800 S. Cady School for the Future of Innovation in Society 800 S Cady Mall ¿ Suite 401
TEMPE, AZ 85287-6602
Mail code: 6002
Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
Netra B. Chhetri has been in the forefront of advancing innovative approaches to climate adaptation that tie together and link multi-scalar processes between environmental dynamics and social outcomes. Working at the complex intersections of climate change adaptation, food security, resource governance, grassroots innovation, and public engagement Professor Chhetri's skill set allows him to span the boundary of knowledge and practice, so that each reinforces the other.
As a scholar, Professor Chhetri's efforts to develop a method for assessing the multiple sources of environmental impacts on society is unique and an important tool for designing and prioritizing climate adaptation strategies. As a practitioner, he has more than a decade of experience working at the complex intersection of science and policy and developing most promising solutions that focus on scalability, impact, and sustainability.
Professor Chhetri's expertise in global food security has evolved to focus on the impacts of climate change on global food systems, leading him to be one of the contributing authors to the Fourth (2007) and Fifth (2014) Assessment Reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). His work appears in numerous prestigious and peer-reviewed publications including Nature and the Journal of the National Academy of the Sciences. He is also a part of a team exploring how biofuel crops such as perennial grasses can be grown sustainably in the United States.
Professor Chhetri regularly teaches courses: Global Change, Human and Social Dimensions of Climate Change, and Cultural Perspectives on Sustainability.
Ph.D. Geography, minor in Demography, Pennsylvania State University
M.S. Geography, minor in Demography, Pennsylvania State University
B.S. Agriculture, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Split equally between SGSUP and the CSPO at ASU, a common thread in my scholarship is knowledge co-creation for desired societal outcomes. Within this broad context, Netra's research and other academic endeavors can be located in four overlapping endeavors: a) understanding linkages and multi-scalar processes between environment and social outcomes; b) demonstrating the value of technological and institutional innovation in climate adaptation; c) analyzing the sensitivity of global food systems to changing climate; and d) engaging citizens in science and policy for desired social outcomes. The scope of his scholarly work is by its nature both local and global, and is aligned with ASU's emphasis on "global engagement" and "use-inspired research."
Netra has professional experience in watershed management, conservation farming, agro-forestry, participatory development, community organization, integrated pest management, and ecological agriculture. He is inspired by the challenge of integrating theory and concepts of human-environment with real-world practices particularly among vulnerable communities around the world.
Challinor, A J, J. Watson, D. Lobell, M. Howden, D. Smith N. Chhetri. A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation. Nature Climate Change (2014).
Wagner, M., N. Chhetri, M. Sturm. Adaptive capacity in light of hurricane Sandy: The need for policy engagement. Applied Geography (2014).
Amaru, S. and N. Chhetri. Climate adaptation: Institutional response to environmental constraints, and the need for increased flexibility, participation, and integration of approaches. Applied Geography (2013).
Chhetri, N., M. Subedi, S. Ghimire. Niche-based responses in addressing the climatic constraints to farm production: Analogues to climate-change adaptation in Nepal. Climate and Development (2013).
Fang, C. M. and N. Chhetri. What have we learned about climate variability and human health?. Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources (2013).
Chhetri, N., P. Chaudhary, P.R. Tiwari and R. B. Yadaw. Institutional and technological innovation: Understanding agricultural adaptation to climate change in Nepal. Applied Geography (2012).
Rodima-Taylor, D., M. F. Olwig, and N. Chhetri. Adaptation as innovation, innovation as adaptation: An institutional approach to climate change. Applied Geography (2012).
Chhetri, N. Human and Social Dimensions of Climate Change. (2012).
Rodima-Taylor, D., M.F. Olwig, N. Chhetri. Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation: Applied Geography of Climate Change. (2012).
Chaudhary, P., K. Thapa, K. Lamsal, P. R. Tiwari and N. Chhetri. Community-based climate change adaptation for building local resilience. Human and Social Dimensions of Climate Change (2012).
Chhetri, N. Adapting agriculture to climate variability and change: Capacity building through technological innovation. Climate Variability - Some Aspects, Challenges and Prospects (2012).
. Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation. (2012).
Chhetri, N. Climate sensitive measure of agricultural intensity: Case of Nepal. Applied Geography (2011).
Chhetri, N. Water demand management: Assessing impacts of climate and other changes on water usage in Central Arizona. Journal of Water and Climate Change (2011).
Chhetri, N. and P. Chaudhary. Green revolution: Pathways to food security in an era of climate variability and change?. Journal of Disaster Research (2011).
Chhetri, N. and W.E. Easterling. Adapting to climate change: retrospective analysis of climate technology interaction in rice based farming systems of Nepal. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2010).
Chhetri, N. B. Climate sensitive measure of agricultural intensity: Case of Nepal. Applied Geography (2010).
Chhetri, N., W.E. Easterling, A. Terando, and L. Mearns. Modeling path dependence in agricultural adaptation to climate variability and change. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2010).
Gyan Nyaupane, Netra Chhetri. Vulnerability of climate change on nature-based tourism in the Nepalese Himalaya. Tourism Geographies (2009).
Chhetri, N. Decision making under uncertainty: ranking the multiple stressors on Central Arizona water resources. (2008).
Chhetri, N. Understanding the process of agricultural adaptation to climate change: analysis of climate-induced innovation in rice based cropping system of Nepal. (2008).
Chhetri, Netra. Is Dust Bowl a Possibility?. Arizona Republic (2007).
Howden, M., J.F. Soussana, F. N. Tubiello, N. Chhetri, M. Dunlop, and H.Meinke. Adapting agriculture to climate change. PNAS (2007).
CSPO/SPARC. Multiple Stressors on Central Arizona Water Resources. CSPO (2007).
Chhetri, N. Decision making under uncertainty: ranking the multiple stressors on Central Arizona water resources. (2006).
Easterling, W.E., N. Chhetri, X. Niu. Improving the realism of modeling agronomic adaptation to climate change: Simulating technological substitution. Climatic Change (2003).
Matthews, S.A., Shivakoti, G. Chhetri, N. Population forces and environmental change: observation from western Chitwan, Nepal. Society and Natural Resources (2000).
Shivakoti, G.P., Axinn, W.G., Bhandari, P. and Chhetri, N. The impact of community context on land use in an agricultural setting. Population and Environment (1999).
Chhetri, N. Conservation farming: policy for sustaining food productivity in Nepal. Permaculture Magazine (1992).
Georgescu,Matei*, Chhetri,Netra B, Hanemann,William Michael Micha, Mahalov,Alex. WSC - Category 3: Sustainable Large-Scale Deployment of Perennial Biomass Energy Crops. NSF-GEO-EAR(9/15/2012 - 8/31/2017).
Chhetri,Netra B*, Chhetri,Netra B*, Shrestha,Milan. Adaptive Pathways to Climate Change: Livestock and Livelihoods Systems in Gandaki River Basin. COLORADO STATE UNIV(7/15/2012 - 9/30/2015).
Chhetri,Netra B*. Adapting Livestock Systems to Climate Change. COLORADO STATE UNIV(6/1/2011 - 11/30/2012).
Miller,Clark Anson*, Miller,Clark Anson*, Andino,Jean M, Chhetri,Netra B, Chhetri,Netra B, Golden,Jay Stuart, Herkert,Joseph Raymond, Herkert,Joseph Raymond, Vivoni,Enrique, Vivoni,Enrique, Wetmore,Jameson Michael, Wetmore,Jameson Michael. Partnership for Education on Climate Change Engineered Systems and Society. NAE(9/15/2010 - 8/31/2013).
Chhetri,Netra B*. World Wide Views on Climate Change: Process and Outcomes. Pomona(10/15/2009 - 8/31/2011).
Holway,James M*, Chhetri,Netra B. CAP: ADD Water Project. CENTRAL AZ WATER(7/10/2008 - 7/14/2009).
N. Chhetri, P. Chaudhary, P. Tiwari, and R.B. Yadaw. Climate innovation in agriculture: a conceptual approach in understanding agricultural adaptation to climate change. Writeshop Workshop , ICARUS, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Jan 2011).
N. Chhetri and M.Subedi. Clumsy solutions to a wicked problem of climate change: smallholder agriculturists approach to increase systems resiliency. 2nd International Conference: Climate, Sustainability and Development in Semi-arid Regions (Aug 2010).
N. Chhetri. Food Security in a Warmer World. Science Policy Dialogue in Climate Change, Kathmandu, Nepal (Aug 2010).
K. Dreeland, N. Chhetri, and L. Hidinger. World Wide Views on Global Warming: An Effective Model of Citizen Engagement in The Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Americs (Aug 2010).
N. Chhetri and N. Chhetri. Citizen Participation in Complex Social and Environmental Governance. 95th Ecological Society of America’s Annual Meeting (Aug 2010).
N. Chhetri. Options for Financing Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in Nepal. Climate Integration Workshop,– organized by LI-BIRD, Development Fund, Norway (Jun 2010).
N. Chhetri. Citizens Engagement in Environmental Governance: Outcomes of Public Deliberation in Arizona. Collaborative & Participatory Research Workshop at Autin Texas (May 2010).
N. Chhetri. Linking Citizens to Global Climate Policy: Outcomes of Public Deliberation. nnual Meeting of the Association of the American Geographers (Apr 2010).
N. Chhetri. Induced innovation: a conceptual approach in understanding agricultural adaptation to climate change. ICARUS Workshop on Climate Variability and Adaptation: Theory and Cases (Feb 2010).
Chhetri, N. Sensitivity analysis of water resources to climate & other stressors in Central Arizona. Association of the American Geographers, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 21-27 (Apr 2009).
Chhetri, N. Adapting agriculture to climate change: role of public institutions. CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF INSTITUTIONAL DIVERSITY COLLOQUIUM SERIES (Oct 2008).
Chhetri, N. limate induced innovation in agricultural technologies, University of Greenwich, London. Policy Forum (Jun 2008).
Chhetri, N. Role of technological innovation in adapting agriculture to climate change: challenges and potentials, P. Practical Action, Rugby, U.K (Jun 2008).
Chhetri, N. and U. Chong. Soft-path solutions under uncertainty: multiple stressor analysis of water resources in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Annual meeting of the Association of the American Geographers, Boston, Massachuse (Apr 2008).
Honors / Awards
2014 – Member, ASU Leadership Academy, Cohort II
2011 – Early Career Scientist Assembly Fellow; National Center for Atmospheric Research
2010 – Renhard Mohn Prize (Shortlisted) and Jim Creighton Award (received), International Association for Public Participation
2010 - Dissertation Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research Scholar (DISCCRS) Award
2007 - Peccei and Mikhalevich Award – (Finalist), Awarded in recognition of the understanding and advancement of scholarship on global problems by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
2006 - Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) Fellow, International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA), Vienna, Austria - through U.S. National Academy of Sciences
2005 - Earth and Mineral Sciences Centennial Research Award, Penn State University, for outstanding research
2005 - E. Willard Miller Award in Geography, Penn State University, 1st Place in Ph.D. level paper
For more details about these and other awards, see Dr. Chhetri’s Curriculum Vitae.
Climatic Change, Reviewer (2313 - Present)
Energy Solutions at ASU, Faculty Advidor (2014 - Present)
Decision Center for Desert City, Faculty Affiliate (2006 - Present)
Association of the American Geographers, Member (1997 - Present)
Nepal Participatory Action Network, Founding member (1996 - Present)
School of Ecology, Agriculture, and Community Works, Nepal, Founding member (1992 - Present)
Mellon Steering Committee-Mellon Steering Committee, Member (2013 - 2014)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Working Group II, Contributing Author (Chapter 9 Rural Areas) (2011 - 2014)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Working Group II, Contributing Author (Chapter 7 - Food production systems and food security) (2011 - 2014)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Working Group II, Contributing Author (Chapter 9 - Rural Areas) (2011 - 2014)
President's Award for Sustainability, Examiner Panel (2011 - 2012)
ASU Food Research Policy Committee, Faculty Member (2010 - 2011)
ASU’s Climate service initiatives, Member (2010 - 2011)
Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes (Outreach and Outcomes Committee), Chair (2007 - 2011)
Environmental and Social Sciences (ESS), Faculty (2007 - 2011)
Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology, Faculty (2007 - 2011)
Barrett, The Honors College, Honors Disciplinary Faculty (2006 - 2011)
World Wide Views on Global Warming, Workshop Coordinator (2008 - 2011)
Scholarship and Award Committee, SGSUP, Member (2007 - 2011)
Brophy College Preparatory 2011 Summit on Human Dignity - FOOD: Production and Intake, Workshop facilitator/Speaker (2010 - 2011)
National Science Foundation - Geography and Spatial Science, Reviewr (2010 - 2011)
Nepalese Americas Council (NAC), House of Delegates (2009 - 2010)
Nepalis And Friends Association (NAFA), Board of Directors (2009 - 2010)
National Science Foundation - Geography and Spatial Science, Reviewer (2010 - 2010)
NSF/DOE/USDA - Decadal and Regional Climate Prediction using Earth System Models U.S., Reviewr (2010 - 2010)
Handbook on Climate Change and Agriculture, Reviewr (2010 - 2010)
CSPO, Discussant (2010 - 2010)
Climate Policy, Reviewer (2010 - 2010)
Journal of Rangeland, Reviewr (2010 - 2010)
Applied Geography, Reviewer (2009 - 2010)
Environmental Hazards, Reviewer (2009 - 2009)
Nepalese and Friends Association, Arizona, Advisory Board (2008 - 2009)
Nepalese and Friends Association, Inc – Arizona, President (2006 - 2008)
Strategic Planning Drafting Committee, Member (2007 - 2008)
CSPO, Strategic Plan Drafting Committee (2007 - 2007)