David Coon
Phone: 602-496-0763
NHI 1 268 PHOENIX, AZ 85004
Mail code: 3020Campus: Dtphx
David W. Coon is associate dean of research initiatives, support, and engagement and professor in the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation at ASU. He also serves as the director of the Center for Innovation in Healthy & Resilient Aging. After receiving his Ph.D. from Stanford University, he was the associate director of the Older Adult Center of the VA Palo Alto Health Care System and the Stanford University School of Medicine and research scientist at UCSF/Mt. Zion Institute on Aging.
Professor Coon designs and evaluates interventions, such as CarePRO and EPIC, that focus on culturally diverse groups of midlife and older adults facing chronic illnesses (e.g., dementia, cancer, depression) and their family caregivers. Several of these empirically based treatments have been recognized by the American Psychological Association, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Administration on Aging’s Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Program, and other entities. A fellow of the Gerontological Society of America, he has had his work funded through federal (e.g., NIH, ACL/AoA) and foundation grants. Professor Coon and his community partners received The Rosalynn Carter Institute’s 2013 National Leadership Award in Caregiving for CarePRO, the 2013 ASU President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness, the 2017 Arizona Health Care Association Innovation Award for the Music & Memory Project in Long Term Care, the 2019 Arizona Caregiver Coalition's David Besst Award, and the 2024 M. Powell Lawton Award for Distinguished Contributions to Clinical Geropsychology awarded by the American Psychological Association's Society for Clinical Geropsychology.
- Ph.D. Counseling Psychology, Stanford University 1996
- M.Ed. Counseling (Cross-cultural emphasis), University of Oklahoma 1983
- B.A. Foreign Service/Public Affairs, with Distinction, University of Oklahoma 1980
- B.A. Linguistics/Cross-cultural Communication, Highest Honors 1980
Design, evaluation, and translation of effective psychosocial interventions for midlife and older adults facing chronic illness (e.g., Alzheimer's disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS) and their family caregivers.
For a current list of publications and research activity since joining ASU visit Experts.asu.edu.
Principal Investigator/Project Director. Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative-Specialized Supportive Services (ADI-SSS). Funded by the US Administration for Community Living- US Administration on Aging from 9/01/17 to 8/31/20.
Principal Investigator. EPIC: A Group-based Intervention for Early-stage AD Dyads in Diverse Communities. Funded by the National Institute on Aging from 5/15/16 to 6/30/21.
Core Leader. Outreach & Recruitment Core – Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center P30. Funded by the National Institute on Aging from 07/01/16 – 06/30/21.
Principal Investigator. Music and Memory II. Funded by the Phoenix Symphony and BHHS Legacy Foundation from 10/1/16 – 9/30/17.
Co-Principal Investigator. Development & Evaluation of Social Media-based Testimonials Targeting Potential ADRD Research Participants within the Latino/Hispanic Community. Funded by the Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium from 07/01/16 – 06/30/17.
Co-Principal Investigator. Empowering Caregiver Self-Care. Funded by HHS-HRSA through the University of Arizona Center on Aging from 07/01/15 – 06/30/18.
Principal Investigator of subcontract. Creating and Sustaining Dementia-Capable Service Systems for People with Dementia and their Family Caregivers. Funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living/U.S. Administration on Aging from 10/1/15-9/30/17.
Principal Investigator of subcontract. Arizona Healthy Brain Initiative Collaborating Center. Funded by the Centers for Disease Control from 09/30/14 – 03/16.
Principal Investigator. Piloting an Evidence-based Intervention for LTC (and IDD/DD). Funded by the Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium from 07/01/15 – 06/30/16.
Principal Investigator of subcontract. Nevada’s ACL: Dementia Capability for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. Funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living/U.S. Administration on Aging from 09/01/14 – 08/30/17.
Principal Investigator. Music and Memory. Funded by the Phoenix Symphony from 08/01/14 – 06/30/15..
Core Leader (Principal Investigator). Education & Information Transfer Core: Latino/Hispanic Enrollment Advances. Funded by National Institute on Aging – Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Center P30 from 07/01/13 – 06/30/15.
Core Leader. Outreach, Recruitment and Education Core (formerly, Education and Information Transfer Core) Year 14-16. Funded by the National Institute on Aging Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center P30 from 07/01/14 – 06/30/16.
Faculty Mentor. Transdisciplinary Training in Health Disparities Science (TTHDS). Funded by National Institute of Health /National Institute of Nursing Research from 04/01/11 – 03/31/16.
Principal Investigator. Outreach, Recruitment and Education Core (formerly, Education and Information Transfer Core) – Latino/Hispanic Outreach and Enrollment. Funded by the Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium from 07/01/14 – 06/30/15.
Principal Investigator. Building an Evidence-based intervention for Family Caregivers in LTC. Funded by the Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium from 07/01/14 – 06/30/15.
Co-Investigator. Technology In-home Intervention to Sustain Dementia Patients Dressing Abilities. Funded by National Institute on Aging from 04/03/14-02/28/16.
Principal Investigator. Latino Perspectives in Dealing with Memory Loss. Funded by the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium from 07/01/13 – 06/30/14.
Co-Investigator. (Lead Investigators: Bijan Najafi & Jane Mohler). Promoting Translational Research in Precision Medicine: Arizona Aging & Cognition Collaboration Project. Funded by the Flinn Foundation. The project sponsored the initial Aging, Cognition, and Mobility in Older Adults Conference (November 13)
Principal Investigator of subcontract/Project Evaluator. CarePRO. Funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging’s Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program: Translating Evidence-based ADRD Direct Services Research into Practice from 9/30/09-09/30/13.
Principal Investigator of subcontract/Project Evaluator. NevadaCARE (CarePRO Nevada). Funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging’s Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program: Translating Evidence-based ADRD Direct Services Research into Practice from 9/30/09-09/30/13.
Principal Investigator. Vulnerable Caregivers: The Dynamic Interplay between Caregiving and Self-Care. Funded by State of Arizona (Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium) from 07/1/011 – 06/30/13.
Co-Investigator. The Caregiving Trajectory for Community-Dwelling Mexican-American Elders. Funded by the National Institute for Nursing Research from 8/1/08 – 6/30/13.
Co-Sponsor. Post-Caregiving Transitions in African American Caregivers. Funded by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Nursing Research from 08/15/11 – 08/14/13.
CO-mentor. Post-Caregiving Transitions in African American Caregivers. Funded by Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity from 07/01/11 – 06/30/2013.
Principal Investigator of subcontract/Project Evaluator. EPIC. Funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging’s Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program: Innovation Award. Project Director, David Besst, Arizona Dept. of Economic Security (DES) from 9/30/09-12/31/13.
Principal Investigator of subcontract/Project Evaluator. LifeSpan Respite. U.S. Administration on Aging’s Lifespan Respite Care Program. Project Director, David Besst, Arizona Dept. of Economic Security (DES) ($199,128) from 9/30/09-9/29/12.
Consultant. Effects of affectionate touch between spouses on cardiovascular stress responses. Funded by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute under Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant program (R21) from 10/1/08-9/30/12
Co-Principal Investigator. Learning from our Elders Longevity Project. Funded by State of Arizona (Arizona Alzheimer’s Research Consortium from 7/1/07 – 6/30/08.)
Principal Investigator. Investigating Intervention Opportunities for Prostate Cancer Patients & Partners. Funded by the National Cancer Institute from 6/1/07 – 5/31/11.
Principal Investigator. Caregiver Skills Training Program. Funded by State of Arizona (Arizona Alzheimer’s Research Consortium) from 1/17/06 through 6/30/10.
Principal Investigator of subcontract. Palliative Care for Advanced Dementia: A Model Teaching Unit. Funded by the BHHS Legacy Foundation from 01/01/08 through 02/15/10.
Co-Mentor. Education & Skill building Intervention for Caregivers of Hospice Patients. Funded by the National Institutes of Health from 8/1/08-7/31/10.
Investigator/Evaluator. Caregiver Assessment Tool. Funded by the Department of Economic Security, State of Arizona from 1/09-6/09.
Co-Investigator/Project Evaluator. Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States (ADDGS) Program: Arizona DES. Funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging from 7/1/07 – 11/30/08.
Consultant. Patient-reported outcomes for gay men with prostate cancer. Funded by Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine.
REACH II Consultant. Translation of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH) study for the VA. Funded by the Veteran’s Administration from 10/1/07-9/30/08.
Co-Principal Investigator. Focus Groups for Latino Caregivers: Learning from Latino Families Facing Memory Loss. Funded by Barrow Neurological Foundation from 1/01/07 through 06/30/08. .
Consultant. Latino Dementia Caregiver Conference Series. Funded by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals from 5/1/2006 through 4/30/2007.
Principal Investigator. Reducing Frustration, Tension & Stress in Latino and African American Family Dementia Caregivers. Funded by Kaiser Permanente, Santa Clara County, from 8/01/04 through 7/31/05.
Principal Investigator. Viagra Use and HIV Risk among Older MSM: A Qualitative Study. Funded by the University wide AIDS Research Program from 1/01/04 through 3/31/05.
Principal Investigator. Community HIV Prevention Transfer to Mid/late-life MSM. Funded by the National Institute on Aging from 9/30/01 through 8/31/05.
Principal Investigator of subcontract/Co-Principal Investigator of California Site. Multisite Intervention Trial for Diverse Caregivers (REACH II). Funded by the National institute on Aging from 9/15/01 through 8/31/04.
Consultant. Contract awarded by the California Department on Aging 10/01/01 through 6/30/04.
Consultant. Services for Non-Traditional Family Caregivers (NTFC). Funded by the San Francisco Commission on Aging. 10/1/01 through 6/30/02.
Consultant. AD Caregiver Well-Being Counseling/Institutionalization. Funded by the National Institute on Aging from 9/1/01 through 8/31/04.
Director of Evaluation. African American Education Project. Funded by Mt. Zion Health Fund from 9/01/00 through 8/31/02.
Project Director/Co-Investigator. Northern California Chronic Care Network for Dementia. Funded by the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF Grant #98-418) from 4/1/99 through 12/31/02
Investigator and Project Manager. Treatment of Distress in Hispanic and Anglo Caregivers (REACH I). Funded by the National Institute on Aging (U01-AG-13289) from 9/15/95 through 8/31/02.
Co-Mentor (no cost). The Improviders Association (ImprovCARE). Funded by Arizona State University p.a.v.e. and Innovation Challenge grants (2010-2012).
Principal Investigator (Co-PI with Dr. Mary H. Burleson). Expanding dementia caregiving research: How does caregiving impact chronic disease self-management in Anglo and Latino caregivers? Funded by the Multidisciplinary Grant-in-Aid Program at Arizona State University, West campus (4/2005 – 5/2009).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 480 | Adv Team-Based Research Pract |
HCR 280 | Team-Based Research Practicum |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 280 | Team-Based Research Practicum |
HCR 480 | Adv Team-Based Research Pract |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 294 | Special Topics |
HCR 494 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 692 | Research |
NUR 690 | Reading and Conference |
HCR 294 | Special Topics |
HCR 494 | Special Topics |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 692 | Research |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 692 | Research |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 294 | Special Topics |
HCR 494 | Special Topics |
NUR 690 | Reading and Conference |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 692 | Research |
NUR 690 | Reading and Conference |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 692 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 692 | Research |
- Coon, D.W., O’Connor, K., Evans, L., Ohta, B., & Nieri, W. Exploring components of resilience among the oldest old. 2008 Annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, National Harbor, MD (Nov 2008).
- Coon, D.W., Grove, A., Keaveny, M., Mills, W., O’Connor, M., Smith, C., White, S., Latini, D. Older MSM and Viagra Use: Risk or opportunity. 2008 Annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, National Harbor, MD (Nov 2008).
- Kittle, G., Coon, D.W., & Perez, D. Listening to Latino families dealing with memory loss. 2008 annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA (Oct 2008).
- Coon, D.W. Caregiving considerations for special populations. 6th Annual Rocky Mountain Geriatric Conference, Salt Lake City, UT (Sep 2008).
- Coon, D. W. Evidence based treatments for late life depression and family caregivers of older adults. Presentation at the Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy Summer Institute, Sedona, AZ (Jul 2008).
- Coon, D., Hall, G. Kittle, G., Mullan, P., Schaus, D., Tariot, P. & Sabbagh, M. Community Awareness Forum. Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Consoritum Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (May 2008).
- Coon, D.W., O’Connor, K., Evans, L., & Nieri, W. Exploring components of cognition among the oldest old. 2008 Annual meeting of the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium, Phoenix, AZ (May 2008).
- Coon, D. W. Caregiving plenary: No two caregivers are quite the same!. Governor’s Conference on Aging. Hosted by the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging & DES, Divison o (May 2008).
- Coon, David. Caregiving through the holidays: Top Ten ways to reduce stress. Rosalynn Carter Institute’s National Teleconference Series (Dec 2007).
- Coon, David, Gallagher-Thompson, Dolores. Acculturation’s role as buffer or protective factor in Latino family caregivers’ mental and physical health outcomes. Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Nov 2007).
- Coon, David, Gray, H., Gallagher-Thompson, D. Exploring the role of psychosocial factors in caregiver service utilization. Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Nov 2007).
- Coon, David, Steffen, Ann. Interventions for culturally diverse older adults & family caregivers: Challenges and opportunities. Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Nov 2007).
- Coon, David. Adoption in the RE-AIM Model. Rosalynn Careter Institute’s First National Summit on Evidence-Based Caregiver Interventions (Oct 2007).
- Gray, H., Coon, David, Mausbach, B., Stevens, A. Caregiver leisure satisfaction attenuates relationships between problem behaviors and depression. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting (Aug 2007).
- Mausbach, B., Coon, David, Patterson, T. L., Cardenas, V., Grant, I. Examining the Temporal Relations Between Behavioral Activation and Positive and Negative Affect. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting (Aug 2007).
- Gallagher-Thompson, D., Coon, David. Caring for the caregiver: What really works?. 9th Annual Updates on Dementia Conference (May 2007).
- Coon, David. Self-Care…It Can Save My Life. Annual Caregiver Resource Institute’s Who Is in Your Circle of Care Workshop (May 2007).
- Coon, David. Strategies for Successful Caregiving. Arizona Alzheimer's Disease Consortium Annual Meeting (May 2007).
- Coon, David. Staying in the game of caregiving. Tucson Mayor's Caregiver Conference (Mar 2007).
- Coon, David. Practical strategies to reduce caregiver stress. Southern Arizona Region Caregiver Mini-Conference (Mar 2007).
- Coon, David. Psychosexual functioning in older adults: The age of Viagra. 12th Annual Advance Practice Symposium (Jan 2007).
- Coon, David. Taking care of yourself: Tips for caregivers. Latino Family Caregiver Conference (Jan 2007).
- Coon, David. Cultural issues in caregiving. 2nd Annual Barrow Neurological Insitute's Caregiver Conference (Dec 2006).
- Coon, David, Mausbach, B, Gray, H, Zapata, A, Perez, P, Gallagher-Thompson, D. Self-efficacy attenuates relationships between caregiver stressors & distress. Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Nov 2006).
- Coon, David, Gray, H, Gallagher-Thompson, D. Predictors of ethnic differences in dementia caregiver service utilization. Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Nov 2006).
- Gray, H, Coon, David, Mausbach, B, Stevens, A. Moderating effect of leisure-time satisfaction on problem behaviors & depression among African-American caregivers. Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Nov 2006).
- Coon, David, Gray, H, Thompson, L, Gallagher-Thompson, D. Ethnicity and acculturation as predictors of positive aspects of caregiving. Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (Aug 2006).
- Coon, David, Kauffman, K, Koegel, Cl, McOwen, M, Moraila, A, Warriner, K, Latini, D. HIV-risk behavior among older MSM Viagra users. Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (Aug 2006).
- Cusing, M, Gray, H, Jimenez, D, Cucciare, M, Coon, David, Gallagher-Thompson, D. Workshop for men: Developing the tools needed for living with and caring for someone with dementia or memory loss. 8th Annual Updates on Dementia Conference (May 2006).
- Gray, H, Coon, David, Jimenez, D, Gallagher-Thompson, D. Variations in the use of community resources amongst diverse dementia family caregivers. 8th Annual Updates on Dementia Conference (May 2006).
- Coon, David, Gallagher-Thompson, D, Gray, H, Jimenez, D. Ethnic differences in service utilization between Latino and Caucasian dementia family caregivers. 6th Joint Conference of the National Council on Aging & American Society on Aging (Mar 2006).
- Coon, David, Gray, H, Gallagher-Thompson, D. Positive aspects of dementia caregiving among Latinas & Anglo women. 6th Joint Conference of the National Council on Aging & American Society on Aging (Mar 2006).
- Coon, David, Latini, D, Catania, J. Viagra & HIV risk: Implications for older gay/bi men and their providers. 6th Joint Conference of the National Council on Aging & American Society on Aging (Mar 2006).
American Psychological Association's Society for Clinical Geropsychology: M. Powell Lawton Award for Distinguished Contributions to Clinical Geropsychology (2024)
Arizona Caregiver Coalition's David Besst Award (2019)
PLuS Alliance Fellow (2016-2019)
Arizona Health Care Association Innovation Award (2017)
Dream Discover Deliver Interprofessional Team Achievement Award (2015)
ASU President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness (2013)
Rosalynn Carter National Leadership in Caregiving Award – The Rosalynn Carter Institute (2013)
Fellow, Gerontological Society of America (2007)
Gwen Yeo Award for Excellence in Research, Education and Community Service in Ethnogeriatrics (Presented by Stanford Geriatric Education Center) (2004)
Editorial Review Board: Home Health Care Services Quarterly (2004 – present)
Associate Editor: The Clinical Gerontologist (2003 – 2007)
Editorial Review Board: Psychology & Aging (2005 – 2007)
Journal Manuscript Reviewer (Frequent; Career = 30+ journals)
American Psychological Association (Divisions 12, 17, 38, 44, 45)
Gerontological Association of America
Grant Review: The Alzheimer’s Society National Grant Review (The United Kingdom)
Grant Review: National Institutes of Health Center for Scientific Review
Grant Review: The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)
Grant Review: Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Grant Review: The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)
Grant Review: National Alzheimer’s Association
Grant Review: U.S. Administration on Aging