Abdullahi Gallab
Phone: 480-965-2921
Abdullahi Gallab is a sociologist who brings to his research and teaching the unique perspectives of a scholar and a former journalist practicing in Sudan. His 2008 book "The First Islamist Republic: Development and Disintegration of Islamism in the Sudan" is the story of the social world of Islamism. Based on extensive field work inside and outside the Sudanese Islamist regime that came to power through a military coup in 1989, the book provides an entry point into its local and global worlds as they interact and collide with each other. This book was reprinted in paperback by Rutledge publisher in 2016.
His second book "A Civil Society Deferred: The Tertiary Grip of Violence in the Sudan" is a critical inquiry into the colonial and post colonial states as they developed in the Sudan and their relationship to violence. This book us published by the University Press of Florida in 2011 and republished by the same publisher in 2011 in paperback.
His third book book "Their Second Republic: Islamism in the Sudan from Disintegration to Oblivion." It is a continuation of the study of Islamism in power in the Sudan. Was published in by Ashgate in 2014 and republished in paperback 2016.
His forth book: Hasan al-Turabi, the Last of the Islamists: the and his Times 1932–2016 was published by Lexington Books: Roman &Littlefield in2018 and the paperback was republished by the same publisher in paper back in 2019.
His Fifth book is :Citizens and the State in Sudan: Foreigners at home. Is under contract with Routledge UK publisher.
Active in the Sudan Studies Association (SSA) of North American (which now has its home within African and African American Studies in the Arizona State University's School of Social Transformation). He was the president of (SSA) from 2012-15. Professor Gallab is former editor and current publisher of the organizations bulletin and was conference host of the SSA 2012 conference, held at ASU. This U.S.-based association of scholars promotes the advancement of research in the field of Sudan studies and facilitates the distribution of knowledge and understanding of Greater Sudan and its relationship to the wider world. Gallab also serves as co-chair of Islamic Studies for the American Academy of Religion (AAR) Western Region. He was the President of the organization and he organized its lat conference in 2019 at ASU. He is a board member for the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Professor Gallab also serves as a member of the Barrett Honors faculty and on the advisory board for the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict at ASU.
- Ph.D. Brigham Young University
- MA Brigham Young Univesity
- Educated at the University of Khartoum, Sudan, and Boston University
Current Islamist movements within their local, regional and global contexts. Contemporary Islamic and Islamist discourses, leaderships, and organizations.
- Abdullahi Gallab. The Borders of Islam: Exploring Samuel Huntington’s Faultlines, from Al-Andalus to the Virtual Ummah, by Stig Jarle Hansen, Atle Mesoy, Tuncay kardas,. (2012).
- Abdullahi Gallab. The State of South Sudan: The Change Is about the New Sudan,. Concerned Africa Scholars Bulletin 86 – Nov 2011 PP 47-53 (2011).
- Abdullahi A. Gallab. A Civil Society Deferred: the Tertiary Grip of Violence in the Sudan. (2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. A Civil Society Deferred: the Tertiary Grip of Violence in the Sudan:. (2011).
- . . Review of: The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State (2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State by Noah Feldman. (2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. "A Possible Sudan: A Plea for a New Social Contract for a New Sudan,". "A Possible Sudan: A Plea for a New Social Contract for a New Sudan," al-Adhath Daily (2010).
- Abdullahi Gallab. "A Possible Sudan: From Khalil Farah to John Garang,". al-Ahdath Daily (2010).
- Abdullahi Gallab. "A Possible Sudan: From making the State to the Making the Revolution,". al-Ahdath Daily (2010).
- Abdullahi Gallab. "A Possible Sudan: the Civil Society’s initiative in making a Country, a Nation and State,". al-Ahdath Daily (2010).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Omer el-Hiwag collection of short stories: Iliakum Aaoud wa fi Kafi al-Qamar, al. (2010).
- Abdullahi Gallab. A Requiem for Manute Bol,. Sudaneseonline (2010).
- . . Review of: Iliakum Aaoud wa fi Kafi al-Qamar (2009).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Is Sudan a Post-Islamist State? The Sudanese Islamists’ Wars: Processes of Disintegration from al-Turabi to Khalil Parts 1 and 2. Social Science Research Council: Blog (2008).
- Lisa Aubrey, Abdullahi Gallab, Aribidesi Usman,. Interrogating the African-American Identity: How and Where Do New African Diasporans Fit in the State of Arizona. The State of Black Arizona, Volume 1, 2008 (2008).
- Gallab, Abdullahi A. The First Islamist Republic: Development and Disintegration of Islamism in the Sudan. (2008).
- Gallab, Abdullahi A. Islam. Encyclopedia of Religion, Communication, and Media (2006).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Whose Sudan Is It?: Islamists and the State. Traditions and Interpretations of the Middle East and North African Conference (2006).
- Abdullahi Gallab. The Insecure Rendezvous Between Islam and Totalitarianism: The Failure of the Islamists State in the Sudan. Political Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies, Volume (3) Case Studies: Africa, Iran, Europe, Asia (2006).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Whose Sudan is it? Islamists and the State. Zaytoon: Journal of 6th Annual Conference In Middle Eastern Studies: University of Arizona (2006).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Educational Challenges of Muslim Migrants in Non-Muslim Majority Countries in Preserving the Islamic Identity. Comparative Education Review Journal (2005).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Sudan needs more than a bilateral agreement. Deseret Morning News Salt Lake City, UT (2005).
- . . Review of: Challenges of Muslim Migrants in Non-Muslim Majority Countries in Preserving the Islamic Identity (2005).
- . . Review of: Diversity and Multiculturalism in the North American Mainstream: On Being Different (2005).
- . . Review of: Militant Islamists: Terrorism, Violence as Tools for Change (2005).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Grievances run deep in the Sudan. Deseret Morning News Salt Lake City, UT (2004).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Islam, democracy not incompatible. Deseret Morning News Salt Lake City, UT (2004).
- . . Review of: A book review of Makers of Contemporary Islam Studies Journal (2003).
- . . Review of: Makers of Contemporary Islam, (2003).
- Abdullahi Gallab. The Insecure Rendezvous Between Islam and Totalitarianism: The Failure of the Islamists State in the Sudan. Arab Studies Quarterly (2001).
- Abdullahi Gallab. The Religious State in the Sudan: A Primary Characterization of the Debacle. The New Political Science Journal (2001).
- Allen Palmer, Abdullahi Gallab. Beyond Antipathy: A Dialogic Approach to Conflict Between Arab and Western Cultures. Arab Stereotypes Conference, Beirut Institute for Media Arts, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon (2001).
- Gallab, Abdullahi A (Author) ,Palmer, Allen W (Author) . Islam and Western Culture: Navigating Across Terra Incognita. Religion and Popular Culture: Studies on the Interaction of Worldviews (2001).
- Cady,Linell E*, Carlson,John, Durfee,Alesha D, Gallab,Abdullahi A, Henn,Alexander Ernst, Jacobson,David, Peskin,Victor, Saenz,Delia S, Schober,Juliane S. Teaching and Talking About Religion - Phase II. FORD FDN(8/15/2008 - 8/14/2011).
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 366 | Islam in the Modern World |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
HST 339 | Islam in the Modern World |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
AFR 590 | Reading and Conference |
AFR 200 | Intro to Africana Studies |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
AFR 420 | Race/Ethnicity & Politics |
JUS 421 | Race/Ethnicity & Politics |
- Abdullahi Gallab. On Arab Spring,. The New York Times Café discussion series, ASU Down Town Campus (Nov 2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Pluralism, Coexistence and Conflict: Majority and Minority Communities in Muslim Societies, Harvard University, MA. Inaugural Workshop (Oct 2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. What does 9/11 mean today? Panel to discuss decade's impact on religion, public life,. Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, ASU (Sep 2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Presentation About Islamism and the Islamists in the Sudan,. Iowa Forum, Kean University, NJ (Sep 2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. "Developments in the Middle East". The Spirit of the Senses Salon: Paradise Valley, AZ (Jun 2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. "When the Center Cannot Hold: Colonization, Religion, Violence and the Fate of the Sudan ",. Sudan Studies Association Meeting, Columbus , OH (May 2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. The Arab Street Speaks: Teach-in on the Egyptian Uprising,. Diversity at ASU, Tempe Campus (Feb 2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Religion in Many Places, Islamism in the Sudan from Disintegration to Oblivion,. School of Historical Philosophical and Religious Studies, ASU Tempe Campus (Feb 2011).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Reform from Without: Sudanese Sufi Orders and the Spirit of Capitalism-The Khatimiyya & Ansar as an Example. Middle East Studies Association, Boston MA, November, 21-24 (Nov 2009).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Without Calvin or Marx: Muslim Brotherhood and Emergence of Capitalism. (SSSR) Society for Scientific Study of Religion Meeting, Denver, Colorado (Oct 2009).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Religion, Work and Wealth,. Society for Scientific Study of Religion Conference, Denver, CO (Oct 2009).
- Abdullahi Gallab. JSSSR Advisory Board Meeting. Society for the Sientific Study of Religion Meeting (Oct 2008).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Whose Failure is it? the Islamists and the Islamism. Sudanese Community Greater Washington DC area (Aug 2008).
- Abdullahi Gallab. Islamism from Hasan al-Bana to bin Ladin: an overview. Maricopa Community College faculty Professional Growth Workshop (Apr 2008).
- Abdullahi Gallab. The Islamist Movement in the Sudan: from a Political Party to a Corporation:. AAR Western Region (Mar 2008).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Darfur the Origins of Conflict & Ending of the Genocide. Phoenix College & Amnesity International Panel on Darfur (Dec 2006).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. World Religions Panel Discussion: Islam Campus Environment Team: Arizona State University at West Campus. World Religions Panel Discussion: Islam Campus Environment Team: Arizona State University at West (Apr 2006).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Roundtable: Sudan Wars and Peace: The Complexity of Identity Engineering. African Studies Association and Middle East Studies Association joint meeting (Nov 2005).
- Gallab, Abdullahi, Palmer, Allen. Reshaping Global News: The Iraqi Crisis and the Rise of the New Arab-Islamic Media. Global Fusion 2005, Ohio University, Athens Ohio (Sep 2005).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. The Tertiary Grip of Violence in the Sudan. (ASA) African Studies Association, New Orleans Louisiana (Nov 2004).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Which Way Islamism : From Form of Islamism to another. Middle East & Central Asia, New Orleans Louisiana (Nov 2004).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Sudan's Religious Heritage: Islam, CHristianity and Africanity. The Lost Boys Obercomimg Trauma Symposium Salt Lake Community College (Sep 2004).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Adrift in University Avenue: Movement from Local to Global Worlds. The Center for the Study of Ethics at Utah Valley College, Orem, Utah. Global Justice Project (Sep 2004).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Is Islam Compatible with Democracy?. The Center for the Study of Ethics at Utah Valley College, Orem, Utah (Mar 2004).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. The Sudanese Islamists' Regime from Totalitarian to Strong Authoritarian State. Middle East Center, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (Nov 2003).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. An Elementary Form of a Global Debate: Widening the Zones of Understanding. (SSSR) Society for Scientific Study of Religion/(RRA) Religious Research Association Meeting (Oct 2003).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. The Clash of Civilizationists Impulse: The American Ben Ladins. SSSR/RRA Meeting, Norfolk, VirginiA (Oct 2003).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Reading in Sudan History of the Present: Colorism, Regionalism and Violence. Sudan Studies Association International Conference, Georgetown University (Jul 2003).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Reporting on the Middle East: Complexity, Balance, and Constraints of Mass Media Market. Roundtable: Development, Democratization, in the Middle East University of Utah, Salt Lake City (Jun 2003).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. An Elementary Form of a Global Debate: Widening the Zones of Understanding. Islam and Muslims in America Conference, Univeristy of California Berkeley (Apr 2003).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. The Quran in Muslim Everyday Life. Kennedy Center for in International Studies, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (Feb 2003).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Arab Media Coverage of Conflict in "Countdown Iraq: A Spectrum of Informed Opinions.". International Studies Center Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (Nov 2002).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Islamic traditions: Hadith. Saint Paul Church, Cleveland, Ohio (Feb 2002).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Race Relations in the Sudan. The American Friends, Akron Ohio (Jun 2001).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. The Sudan under the Muslim Fundamentalist Rule. Center for African Studies, OHio University, Athens, Ohio (Apr 2001).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Hatching the Double Yoke of Underground Markets: The Evolution of the Islamists Movement in the Sudan. Conference of Islam and Africa: Global, Cultural and Historical Perspectives, Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University (Apr 2001).
- Gallab, Abdullahi. Reproduction of Civil Space: Media and the Incurable Predicament of Totalitarianism in the Sudan. African Studies Association(ASA), Washington DC
- Graduate Studies Committee African & African American Studies ASU, Member (2010 - Present)
- Saudi Students club advisor, Advisor (2009 - Present)
- the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Member of the advisory committee (2008 - Present)
- Muslim Students Association, Advisor (2008 - Present)
- African and African American Studies, Academic Senator (2007 - Present)
- Spirit of the Senses: Performances and Conversations on Centemporary Arts and Issues-Phoenix, Speaker (2006 - Present)
- African & African American Studies ASU, Students' Scholarship Committee (2006 - Present)
- African & African American Studies ASU, Graduate Studies Committee (2006 - Present)
- African & African American Studies ASU, Academic Senator (Alternate member) (2006 - Present)
- African Studies association Ad-hoc Committee, Member (2006 - Present)
- Middle East Studies Association, Member (2004 - Present)
- The Society for Scientific Study of Religion, Member (2002 - Present)
- Sudan Studies Association Newsletter, Editor (2002 - Present)
- Sudan Studies Association, Officer and Member of the Board (2001 - Present)
- islaamaar on-line discussion group (AAR), Member (2000 - Present)
- African Studies Association, Member (2000 - Present)
- Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion, Member of the Advisory Board (2008 - 2015)
- University Senate, Senator (2012 - 2015)
- Member of the National Scholarships and Fellowships Committee, member (2010 - 2013)
- the National Scholarships and Fellowships Committee, Member (2010 - 2013)
- Sudan Studies Association, President-elect (2011 - 2013)
- National Scholarships and Fellowships Committee, Member (2010 - 2013)
- Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion, Member of the advisory board (2008 - 2012)
- Saudi Students club advisor, Advisor (2010 - 2012)
- African and African American Studies, Senator (2009 - 2012)
- Forum Committee, member (2009 - 2012)
- Saudi Students club, Advisor (2009 - 2012)
- African and African American Studies, Sentor (2007 - 2012)
- Sudan Studies Association, Program Chair (2011 - 2012)
- Sudanese American Center, President (2009 - 2012)
- Sudanese American Center of Arizona, President (2009 - 2012)
- Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion, Member of the Advisory Board (2008 - 2011)
- The Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Member of the advisory committee of (2008 - 2011)
- Faculty affiliate of the School of Global Studies, Member (2008 - 2011)
- Sudanese American Center of Arizona, President (2009 - 2011)
- African and African American Studies, Senator (2009 - 2010)
- Arab Students Association advisor 2009, Advisor (2009 - 2010)
- Forum Committee, member (2009 - 2010)
- Saudi Students club, Advisor (2009 - 2010)
- African and African American Studies, Sentor (2007 - 2010)
- Forum Committee, Chair (2008 - 2009)
- Muslim Students Association advisor 2008, Advisor (2008 - 2009)
- Personnal Committee, Member (2008 - 2009)
- Spirit of the Senses: Performances and Conversations on Centemporary Arts and Issues-Phoenix, Speaker (2009 - 2009)
- Sudanese American Center of Arizona, President (2007 - 2009)
- African & African American Studies, Academic Senator (Alternate member) (2006 - 2008)
- African & African American Studies, Member: Students' Scholarship Committee (2006 - 2008)
- African & African American Studies ASU 2006, Member Graduate Studies Committee (2006 - 2008)
- Forum on the Humanities and Refugees (ASU):, Member of the editorial advisory board (2006 - 2008)
- Sudan Studies Association Newsletter, Editor (2000 - 2008)
- Sudanese-American Center in Arizona, Secretary General (2006 - 2007)
- Sudanese-American Center in Arizona, Executive Committe Member (2005 - 2007)
- Southgate Home Owners Association, Board Member (2005 - 2007)
- African Studies Association: Ad-hoc Committee for Publications, Member (2006 - 2007)
- Sudanese Studies Association, Officer & Member of the Board of Directors (2001 - 2006)
- Fulbright Evaluation Committe for Africa, Member (2006 - 2006)
- Review of Religious Research, Peer Reviewer (2006 - 2006)
- Palgrave Publishers, Peer Reviewer (2006 - 2006)
- Macro Comparative Committee Brigham Young University, Member (2002 - 2005)
- The McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Reviewer (2005 - 2005)
- Diversity Committee, Hiram College, Member (1999 - 2002)
- Hiram College Writers Study Group, Founding Member (1999 - 2002)
- Hiram College's Student Newspaper, Adviser (1998 - 2002)
- Hiram Colllege Campus Radio Station (, Adviser (1998 - 2002)
- Hiram College Muslim Students Club, Adviser (1997 - 2002)
- Penn State Berks-Lehigh Valley College Reading, PA, Chair "Children's Lives" Sudan Studies Association Conference (2002 - 2002)
- Reading Groups for Students, Faculty and Staff Hiram College, Chair for The Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism (2002 - 2002)
- Conference on Islam and Africa: Global, Cultural and Historical Perspectives, Binghamton University, Chair "The Muezzin and the Media in Africa" (2001 - 2001)
- Third World Studies Conference, Omaha University, Chair (2000 - 2000)
- Third World Studies Conference, Omaha University, Chair "Multiple Identities" (2000 - 2000)