Madeline Andrews
Mail code: 9709Campus: Tempe
Madeline Andrews is an Assistant Professor in the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering. Her lab utilizes neural organoids, transplantation models and omics approaches to study human brain development and disease. She received her PhD in Neuroscience in 2017 and her BS in psychology in 2010. She completed her postdoctoral training at the University of California San Francisco where she studied human cortical development in Dr. Arnold Kriegstein’s lab.
Postdoctoral Training: University of California, San Francisco
PhD in Neuroscience: University of California, Los Angeles
BS in Psychology: Arizona State University
Pebworth, MP, Ross, J, Andrews, MG, Bhaduri, A & Kriegstein AR (2021). PNAS. Human Intermediate Progenitor Diversity during Cortical Development. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2019415118
Bhaduri, A*, Andrews, MG*, Mancia, W, Jung, D, Shin, D, Allen, D, Schmunk, G, Haeussler, M, Salma, J, Pollen, AA, Nowakowski, TJ & Kriegstein AR (2020). Nature. Cell Stress in Cortical Organoids Impairs Molecular Subtype Specification. DOI:10.1038/s41586-020-1962-0. *equal contributions
Andrews, MG*, Subramanian, L* & Kriegtein, AR (2020). eLife. mTOR signaling regulates the morphology and migration of outer radial glia in developing human cortex. eLife 2020;9:e58737 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.58737.
Bhaduri, A, Andrews, MG, Kriegstein, AR & Nowakowski, TJ (2020). Cell Stem Cell. Are Organoids Ready for Prime Time? 27 (3), 361-365. DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2020.08.013
Bhaduri A, Di Lullo E, Jung D, Muller S, Crouch, EE, Espinosa CS, Ozawa T, Alvarado B, Spatazza J, Cadwell CR, Wilkins, G, Velmeshev D, Liu SJ, Malatesa M, Andrews, MG, Mostajo-Radj MA, Huang EJ, Nowakowski TJ, Lim DA, Diaz A, Raleigh DR, Kriegstein AR (2020). Outer Radial Glia-like Cancer Stem Cells Contribute to Heterogeneity of Glioblastoma. Cell Stem Cell. 26 (1), 48-63.e6. DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2019.11.015
Pollen, AA*, Bhaduri, A*, Andrews, MG, Nowakowski, TJ, Meyerson, OJ, Di Lullo, E, Mostajo-Radji, MA, Alvarado, B, Bedolli, M, Dougherty, ML, Fiddes, IT, Kronenberg, ZN, Shuga, J, Leyrat, AA, West, JA, Bershteyn, M, Lowe, CB, Pavlovic, B, Salama, SR, Haussler, D, Eichler, EE, Kriegstein, AR (2019). Establishing Cerebral Organoids as Models of Human-Specific Brain Evolution. Cell. DOI:10.1016/j.cell.2019.01.017.
Andrews, MG# & Nowakowski TJ# (2019). Human brain development through the lens of cerebral organoid models. Brain Research. 2019 Sep 19; 1725:146470. PMID: 31542572. #co-corresponding author
Andrews, MG, Kong, J, Novitch, BG and Butler, SJ (2019). New perspectives on the mechanisms that establish the dorsal-ventral axis of spinal cord. Current Topics in Developmental Biology: Organ Development. DOI:10.1016/bs.ctdb.2018.12.010.
Bhaduri, A, Andrews, MG & Kriegstein AR. (2019) Human Neurogenesis: Single Cell Sequencing and In Vitro Modeling. Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience. 2nd Edition.
Andrews, MG, Del Castillo, L, Ochoa-Bolton, E, Yamauchi, K, Smogorzewski J and Butler, SJ (2017). BMPs direct sensory interneuron identity in the developing spinal cord using signal-specific not morphogenic activities. eLife. 6:e30647 DOI 10.7554/eLife.30647.
Braden, BB, Andrews, MG, Acosta, JI, Mennenga, SE, Lavery, C and Bimonte-Nelson, HA (2017). A comparison of progestins within three classes: Differential effects on learning and memory in the aging surgically menopausal rat. Behavioural Brain Research. Mar 30, 322 (Pt B): 258-268.
Hazen, VM, Andrews, MG, Umans L, Crenshaw III, EB, Zwijsen A, and Butler SJ. (2012). BMP receptor-activated Smads direct diverse functions during the development of the dorsal spinal cord. Developmental Biology. 367: 216-227.
Engler-Chiurazzi, E, Talboom, J, Braden, B, Tsang, C, Mennenga, S, Andrews, M and Bimonte-Nelson, HA. (2012). Continuous estrone treatment impairs spatial memory and does not impact number of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in the surgically menopausal middle-aged rat. Hormones and Behavior. April 13, 2012.
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BME 111 | Engr Perspectives/Biologic Sys |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 493 | Honors Thesis |
BME 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASU 101-BME | The ASU Experience |
ASU 101-BME | The ASU Experience |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 182 | Biomedical Prod Dsgn & Dev I |
ASU 101-BME | The ASU Experience |