Shawn Huang
Phone: 480-965-7197
Mail code: 3606Campus: Tempe
Shawn Huang is an associate professor of accountancy at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He joined ASU in 2013. Professor Huang's research interests include the role of transparency and disclosure, properties of accounting numbers, executive compensation contracts, and international accounting. His research has been published in top-tier accounting and finance journals including Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Financial Economics, The Accounting Review, Management Science, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies. His work has also been cited and featured in The Wall Street Journal, CFO magazine, Compliance Week, Accounting Today, and Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation. Prior to his appointment at ASU, professor Huang was an assistant professor at the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Missouri.
- Ph.D. University of Missouri 2009
- M.S. University of Florida 2003
- B.S. Jinan University, China 2001
- Role of Transparency and Disclosures
- Properties of Accounting Numbers
- Executive Compensation
- International Accounting
Selected Publications:
- Huang, S. X., M. Kim, M. Vulcheva and M. Wieczynska. Regulation Takes a Back Seat to Business Concerns: Evidence from Stock Exchange Demutualization, Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.
- Huang, S. X., S. Keskek, and J. M. Sanchez. 2022, Investor Sentiment and Stock Option Vesting Terms. Management Science 68 (1), 773–795.
- Chi, S., S. X. Huang, and J. M. Sanchez. 2017. CEO Inside Debt Incentives and Corporate Tax Sheltering. Journal of Accounting Research 55, 837–876.
- Huang, S. X., R. Pereira, and C. Wang. 2017. Analyst Coverage and the Likelihood of Meeting or Beating Analyst Earnings Forecasts. Contemporary Accounting Research 34, 871–899.
- Francis, J., S. X. Huang, and I. Khurana. 2016. The Role of International GAAP in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions. Contemporary Accounting Research 33, 1298–1330.
- Dhaliwal, D., S. X. Huang, I. Khurana, and R. Pereira. 2014. Product Market Competition and Conditional Conservatism. Review of Accounting Studies 19, 1309-1345.
- Cassell, C., S. X. Huang, J. M. Sanchez. 2013. Forecasting without Consequence? Evidence on the Properties of Retiring CEOs’ Forecasts of Future Earnings. The Accounting Review 88, 1909-1937.
- Cassell, C., S. X. Huang, J. M. Sanchez, and M. D. Stuart. 2012. Seeking Safety: the Relation between CEO Inside Debt Holdings and the Riskiness of Firm Investment and Financial Policies. Journal of Financial Economics 103, 588–610.
- Francis, J., S. Huang, I. Khurana, and R. Pereira. 2009. Does Corporate Transparency Contribute to Efficient Resource Allocation? Journal of Accounting Research 47, 943-989.
You can view my research at my SSRN page:
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
DBA 722 | Seminar: Research in Action II |
DBA 723 | Seminar:Research in Action III |
DBA 706 | Strategic Visioning Leadership |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DBA 799 | Dissertation |
DBA 723 | Seminar:Research in Action III |
ACC 513 | Advanced Financial Accounting |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
DBA 702 | Glob FIN Sys Mkt & Institution |
ACC 513 | Advanced Financial Accounting |
ACC 513 | Advanced Financial Accounting |
DBA 711 | Financial Innovations |
DBA 707 | Risk Management |
DBA 722 | Seminar: Research in Action II |
DBA 721 | Seminar: Research in Action I |
DBA 701 | MacroECN Policy in Global Envi |
DBA 701 | MacroECN Policy in Global Envi |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 513 | Advanced Financial Accounting |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 513 | Advanced Financial Accounting |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 513 | Advanced Financial Accounting |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 440 | External Reporting II |
ACC 793 | Applied Project |
Arizona State University: 2013-present. University of Arkansas: 2009-2013