Robert Culbertson
Associate Professor,
Department of Physics
Phone: 480-965-0945
PSH 553 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1504
Mail code: 1504Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
Robert Culbertson is an associate professor in the Department of Physics at Arizona State University and has been the director of the Master of Natural Science Program in physics since 2007.
- Ph.D. Physics, Pennsylvania State University 1979
- B.S. Physics, Kent State University, OH 1975
- U.S. Patent Publication: “Methods for Wafer Bonding and for Nucleating Bonding Nanophases Using Wet and Steam Pressurization,” Nicole Herbots, Shawn Whaley, Robert Culbertson, Ross Bennett-Kennett, Ashlee Murphy, Matthew Bade, Sam Farmer, Brance Hudzietz, US 20140235031 A1, August 21, 2014.
- U.S. Patent Publication: “Molecular Film Containing Polymeric Mixture for Hydrophobic Implant Surfaces,” Nicole Herbots, Ashlee Murphy, David Sell, Robert Culbertson, Angelica S. Benitez, Tyler Kutz, Ross Bennett-Kennett, Matthew Bade, Brance P. Hudzeitz, US 20140295054 A1, October 2, 2014.
- U.S. Patent Granted: “Methods for Preparing Semiconductor Substrates and Interfacial Oxides,” Inventors: N. Herbots, J.D. Bradley, J.M. Shaw, R.J. Culbertson, and V. Atluri, Application No. 11/741,563.
- J.A. Middleton, S. Krause, S. Maass, K. Beeley, J. Collofello, and R.J. Culbertson, “Early Course and Grade Predictors of Persistence in Undergraduate Engineering Majors,” Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Engineering Conference, Madrid, Spain, pp 2285-2291, October 2014
- N. Herbots, Q. Xing, M.A. Hart, J.D. Bradley, D.A. Sell, R.J. Culbertson, and B.J. Wilkens, “IBMM of OH Adsorbates and Interphases on Si-based Materials,” Nuc. Instrum. Meth. B272, 330-333 (2012).
- Amber Strunk, Kelli Gamez Warble, Robert J. Nemanich, and Robert J. Culbertson, “Incorporating Authentic Scientific Research and The Nature of Science Into the High School Classroom,” Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, Vol. 1364 (2011).
- Tapati Sen, Dale R. Baker, and Robert Culbertson, “The Impact of Summer Research Experience for Science Teachers on Classroom Instruction,” Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, 1364 (2011).
- D. Hestenes, C. Megowan-Romanowicz, S.E. Osborn Popp, J. Jackson, and R.J. Culbertson, “A Graduate Program for High School Physics and Physical Science Teachers,” American Journal of Physics 79, 971 (2011)
- Q. Xing, M. Hart, R.J. Culbertson, J.D. Bradley, N. Herbots, B.J. Wilkens, D.A. Sell, and C.F. Watson, “Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) for Silicate Coatings on High Impact Resistance Polycarbonates,” Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, AIP Conf. Proc. 1336, 303-309 (2011).
- Q. Xing, N. Herbots, M.A. Hart, J.D. Bradley, B.J. Wilkens, D.A. Sell, C.H. Sell, H.M. Kwong, R.J. Culbertson, and S.D. Whaley, “Ion Beam Analysis of Silicon-Based Surfaces and Correlation with Surface Energy Measurements,” Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, AIP Conf. Proc. 1336, 201-207 (2011).
- S. Krause, J. Meyer Thompson, C. Mehrens, D. Baker, and R.J. Culbertson “Designing, Building, and Analyzing Musical Instruments As a Gateway to Mathematics, Science, and Engineering For Pre-Service Education Majors,” American Society of Engineering Education (online, 2010).
- L. Zeng, E. Helgren, M. Rahimi, F. Hellman, R. Islam, B.J. Wilkens, R.J. Culbertson, and D. J. Smith, “Quenched magnetic moment in Mn-doped amorphous Si films,” Phys. Rev. B77, 073306 (2008).
- F. Wu, A. Pavlovska, D.J. Smith, R.J. Culbertson, B.J. Wilkens, and E. Bauer, “Growth and structure of epitaxial CeO2 films on yttria-stabilized ZrO2,” Thin Solid Films 516, 4908-4914 (2008).
- Steve Krause, Robert J. Culbertson, Mike Oehrtman, and Marilyn Carlson, “High School Teacher Change, Strategies, and Actions in a Professional Development Project Connecting Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Proc. of 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 22-25, 2008, Saratoga Springs, NY. Note: Winner of Benjamin J. Dasher Award for Best Paper at FIE 2008. - J. D. Bradley, N. Herbots, R. J. Culbertson, J. M. Shaw, V. Atluri. “Characterization of Oxide/Semiconductor Interfaces for CMOS Technologies,” edited by Y. Chabal, A. Estève, N. Richard, G. Wilk, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Volume 996E, Warrendale, PA (2007)
- J.M. Shaw, N. Herbots, Q.B. Hurst, J.D. Bradley, and R.J. Culbertson, “Atomic Displacement free interfaces and atomic registry in SiO2 / (1x1) Si(100), J. Appl. Phys. 100, 101104 (2006)
- Q.B. Hurst, N. Herbots, J.M. Shaw, M. Floyd, D.J. Smith, R.J. Culbertson, M. Grams, J.D. Bradley, and V. Atluri, in Ultrathin SiO2 and High-K materials for ULSI Gate Dielectrics, ed. By H.R. Huff, J.L. Green, T. Hattori, G. Lucovsky, and C.A. Richter, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society 567 (2002).
- K.E. Daley, D.T. Vonk, R.J.Culbertson, “Ultra shallow Sb doped layer formation in Si (001) by the use of recoil implantation,” AIP Conf. Proc. (2001), 576 (Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry), 908-910.
- N. Herbots, J.M. Shaw, Q.B. Hurst, M.P. Grams, R.J. Culbertson, D.J. Smith, V. Atluri, and P. Zimmerman, “The Formation of Ordered Ultrathin SiO2/Si(100) Interfaces grown on (1x1) Si(100),” Mater. Sci. and Engin. B 87, 303 (2001)
- Q.B. Hurst, N. Herbots, J.M. Shaw, M.M. Floyd, D.J. Smith, R.J. Culbertson, M.P. Grams, J.D. Bradley, and P. Zimmerman, and V. Atluri. Long Range Order In Ultra-Thin SiO2 Grown On Si(100), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp.. Proc. Vol. 567, Ultrathin SiO2 and High-K Materials for ULSI Gate Dielectrics, Editors: H.R. Huff, M.L. Green, T. Hattori, G. Lucovsky, C.A. Richter, p.181 (2000)
- N. Herbots, V. Atluri, Q. Hurst, J. M. Shaw, S. Banerjee, J. D. Bradley, R. J. Culbertson, and D. J. Smith, Discovery Of Long Range Order In SiO2 Grown On Si(100): By Ion Channeling Combined With Nuclear Resonance Analysis, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 510, Defect and Impurity Engineered Semiconductors and Devices II, Eds S.Ashok, J. Chevallier, K. Sumino, B.L. Soppori, W. Goetz, R.C. Bowman, p. 157 (1999)
- V. Atluri , N. Herbots, R. Carpio , B. Fowler, Q. Hurst, M. Johnson, R.J. Culbertson, “H-passivation of Si(100) By Wet Chemical Cleaning: Discovery of Ordering,” Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 513, Hydrogen in Semiconductors and Metals, Eds N.H. Nickel, W.B. Jackson, R.C. Bowman (1998)
- J.D. Lorentzen, G.H. Loechelt, M.A. Melèndez-Lira, J. Menèdez, S. Sego, R.J. Culbertson, W. Windl, and O.F. Sankey, “Photoluminescence in Si1-x-yGexCy Alloys,” Appl. Phys. Lett. (May 1997).
- S. Sego, R.J. Culbertson, A.E. Bair, and T.L. Alford, “Comparison between Predicted Strain Values Using Elastic Theory and Experimental Strain Values for SiGeC alloy films grown on Si(001),” J. Mat. Chem. and Phys. 46, 277 (1997)
- A.E. Bair, T.L. Alford, S. Sego, Z. Atzmon, and R.J. Culbertson, “An X-ray Diffraction Study of SiGeC/(100) Si Alloys,” J. Mat. Chem. and Phys. 46, 283 (1997).
- M. Melèndez-Lira, J. Menèndez, W. Windl, O.F. Sankey, G.S. Spencer, S. Sego, and R.J. Culbertson, “Carbon Dependence of Raman Mode Frequencies in Si1-x-yGexCy Alloys,” Phys. Rev. B54, 12866 (1996).
- S. Sego, R.J. Culbertson, David J. Smith, Z. Atzmon, and A.E. Bair, “Strain Measurements of SiGeC Heteroepitaxial Layers on Si(001) Using Ion Beam Analysis,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A14, 441 (1996).
- R. Garcia, T. Alford, K. Daley, S. Sego, S.H. Shiu, R.J. Culbertson, and D.B. Poker, “Sb Ion Implantation and Annealing of SiGeC Heteroepitaxial Layers on Si(001),” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A13, 665 (1995).
- S.W. Russell, A.E. Bair, M.J. Rack, D. Adams, R.L. Spreitzer, T.L. Alford, and R.J. Culbertson, “Investigation of Chromium Nitridation using Ion Beam Resonance Analysis,” Proceedings of the Materials Research Society 337, 619 (1995).
- M.W. Copel, R.J. Culbertson, and R.M. Tromp, “Relaxation and H coverage of ammonium fluoride treated Si(111),” Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 2344 (1994).
- O.C. Hellman, N. Herbots, O. Vancauwenberghe, J.L. Olson, R.J. Culbertson, W.J. Croft, “Microstructure and Stoichiometry Dependence of Ion beam Nitrides as a Function of Energy and Temperature: a Comparative Study between Si and SiGe,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A10(4), 1631 (1992).
- O.C. Hellman, O. Vancauwenberghe, N. Herbots, J. Olson, R.J. Culbertson, and W.J. Croft, “Structure and Properties of silicon nitride and SixGe1-x Nitride Prepared by Low Energy Ion Beam Nitridation,” Mat. Sci. Eng, B12 53-59 (1992).
Research Activity
- Baker,Dale Rose*, Culbertson,Robert John, Semken,Steven. Flipping Into Science: Teachers and Principals Working Together: A Team Approach to Implementing AZCCRS in Science. AZ BOARD OF REGENTS(9/30/2016 - 9/30/2016).
- Krause,Stephen*, Ankeny,Casey J, Chen,Ying-Chih, Culbertson,Robert John, Hjelmstad,Keith D, Judson,Eugene E, Middleton,James Arthur. Scaling a Cyber-Enabled JIT-Teaching with Two-Way Formative Feedback (JTF) Project From the Individual Faculty Level to the Disciplinary Dept (JTFD). NSF-EHR-DUE(9/1/2015 - 8/31/2019).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Covatto,Carl, Dolenko,Darya Vitalyevna, Judson,Eugene E, Middleton,James Arthur, Zaniewski,Anna. Physics Teacher Pipeline Project: A comprehensive PhysTEC Site Y4. AMER PHYSICAL SOC(8/1/2015 - 7/31/2016).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Covatto,Carl, Dolenko,Darya Vitalyevna, Judson,Eugene E, Middleton,James Arthur, Zaniewski,Anna. Physics Teacher Pipeline Project: A comprehensive PhysTEC Site Y3. AMER PHYSICAL SOC(8/1/2014 - 7/31/2015).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Covatto,Carl, Dolenko,Darya Vitalyevna, Judson,Eugene E, Middleton,James Arthur, Rillero,Peter. Physics Teacher Pipeline Project: A Comprehensive PhysTEC Site. AMER PHYSICAL SOC(8/1/2013 - 7/31/2014).
- Krause,Stephen*, Collofello,James Samuel, Culbertson,Robert John, Middleton,James Arthur. WIDER: EAGER: Championing Educational Change through Assessment for the Next Generation of Engineers Success (CHANGES). NSF-EHR-DUE(9/15/2012 - 8/31/2016).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Covatto,Carl, Dolenko,Darya Vitalyevna, Judson,Eugene E, Middleton,James Arthur, Rillero,Peter. Physics Teacher Pipeline Project: A Comprehensive PhysTEC Site. AMER PHYSICAL SOC(8/1/2012 - 7/31/2013).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Bond-Robinson,Janet, Brown,Albert Frederick, Carlson,Marilyn P, Thompson,Patrick W. ASU Math & Science Teaching Fellows: Toward a World-Class Teacher Workforce for Arizona Schools. SFAz(7/1/2009 - 12/31/2010).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Baker,Dale Rose, Dukerich,Larry A, Krause,Stephen, Oehrtman,Michael, Thompson,Janice C Meyer. Science Engineering of Musical Instruments: A Context for Promoting Technical Literacy Problem Solving Skills by Connecting STEM. NSF-EHR-DUE(7/1/2008 - 12/31/2012).
- Carlson,Marilyn P*, Burrows,Veronica Ann, Culbertson,Robert John, Horan,John Joseph, Horan,John Joseph, Krause,Stephen, Lawson,Anton Eric, Middleton,James Arthur, Middleton,James Arthur, Oehrtman,Michael, Ramirez,Nora G, Semken,Steven, Thompson,Patrick W. Project Pathways: Opening Routes to Math and Science Success for all Students. NSF-EHR(7/1/2008 - 8/31/2012).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Bond-Robinson,Janet. Improving the Quality of Arizona Teachers of the Physical Sciences and Mathematics. AZ BOARD OF REGENTS(1/3/2008 - 1/31/2011).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Bond-Robinson,Janet. Improving the Quality of Arizona Teachers of Physics, Chemistry, Physical Science, and Mathematics. AZ BOARD OF REGENTS(6/1/2007 - 6/30/2008).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Bond-Robinson,Janet, Brown,Albert Frederick, Carlson,Marilyn P, Thompson,Patrick W. ASU Math & Science Teaching Fellows: Toward a World-Class Teacher Workforce for Arizona Schools. SFAz(6/1/2007 - 5/31/2011).
- Culbertson,Robert John*, Bond-Robinson,Janet. Improving the Quality of Arizona Teachers of Physics, Chemistry, Physical Science and Mathematics. AZ BOARD OF REGENTS(5/15/2006 - 5/31/2007).
- Carlson,Marilyn P*, Atkinson,Robert Kenneth, Baker,Dale Rose, Bauer II,Richard C, Bauer II,Richard C, Birk,James Peter, Bloom,Irene, Burns,Hillary Dockser, Burrows,Veronica Ann, Buskirk,Trent David, Carpenter,Ray W, Chizmeshya,Andrew V, Chizmeshya,Andrew V, Clark,Douglas B, Culbertson,Robert John, Gomez,Luanna Soledad, Haag,Susan G, Halloun,Ibrahim, Horan,John Joseph, Horan,John Joseph, Hurlbert,Glenn Howland, Judson,Eugene E, Krause,Stephen, Krause,Stephen, Kuang,Yang, Lawson,Anton Eric, Lohr,Sharon Lynn, Mckelvy,Michael J, Mckelvy,Michael J, Middleton,James Arthur, Middleton,James Arthur, Oehrtman,Michael, Pizziconi,Vincent B, Ramirez,Nora G, Ramirez,Nora G, Reynolds,Stephen James, Roh,Kyeong Hah, Rutowski,Ronald L, Semken,Steven, Sloane,Finbarr, Smith,Hal L, Thompson,Patrick W, Wilcox,Kristine, Wilcox,Kristine, Wyckoff,Susan, Zandieh,Michelle Jeanette. Project Pathways: Opening Routes to Math and Science Success for all Students. NSF-EHR(9/15/2004 - 6/30/2008).
- Culbertson,Robert John*. REU: PHYSICS PROGRAM AT ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY. NSF-MPS(2/15/2000 - 1/31/2004).
- Mayer,James Walter*, Alford,Terry Lynn, Bennett,Peter A, Burrows,Veronica Ann, Cale,Timothy S, Carpenter,Ray W, Culbertson,Robert John, Ferry,David K, Glaunsinger,William, Herbots,Nicole, Kouvetakis,John, Kozicki,Michael N, Krause,Stephen, Mckelvy,Michael J, Menendez,Jose, Pizziconi,Vincent B, Ramakrishna,B L, Reed,Helen Louise, Sieradzki,Karl, Smith,David John, Tsong,Ignatius Siu Tung. UNDERGRAD MATERIALS EDUCATION INITIATIVE. NSF-MPS(10/15/1992 - 3/31/1997).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 560 | Matter and Light |
PHS 560 | Matter and Light |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 151 | Physics II |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 150 | Physics I |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 592 | Research |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
PHS 581 | Structure of Matter/Properties |
CHM 581 | Structure of Matter/Properties |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 151 | Physics II |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 150 | Physics I |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHS 115 | Science of Musical Instruments |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 592 | Research |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 150 | Physics I |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 151 | Physics II |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHS 115 | Science of Musical Instruments |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 592 | Research |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
CHM 560 | Matter and Light |
PHS 560 | Matter and Light |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 150 | Physics I |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 151 | Physics II |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHS 115 | Science of Musical Instruments |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
PHS 581 | Structure of Matter/Properties |
CHM 581 | Structure of Matter/Properties |
PHS 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 150 | Physics I |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 151 | Physics II |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
DCI 784 | Internship |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHS 115 | Science of Musical Instruments |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
CHM 540 | Integrated Physics & Chemistry |
PHS 540 | Integrated Physics & Chemistry |
PHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 150 | Physics I |
PHS 593 | Applied Project |
- S. Sinha, A. Acharya, N. Herbots, C. Watson, E. Culbertson, M. Matiski, A.Orr, R. Bennett-Kennett, A. Murphy, E. Morgan, A. Brimhall, R. Culbertson. HemoClear™: A Thin Fluid Film Device (TFFD™) and Model to Eliminate Both Blood and Fogging on Surgical Lenses. American Physical Society Fall Meeting - Four Corners, Orem, Utah; October, 17, 2014 (Oct 2014).
- M. Gupta, N. Herbots, M. Mangus, M. Neric, A. Woolson, R.J. Culbertson, B.J. Wilkens, A.Causey, Alex Brimhall, C. Watson, S. Sinha, A. Acharya. Detection of Percolation in Hermetic Single-Device Human Implants by Ion Beam Analysis (IBA). American Physical Society Fall Meeting - Four Corners, Orem, Utah; 10/2014 (Oct 2014).
- E.Davis, N. Herbots, S. Whaley, R. Bennett-Kennett, R.J. Culbertson, A. Causey, R. Rhoades, S. Drews, C. Watson, JD Bradley, D. Sell, P.Rez, B.J.Wilkens. Hermetic Nano-BondingTM and Surface Characterization for Medical Implants and Marine and Air Sensors. American Physical Society Fall Meeting - Four Corners, Orem, Utah; October, 17, 2014 (Oct 2014).
- S.A. Sinha, A.J. Acharya, N. Herbots, E.J. Culbertson, C.F. Watson, M. Matiski, A.J. Orr, R.B. Bennett-Kennett, A.M. Murphy, B.W. Hughes, A.S. Benitez, T.T. Kutz, D.A. Sell, E.R. Morgan, A.L. Brimhall, R.J. Culbertson. HemoClear™: A Thin Fluid Film Device (TFFD™) for evacuating Blood and eliminating fogging on Surgical and Implant Lenses. TechConnect World Innovaton Conference & Expo, Jun 15-18, 2014, Washington DC (Jun 2014).
- M. Neric, M.W. Mangus Jr., A.M. Slyder, A.J. Woolson, S.A. Singh, R.J. Culbertson, B.J. Wilkens, K.T. Nguyen, N. Herbots, A.J. Acharya, C.F. Watson. Nuclear Resonance Analysis Coupled with Ion Channeling to Enhance Detection of Light Elements in Heavier Substrates. TechConnect World Innovaton Conference & Expo, Jun 15-18, 2014, Washington DC (Jun 2014).
- K. Leaming, S.D. Whaley, N. Herbots, R.B. Bennett-Kennett, C.F. Watson, E.R.C. Morgan, R.J. Culbertson, R.L. Rhoades, S.N. Drews, J.D. Bradley, D.A. Sell, P. Rez, B.J. Wilkens, M.W. Mangus, H.M. Johnson. Hermetic Bonding in Single Device Medical Implants, Night Vision Goggles, Marine Sensors Via Wet Nanobonding™ at T< 200°C of Si/SiO2. TechConnect World Innovaton Conference & Expo, Jun 15-18, 2014, Washington DC (Jun 2014).
- M. Mangus, M. Neric, KT Nguyen, A. Slyder, AJ Woolson, S. Sinha, N. Herbots, RJ Culbertson, BJ Wilkens, C. Watson2, ER Morgan, AJ Acharya. Ion Beam Analysis of Materials Used in Hermetic Single-Device Human Implants integrating Bio-sensors with Medical Electronics. 23rd Internat. Conf. on Applic. of Accelerators in Research & Industry (CAARI 2014), San Antonio, TX (May 2014).
- SD Whaley, N. Herbots, RB Bennett-Kennett, ER Morgan, RJ Culbertson, RL Rhoades, SN Drews, CF Watson, JD Bradley, D. Sell, P. Rez, BJ Wilkens, M. Mangus, H. Johnson. Ion Beam Analysis of Wet NanoBonding™ of Si-to-SiO2 and SiO2-to-Silica for single-device sensing electronics using Atomic Force Microscopy & Three Liquids Contact Angle Analysis to Correlate Components of the Surface Free Energy to Topography and Composition. 23rd Internat. Conf. on Applic. of Accelerators in Research & Industry (CAARI 2014), San Antonio, TX (May 2014).
- Culbertson, Robert, Thompson, A, Dukerich, L, McNamara, R. Connecting Mathematics, Science, and Music using Fretted Musical Instruments. AAPT National Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Herbots, N, Thompson, A, Culbertson, Robert. The Impact of Online Homework on Introductory Calculus-based Physics. AAPT National Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Thompson, A, Oehrtman, M, Culbertson, Robert. Incorporation of Mathematical Covariational Reasoning in Introductory Physics. AAPT National Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Weaver, D, Dukerich, L, McNamara, R, Culbertson, Robert. FUNctions in Motion. AAPT National Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Bauer, Richard, Birk, Jame, Culbertson, Robert. Project pathways: Connecting chemistry, physics, and math. Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (Jul 2006).
- Krause, Steve, Burrows, Veronica, Pizziconi, Vince, Culbertson, Robert, Carlson, Marilyn. Connecting Engineering Design to High School Science and Mathematics in a Mathematics-Science Partnership Program. National Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education (Jun 2006).
- Culbertson, Robert, Ortiz, L, Oehrtman, M, Carlson, M. Project Pathways: Connecting math and science for high school teachers. National Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers (Aug 2005).
- Gibson, Kevin, Culbertson, Robert. The Relativity concept inventory and what is learned. National Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers (Aug 2005).
- Gibson, Kevin, Culbertson, Robert, Colleen Megowan, M. Instruction of special relativity to college engineering students. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers
Work History
- 1/07 – Present Director, Master of Natural Science Program (Physics), ASU.
- 1/05 – 8/08 Associate Director, Center for Research on Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (CRESMET), ASU.
- 5/97 – Present Associate Professor, Department of Physics, ASU.
- 8/92 – 5/04 Director, Facility for Ion Beam Analysis of Materials.
- 8/91 – 5/97 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, ASU.
- 3/88 – 8/91 Team Leader, Research Physicist, Facility for Analysis and Research of Materials, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Watertown, MA.
- 7/81 – 3/88 Research Staff Member, Solid State Division, Atomic Collisions Group and Facility for Materials Research Analysis (SMAC) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
- 9/79 – 07/81 Postdoctoral Member of Technical Staff, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.