Sharon Crook
Phone: 480-965-0403
GWC 648 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1804
Mail code: 1804Campus: Tempe
Professor Crook holds an appointment with the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Arizona State University. She uses computational approaches to study the dynamics of neurons and networks of neurons, as well as the mechanisms underlying changes in these cells and networks due to trauma, learning, or disease. She also contributes to the development of NeuroML, an international effort to create a common standard for describing computational models for neuroscience research. NeuroML is part of an ecosystem of tools to promote reproducibility, model sharing, and community-based collaborative model development in computational neuroscience research.
Sharon Crook earned her doctorate in applied mathematics at the University of Maryland in College Park and performed her dissertation research with John Rinzel at the Mathematical Research Branch of the National Institutes of Health. While there she developed coupled oscillator models to represent the dynamics of the cortex in collaboration with Bard Ermentrout of the University of Pittsburgh. She then held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Center for Computational Biology at Montana State University with John Miller and Gwen Jacobs. There she performed joint work in neurophysiology, mathematical modeling, and neuroinformatics.
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland-College Park 1996
Sharon Crook studies the mechanisms and algorithms underlying neural computation. Using mathematical models, analysis and computer simulations, she and her research team examine the dynamics of neurons and networks of neurons. In particular, their focus is on understanding the ability that neurons have to change at a cellular or network level due to trauma, rehabilitation, learning, development, or aging.
Professor Crook and her collaborators are also developing a cyber infrastructure for describing and sharing neuroscience models, as well as new formats to describe neuron anatomy at macro and micro levels, neural network connectivity, and the membrane properties of neurons. This approach is used by software applications to help reproduce simulations of complex models and share models after publication.
Selected Peer-reviewed Publications
Haynes, VR, Y Zhou, S Crook (2024) Discovering optimal features for neuron type identification from extracellular recordings. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 18.1303993. DOI:10.3389/ninf.2024.1303993
Birgiolas, J, VR Haynes, P Gleeson, RC Gerkin, SW Dietrich, S Crook (2023) NeuroML-DB: Sharing and characterizing data-driven neuroscience models described in NeuroML. PLoS Computational Biology. 19(3):e1010941. DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010941
Gleeson, P, S Crook, D Turner, K Mantel, M Raunak, T Willke, JD Cohen (2023) Integrating model development across computational neuroscience, cognitive science, and machine learning. Neuron. 111(10):1526-1530. DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2023.03.037
Eriksson, O, US Bhalla, KT Blackwell, SM Crook, D Keller, A Kramer, M Linne, A Saudargiene, RC Wade, J Hellgren Kotaleski (2022) Combining hypothesis- and data-driven neuroscience modeling in FAIR workflows. eLife. 11:e69013. DOI:10.7554/eLife.69013
Eke, DO, A Bernard, JG Bjaalie, R Chavarriaga, T Hanakawa, AJ Hannan, SL Hill, ME Martone, A McMahon, O Ruebel, S Crook, E Thiels, F Pestilli (2022) International Data Governance for Neuroscience. NEURON. 110(4):600-612. DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2021.11.017
Baer, SM, S Chang, SM Crook, CL Gardner, JR Jones, C Ringhofer, FR Nelson (2021) A multiscale continuum model of the vertebrate outer retina: The temporal dynamics of background-induced flicker enhancement. Journal of Theoretical Biology. DOI:10.1016/j.jtbi.2021.110763.
Reckell, T, K Nguyen, *T Phan, SM Crook, E Kostelich, Y Kuang (2021) Modeling the synergistic properties of drugs in hormonal treatment for prostate cancer. Journal of Theoretial Biology. 514:110570. DOI:10:1016/j.jtbi.2020.110570
Ruhani, M, SM Baer, SM Crook (2021) A stage-structured population model for activity-dependent dendritic spines, Journal of Biological Dynamics. DOI:10.1080/17513758.2020.1839136
Gleeson, P, M Cantarelli, B Marin, A Quintana, M Earnshaw, S Sadeh, E Piasini, *J Birgiolas, RC Cannon, NA Cayco-Gajic, S Crook, AP Davison, S Dura-Bernal, A Ecker, ML Hines, G Idili, F Lanore, SD Larson, WW Lytton, A Mujumdar, RA McDougal, S Sivagnanam, S Solinas, R Stanislovas, SJ van Albada, W van Geit, RA Silver (2019) Open Source Brain: a collaborative resource for visualizing, analyzing, simulating and developing standardized models of neurons and circuits. Neuron. DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2019.05.019
Neal, M, M Koenig, D Nickerson, G Misirli, R Kalbasi, A Drager, K Atalag, V Chelliah, M Cooling, D Cook, S Crook, M de Alba, S Friedman, A Garny, J Gennari, P Gleeson, M Golebiewski, M Hucka, N Juty, C Myers, B Oivier, H Sauro, M Scharm, J Snoep, V Toure, A Wipat, O Wolkenhauer, D Waltemath (2018) Harmonizing semantic annotations for computational models in biology. Briefings in Bioinformatics. DOI:10.1093/bib/bby087
Gerkin, RC, *RJ Jarvis, SM Crook (2018) Towards systematic, data-driven validation of a collaborative, multi-scale model of C. elegans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 373:20170381. DOI:10.1098.rstb.2017.0381.
Berger, S, S Crook (2015) Modeling the influence of ion channels on neuron dynamics in Drosophila. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 9:139. DOI:10.3389/fncom/2015.00139.
Gardner, C, JR Jones, SM Baer, SM Crook (2015) Drift-diffusion simulation of the ephaptic effect in the triad synapse of the retina. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 38:129-142. DOI:10.1007/s10827-014-0531-7.
Cannon, RC, P Gleeson, S Crook, G Gnapathy, B Marin, E Piasini, RA Silver (2014) LEMS: A language for expressing complex biological models in concise and hierarchical form and its use in underpinning NeuroML 2. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 8:79. DOI:10.3389/fninf.2014.00079.
Vella, M, RC Cannon, S Crook, AP Davison, G Ganapathy, HPC Robinson, RA Silver, P Gleeson (2014) libNeuroML and PyLEMS: using Python to combine procedural and declarative modeling approaches in computational neuroscience. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 8:38. DOI:10.3389/fninf.2014.00038
Herrera-Valdez, M, EC McKiernan, *SD Berger, S Ryglewski, C Duch, S Crook (2013) Relating ion channel expression, bifurcation structure, and diverse firing patterns in a model of an identified motor neuron. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 34(2):211-229. DOI:10.1007/s10827-012-0416-6
Crook, SM, JA Bednar, SD Berger, RC Cannon, AP Davison, M Djurfeldt, J Eppler, B Kreiner, S Furber, B Graham, M Hull, HE Plesser, L Schwabe, L Smith, V Steuber, S van Albada (2012) Creating, documenting and sharing network models. Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 23(4):131-149.
Kurian, M, SM Crook and R Jung (2011) Motoneuron models of self-sustained firing after spinal cord injury. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 31(3):625-645.
Gleeson, P, S Crook, R Cannon, M Hines, G Billings, M Farinella, TM Morse, A Davison, S Ray, U Bhalla, SR Barnes, YD Dimitrova and RA Silver (2010) NeuroML: a simulator-independent language for describing data-driven models of neurons and networks with a high degree of biological realism. PLoS Computational Biology. 6(6): e1000815. DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000815.
Baer, SM, S Crook, M Dur-e-Ahmad and Z Jackiewicz (2009) Numerical solution of calcium-mediated dendritic branch model. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 229:416-424.
Crook, S, M Dur-e-Ahmad and SM Baer (2007) A model of activity-dependent changes in dendritic spine density and spine structure. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 4:617-631.
Cummins, GI, SM Crook, AG Dimitrov, T Ganje, GA Jacobs and JP Miller (2003) Structural and biophysical mechanisms underlying dynamic sensitivity of primary sensory interneurons in the cricket cercal sensory system. Neurocomputing. 52:45-52.
Crook, S, J Miller and G Jacobs (2002) Modeling frequency encoding in the cricket cercal sensory system. Neurocomputing 44:769-773.
Crook, SM, GB Ermentrout and JM Bower. (1998) Spike frequency adaptation affects the synchronization properties of cortical networks. Neural Computation 10:837-854.
Crook, SM, GB Ermentrout and JM Bower (1998) Dendritic and synaptic effects in systems of coupled cortical oscillators. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 5:315-329.
Crook, SM, GB Ermentrout, MC Vanier and JM Bower (1997) The role of axonal delay in the synchronization of networks of coupled cortical oscillators. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 4:161-172.
- Gerkin,Richard C*, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie. CRCNS Data Sharing: Exchange and Evaluation of Reduced Neuron Modles. HHS-NIH-NIBIB(9/30/2015 - 7/31/2018).
- Crook,Sharon Marie*, Crook,Sharon Marie*, Dietrich,Suzanne Wagner, Gerkin,Richard C. Tools for Model Discovery Validation and Selection in Neuroscience. HHS-NIH-NIMH(9/25/2015 - 6/30/2019).
- Dietrich,Suzanne Wagner*, Ball,Rebecca, Borror,Connie Margaret, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie, Kobojek,Kimberly Sue. Collaborative Research: Databases for Many Majors: Customizable Visualizations to Improve STEM Learning. NSF-EHR(9/1/2014 - 8/31/2017).
- Smith,Brian*, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie. 2014 CRCNS PI Conference. NSF-CISE-IIS(9/1/2014 - 8/31/2015).
- Crook,Sharon Marie*, Crook,Sharon Marie*, Dietrich,Suzanne Wagner. CRCNS Data Sharing: NeuroML Database for Multiscale Neuroscience Models. HHS-NIH-NIBIB(9/1/2011 - 8/31/2015).
- Dietrich,Suzanne Wagner*, Clark,Patricia J, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie. Collaborative Research: Databases for Many Majors: A Student-Centered Approach. NSF-EHR(3/15/2010 - 2/28/2013).
- Crook,Sharon Marie*, Crook,Sharon Marie*, Dietrich,Suzanne Wagner. NeuroML: Standards and Tools for Multiscale Model Specification and Exchange. HHS-NIH-NIMH(7/1/2009 - 5/31/2014).
- Crook,Sharon Marie*, Crook,Sharon Marie*. NeuroML Development Workshop: Biophysical Single Cell Modeling. NSF-CISE(4/1/2009 - 3/31/2010).
- Kostelich,Eric John*, Armbruster,Hans Dieter, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie, Gardner,Carl L, Gelb,Anne, Jackiewicz,Zdzislaw, Jones,Donald, Lopez,Juan Manuel, Mahalov,Alex, Renaut,Rosemary Anne, Ringhofer,Christian, Welfert,Bruno Denis. CSUMS: Undergraduate research Experiences for Computational Math Science Majors at ASU. NSF-MPS-DMS(9/15/2007 - 8/31/2014).
- Baer,Steven M*, Crook,Sharon Marie, Gardner,Carl L, Ringhofer,Christian. Multiscale Modeling of the Neural Subcircuits in the Outer-Plexiform Layer of the Retina. NSF-MPS-DMS(9/1/2007 - 8/31/2011).
- Crook,Sharon Marie*, Crook,Sharon Marie*, Duch,Carsten Juergen. Behaviorally Relevant Neuronal Modification During Postembryonic Development. NSF-CISE(10/1/2006 - 9/30/2010).
- Jung,Ranu*, Abbas,James, Castillo-Chavez,Carlos, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie, Garcia,Antonio Agustin, Joshi,Lokesh, Kuang,Yang, Phillips,Stephen M, Razdan,Anshuman, Santello,Marco, Wang,Joseph, Wang,Joseph. Catalyst: Center for Excellence in Adaptive Neuro-Biomechatronic Systems (CEANS). NSF-SBE(8/15/2005 - 1/31/2009).
- Crook,Sharon Marie*, Crook,Sharon Marie*. Collaborative Research: A Dynamic Atlas of the Cricket Cercal Sensory System. NSF-BIO(8/1/2004 - 7/31/2005).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 784 | Internship |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
STP 792 | Research |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
AML 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 792 | Research |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAT 591 | Seminar |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 494 | Special Topics |
APM 598 | Special Topics |
APM 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 591 | Seminar |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAT 792 | Research |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 792 | Research |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 784 | Internship |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
AML 799 | Dissertation |
AML 792 | Research |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 792 | Research |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
STP 792 | Research |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 530 | Mathematical Cell Physiology. |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
APM 790 | Reading and Conference |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 451 | Mathematical Modeling |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAT 792 | Research |
MAT 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 792 | Research |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
AML 799 | Dissertation |
AML 792 | Research |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 792 | Research |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 494 | Special Topics |
BIO 494 | Special Topics |
NEU 494 | Special Topics |
APM 598 | Special Topics |
NEU 591 | Seminar |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 451 | Mathematical Modeling |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAT 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
AML 799 | Dissertation |
AML 792 | Research |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
APM 790 | Reading and Conference |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 275 | Modern Differential Equations |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 451 | Mathematical Modeling |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
AML 799 | Dissertation |
AML 792 | Research |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAT 275 | Modern Differential Equations |
MAT 275 | Modern Differential Equations |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
APM 792 | Research |
MAT 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
MAT 451 | Mathematical Modeling |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
MAT 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MAT 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
AML 799 | Dissertation |
AML 792 | Research |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
APM 792 | Research |
APM 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
APM 795 | Continuing Registration |