Teresa McCarty
Phone: 480-965-6292
ED 144E PO Box 874902 School of Social Transformation/Center for Indian Ed TEMPE, AZ 85287-4902
Teresa L. McCarty is an Emeritus Professor. She was the Alice Wiley Snell Professor of Education Policy Studies, professor of applied linguistics, and co-director of the Center for Indian Education at Arizona State University. An educational anthropologist, she has been a curriculum developer, teacher, and coordinator of American Indian education programs at the state and national levels. Between 1989 and 2004, she served as professor and head of the Department of Language Reading and Culture, interim dean of the College of Education, and co-director of the American Indian Language Development Institute, all at the University of Arizona. Her research and teaching focus on language education policy, Indigenous/language minority education, youth language ideologies and practices, critical literacy studies, and ethnographic studies of education. A Kellogg Foundation National Fellow and a fellow of the American Educational Research Association, the Society for Applied Anthropology, and the International Center for Language Revitalization, she is also past president of the Council on Anthropology and Education, former editor of Anthropology and Education Quarterly, current co-editor of the Journal of American Indian Education, and current associate editor of the American Educational Research Journal and Language Policy. Her books include "A Place To Be Navajo – Rough Rock and the Struggle for Self-Determination in Indigenous Schooling" (Erlbaum, 2002), "Language, Literacy, and Power in Schooling" (Erlbaum, 2005), Ethnography and Language Policy (Routledge, 2011), and "To Remain an Indian: Lessons in Democracy from a Century of Native American Education" (with K. T. Lomawaima, Teachers College Press, 2006). The latter book won an AERA Outstanding Book Award in 2007.
In 2010, McCarty received the George and Louise Spindler Award from the American Anthropological Association's Council on Anthropology and Education for distinguished and inspirational contributions to the anthropology of education. During the 2011-2012 academic year, she was with the School for Advanced Research (SAR) in Santa Fe, NM as SAR's National Endowment for the Humanities Resident Scholar. At ASU, she is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Social Transformation and affiliate faculty in American Indian Studies and the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. She teaches courses: Anthropology and Education, Qualitative Methods, Indigenous Language Planning and Policy, and Ethnography and Language Policy.
Ph.D. Social-Cultural Anthropology, Arizona State University 1984
Educational-linguistic anthropology, Indigenous/minority education, educational language policy, youth language practices, education equity, ethnographic studies of education, and language endangerment, revitalization, and rights.
- Brayboy, B.M.J., & McCarty, T. L. Editors' Introduction: The Next 50 Years for ASU's Center for Indian Education -- Revisiting History and Engaging the Future. Journal of American Indian Education (2011).
- McCarty, T. L., Collins, J., & Hopson, R. K. Dell Hymes and the New Language Policy Studies: Update from an Underdeveloped Country. Anthropology and Education Quarterly (2011).
- McCarty, Teresa L. Ethnography and Language Policy. (2011).
- McCarty, Teresa L. Ethnography and Language Policy. (2011).
- Romero-Little, M. E., Ortiz, S. J., & McCarty, T. L. Indigenous Languages Across the Generations -- Strengthening Families and Communities. (2011).
- . . Review of: Reflections in Place: Connected Lives of Navajo Women (2011).
- Coronel-Molina, S. M., & McCarty, T. L. Language Curriculum Design and Evaluation for Endangered Languages. The Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages (2011).
- McCarty, T. L. Introducing Ethnography and Language Policy. Ethnography and Language Policy (2011).
- McCarty, T. L., & Warhol, L. The Anthropology of Language Planning and Policy. Companion to the Anthropology of Education (2011).
- McCarty, T. L., Romero-Little, M. E., Warhol, L., & Zepeda, O. Critical Ethnography and Indigenous Language Survival -- Some New Directions in Language Policy Research and Praxis. Ethnography and Language Policy (2011).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Introducing Ethnography and Language Policy. Ethnography and Language Policy (2011).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Unpeeling, Slicing, and Stirring the Onion – Questions and Certitudes in Policy and Planning for Linguistic Diversity in Education. Educational Linguistics in Practice: Applying the Local Globally and the Global Locally (2011).
- Teresa L. McCarty, Mary Eunice Romero-Little, Larisa Warhol, & Ofelia Zepeda. Critical Ethnography and Indigenous Language Survival: Some New Directions in Language Policy Research and Praxis. Ethnography and Language Policy (2011).
- Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy & Teresa L. McCarty. JAIE and CIE -- A Renewed Vision for the Next 50 Years. Journal of American Indian Education (2010).
- McCarty, T. L. Questions for Gella Schweid Fishman. Language Policy (2010).
- Bryan M. J. Brayboy & Teresa L. McCarty. Indigenous Knowledges and Social Justice Pedagogy. Social Justice Pedagogy across the Curriculum: The Practice of Freedom (2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Native American Education in Light of the Ethiopian Case -- Challenging the Either-Or Paradigm. Multilingual Education Works: From the Periphery to the Centre (2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Native American Languages in the USA. Language Diversity in the USA (2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty, Mary Eunice Romero-Little, Larisa Warhol, & Ofelia Zepeda. "I'm Speaking English instead of My Culture": Portraits of Language Use and Change among Native American Youth. Ethnolinguistic Diversity and Education: Language, Literacy, and Culture (2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Questions for Gella Schweid Fishman. (2010).
- R. Bordeaux, C. Taylor, S. Fox, D. Beaulieu, T.L. McCarty, Y. Goodman, J. Reyhner, & J. Ahler. BIE [Bureau of Indian Education] Leading Students to Failure. Indian.com News (2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. The Impact of High-stakes Accountability Policies on Native American Learners: Evidence from Research. Teaching Education (2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty & Leisy T. Wyman. Indigenous Youth and Bilingualism -- Theory, Research, Praxis. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education (2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty, Mary Eunice Romero-Little, Larisa Warhol, & Ofelia Zepeda. Indigenous Youth as Language Policy Makers. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education (2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Empowering Indigenous Languages -- What Can Be Learned from Native American Experiences?. Social Justice through Multilingual Education (2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Pedagogy, Politics, and Ethnolinguistic Diversity: Lessons from Native American Education. Second International Conference on Language, Education, and Diversity, University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ (2009).
- . Indigenous Youth and Bilingualism. (2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty & Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy. No Anthropologist Left Behind? Reclaiming an Anthropological Voice in Eductiton Policy Reform. (2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Bilingual Education by and for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians. Encyclopedia of Language and Education Vol. 5: Bilingual Education (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Indigenous Language Revitalization. Encyclopedia of Bilingual Education Vol. I (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Language Education Planning and Policies by and for indigenous Peoples. Encyclopedia of Language and Education Vol. 1: Policy and Political Issues in Education (2nd edition) (2008).
- Tove Skutnabb-Kangas & Teresa L. McCarty. Key Concepts in Bilingual Education: Ideological, Historical, Epistemological, and Empirical Foundations. Encyclopedia of Language and Education Vol. 5: Bilingual Education (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Education in an Era of Standardization and NCLB -- An INtroduction. Journal of American Indian Education (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Education in the Era of standardization and NCLB - An introduction. Journal of American Indian Education (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Native American Languages as Heritage Mother Tongues. Language, Culture, and Curriculum (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. The Impact of High-stakes Accountability Policies on Native American Learners: Evidence from Research. Queensland University of Technology Indigenous Leadership Institute (2008).
- . . Review of: Empowerment of North American Indian Girls: Ritual Expressions at Puberty (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Evaluating Images of Groups in Your Curriculum. Everyday Anti-racism (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Schools as Strategic Tools for Language Revitalization: Lessons from Native America. Can Schools Save Indigenous Languages? Policy and Practice on Four Continents (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty, Mary Eunice Romero-Little, & Ofelia Zepeda. Indigenous Language Policies in Social Practice: The Case of Navajo. Sustaining Linguistics Diversity: Endangered and Minority Languages and Language Varieties (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, & Ole Hanrik Magga. Education for Speakers of Endangered Languages. The Handbook of Educational Linguistics (2008).
- . American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Education in the Era of Standardization and NCLB. (2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Commentary: Cultivating Native Leadership through the Pedagogy of Multiple Literacies. (2008).
- Donna Deyhle & Teresa L. McCarty. Beatrice Medicine and the Anthropology of Education: Legacy and Vision for Critical Race/Critical Language Research and Praxis. Anthropology and Education Quarterly (2007).
- Romero-Little, M. E., McCarty, T. L., Warhol, L., & Zepeda, O. Language Policies in Practice: Implications from a Large-scale National Study of Native American Language Shift. TESOL Quarterly (2007).
- Teresa McCarty. Editorial passages. Anthropology and Education Quarterly (2006).
- Teresa McCarty, M Romero, O Zepeda. Reclaiming the gift: Indigenous youth counter-narratives on Native language loss and revitalization. American Indian Quarterly (2006).
- Teresa McCarty, M Romero-Little, O Zepeda. Native American youth discourses on language shift and retention: Ideological cross-currents and their implications for language planning. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (2006).
- Lomawaiama, K T, McCarty, Teresa L. To Remain an Indian: Lessons in Democracy from a Century of Native American Education. (2006).
- McCarty, Teresa L, Zepeda, O. One Voice, Many Voices-Recreating Indigenous Language Communities. (2006).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) ,Romero, M E (Author) ,Zepeda, O (Author) . Reimagining multilingual America: Lessons from Native American youth. Reimagining Multilingual Schools: Languages in Education (2006).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) ,Zepeda, O (Author) . Recreating Indigenous language communities - Possibilities for a new century. One Voice, Many Voices - Recreating Indigenous Language Communities (2006).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Voice and Choice in Indigenous Language Revitalization. (2006).
- C Emihovich, Teresa McCarty. Do we need structured abstracts in educational research?. Anthropology News (2005).
- Teresa McCarty. AEQ, 1970-2005: Reflections on educational anthropology-Past, present, future. Anthropology and Education Quarterly (2005).
- Teresa McCarty. Tending the language garden - Lessons from Native America. English Language Learner (2005).
- Teresa McCarty, K Foster. Critical issues and future directions for AEQ. Anthropology News (2005).
- Teresa McCarty, M Romero. What does it mean to lose a language?: Investigating heritage language loss and revitalization among American Indians. Show and Tell (2005).
- Teresa McCarty, T Borgoiakova, P Gilmore, K Lomawaima, M Romero. Editors' introduction. Indigenous epistemologies and education: Self-determination, anthropology, and human rights. Anthropology & Education Quarterly (2005).
- Teresa McCarty, T Borgoiakova, P Gilmore, K Lomawaima, M Romero. Indigenous Epistemologies and Education: Self-Determination, Anthropology, and Human Rights. Theme Issue, Anthropology & Education Quarterly (2005).
- McCarty, Teresa L. Language, Literacy, and Power in Schooling. (2005).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) . Reclaiming critical literacies. Language, Literacy, and Power in Schooling (2005).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) . The continuing power of the "Great Divide.". Language, Literacy, and Power in Schooling (2005).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) . The power within: Indigenous literacies and teacher empowerment. Language, Literacy, and Power in Schooling (2005).
- Teresa McCarty. Editor's introduction. Brown plus 50 and beyond: Anthropology and the ongoing challenge of the "Great Divide.". Anthropology and Education Quarterly (2004).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) . Dangerous difference: A critical-historical analysis of language education policies in the USA. Medium of Instruction Policies: Which Agenda? Whose Agenda? (2004).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) ,Watahomigie, L J (Author) . Language and literacy in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Sociocultural Contexts of Language and Literacy (2004).
- Teresa McCarty. Revitalising Indigenous languages in homogenising times. Comparative Education (2003).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) ,Dick, G S (Author) . Telling The People's stories: Literacy research and practice in a Navajo community school. Multicultural Issues in Literacy Research and Practice (2003).
- K Gutiérrez, J Asato, M Pacheco, L Moll, K Olson, E Horng, R Ruiz, E GarcÃa, Teresa McCarty. Sounding American: The consequences of new reforms on English language learners. Reading Research Quarterly (2002).
- K Lomawaima, Teresa McCarty. Reliability, validity and authenticity in American Indian and Alaska Native research. ERIC Digest (2002).
- K Lomawaima, Teresa McCarty. When tribal sovereignty challenges democracy: American Indian education and the democratic ideal. American Educational Research Journal (2002).
- Teresa McCarty. Bilingual/bicultural schooling and Indigenous students: A response to Eugene Garcia. International Journal of the Sociology of Language (2002).
- Teresa McCarty, K Lomawaima. Editors' introduction. Against forgetting: Anthropology and education in the aftermath of 9/11/01. Anthropology and Education Quarterly (2002).
- Teresa McCarty, K Lomawaima. From the editors. Anthropology and Education Quarterly (2002).
- McCarty, Teresa L. A Place To Be Navajo-Rough Rock and the Struggle for Self-Determination in Indigenous Schooling. (2002).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) . Between possibility and constraint: Indigenous language education, planning, and policy in the United States. Language Policies in Education: Critical Issues (2002).
- Teresa McCarty, K Lomawaima. From the editors. Anthropology and Education Quarterly (2001).
- . . Review of: D. Champagne's Contemporary Native American Cultural Issues (2001).
- . . Review of: T.R. Johnson's Contemporary Native American Political Issues (2001).
- McCarty, Teresa L (Author) ,Yamamoto, A Y (Author) ,Watahomigie, L J (Author) ,Zepeda, O (Author) . Indigenous educators as change agents: Case studies of two language institutes. The Green Book of Language Revitalization in Practice (2001).
- McCarty, T. L. Language Choice, Education Equity, and Mother Tongue Schooling -- Comparing the Cases of Ethiopia and Native America. Multilingual Education and Sustainable Diversity (0).
- McCarty, T. L. Unpeeling, Slicing, and Stirring the Onion--Questions and Certitudes in Policy and Planning for Linguistic Diversity in Education. Educational Linguistics in Practice: Applying the Local Globally and the Global Locally (0).
- Brayboy,Bryan*, Chadwick,Deborah Lynn, Mccarty,Teresa L, Romero-Little,Mary Eunice, Romero-Little,Mary Eunice, Swadener,Elizabeth Blue. GRE2ATE - Gila RIver Early Educators Attaining Teaching Excellence. ED(7/1/2012 - 6/30/2016).
- Mccarty,Teresa L*. RAPID: Documenting Critically Endangered Mojave Bird Songs in Authentic Cultural Contexts. NSF-SBE(6/1/2011 - 11/30/2014).
- Brayboy,Bryan*, Mccarty,Teresa L. Arizona Four Corners Teacher Prep Project (AZ4CTPP). ED(10/1/2010 - 12/31/2014).
- Mccarty,Teresa L*, Romero-Little,Mary Eunice. The Impact of Native Language Shift and Rentention on American Indian Students' English Language Learning and School Achievement. ED(11/2/2004 - 12/31/2006).
2025 Summer
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DCI 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Summer
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DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
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2023 Summer
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DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
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2022 Summer
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DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
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2021 Summer
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EDA 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
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2020 Fall
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DCI 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
EDA 792 | Research |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 784 | Internship |
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2020 Summer
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DCI 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
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2020 Spring
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DCI 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 792 | Research |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
- McCarty, T. L. "Freedom to Have One's Voice Heard and to Develop a Voice Worth Hearing": Tracing Hymes in the New Language Policy Studies. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (Nov 2011).
- McCarty, T.L., & Collins, J. Dell Hymes and the New Language Policy Studies: Legacies and Reimaginings of Linguistic (in)equality in Education. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (Nov 2011).
- McCarty, T. L. The Challenges of Sustainable Diversity in Homogenizing Times. UNESCO and Slovene Committee of UNESCO, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Oct 2011).
- McCarty, Teresa L. Indigenous Youth and Language Survival. School for Advanced Research (Oct 2011).
- McCarty, T. L. Education through Language and Culture Works! Evidence from Research on Promising Practices. Northwest Regional Bilingual Institute, New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education (Oct 2011).
- McCarty, T. L. Language Revitalization Works: Local Practice and National Language Policy. Administration for Native Americans Language Symposium (Sep 2011).
- Dónall Ó Riagáin & Teresa L. McCarty. Language Policy and Minority Rights: Challenges and Possibilities in National and International Contexts. International Language Policy and Language Planning Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland (Jun 2011).
- McCarty, T. L. Language Ideologies and Linguistic Repertoires. Arizona Anthropology and Education Exchange (Apr 2011).
- McCarty, T. L. Native Languages and Cultures in Schooling -- The Real "Gap" in Achievement Disparities, and What Can Be Done About It. Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology (Apr 2011).
- Hornberger, N. H., & McCarty, T. L. Globalization from the Bottom Up: Indigenous Language Planning and Policy in Globalizing Spaces and Places. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (Mar 2011).
- McCarty, T. L., Nicholas, S. E., & Wyman, L. T. Re-emplacing Place ein the "Global Here and Now": Critical Ethnographic Case Studies of Native American Language Planning and Policy. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (Mar 2011).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Enduring Inequities, Imagined Futures – Circulating Policy Discourses and Dilemmas in the Anthropology of Education. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Nov 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty & Sheilah E. Nicholas. Left Behind and Losing Ground: Racializing Language Policies and Local Education Action – Case Examples from Native America. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Nov 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty & Greg Tanaka. Circulating Discourses, Disciplines, and Dilemmas in Education Policy Research and Praxis – Anthropology "of" and "in" Policy. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Nov 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Promising Practices on the Role of Native Language and Culture in the Academic Achievement of American Indian/Alaska Native Students. National Indian School Board Association and Association of Community Tribal Schools Summer Conf (Jul 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Contextualizing Context in the Anthropology of Education. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Presidential Session (May 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. The Racializing Function of Medium-of-instruction Policies in Indigenous/Minoritized Schooling. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (May 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Indigenous Youth and Language Survival: Some New Directions in Language and Literacy Research. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vice Presidential Session (May 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Indigenous Youth and Language Survival: Some New Directions in Language Policy Research and Praxis. Invited Lecture, Department of Linguistics, University of California-Davis (May 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Language Pedagogy and Politics in Indigenous America – Miner’s Canary of Mariner’s Tern?. Literacy Studies @ OSU Spring Lecture (May 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Indigenous Youth and Language Survival: Some New Directions in Applied Linguistics Research and Praxis. University of California-Santa Barbara Applied Linguistics Spring Lecture (Mar 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. The Racializing Function of Medium-of-Instruction Policies in Indigenous/Minority Schooling. American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting (Mar 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Experiences of Simultaneity in Complex Contemporary Linguistic Ecologies: Implications for Theory, Method, and Practice. American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting (Mar 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Thick Description in Language Planning and Policy. American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting (Mar 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Indigenous Languages Alive and Well in Schools? Evidence from Research and Praxis. American Educational Research Association Social Justice Action Committee Indigenous Ed. Symposium (Feb 2010).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Critical Ethnography as Means and Ends in Indigenous Language Planning and Policy. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Dec 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Ethnography and Language Policy – New Means, New Ends, New Times. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Dec 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Council on Anthropology and Education Policy Engagement Working Group Open Forum. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Dec 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Promising Practices in Indigenous Education – Research to Improve Policy for Indigenous Students. International Research Symposium, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Austral (Oct 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Native Languages and Cultures in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Student Achievement: An Assessment of the State of the Field. Partnerships in Indian Education National Conference (Jul 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Good Practice Makes Good Policy (and Bad Policies Make Bad Practice): What We Can Learn from Language and Literacy Research with Native American Learners. National Congress of American Indians Mid-Year Conference (Jun 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty & Tamara Borgoiakova. Language Policies by and for Indigenous Peoples: The Cases of Navajo and Khakass. International Language Policy and Language Planning Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland (Jun 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Critical Ethnography and Language Policy – A Comparative Look at Language Policies-in- Practice among American Indian Youth. International Language Policy and Language Planning Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland (Jun 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Critical Ethnography and Language Policy: A New Paradigm for New Challenges in Minority/Indigenous Language Revitalization and Maintenance. International Language Policy and Language Learning Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland (Jun 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. The Stakes in High Stakes: Evidence from Interdisciplinary Research on Native Languages and Cultures in Indigenous Schooling. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Apr 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Indigenous Youth and Bilingualism. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Apr 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. The Social Construction of Education Change in a Conversion Charter School. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Apr 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Reconceptualizing "High Stakes" in the Context of Indigenous Schooling: Learners, Communities, and Teachers Shaping Authentic Curricular Practices. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Apr 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Language Policies in Social Practice: Constructing Identity, (Re)claiming Language Rights. International Sociolinguistics Symposium 17 (Apr 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty & Leisy Wyman. Indigenous Youth and Bilingualism. American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting (Mar 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. The Youngest Policymakers: An Ethnographic Look at Language Practices and Ideologies among Native American Youth. American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting (Mar 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. First Peoples, First Sovereignties: Reflections on "Language Work" and Nation-Building in Native America. Annual Colloquy, University of Arizona, College of Education, Dept. of Language, Reading & Culture (Feb 2009).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Advancing Anthropology and Education Perspectives in Public Policy. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Nov 2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Portraits of Language Use in Native America: Complicating Language Shift, Promoting Indigenous Rights. International Sociolinguistics Symposium 17 (Apr 2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty & Larisa Warhol. "I’m Speaking English Instead of My Culture": Portraits of Language Use and Change among American Indian Youth. International Linguistic Association Annual Conference (Apr 2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. New Research and Praxis in Indigenous Language Shift and Revitalization: A Focus on Families and Yout. International Linguistic Association Annual Conference (Apr 2008).
- Teresa L. McCarty. Ethnography and Literacy Research and Praxis: Pushing Past the Divides. National Councll of Teachers of English Annual Research Conference (Feb 2008).
- McCarty, Teresa. Institutionalizing Cultural Diversity in Universities. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Nov 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. Native American Youth Discourses on Language, Identity, and Schooling: Lessons for Literacy Education in Multilingual/Multiethnic Contexts. NWAV (New Ways of Analyzing Language Variation) 35 Conference (Nov 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa, Deyhle, D. Beatrice Medicine and the Anthropology of Education: Legacy and Vision for Criical Race/Critical Language Research and Praxis. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Nov 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. Language Education Planning and Policies by and for Indigenous Peoples - Challenges and Possibilities in the Native American Context. Language Law and Language Rights Conference, National University of Ireland (Jun 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. Language Planning and Linguistic Human Rights: Challenges and Possibilities in Cross-National Perspective - From Dialogue to Action. Plenary panel, Language Law and Language Rights Conference (Jun 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. A Place To Be Navajo - The Making of an Ethnography of Schooling ? and Beyond. Doctoral Colloquy, Northern Arizona University Department of Curriculum and Instruction (Jun 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. If (Only) Research Were Practice - Lessons from Research and Practice with Native Youth, Teachers, and Parents. University of Utah, Department of Education, Culture, and Society/American Indian Teacher Training Program (May 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. American Indian Education Research: Lessons from Past and Present for a Critical Democracy. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Apr 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. Testing Tribal Sovereignty: Indigenous Self-Determination in the Era of High-Stakes Tests. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Apr 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. At the Intersection of Identity, Language Allegiance, and Language Rights - Indigenous Language Policy "In/As" Social Practice - A Navajo Example. Georgetown Roundtable on Linguistics (Mar 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. Indigenous Language Policies Worldwide - Case Studies in Language Regenesis and Linguistic Human Rights. Georgetown Roundtable on Linguistics (Mar 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. Community-Based Language Planning and Revitalization: Lessons from the Native Language Shift and Retention Project. National Association for Bilingual Education Annual Conference (Jan 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. English-Only (Again) and Native American Learners - Lessons from the Past, Research on the Present, and Prospects for the Future. National Association for Bilingual Education Annual Conference (Jan 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. Science, Common Sense, and Public Opinion: Advocating for ELLs in the NCLB Era. National Association for Bilingual Education Annual Conference (Jan 2006).
- McCarty, Teresa. Bridging Past and Present in Indigenous Language Education-Language Ideologies in Practice. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Dec 2005).
- McCarty, Teresa. Why an Anthropology of Educational Policy Matters. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Dec 2005).
- McCarty, Teresa. Indigenous Language Revitalization as a Human Right: Lessons from Native America. First Annual Symposium on Indigenous Siberian Languages (Sep 2005).
- McCarty, Teresa. Youth and Adult Perspectives on Native Language Loss and Revitalization: Reflections from the Field. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting (Apr 2005).
- McCarty, Teresa, Romero, M. Accountable to Whom? NCLB, English-Only, and Native American Learners. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Apr 2005).
- McCarty, Teresa. The Education of Bilingual Students in Canada and the United States: Past, Present, and Future. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Apr 2005).
- McCarty, Teresa. (Re)claiming Community Languages: Lessons from Indigenous America. 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Polytechnic Institute of Catalonia (Mar 2005).
- McCarty, Teresa. Perspectives of Research Producers. National Research Council Panel on Standards of Evidence and Structured Abstracts in Education Research (Jan 2005).
- McCarty, Teresa, Begay, V. Language Restrictionism and Navajo Identities: Leaving Native Languages and Cultures Behind?. Language Minority Education Research Roundtable (Jan 2005).
- McCarty, Teresa. Reclaiming Multilingual America: Lessons from Native American Youth. International Symposium on Language in Education (Oct 2004).
- McCarty, Teresa. Revitalizing Indigenous Languages in Standardizing Times. Cultural Diversity and Language Education Conference (Sep 2004).
- McCarty, Teresa. Language Revitalization in an Era of Accountability: Listening to Youth and Adult Voices. Cultural Diversity and Language Education Conference (Sep 2004).
- McCarty, Teresa. Listening to Youth and Adult Voices on Native Language Loss and Revitalization: A Work in Progress. University of Alaska-Fairbanks, College of Education (Jul 2004).
- McCarty, Teresa, Romero, M. Navajo and Pueblo Cultural Worlds. National Academy of Education Fellows Retreat (Mar 2002).
- McCarty, Teresa. Brown v. Board at 50: "Race," Science, and the New Segregation in U.S. Schools. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting/Council on Anthropology and Education Canterbury Convocation
- Society for Applied Anthropology, Fellow (2003 - Present)
- Language, Education, and Identities, Editorial Board Member (2002 - Present)
- Journal of American Indian Education, Editorial Board Member (1995 - Present)
- American Anthropological Association, Program reviewer for annual conference (1990 - Present)
- American Association of Applied Linguistics, Program reviewer for annual conference (1990 - Present)
- American Educational Research Association, Program reviewer for annual conference (1990 - Present)
- American Educational Research Association; Council on Anthropology and Education, Member (1990 - Present)
- American Indian Quarterly, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Bilingual Research Journal; Canadian Journal of Education, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Cultural Anthropology; English Education, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Ethnicities; Ethnohistory, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Human Organization; International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- International Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Member (1990 - Present)
- International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Journal of American Indian Education, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Journal of Language and Identity in Education, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Journal of Navajo Education, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Language Arts; Language, Culture and Curriculum, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Longman Publishers, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Modern Language Journal, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Multilingual Matters, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- National Association for Bilingual Education, Program reviewer for annual conference (1990 - Present)
- National Association for Bilingual Education; National Council of Teachers of English, Member (1990 - Present)
- Research in the Teaching of English, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Review of Educational Research, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Society for Applied Anthropology; Society for Linguistic Anthropology, Member (1990 - Present)
- Teachers College Press, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Teachers College Record, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- The New Advocate, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- University of Toronto Press, Manuscript and book reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Journal of American Indian Education, Co-editor (2009 - 2014)
- Center for Indian Education, Arizona Four Corners Teacher Preparation Project, Co-PI (2010 - 2014)
- International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Editorial Board Member (2005 - 2014)
- Center for Indian Education (CIE)-Navajo Nation Professional Development Partnership, Partnership Member (2010 - 2014)
- Journal of American Indian Education, Co-editor (2010 - 2014)
- International Multilingual Research Journal, Consulting Editor (2007 - 2014)
- Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, Editorial Board Member (2002 - 2014)
- Learning Sciences Institute, Affiliated Researcher (2011 - 2013)
- American Anthropological Association, Chair, Education Task Force (2010 - 2013)
- Arizona Anthropology and Education Exchange, Faculty Mentor/Group Advisor (2009 - 2013)
- American Anthropological Association, Chair, Task Force on Education (2010 - 2013)
- American Educational Research Journal, Associate Editor (2010 - 2013)
- Queensland University of Technology, Member, International Expert Panel, Stronger Smarter Learning Communities (SSLC) (2010 - 2013)
- Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Editorial Board Member (2007 - 2013)
- Queensland University of Technology, Stronger Smarter Learning Communities Initiative, International Expert Panel Member (2010 - 2012)
- ASU-Navajo Nation Intergovernmental Agreement Advisory Committee, Member, Subcommittee on the Development of the Diné Department of Education (2009 - 2012)
- Fort Mojave Tribe Language Recovery Program, Needles, CA, Advisory Support and Workshop Presenter (2009 - 2012)
- Fort Mojave Tribe Language Recovery Program, Needles, CA, Collaboration, advisory support, training and technical assistance (2009 - 2012)
- Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Education Leadership and Policy Studies Ph.D. Committee, Member (2011 - 2012)
- Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Learning, Literacies, and Technologies Ph.D. Program Committee, Member (2011 - 2012)
- Center for Indian Education, Co-director (2009 - 2012)
- Language Policy, Associate Editor (2009 - 2012)
- Language Arts, Editorial Board Member (2006 - 2012)
- Language Arts, Editorial Review Board Member (2006 - 2012)
- Reading Research Quarterly, Editorial Board Member (2006 - 2012)
- Reading Research Quarterly, Editorial Review Board member (2006 - 2012)
- Various Universities and Research Foundations (see "Additional Information"), External Promotion and Tenure Reviewer (2011 - 2011)
- American Anthropological Association, Council on Anthropology and Education, Chair, George and Louise Spindler Award Committee (2011 - 2011)
- American Anthropological Association, Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE), Past President and Chair, CAE Early Career Presidential Fellows Program (2010 - 2011)
- Puente de Hózhó Trilingual Magnet School, Flagstaff, AZ, PI and Project Coordinator, Puente de Hózhó Promising Practices Study (2009 - 2011)
- School of Social Transformation Governance Committee, Member (2010 - 2011)
- Indigenous Education Search Committee, Co-chair (2009 - 2011)
- Indigenous Education Search Committee, Co-chair (2010 - 2011)
- Center for Indian Education, Co-director (2009 - 2011)
- National Science Foundation, Proposal Reviewer (2008 - 2011)
- Council on Anthropology and Education, American Anthropological Association, Chair, CAE Presidential Early Career Fellows Program (2010 - 2011)
- Diaspora, Minority, and Indigenous Education, Manuscript Reviewer (2009 - 2010)
- Council on Anthropology and Education, American Anthropological Association, President, Past President (2008 - 2010)
- National Working Group, Promising Practices and Partnerships in Indian Education, Member and PI, subgroup on the role of Native languages and cultures in American Indian/Alaska Native students' academic achievement (2008 - 2010)
- Multiple Universities and Research Foundations, External Promotion and Tenure Reviewer (2010 - 2010)
- Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education (FIGSE), Personnel Committee Chair (2008 - 2010)
- American Anthropological Association, Chair, Task Force on Mentoring (2009 - 2010)
- Council on Anthropology and Education, American Anthropological Association, Program Reviewer (2008 - 2010)
- Mary Lou Fulton College of Education Faculty Leadership Team on College Reorganization, Team Member (2009 - 2010)
- Division of Advanced Studies in Education Policy, Leadership, and Curriculum, Advisory Committee Member (2009 - 2010)
- Multiple Universities, External Promotion and Tenure Reviewer (2009 - 2009)
- Council on Anthropology and Education Executive Board, American Anthropological Association, Member (2006 - 2009)
- International Multicultural Research Journal, Consulting Editor (2006 - 2009)
- AIESEC ASU, Presenter (2009 - 2009)
- Mathematica Policy Resaerch, Research and Evaluation Project Reviewer (2008 - 2009)
- Cambridge University Press, Book Proposal Reviewer (2009 - 2009)
- Preparing Future Faculty Program, Panel Leader (2009 - 2009)
- Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Editorial Board Member (2006 - 2008)
- Language Arts, Editorial Board Member (2006 - 2008)
- Reading Research Quarterly, Editorial Board Member (2006 - 2008)
- International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Editorial Board Member (2005 - 2008)
- Language Policy, Editorial Board Member (2005 - 2008)
- Multiple Universities, External Promotion and Tenure Reviewer (2008 - 2008)
- Mary Lou Fulton College of Education Strategic Planning Committee, Co-chair (2008 - 2008)
- Dean's Committee for the Mary Lou Fulton Endowed Symposium Series, Member (2006 - 2007)
- Mary Lou Fulton Endowed Presidential Chair Search Committee, College of Education, Chair (2006 - 2007)
- Promotion and Tenure Committee: University of Missouri; University of Hawai'i, External Reviewer (2006 - 2007)
- Task Force on Indigenous Language Planning and Policy, American Indian Leadership Development and Policy Center, Chair (2006 - 2007)
- University Promotion and Tenure Committee, Chair (2006 - 2007)
- University Regents Professor Selection Committee, Member (2006 - 2007)
- Applied Linguistics Ph.D. Planning Committee, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, Member (2005 - 2006)
- Mary Lou Fulton Endowment Advisory Committee, College of Education, Chair (2005 - 2006)
- Program Planning Committee, RACE/IVERA Conference (Indigenous Voices in Educational Research and Evaluation), Member (2005 - 2006)
- Promotion and Tenure Committees: Georgetown University Department of Linguistics, External Reviewer (2005 - 2006)
- Promotion and Tenure Committees: University of Arizona, Dept. of Teaching and Teacher Education, External Reviewer (2005 - 2006)
- Promotion and Tenure Committees: University of Nebraska, Dept. of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education, External Reviewer (2005 - 2006)
- Sage Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction, Consulting Editor (2005 - 2006)
- University Personnel Committee, Chair (2005 - 2006)
- Working Group, D.E.L.T.A. Educational Administration Doctoral Program, Division of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Member (2005 - 2006)
- Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Editor (2001 - 2006)
- Executive Leadership Team, Council on Anthropology and Education, American Anthropological Association, Member (2000 - 2006)
- Executive Board, Council on Anthropology and Education, American Anthropological Association, Member (1997 - 2006)
- Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Editorial Board Member (1995 - 2006)
- Plenary panel, Mary Lou Fulton College of Education Naming Ceremony, Arizona State University, Tempe, The "Miner's Canary" and Other Troubling Metaphors: Lessons in Democracy from Native American Education (2006 - 2006)
- ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools, Editorial Board Member (2001 - 2004)
- Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) Executive Council, Member (1997 - 2004)
- Blue Ribbon Panel on Pre-K through 12 Education, BEST (Building Engineering and Science Talent) Initiative, Member (2002 - 2003)
- College of Education, University of Arizona, Interim Dean (2002 - 2003)
- Graduate College Representative, Member (2000 - 2003)
- Graduate Interdisciplinary Program Advisory Council, Graduate College, Member (2000 - 2003)
- University of Arizona Professional Preparation Board, Member (1999 - 2003)
- Rough Rock Community School, Rough Rock, Navajo Nation, AZ, Bilingual Program Consultant (1994 - 2003)
- U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, on S. 575, a Bill to Amend the Native American Languages Act, Expert Written Testimony (2003 - 2003)
- Faculty Fellows Lecture Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, On the Virtues of Linguistic and Cultural Diversity (2002 - 2002)
- Proposal for a Program of Graduate Studies in Education for the Ph.D. Degree, Education Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, Reviewer (2002 - 2002)
- CoE Dean's Search Committee, Member (2001 - 2002)
- Five-Year Review Committee for CoE Dean John Taylor, Member (2001 - 2002)
- Department of Language, Reading and Culture (LRC), College of Education, Head (1999 - 2002)
- Interdisciplinary Faculty in Comparative Cultural and Literary Studies, Member (1998 - 2002)
- U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Native American Research Initiative, Proposal Reviewer (2001 - 2001)
- Graduate College Representative (1997 - 2001)
- Rough Rock Community School, Rough Rock, Navajo Nation, AZ. Worked with school staff to write two federal bilingual education grants, both of which were funded, for a total of $2.5 million to the school, Grant-writing Consultant (1998 - 2000)
- Council on Anthropology and Education, American Anthropological Association, Member-at-Large (1997 - 2000)
- U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, on S. 2688, The Native American Languages Act Amendments of 2000, Expert Oral and Written Testimony (2000 - 2000)