2004).
- Rohit Rosario, John Gust, A Garcia, Mark Hayes, J Taraci, T Clement, J Dailey, S Picraux. Lotus Effect Amplifies Light-Induced Contact Angle Switching. J. Phys. Chem. B (2004).
- Rosario, R, Garcia, A, Gust, D, Hayes, Mark, Springer, J. Effect of Surface Microenvironment on Bound Spiropyran Photochemistry. (2004).
- Anil Vuppu, Antonio Garcia, Mark Hayes. Video microscopy of dynamically aggregated paramagnetic particle chains in an applied rotating magnetic field. Langmuir (2003).
- B Bunker, B Kim, J Houston, R Rosario, A Garcia, Mark Hayes, D Gust, S Picraux. Direct Observation of Photo-Switching in Tethered Spiropyrans Using the Interfacial Force. Microscope Nano Letters (2003).
- Rohit Rosario, J Gust, Mark Hayes, A Garcia. Solvatochromic study of the microenvironment of surface bound spiropyrans. Langmuir (2003).
- Windman, T O (Author) ,Wyatt, B J (Author) ,Hayes, Mark A (Author) . Microfluidics for Ultrasmall-Volume Biological Analyses. Advances in Chromatography (2003).
- A Phayre, H Farfano, Mark Hayes. The Effects of pH Gradients on Liposomal Charge States Examined by Capillary Electrophoresis. Langmuir (2002).
- N Hartley, Mark Hayes. Examination of Theoretical Models in External Voltage Control of Capillary Electrophoresis. Anal. Chem (2002).
- R Rosario, D Gust, Mark Hayes, F Jahnke, A Garcia. Photon-Modulated Wettability Changes on Spiropyran Coated Surfaces. Langmuir (2002).
- Mark Hayes, N Polson, A Garcia. Active Control of Dynamic Supraparticle Structures in Microchannels. Langmuir (2001).
- Mark Hayes, N Polson, A Phayre, A Garcia. Flow Based Microimmunoassay. Anal. Chem (2001).
- N Polson, Mark Hayes. Controlling Fluids in Small Places: Microfluidics. Anal. Chem (2001).
- A Phayre, N Hartley, Mark Hayes. Microdevices for Biological Analyses: Recent Advances and Directions for the Future. Jour. Assoc. Lab. Auto (2000).
- J StClaire, Mark Hayes. Heat Index Flow Monitoring in Capillaries with Interferometric Backscatter Detection. Anal. Chem (2000).
- N Polson, D Savin, Mark Hayes. Electrophoretic Focusing Preconcentration Technique in Continuous Buffer Systems Employing Capillary Electrophoresis Separation Systems. J. Microcol. Separa (2000).
- N Polson, Mark Hayes. Electroosmotic Flow Control of Fluids on a Capillary Electrophoresis Microdevice using an Applied Radial Voltage. Anal. Chem (2000).
- F Zhu, Mark Hayes. Stimulation and Experiment of Asymmetric Electrode Placement for Electrophoretic Exclusion in a Microdevice. Electrophoresis (2019).
- Hayes,Mark A*, Taylor,Thomas J. Isolation of Pathogenic Listeria. HHS-NIH-NIAID(12/1/2014 - 11/30/2016).
- Hayes,Mark A*. Silica Particle Characterization by Dielectrophoresis. AGILENT TECH(2/1/2013 - 1/31/2016).
- Hayes,Mark A*, Taylor,Thomas J. Pathogen Isolation and Concentration for Phenotypic Subtyping. HHS-NIH-NIAID(3/5/2012 - 2/28/2015).
- Hayes,Mark A*, Hogue,Brenda G. Isolating Viral Particles from Whole Blood. HHS-NIH-NIAID(2/7/2012 - 1/31/2015).
- Hayes,Mark A*. Optimize Electrophoresis (EP) and Dielectrophoresis (DEP) for Biofluids. UNIV OF DELAWARE(5/15/2009 - 4/30/2011).
- Booksh,Karl S*, Hayes,Mark A. Blood Chemisty Analysis. Rogue(9/26/2005 - 3/31/2006).
- Williams,Peter*, Gould,Ian R, Hayes,Mark A. Multiplexed Reactive Sequencing of DNA. HHS-NIH-NHGRI(10/1/2004 - 9/30/2008).
- Francisco,Wilson Alex*, Blankenship,Robert E, Brune,Daniel Charles, Hayes,Mark A, Skibo,Edward B. Mass Spectrometry Across the Chemistry & Biochemistry Curriculum. NSF-EHR(7/15/2004 - 6/30/2007).
- Phelan,Patrick E*, Calhoun,Ronald Joseph, Garcia,Antonio Agustin, Hayes,Mark A, Vuppu,Anil Kumar. NER: APPLICATION OF PARAMAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES FOR BIOLOGICAL AGENT DETECTION. NSF-ENG(7/1/2003 - 6/30/2005).
- Garcia,Antonio Agustin*, Booksh,Karl S, Hayes,Mark A, Matt,Kathleen Sharon, Towe,Bruce C. MICRO LOCK-IN AMPLIFIER FOR CORTISOL AND CATECHOLAMINES. HHS-NIH-NIBIB(9/30/2002 - 2/28/2005).
- Woodbury,Neal Walter*, Allen,James Paul, Bingham,Scott Edward, Blankenship,Robert E, Brune,Daniel Charles, Chapsky,Lars, Francisco,Wilson Alex, Frasch,Wayne D, Garcia,Antonio Agustin, Gould,Ian R, Gust,John Devens, Hayes,Mark A, Kozicki,Michael N, Lin,Su, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Lobrutto,Russell, Massia,Stephen Paul, Moore,Ana L, Moore,Thomas Andrew, Nieman,Ronald A, Pauken,Christine Marie, Phelan,Patrick E, Pizziconi,Vincent B, Raupp,Gregory Bruce, Sankey,Otto F, Taguchi,Aileen Kazuko, Tao,Nongjian, Thornton,Trevor John, Towe,Bruce C, Vermaas,Willem F J, Webber,Andrew Neil, Williams,Joann Clara. IGERT: OPTICAL BIOMOLECULAR DEVICES: FROM NATURAL PARADIGMS TO PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. NSF-EHR(9/15/2001 - 8/31/2008).
- Garcia,Antonio Agustin*, Gust,John Devens, Hayes,Mark A, Woodbury,Neal Walter. PHOTOMANIPULATION OF HYDROPHOBICITY USING A 2-D NANOSTRUCTURAL SURFACE. NSF-ENG(8/15/2001 - 1/31/2003).
- Hayes,Mark A*. BIO-FLUIDIC CHIPS. MOTOROLA, INC(7/1/2000 - 6/28/2004).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 328 | Instrumental Analysis Lab |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 328 | Instrumental Analysis Lab |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 328 | Instrumental Analysis Lab |
CHM 328 | Instrumental Analysis Lab |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 328 | Instrumental Analysis Lab |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 524 | Separation Science |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 328 | Instrumental Analysis Lab |
CHM 328 | Instrumental Analysis Lab |
CHM 501 | Current Topics in Chemistry |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 328 | Instrumental Analysis Lab |
CHM 328 | Instrumental Analysis Lab |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 501 | Current Topics in Chemistry |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 524 | Separation Science |
- Hayes, Mark. American Chemical Society 232nd National Meeting, Ewing Award Session (Sep 2006).
- Pysher, Michele, Hayes, Mark. Liposomes form nanotubules and long range networks in the presence of electric field. American Chemical Society - 232th National Meeting (Sep 2006).
- Hayes, Mark. Southwest Analytical Professors (SWAP '06) (Feb 2006).
- Hayes, Mark, Jones, Barb, Locascio, Laurie. Radical Activated Cleavage of Peptides and Proteins: an Alternative to Prolytic Digestion. American Chemical Society - 40th Western Regional Meeting (Jan 2006).
- Petkus, Matthew, Hayes, Mark. Detection of FITC-Cortisol via Molecular Lighthouses. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (Oct 2005).
- Pysher, Michele, Hayes, Mark. Behaviors of Soft Biocolloids in Response to Hydrodynamic Stress and Electric Fields. American Chemical Society - 229th National Meeting (Mar 2005).
- Pysher, Michele, Hayes, Mark. Analysis of Liposome Incorporated Membrane Proteins via Capillary Electrophoresis. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (Oct 2004).
- Pysher, Michele, Hayes, Mark. Liposomes as Model Systems for Biological Particles: Characterization by Capillary Electrophoresis. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (Oct 2004).
- Pysher, Michele, Hayes, Mark. Electrophoretic Behavior of Liposomes. American Chemical Society - 227th National Meeting (Mar 2004).
- Pysher, Michele, Hayes, Mark. Electrophoretic Behavior of Liposomes (colloid & surface chemistry). American Chemical Society - 227th National Meeting (Mar 2004).
- Jones, Barb, Hayes, Mark. Radical Activated Cleavage of Peptides and Proteins. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (Oct 2003).
- Hayes, Mark. 3 invited talks @ Pittsburgh Conference (Mar 2003).
- Hayes, Mark. (Apr 2002).
- Hayes, Mark. Minnesota Chromatography Forum (Mar 2002).
- Hayes, Mark. Pittsburgh Conference (Mar 2002).
- Hayes, Mark. (Oct 2001).
- Phayre, A, Hayes, Mark, Lee, J, Lee, N, Garcia, A. Recent Advances with a Small -Volume Flow-Based Immunoassay Utilizing Paramagnetic Particles. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (Oct 2001).
- Hayes, Mark. Eastern Analytical Symposium (Oct 2001).
- Hayes, Mark. FACSS 2001 (Oct 2001).
- Hayes, Mark. Tenure Talk (Aug 2001).
- Hayes, Mark. 24th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis (May 2001).
- Hayes, Mark, Smith, M, Decker, T. Can There Be a Truce?. HPCE 2001, Adsorption versus Electroosmosis (Jan 2001).
- Hayes, Mark. (Oct 2000).
- Hayes, Mark. Eastern Analytical Symposium (Oct 2000).
- Hayes, Mark. FACSS 2000 (Sep 2000).
- Hayes, Mark. (Sep 2000).
- Hayes, Mark. Gordon Conference on Separations and Purification (Aug 2000).
- Hayes, Mark. Caliper Technologies (Jul 2000).
- Hayes, Mark. SmallTalk 2000 (Jul 2000).
- Hayes, Mark. (May 2000).
- Hayes, Mark. Sandia National Laboratory (Apr 2000).
- Hayes, Mark, Polson, N, StClaire, J, Hartley, N. Ultrsmall Fluid Sample Manipulation: Control of Electrokinetic Effects. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Polson, N, Hayes, Mark. Electrophoretic Focusing of Molecular Species Using a Continuous Buffer System for Capillary Electrophoresis. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- StClaire, J, Hayes, Mark. Non-Invasive Monitoring of Fluid Flow in a Small Bore Fused Silica Capillary Using Interferometric Backscatter Detection. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Branch, A, Garcia, A, Lee, J, Hayes, Mark. Small-Volume Flow-Based Immunoassay for Interleukin-5 in Capillaries and Microchips. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Hartley, N, Hayes, Mark. Titianium Dioxide as an Improved Surface for Coatings in Capillary Electrophoresis. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Hayes, Mark. Novel Applications of Microfluidics. DARPA/MOTO Workshop
- Hayes, Mark, Branch, A, Bonen, M, Polson, N, Garcia, A. Use of Paramagnetic Particles in Small Volumes: Patterning and Immunoassays. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Hayes, Mark, Hartley, N, Smith, M. Altered Surfaces for Small Volume Analysis. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Hayes, Mark, Smith, M, Decker, T. Adsorption versus Electroosmosis: Can There Be a Truce?. HPCE 2001
- Hayes, Mark, Pysher, Michele. Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis of Liposome Incorporated Membrane Proteins. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Pysher, Michele, Hayes, Mark. Examination of Liposome Behavior by Capillary Electrophoresis. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Pysher, Michele, Hayes, Mark. Unique Electrokinetic Behaviors of Liposomes and Bioparticles. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Taylor, Thomas, Mahanti, Prasun, Cochran, Douglas, Hayes, Mark. Enhanced Biochemical Signal Extraction from Rotating Paramagnetic Chains. AzANS Conference
- Branch, A, Hayes, Mark. Alteration of Liposomal Electrophoretic Mobilities by Interior pH: Implications to Proton Transfer in Liposomal Systems. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Grodzinski, P, Hayes, Mark. Sample Prep MCM BioFlips. DARPA PI Meeting
- Hartley, N, Hayes, Mark. Study of the Effect of Capillary Wall Thickness and Inner Diameter on Electroosmotic Flow in Capillary Electrophoresis. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- Hayes, M, Polson, N, Hayes, Mark. Chemical and Materials Control in Ultrasmall Volumes: Exploiting Electrokinetic Effects. Materials Research Society
- Smith, M, Hayes, Mark. Effect of External Voltage and Sterically Hindered Organosilanes on Protein Adsorption in Fused Silica Capillaries. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
- FACSS 2006, Past Governing Board Chair (2006 - Present)
- Review Committee for ASU, ASU/Mayo Partnership for Collaborative Research, Panel member (2005 - Present)
- FACSS 2005, Governing Board Chair (2005 - Present)
- FACSS 2004, Governing Board Chair Elect (2004 - Present)
- Biodevice Interface Science and Technology Workshop, Co-organizer (2002 - Present)
- Intel Workshop for Early Disease Detection, Participant (2002 - Present)
- FACSS 2002, Program Chair (2002 - Present)
- National Cancer Institute, Technologies for Comprehensive, Quantitative Protein Analysis in Human Tumors: Phased Innovation, ZCA1 SRRB-D (M2), Special Emphasis Review Panel (2001 - Present)
- FACSS 2001, Awards Program Chair (2001 - Present)
- National Cancer Institute, Innovative Technologies for the Molecular Analysis of Cancer and their Applications, ZCA1 SRRB-C (J1), Special Emphasis Review Panel (PAR 99-100, PAR99-101, PAR99-102) (2000 - Present)
- Bioanalytical/Biophysical, FACSS 2000, Section Chair (2000 - Present)
- Organizing Committee DEP 2016, Founding Member, Organizing and Scientific Commitees (2013 - 2018)
- School of Molecular Sciences Budget and Personnel Committee, Member (2015 - 2017)
- University Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member (2015 - 2017)
- National Academy of Sciences, NRC Panels, Member (2010 - 2017)
- AIChE/AES Annual Meeting 2016, Session Chair -- Electrokinetics for Sample Preparation (2015 - 2016)
- SciX Conference (FACSS 43) 2016, Session Chair – Dielectrophoresis (AES Session) (2015 - 2016)
- Electrophoresis, Editorial Review Board Member (2014 - 2015)
- SciX Conference (FACSS 42) 2015, Session Chair - Capillary Electrophoresis (2014 - 2015)
- AES Electrophoresis Society, President (2013 - 2015)
- Electrohoresis, Guest Editor : AES Annual Meeting Special Issue (2014 - 2015)
- Electrophoresis, Guest Editor : DEP 2014 Special Issue (2014 - 2015)
- DCB Admissions Committee, Member (2014 - 2014)
- Irish Health Research Board Reviewer 2014, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- DEP 2014, co-Founder and co-Organizer (2013 - 2014)
- Long Range Planning Committee, FACSS, Member (2006 - 2010)
- Governing Board Chair, Federation of Analytical and Spectroscopy Societies, Section Chair (2000 - 2010)
- Arizona Applied NanoSensors, Co-Director/Director (2003 - 2009)
- Arizona Proteomics Alliance, Working Group Leader (2004 - 2008)
- GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) Subject Test: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Write and Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- Ad Hoc Committee for Dispersed Electronic Meeting FACSS Chair, Member (2006 - 2007)
- Safety Committee, Member (2005 - 2006)
- Teaching Assistant Committee, Member (2005 - 2006)
- American Chemical Society, Professional Affiliations (2005 - 2006)
- ASU/Mayo Clinic Scottsdale Seed Grants Review Panel, Panel Member (2005 - 2005)
- National Cancer Institute, Special Emphasis Review Panel (RFA 01-011), Panel Member (2001 - 2001)