Don Lange
Phone: 480-965-7571
BA 367F TEMPE, AZ 85287-4006
Mail code: 4006Campus: Tempe
Donald Lange joined the W. P. Carey School of Business in 2006 after receiving his Ph.D. in Management from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship and the Lincoln Professor of Management Ethics.
Professor Lange’s research interests include bad behavior within organizations, corporate social (ir)responsibility, organizational reputation, and stakeholder strategy. His published work appears in top academic management journals including Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, and Personnel Psychology. Professor Lange is a past associate editor at Academy of Management Review. His most recent article (with E. Park and C. Jeon), titled “How shareholder litigation risk influences firm orientation toward stakeholders” is forthcoming in Strategic Management Journal.
Professor Lange teaches managerial ethics in the MBA program and organization theory in the Ph.D. program. Prior to joining academia, he was in top management in the not-for-profit sector.
Ph.D. Management, University of Texas-Austin 2006
- Reputation, Legitimacy, and Prestige in Organizational and Industry Settings
- Organizational Corruption and Managerial Ethics
- Schinoff, B.S., Ashforth, B.E., Rogers, K.M., Lange, D. (2023) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Role-based identity foils in organizational life. Organization Science, 35 (1): 232-258.
- Paik, E., Pollock, T., Boivie, S., Lange, D., Lee, P. (2023) "A star is born: The relationship between performance and achieving status through certification contests in the context of equity analysts" Organization Science, 34 (1): 75-99.
- Lange, D., Bundy, J., Park, E. 2022. "The social nature of stakeholder utility" Academy of Management Review, 47 (1): 9-30.
- Chae, H., Song, H., Lange, D. 2021. "Basking in reflected glory: Reverse status transfer from foreign to home markets" Strategic Management Journal, 42 (4): 802-832.
- Röth, T., Spieth, Lange, D. 2019. "Managerial political behavior in innovation portfolio management: A sensegiving and sensebreaking process" Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36 (5): 534-559.
- Lange, D., Pfarrer, M. D. 2017. "Editors' comments--Sense and structure: The core building blocks of an AMR article" Academy of Management Review, 42 (3): 407-416.
- Busenbark, J. R., Lange, D., Certo, S. T. 2017. "Foreshadowing as impression management: Illuminating the path for security analysts" Strategic Management Journal, 38 (12): 2486-2507.
- Galvin, B. M., Lange, D., Ashforth, B. 2015. "Narcisstic organizational identification: Seeing oneself as central to the organization's identity" Academy of Management Review, 40 (2): 163-181.
- Lange, D., Boivie, S., Westphal, J. 2015. "Predicting organizational identification at the CEO level" Strategic Management Journal, 35 (8): 1224-1244.
- Peterson, S. J., Galvin, B. M., Lange, D., 2012. "CEO servant leadership: Exploring executive characteristics and firm performance" Personnel Psychology, 65 (3): 565-596.
- Lange, D., Washburn, N.. 2012. "Understanding attributions of corporate social irresponsibility." Academy of Management Review, 37 (2):300-326.
- Boivie, S., Lange, D., McDonald, M., Westphal, J. 2011. "Me or We: The effects of CEO organizational identification on agency costs." Academy of Management Journal, 54 (3): 551-576.
- Lange, D., Lee, P., Dai, Y. 2011. "Organizational reputation: A review." Journal of Management, 37 (1): 153-184.
- Lange, D., Boivie, S., Henderson, A. 2009. "The parenting paradox: How multibusiness diversifiers endorse disruptive technologies while their corporate children struggle." Academy of Management Journal, 52 (1): 179-198.
- Lange, D. 2008. "A multidimensional conceptualization of organizational corruption control." Academy of Management Review. 33 (3): 710-729.
- Lewis, K., Lange, D., & Gillis, L. 2005. "Transactive memory systems, learning, and learning transfer."Organization Science, 16 (6): 581-598.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 792 | Research |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
LES 586 | Fund Ethical Issues Managers |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
LES 586 | Fund Ethical Issues Managers |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
LES 582 | Ethical Issues for Managers |
- Finalist, Scholarly Impact Award from Journal of Management (2016)
- Finalist, Best Paper Award, Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management (2014).
- Finalist, Academy of Management Review Best Article of 2012 award, for “Understanding Attributions of Corporate Social Irresponsibility”
- W. P. Carey School of Business, Outstanding Teaching Award, MBA (2011).
- Academy of Management Review Outstanding Reviewer Award (2011).
- Finalist, Best Paper Award, Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management (2011).
- INFORMS Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition Second Place (2005).
- State Farm Companies Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Award (2005)
- Best Paper Award, Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division, Academy of Management (2003).
Associate Editor:
- Academy of Management Review (2014-2017)
Ad hoc reviewer at many journals
Arizona State University: 2006-present.