Stuart Lindsay director of the Center for Single Molecule Biophysics in the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University, a University Professor, a Regents Professor, and Nadine and Edward Carson Presidential Chair of Physics and Chemistry. He holds 46 U.S. patents and was co-founder of Molecular Imaging (now part of Agilent Technologies) and more recently, Recognition AnalytiX. He has published more than 200 research papers (h=79) and wrote the standard text in the field "Introduction to Nanoscience," (Oxford University Press). He is a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Institute of Physics.
Professor Lindsay's research focuses on nano-scale biophysics. He has pioneered aspects of atomic force microscopy, particularly those related to imaging and chemical analysis in water.
Current research interests include nanoscale chemical mapping, applications of nanoscience for sustainable energy, new techniques for DNA and protein sequencing based on electron tunneling, and nanoscale probes of epigenetic markings and cell biochemistry.
Ph.D. Physics, University of Manchester, U.K. 1976
Our lab studies single molecule biophysics using scaning probe methods. The idea is to measure and manipulate individual molecules. The premise is that single molecules are simple enough to (eventually) be modeled accurately with computer simulations, yet, in a real environment, complex enough to reflect the variations that are important to their function. Projects include (a) A study of gene transcription using single molecule models of a gene promoter, (b) studies of conduction in single molecules aimed at laying the groundwork for molecular electronics and (c) development of new sngle molecule measurement techniques.
Alfaro, J.A., Bohländer, P., Dai, M., Filius, M., Howard, C.J., Van Kooten, X.F., Ohayon, S., Pomorski, A., Schmid, S., Aksimentiev, A., Anslyn, E.V., Bedran, G., Cao, C., Chinappi, M., Coyaud, E., Dekker, C., Dittmar, G., Drachman, N., Eelkema, R., Goodlett, D., Hentz, S., Kalathiya, U., Kelleher, N.L., Kelly, R.T., Kelman, Z., Hyun Kim, S., Kuster, B., Rodriguez-Larrea, D., Lindsay, S., Maglia, G., Marcotte, E.M., Marino, J.P., Masselon, C., Mayer, M., Samaras, P., Sarthak, K., Sepiashvili, L., Stein, D., Wanunu, M., Wilhelm, M., Yin, P., Meller, A., Joo, C., The emerging landscape of single-molecule protein sequencing technologies. Nature Methods. 2021 18, 604-617
Lindsay, S., Ubiquitous Electron Transport in Non-Electron Transfer Proteins. Life-Basel. 2020 10 (5)
Zhang, B., Ding, H., Mukherjee, S., Song, W., Wang, X., Lindsay, S., Engineering an Enzyme for Direct Electrical Monitoring of Activity. ACS Nano. 2020 14 (2); 1360-1368
Zhang, B., Song, W., Brown, J., Nemanich, R., Lindsay, S., Electronic Conductance Resonance in Non-Redox-Active Proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2020 142 (13); 6432-6438
B. Zhang, S. Lindsay, Electronic Decay Length in a Protein Molecule. Nano Letters, 2019 19, 6, 4017-4022.
B. Zhang, W. Song, P. Pang, H. Lai, Q. Chen, P. Zhang, S. Lindsay, Role of contacts in long-range protein conductance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019 116, 13, 5886-5891
J. Im, S. Lindsay, X. Wang, P. Zhang, Single Molecule Identification and Quantification of Glycosaminoglycans Using Solid-State Nanopores. ACS Nano, 2019 13, 6, 6308-6318
J. Im, S. Sen, S. Lindsay, P. Zhang, Recognition Tunneling of Canonical and Modified RNA Nucleotides for Their Identification with the Aid of Machine Learning. ACS Nano, 2018 12, 7, 7067-7075
S. Senapati, S. Biswas, S. Manna, R. Ros, S. Lindsay, P. Zhang, A Y-Shaped Three-Arm Structure for Probing Bivalent Interactions between Protein Receptor Ligand Using AFM and SPR. Langmuir, 2018 34, 23, 6930-6940
Biswas, S., W. Song, C. Borges, S. Lindsay, and P. Zhang, Click Addition of a DNA Thread to the N-Termini of Peptides for Their Translocation through Solid-State Nanopores. ACS Nano, 2015. 9(10): p. 9652-64.
Schneeweis, L.A., L. Obenauer-Kutner, P. Kaur, A.P. Yamniuk, J. Tamura, N. Jaffe, B.W. O'Mara, S. Lindsay, M. Doyle, and J. Bryson, Comparison of Ensemble and Single Molecule Methods for Particle Characterization and Binding Analysis of a Pegylated Single-Domain Antibody. J Pharm Sci, 2015.
Manna, S., S. Senapati, S. Lindsay, and P. Zhang, A Three-Arm Scaffold Carrying Affinity Molecules for Multiplex Recognition Imaging by Atomic Force Microscopy: The Synthesis, Attachment to Silicon Tips, and Detection of Proteins. J Am Chem Soc, 2015. 137(23): p. 7415-23.
Henley, R.Y., B.A. Ashcroft, I. Farrell, B.S. Cooperman, S.M. Lindsay, and M. Wanunu, Electrophoretic Deformation of Individual Transfer Rna Molecules Reveals Their Identity. Nano Lett, 2015.
Krstić, P., B. Ashcroft, and S. Lindsay, Physical Model for Recognition Tunneling. Nanotechnology 26 2015. 26: p. 084001.
Pang, P., B. Ashcroft, W. Song, P. Zhang, S. Biswas, Q. Qing, J. Yang, R.J. Nemanich, J. Bai, J. Smith, K. Reuter, V.S.K. Balagurusamy, Y. Astier, G. Stolovitzky, and S. Lindsay, Fixed Gap Tunnel Junction for Reading DNA Nucleotides. ACS Nano, 8, 11994–12003 (2014).
Swygert, S.G., B.J. Manning, S. Senapati, P. Kaur, S. Lindsay, B. Demeler, and C.L. Peterson, Solution-State Conformation and Stoichiometry of Yeast Sir3 Heterochromatin Fibres. Nat Commun, 5, 4751-5 (2014)."Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Amino Acids and Peptides by Recognition Tunneling", Yanan Zhao, Brian Ashcroft, Peiming Zhang, Hao Liu, Suman Sen, Weisi Song, JongOne Im, Brett Gyarfas, Saikat Manna, Sovan Biswas, Chad Borges and Stuart Lindsay, Nature Nanotechnology, 9: 466-473 (2014).
Padmini Krishnakumar, Brett Gyarfas, Weisi Song, Suman Sen, Peiming Zhang, Predrag Krstic and Stuart Lindsay. "Slowing DNA Translocation through a Nanopore Using a Functionalized Electrode". ACS Nano (2013).
Qian Mei, Roger H. Johnson, Xixi Wei, Fengyu Su, Yan Liu, Laimonas Kelbauskas, Stuart Lindsay, Deirdre R. Meldrum, and Hao Yan. "On-chip isotachophoresis separation of functional DNA origami capture nanoarrays from cell lysate". Nano Research (2013).
Subhadip Senapati, Saikat Manna, Stuart Lindsay, and Peiming Zhang. "Application of Catalyst-Free Click Reactions in Attaching Affinity Molecules to Tips of Atomic Force Microscopy for Detection of Protein Biomarkers". Langmuir (2013).
Weisi Song, Pei Pang, Jin He, and Stuart Lindsay. "Optical and Electrical Detection of Single-Molecule Translocation through Carbon Nanotubes". ACS Nano (2013).
Y P Shan, P B Tiwari, P Krishnakumar, I Vlassiouk, W Z Li, X W Wang, Y Darici, S M Lindsay, H D Wang, S Smirnov and J He. "Surface modification of grapheme nanopores for protein translocation". Nanotechnology (2013).
Yanan Zhao, Stuart Lindsay, Sunhwa Jeon, Hyung-Jun Kim, Liang Su, Boram Lim, and Sangho Koo. "Combined Effect of Polar Substituents on the Electronic Flows in the Carotenoid Molecular Wires". Chemistry, A European Journal (2013).
Cao, D., P. Pang, et al. Electronic sensitivity of a single-walled carbon nanotube to internal electrolyte composition. Nanotechnology (2012).
Chang, S., S. Huang, et al. Chemical Recognition and Binding Kinetics in a Functionalized Tunnel Junction. Nanotechnology 23 (2012).
Deng, Z., D. Cao, et al. Palladium Electrodes for Molecular Tunnel Junctions. Nanotechnology 23 (2012).
Deng, Z., D. Cao, et al. Solution Synthesis of Ultrathin Single- Crystalline SnS Nanoribbons for Photodetectors via Phase Transition and Surface Processing. ACS Nano (2012).
Fuhrmann, A., S. Getfert, et al. Long lifetime of hydrogen-bonded DNA basepairs by force spectroscopy. Biophysical Journal (2012).
Krishnakumar, P., P. B. Tiwari, et al. Mass transport through vertically aligned large diameter MWCNTs embedded in parylene. Nanotechnology 23 (2012).
Liang, F., S. Li, et al. Synthesis, Physicochemical Properties, and Hydrogen Bonding of 4(5)-Substituted-1H-imidazole-2-carboxamide, A Potential Universal Reader for DNA Sequencing by Recognition Tunneling. Chemistry - a European Journal 18 (2012).
Liang, F., S. Lindsay, et al. 1,8-Naphthyridine-2,7-diamine: a potential universal reader of Watson–Crick base pairs for DNA sequencing by electron tunneling. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2012).
Lindsay, S. Biochemistry and semiconductor electronics-the next big hit for silicon?. Journal of Physics - Condensd Matter (2012).
Park, J. H., J. He, et al. DNA Translocating Through a Carbon Nanotube Can Increase Ionic Current. Nanotechnology 23 (2012).
Tuchband, M., J. He, et al. Insulated gold scanning tunneling microscopy probes for recognition tunneling in an aqueous environment. Rev, Sci. Instrum (2012).
Stuart Lindsay, et al. Convergence of Knowledge and Technology for Societal Benefit. (2012).
Asmaa M. Baker, Qiang Fu, William Hayward, Samuel Victoria, Ilene M. Pedroso, Stuart M. Lindsay, Terace M. Fletcher. The Telomere Binding Protein TRF2 Induces Chromatin Compaction. PLOS ONE (2011).
Di Cao, Pei Pang, Jin He, Tao Luo, Jae Hyun Park, Predrag Krstic, Colin Nuckolls, Jinyao Tang, and Stuart Lindsay. Electronic Sensitivity of Carbon Nanotubes to Internal Water Wetting. ACS NANO (2011).
Gap Distance and Interactions in a Molecular Tunnel Junction. Chang Shuai; He Jin; Zhang Peiming; Brett Gyarfas and Stuart Lindsay. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (2011).
Kaur P, Qiang-Fu, Fuhrmann A, Ros R, Kutner LO, Schneeweis LA, Navoa R, Steger K, Xie L, Yonan C, Abraham R, Grace MJ, Lindsay S. Antibody-Unfolding and Metastable-State Binding in Force Spectroscopy and Recognition Imaging. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (2011).
Kong T. Tsen, Shaw-Wei D. Tsen, Qiang Fu, Stuart M. Lindsay, Zhe Li, Stephanie Cope, Sara Vaiana, Juliann G. Kiang. Studies of inactivation of encephalomyocarditis virus, M13 bacteriophage, and Salmonella typhimurium by using a visible femtosecond laser: insight into the possible inactivation mechanisms. Journal of Biomedical Optics (2011).
Pei Pang, Jin He. Jae Hyun Park, Predrag S. Krstic, and Stuart Lindsay. Origin of Giant Ionic Currents in Carbon Nanotube Channels. ACS Nano (2011).
Qian Mei, Xixi Wei, Fengyu Su, Yan Liu, Cody Youngbull, Roger Johnson, Stuart Lindsay, Hao Yan and Deirdre Meldrum. Stability of DNA Origami Nanoarrays in Cell Lysate. NANO LETTERS (2011).
Shreya Battacharyya, Ashley Kibel, Gerdenis Kodis, Paul A. Liddell, Miguel Gervaldo, Devens Gust, and Stuart Lindsay. Optical Modulation of Molecular Conductance. Nano Letters (2011).
Chang, S., Huang, S., He, J., Liang, F., Zhang, P., Li, S., Chen, X., Sankey, O.F., & Lindsay, S.M.,. Electronic Signature of all four DNA Nucleosides in a Tunneling Gap. Nano Letters 10 (2010).
Huang, S., He, J., Chang, S., Zhang, P., Liang, F., Li, S., Tuchband, M., Fuhrman, A., Ros, R., & Lindsay, S.M. Identifying single bases in a DNA oligomer with electron tunneling. Nature Nanotechnology (2010).
Liu, H., He, J., Tang, J., Liu, H., Pang, P., Cao, D., Krstic, P.S., Joseph, S., Lindsay, S., & Nuckolls, C. Translocation of single-stranded DNA through single-walled carbon nanotubes. Science (2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Introduction to Nanoscience. (2009).
Ashcroft, B., Q. Spadola, S. Qamar, P. Zhang, G. Kada, R. Bension and S. M. Lindsay. "An AFM/Rotaxane Molecular Reading Head for Sequence-Dependent DNA Structure. Small (2008).
Branton, B., D. Deamer, A. Marziali, H. Bayley, S. A. Benner, T. Butler, M. Di Ventra, S. Garaj, A. Hibbs, X. Huang, S. B. Jovanovich, P. S. Krstic, S. Lindsay, X. S. Ling, C. H. Mastrangelo, A. Meller, J. S. Oliver, Y. V. Pershin, J. M. Ramsey, R. Riehn, G. V. Soni, V. Tabard-Cossa, M. Wanunu, M. Wiggin and J. Schloss. Nanopore Sequencing. Nature Biotechnology (2008).
He, J., Forzani, E. S., Nagahara, L. A., Tao, N. & Lindsay. Charge transport in mesoscopic conducting polymer wires. S. J. Phys: Condens. Matter (2008).
He, J., Lin, L., Zhang, P., Spadola, Q., Xi, Z., Fu, Q. & Lindsay, S. Transverse Tunneling through DNA Hydrogen Bonded to an Electrode. Nano Letters (2008).
Hongda Wang, Linda Obenauer-Kutner, Mei Lin, Yunping Huang, Michael J. Grace and Stuart M. Lindsay. Imaging Glycosylation. J. Am. Chem. Soc (2008).
Ke YG (Ke, Yonggang), Nangreave J (Nangreave, Jeanette), Yan H (Yan, Hao), Lindsay S (Lindsay, Stuart), Liu Y (Liu, Yan). Developing DNA tiles for oligonucleotide hybridization assay with higher accuracy and efficiency. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (2008).
Morita T, Lindsay S. Reduction-induced switching of single-molecule conductance of fullerene derivatives. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B (2008).
Qamar S, Williams PM, Lindsay, SM. Can an atomic force microscope sequence DNA using a nanopore?. Biophys. J (2008).
Stuart Lindsay. Genetic Sequencing. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (2008).
Yonggang Ke, Stuart Lindsay, Yung Chang, Yan Liu, Hao Yan. Self-Assembled Water-Soluble Nucleic Acid Probe Tiles for Label-Free RNA Hybridization Assays. Science (2008).
Francisco Solis, Ralph Bash, Hongda Wang, J. Yodh, Stuart Lindsay, Dennis Lohr. Effects of Histone Acetylation on Properties of Nucleosomes in MMTV and 5S Arrays. Biochemistry (2007).
Sheik J. Khan, Giscard Yanez, Kenneth Seldeen, Hongda Wang, Stuart M. Lindsay and Terace M. Fletcher. Interactions of TRF2 with model telomeric ends. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Comm. 363, 44-50 (2007) (2007).
Stuart Lindsay, M Ratner. Molecular Transport Junctions: Clearing Mists. Advanced Materials (2007).
F Chen, C Nuckolls, Stuart Lindsay. In situ measurements of oligoaniline conductance: Linking electrochemistry and molecular electronics. Chemical Physics (2006).
I Visoly-Fisher, D Gust, T Moore, A Moore, Stuart Lindsay, K Daie, Y Terazono, C Herrero, F Fungo, L Otero, E Durantini, J Silber, L Sereno. Conductance of a biomolecular wire. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci (2006).
J He, Q Fu, Stuart Lindsay, J Ciszek, J Tour. Electrochemical Origin of Voltage-Controlled Molecular Conductance Switching. J. Am. Chem. Soc (2006).
Jin He, Otto Sankey, Lee Myeong, Tao Nongjian, Xiulan Li, Stuart Lindsay. Measuring single molecule conductance with break junctions. Faraday Discussions (2006).
L Lin, H Wang, Y Liu, H Yan, Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Imaging with a DNA Aptamer. Biophys. J (2006).
R Bash, H Wang, C Anderson, J Yodh, G Hager, Stuart Lindsay, D Lohr. AFM imaging of protein movements: Histone H2A-H2B release during nucleosome remodeling. Letters (2006).
R Bash, H Wang, C Anderson, J Yodh, G Hager, Stuart Lindsay, D Lohr. AFM imaging of protein movements: Histone H2A-H2B release during nucleosome remodeling. FEBS Letters (2006).
Stuart Lindsay. Molecular Wires and Devices: Advances and Issues. Faraday Discussions (2006).
Stuart Lindsay. Molecular Wires and Devices: Advances and Issues. Faraday Discussions (2006).
W Marcus, H Wang, D Lohr, M Sierks, Stuart Lindsay. Isolation of an scFv targeting BRG1 using phage display with characterization by AFM. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2006).
W Marcus, Stuart Lindsay, M Sierks. Identification and repair of positive binding anitibodies containing randomly generated amber codons from synthetic phage display libraries. Biotechnology Progress (2006).
W Marcus, Stuart Lindsay, M Sierks. Identification and repair of positive binding antibodies containing randomly generated amber codons from synthetic phage display libraries. Biotechnology Progress (2006).
X Li, J He, J Hihath, B Xu, Stuart Lindsay, N Tao. Conductance of Single Alkanedithiols: Conduction Mechanism and Effect of Molefule-Electrode Contacts. Am. Chem. Society (2006).
X Li, J He, J Hihath, B Xu, Stuart Lindsay, N Tao. Conductance of Single Alkanedithiols: Conduction Mechanism and Effect of Molecule-Electrode Contacts. J. Am. Chem. Soc (2006).
Xiaoyin Xiao, Daniel Brune, He Jin, Stuart Lindsay, Christopher Gorman, Tao Nongjian. Redox-gated electron transport in electrically wired ferrocene molecules. Chemical Physics (2006).
A Ebner, J Nelson, Stuart Lindsay, H Gruber, P Hinterdorfer, F Kienberger, G Kada, C Stroh, M Geretschlager, A Kamruzzahan, L Wildling, W Johnson, B Ashcroft. Localization of Single Avidin-Biotin Interactions Using Simultaneous Topography and Molecular Recognition Imaging. Chem. Phys. Chem (2005).
Fan Chen, Jin Je, Colin Nuckolls, Tucker Roberts, Jennifer Klare, Stuart Lindsay. A Molecular Switch Based on Potential-Induced Changes of Oxidation State. Nano Letters (2005).
H Wang, R Bash, Stuart Lindsay, D Lohr. Solution AFM Studies of Human Swi-Snf and Its Interactions with MMTV. Biophysical Journal (2005).
J He, F Chen, O Sankey, Y Terazono, C Herrero, D Gust, T Moore, A Moore, Stuart Lindsay. Electronic Decay Constant of Carotenoid Polyenes from Single-Molecule Measurements. J. Am. Chem.Soc (2005).
J He, Stuart Lindsay. On the Mechanism of Negative Differential Resistance in Ferrocenylundecanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (Communication) (2005).
J Tomfohr, G Ramachandran, O Sankey, Stuart Lindsay. Making Contact to Single Molecules: Are we there yet?. Molecular Electronics (2005).
Jin He, Otto Sankey, Stuart Lindsay, Fan Chen, Paul Liddell, Joakim Andreasson, Stephen Straight, Devens Gust, Thomas Moore, Ana Moore, Li Jun. Switching of a photochromic molecule on gold electrodes; single-molecule measurements. Nanotechnology (2005).
K Lund, Y Liu, Stuart Lindsay, H Yan. Self-assembling molecular pegboard. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (Communication) (2005).
Stuart Lindsay. Single-Molecule Electronic Measurements with Metal Electrodes. J. Chem. Ed (2005).
W Johnson, G Kada, C Stroh, H Gruber, H Wang, F Kienberger, A Ebner, Stuart Lindsay, P Hinterdorfer. Simultaneous Topography and RECognition Mapping with PicoTREC: A Powerful new Technology That Can Be Used to Map Nanometer-Scale Molecular Binding Sites On A Variety of Surfaces. NSTI-Nanotech (2005).
Tomfohr, J (Author) ,Ramachandran, G (Author) ,Sankey, O F (Author) ,Lindsay, Stuart (Author) . Making Contacts to Single Molecules: Are we there yet?. Introducing Molecular Electronics (2005).
B Ashcroft, B Takulapalli, J Yang, G Laws, H Zhang, N Tao, Stuart Lindsay, D Gust, T Thornton. Calibration of a pH sensitive buried channel silicon-on-insulator MOSFET for sensor applications. Phys. Stat. Sol (2004).
C Stroh, H Wang, R Bash, B Ashcroft, J Nelson, H Gruber, D Lohr, Stuart Lindsay, P Hinterdorfer. Single-molecule recognition imaging microscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci (USA) (2004).
Elba Gomar-Nadal, Ganesh Ramachandran, Fan Chen, Timothy Burgin, Jaume Veciana, Concepció Rovira, David Amabilino, Stuart Lindsay. Self-Assembled Monolayers of TTF Derivatives on Gold: Characterization and Electron Transport Studies. J. Phys. Chem (2004).
F Solis, R Bash, J Yodh, Stuart Lindsay, D Lohr. A Statistical Thermodynamic Model Applied to Experimental AFM Population and Location Data Is Able to Quantify DNA-Histone Binding Strength and Internucleosomal Interaction Differences between Acetylated and Unacetylated Nucleosomal Arrays. Biophys. J (2004).
H Wang, R Bash, J Yodh, G Hager, Stuart Lindsay, D Lohr. Using Atomic Force Microscopy to Study Nucleosome Remodeling on Individual Nucleosomal Arrays in Situ. Biophysical Journal (2004).
Stuart Lindsay. Interface Single Molecule Electronics. Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Electronics. (2004).
A Salomon, D Cahen, Stuart Lindsay, J Tomfohr, V Engelkes, C Frisbie. Comparison of electronic transport measurements on organic molecules. Advanced Materials (2003).
David Adams, Rudolph Marcus, Robert Metzger, M Michel-Beyerle, John Miller, Marshall Newton, Debra Rolison, Otto Sankey, Kirk Schanze, James Yardley, Zhu Xiaoyang, Louis Brus, Christopher Chidsey, Stephen Creager, Carol Creutz, Cherie Kagan, Prashant Kamat, Marya Lieberman, Stuart Lindsay. Charge Transfer on the Nanoscale: Current Status. Journal of Physical Chemistry (2003).
Ganesh Ramachandran, D Gust, L Nagahara, Stuart Lindsay, J Tomfohr, O Sankey, Jun Li, X Zarate, A Primak, Y Terazano, T Moore, A Moore. The Electron Transport Properties of a Carotene Molecule in a Metal-(Single-Molecule)-Metal Junction. Journal of Physical Chemistry (2003).
R Bash, H Wang, J Yodh, G Hager, Stuart Lindsay, D Lohr. Nucleosomal Arrays can be Salt Reconstituted onto a Single Copy MMTV Promoter DNA Template: Their Properties Differ in Several Ways from those of Comparable 5s Concatemeric Arrays. Biochemistry (2003).
Stuart Lindsay. Biophysics, An Introduction. American Journal of Physics (2003).
T Hopson, A Rawlett, L Nagahara, A Primak, Stuart Lindsay. A Bond Fluctuation Mechanism for Stochastic Switching in Wired Molecules. Science (2003).
. . Review of: Biophysics, An Introduction (2003).
A Rawlett, T Hopson, L Nagahara, R Tsui, G Ramachandaran, Stuart Lindsay. Electrical measurements of a dithiolated electronic molecule via conducting atomic force microscopy. Applied Physics Letters (2002).
G Ramachandran, L Nagahara, R Tsui, Stuart Lindsay. Organic Molecules in an electrical circuit: An AFM study of a negative-differential resistance molecule. Proc. MRS (2002).
H Wang, R Bash, J Yodh, G Hager, D Lohr, Stuart Lindsay. Glutaraldehyde modified mica: A new surface for atomic force microscopy of chromatin. Biophysical J (2002).
P Balagurumoorthy, Stuart Lindsay, R Harrington. Atomic Force Microscopy Reveals Kinks in the DNA response element DNA. Biophysical Chemistry (2002).
Stuart Lindsay. Single Molecule Electronics and Tunneling in Molecules. Jap. J. Appl. Phys (2002).
X Cui, Stuart Lindsay, X Zarate, J Tomfohr, A Primak, A Moore, Thomas Moore, D Gust, G Harris, O Sankey. Making electrical contacts to molecular monolayers. Nanotechnology (2002).
X Cui, Stuart Lindsay, X Zarate, J Tomfohr, A Primak, Ana Moore, Thomas Moore, D Gust, G Harris, O Sankey. Bias-induced forces in conducting atomic force microscopy and contact charging of organic monolayers. Ultramicroscopy (2002).
X Cui, Stuart Lindsay, X Zarate, J Tomfohr, A Primak, Ana Moore, Thomas Moore, D Gust, G Harris, O Sankey. Changes in the Electronic Properties of a Molecule when it is wired into a circuit. J. Phys. Chem. B (2002).
H Zhou, Y Zhang, Z Yang, X Feng, Stuart Lindsay, P Baalagurumoorthy, R Harrington. Conformation and Rigidity of DNA Microcircles containing waf1 Response Element for P53 Regulatory Protein. J. Mol. Biol (2001).
X Cui, Stuart Lindsay, A Primak, X Zarate, J Tomfohr, Otto Sankey, Ana Moore, T AMoore, D Gust, G Harris. Reproducible Measurement of Single-Molecule Conductivity. Science (2001).
J Zlatanova, Stuart Lindsay, S Leuba. Single molecule force spectroscopy in biology using the atomic force microscope. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Bio (2000).
S Leuba, J Zlatanova, M Karymov, R Bash, Y Liu, Dennis Lohr, R Harrington, Stuart Lindsay. The mechanical properties of single chromatin fibers under tension. Single Molecules (2000).
S Leuba, M Karymov, Y Liu, Stuart Lindsay, J Zlatanova. Mechanically stretching single chromatin fibers. Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology (2000).
X Feng, R Bash, P Balagurumoorthy, D Lohr, R Harrington, Stuart Lindsay. Conformational transition in DNA on a cold surface. Nucleic Acids Res 15 (2000).
Lindsay, Stuart (Author) . The Scanning Probe Microscope in Biology. Scanning Probe Microscopy, techniques and Applications (2000).
Research Activity
Wang,Xu*, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Zhang,Peiming. Single Molecule Sequencing of Glycosaminoglycans using Recognition Tunneling Nanopores. HHS-NIH-NIGMS(7/15/2015 - 6/30/2017).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, Zhang,Peiming. Reading DNA Sequence with a Solid State Tunnel Junction (Amendment 5). HOFFMAN LA ROCHE(10/31/2014 - 12/31/2016).
Davies,Paul*, Anderson,Karen S, Davies,Pauline A, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Meldrum,Deirdre Ruth, Ros,Robert, Davies,Paul*, Davies,Paul*, Anderson,Karen S, Davies,Pauline A, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Meldrum,Deirdre Ruth, Ros,Robert. YR 5: Beyond Center - A Center for the Convergence of Physical Science and Cancer Biology. HHS-NIH-NCI(9/1/2013 - 8/31/2015).
Poste,George Henry*, Johnston,Stephen Albert, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Stafford,Phillip, Woodbury,Neal Walter, Yan,Hao, Zhao,Zhan-Gong. INSPIRE: Mimicking the Functional Complexity of Biology with Man-Made Systems. NSF-BIO(7/15/2012 - 6/30/2016).
Davies,Paul*, Davies,Pauline A, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Meldrum,Deirdre Ruth, Newman,Timothy J, Ros,Robert, Zhang,Peiming, Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, Zhang,Peiming. YR 3: Beyond Center - A Center for the Convergence of Physical Science and Cancer Biology. HHS-NIH-NCI(9/1/2011 - 8/31/2012).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, Takulapalli,Bharath Reddy, Wiktor,Peter Jan. High speed DNA Sequencing by Chemical Recognition using Novel Nanopore Technology. HHS-NIH-NHGRI(8/15/2011 - 7/31/2015).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*. Collaboration with IBM454. HOFFMAN LA ROCHE(8/1/2011 - 10/31/2014).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, He,Jin, Sankey,Otto F, Zhang,Peiming. Tunnel Junction for reading all four bases with high discrimination. HHS-NIH-NHGRI(9/1/2010 - 6/30/2014).
Davies,Paul*, Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, Davies,Pauline A, He,Jin, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Meldrum,Deirdre Ruth, Newman,Timothy J, Ros,Robert, Zhang,Peiming, Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*. A Center for the Convergence of Physical Science and Cancer Biology. HHS-NIH-NCI(9/30/2009 - 8/31/2011).
Yan,Hao*, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Liu,Yan. DNA Based Three-Dimensional Nanofabrication. DOD-NAVY-ONR(8/9/2009 - 8/8/2014).
Yan,Hao*, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Liu,Yan, Meldrum,Deirdre Ruth. Water Soluble Nanoarrays for Single Cell Proteomics. HHS-NIH-NIGMS(8/1/2009 - 5/31/2015).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, He,Jin. Sequencing by Recognition- A Test Device. HHS-NIH-NHGRI(8/19/2008 - 8/18/2010).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, Chaput,John C. Mapping epigenetic modifications at the nanoscale: Aptamers for microscopy. HHS-NIH-NCI(9/1/2007 - 8/31/2010).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*. Sequencing by recognition. HHS-NIH-NHGRI(8/1/2007 - 7/31/2010).
Samuelson,Hava Tirosh*, Allenby,Braden Richard, Cady,Linell E, Cady,Linell E, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Marchant,Gary E, Ritchie,Barry G, Samuelson,Norbert Max, Samuelson,Norbert Max, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, White,Michael Joe, White,Michael Joe, White,Michael Joe. Facing the Challenges of Transhumanism: Religion Science and Technology. METANEXUS INST(5/1/2006 - 11/30/2011).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*. MOLECULAR READING HEAD FOR SINGLE MOLECULE DNA SEQUENCING. HHS-NIH-NHGRI(5/14/2004 - 4/30/2008).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, Picraux,Samuel Thomas, Smith,David John, Thornton,Trevor John, Zenhausern,Frederic. MRI: ACQUISITION OF A DUAL BEAM FOCUSED ION BEAM SYSTEM FOR NANOSTRUCTURES THAT INTERFACE TO MOLECULES. NSF-ENG(8/15/2003 - 7/31/2006).
Gust,John Devens*, Arntzen,Charles, Bieber,Allan Leroy, Blankenship,Robert E, Brophy,Colleen M, Brune,Daniel Charles, Capco,David George, Chandler,Douglas E, Francisco,Wilson Alex, Hu,Qiang, Jacobs,Bertram Lewis, Leket-Mor,Tsafrir Shlomo, Lindsay,Stuart, Lorson,Christian L, Massia,Stephen Paul, Misra,Rajeev, Moore,Ana L, Moore,Thomas Andrew, Panitch,Alyssa, Sommerfeld,Milton R, Trelease,Richard Norman, Vermaas,Willem F J, Vernon,Brent, Williams,Peter, Woodbury,Neal Walter. PURCHASE OF A MALDI-TOF MASS SPECTROMETER. NSF-MPS(2/1/2002 - 1/31/2005).
Woodbury,Neal Walter*, Allen,James Paul, Bingham,Scott Edward, Blankenship,Robert E, Brune,Daniel Charles, Chapsky,Lars, Francisco,Wilson Alex, Frasch,Wayne D, Garcia,Antonio Agustin, Gould,Ian R, Gust,John Devens, Hayes,Mark A, Kozicki,Michael N, Lin,Su, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Lobrutto,Russell, Massia,Stephen Paul, Moore,Ana L, Moore,Thomas Andrew, Nieman,Ronald A, Pauken,Christine Marie, Phelan,Patrick E, Pizziconi,Vincent B, Raupp,Gregory Bruce, Sankey,Otto F, Taguchi,Aileen Kazuko, Tao,Nongjian, Thornton,Trevor John, Towe,Bruce C, Vermaas,Willem F J, Webber,Andrew Neil, Williams,Joann Clara. IGERT: OPTICAL BIOMOLECULAR DEVICES: FROM NATURAL PARADIGMS TO PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. NSF-EHR(9/15/2001 - 8/31/2008).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, Gust,John Devens, Kozicki,Michael N, Sankey,Otto F. NANOSCALE MOLECULAR OPTO-ELECTRONICS. NSF-ENG(8/15/2001 - 7/31/2006).
Lindsay,Stuart*, Lindsay,Stuart*, Lohr,Dennis Evan. NEW SPM METHODS TO STUDY CHROMATIN REMODELING. HHS-NIH-NCI(4/1/2001 - 3/31/2007).
Stuart Lindsay. Solid State Tunnel Junction Devices for Reading DNA Bases. CECAM Worksop on Nanofluidics, Lausanne, Switzerland Oct 29-31, 2014 (Oct 2014).
Stuart Lindsay. Single Molecule Protein Sequencing – why does it matter and can it be done?. H.H. King Lecture in Chemistry, Kansas State University (Oct 2014).
Stuart Lindsay. Single Molecule Protein Sequencing – why does it matter and can it be done. ASU Physics Colloquium (Sep 2014).
Stuart Lindsay. "Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Amino Acids and Peptides by Recognition Tunneling". Stanford Genome Technology Center (Nov 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. "Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Amino Acids and Peptides by Recognition Tunneling". Physics Colloquium, Florida International University, Miami (Nov 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. "Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Amino Acids and Peptides by Recognition Tunneling". Intel, Santa Clara (Sep 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. "Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Amino Acids and Peptides by Recognition Tunneling". Physics Colloquium, Northeastern University, (Sep 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. "Recognition Tunneling". LAVAS First Look LA 2013, Los Angeles (Jun 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. "Next Next Generation Sequencing". Genome Canada, Toronto (May 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. "Quantum Mechanics, Biology and Noise". Physics Colloquium, UT San Antonio (Apr 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. "Recognition Tunneling of Amino Acids and Peptides for Single Molecule Sequencing". Director’s Colloquium, Lawrence Livermore National Lab (Apr 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. "Single Molecule Analysis of Amino Acids by Recognition Tunneling". Linz Winter Workshop on Single Molecule Biophysics (Feb 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. "Quantum Mechanics, Biology and Noise". Spirit of the Senses Salon, Biodesign Institute (Jan 2013).
Stuart Lindsay. Quantum Mechanics, Biology and Noise. Wiseguise (Dec 2012).
Stuart Lindsay. Nano-Chip Medicine. Arizona Science Circle, Biodesign Institute (Oct 2012).
Stuart Lindsay. Nano-Chip Medicine. Arizona Science Center (Oct 2012).
Stuart Lindsay. Epigenetics – Physics or Magic?. Physical Sciences in Oncology Seminar (Sep 2012).
Stuart Lindsay. Chemical Analysis on a Nanochip. Nanomeasure 2012 (Jun 2012).
Stuart Lindsay. Carbon Nanotubes as Nanofluidic Devices. TechConnect World 2012 Conference and Expo (Jun 2012).
Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Tunneling – an interface between chemistry and electronics. Stanford Center for Probing the Nanoscale, 8th Annual Workshop (May 2012).
Stuart Lindsay. Surfactant action of Methylated DNA as a force for Gene Silencing. Winter Workshop on Single Molecule Biophysics (Feb 2012).
Stuart Lindsay. Nanopores with electronic readout – the next-next generation sequencing. Molecular Med Tri-Con, San Francisco (Feb 2012).
Stuart Lindsay. New physical approaches to single molecule DNA sequencing. Ohio University, Dept of Physics (Oct 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. Charge Transport in Single Molecules. BERN, Departement für Chemie und Biochemie (Jun 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. Single molecule DNA sequencing. GENEVE, Département de Chimie Physique (Jun 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. Nanofluidics with carbon nanotubes. BASEL, Department Chemie (Jun 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. Translocation of single molecules- a nanofluidics approach. BERN, Departement für Chemie und Biochemie (Jun 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Tunneling for DNA sequencing. X-Gen Sequencing Congress, San Diego (Mar 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. New physical approach to DNA sequencing. GCC Community College (Mar 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. Sequential Reads of DNA sequence by electron tunneling. Linz Winter workshop on Single Molecule Biophysics (Feb 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Tunneling for DNA Sequencing. Kyoto Workshop on physical approaches to sequencing DNA (Jan 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Tunneling for DNA Sequencing. NNIN conference, ASU (Jan 2011).
Stuart Lindsay. Single Molecule Biophysics". Advanced Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Research Management and Innovations Workshop (Dec 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. New Nanoscale tools for Reading and Mapping Epigenetic Markings. American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (Dec 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Tunneling – a new approach to DNA sequencing. Physics Colloquium, University of Southern California (Nov 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Imaging - Tracking Nanoscale Biochemistry. California Nanosystems Institute, UCLA (Nov 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Tunneling – a new approach to DNA sequencing. Physics Colloquium, IBM TJ Watson Research Center (Sep 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Nanoprobes for nanoscale charge transfer: Better molecular photovoltaics. Nano Energy Workshop, Lehigh University (Sep 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Tunneling – a new approach to DNA sequencing. American Association of Physics Teachers meeting, Tempe (Sep 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Electron tunneling as a probe of chemical bonding – a new approach to DNA sequencing. Physics Colloquium, McGill University (May 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Electron Tunneling for Label-free Sequencing?. Genomics Automation Congress, Boston (May 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Recognition Tunneling – a new approach to DNA sequencing. Physics Colloquium, UC Irvine (May 2010).
Peiming Zhang, Feng Liang, Shuai Chang, Shuo Huang, Jin He, Xiang Chen, Shengqing Li, Otto Sankey, and Stuart Lindsay. A Universal Reader for DNA sequencing by Trans-base Tunneling. American Chemical Society Fall Meeting (Apr 2010).
Peiming Zhang, Feng Liang, Shengqing Li, Xiang Chen, Otto Sankey, and Stuart Lindsay. Design and Synthesis of Universal Readers for Tunneling-based DNA Sequencing. NHGRI grantees meeting (Mar 2010).
Shuai Chang, Shuo Huang, Jin He, Feng Liang, Peiming Zhang, Shengqing Li, Xiang Chen, Otto Sankey and Stuart Lindsay. Electronic Signatures of all Four DNA Nucleosides in a Tunneling Gap. NHGRI grantees meeting (Mar 2010).
Haitao Liu, Jin He, Jinyao Tang, Hao Liu, Pei Pang, Di Cao, Predrag Krstic, Sony Joseph, Stuart Lindsay and Colin Nuckolls. Translocation of Single-Stranded DNA through Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. NHGRI grantees meeting (Mar 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Mapping Epigenetic Changes One Molecule at a Time. American Physical Society annual meeting, Portland (Mar 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. High discrimination tunneling signals from all four DNA Nucleosides. Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science (Feb 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. High discrimination tunneling signals from all four DNA Nucleosides. Winter Workshop on Single Molecule Biophysics, University of Linz, Austria (Feb 2010).
Stuart Lindsay. Can we exploit quantum mechanics to read genes?. Center for Nanostructured Materials seminar, Oak Ridge National Labs, Tennesee (Dec 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Quantum Mechanical Gene Sequencing?. Electrical engineering colloquium, UC Davis (Nov 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Electron tunneling as a probe of chemical bonding – a new approach to DNA sequencing. Physics Colloquium, Arizona State University (Oct 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Electronic signatures of molecular identity: combining tunneling with molecular recognition. Department of Chemistry Colloquium, Washington State University, Pullman (Sep 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Conference Organizer. International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy (Jun 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Single molecule conductance of DNA bases and sequencing by tunneling. Agilent Technologies E-seminar (Apr 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Nanoscale Recognition Topography and Chemical Recognition with the Atomic Force Microscope. Bristol-Meyers-Squibb corporate seminar, Princeton NJ, (Mar 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Sequencing by Recognition with transbase tunneling and a CNT nanopore. National Human Genome Research Initiative Sequencing Technology Meeting, San Diego, (Mar 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Can Quantum Mechanics be used to Sequence DNA?. Linz Single Molecule Biophysics Winter Workshop, Austria (Feb 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Can Individual DNA bases be identified by electron tunneling?. Nanoscience and Engineering Seminar, UC Berkeley (Jan 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Can Quantum Mechanics be used to Read Genomes?. Center for Biological Physics Seminar, ASU (Jan 2009).
Stuart Lindsay. Single Molecule Imaging of Nucleosome Acetylation. NIH IMAT program meeting (Oct 2008).
Stuart Lindsay. Single Molecule Electronics: From basics to devices. Gordon Research Conference on Electronic Processes in Organic Materials (Jul 2008).
Stuart Lindsay. Single Molecule Electronics: From basics to devices. European Conference on Surface Science, University of Liverpool (Jul 2008).
Stuart Lindsay. Identification of DNA bases by hydrogen-bond mediated tunnel decay. International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy (Jun 2008).
Stuart Lindsay. Single Molecule Tools for Genomics. Stanford University School of Medicine Seminar (May 2008).
Stuart Lindsay. Routes to Single Molecule Recognition. Electrochemical Society, National Meeting (May 2008).
Stuart Lindsay. Aptamers for K16AC H4 for AFM recognition imaging. Biophest (Apr 2008).
Stuart Lindsay. Identification of DNA bases by hydrogen-bond mediated tunnel decay. Linz Winter Workshop on Single Molecule Biophysics (Feb 2008).
Stuart Lindsay. Darwinian Nanoscience: Emergent Phenomena in Small Systems. Physics Colloquium (Jan 2008).
Lindsay, Stuart. Is there a future for Single Molecule Electronics. American Physical Society Four Corners Meeting (Oct 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. Is there a future for Single Molecule Electronics. Engineering Faculty Colloquium (Sep 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. Recognition tunneling: a new approach for identifying single molecules. International Congress on Nanoscience and Technology (Jun 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Recognition. Invited Talk (Apr 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecules as Electronic Components. Electronic Materials Society Meeting (Apr 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. What are molecular wires and how might we use them?. American Physical Society Annual Meeting (Mar 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. Developing Ligands for Recognition Imaging. Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (Mar 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Measurements on Biomolecular Complexes using Scanning Probe Microscopy. Biochemistry Seminar (Mar 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. Nanotechnology: from fundamental Science to medicine?. Arizona Nanotechnology Cluster Meeting (Mar 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. Can Molecules be “Wires”?. Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics and Photonics (Mar 2007).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Methods in Nanotechnology. International Symposium on Molecular Nanotechnology (Nov 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Nanoelectronics for Energy Conversion. National Science Foundation, Opportunities of Nanoscience to Energy Conversion and Storage (Nov 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Nanoelectronics for energy conversion. Opportunities of Nanoscience to Energy Conversion and Storage (Nov 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Electrochemistry in Molecular Junction: Linking Chemistry and Transport Physics. Bat Sheva Seminar -Electron Transport in Molecular Junctions (Sep 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Putting the Chemistry into Molecular Electronics. American Chemical Society Annual Meeting (Aug 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Making the Link Between Solution Chemistry and Molecular Electronics. Gordon Conference on the Chemistry of Electronic Materials (Jul 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Putting the Chemistry into Molecular Electronics - Single Molecule Measurements under Potential Control. ECHEMS Meeting (Jun 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Moleule DNA sequencing. NIH grantee's meeting, Harvard Med School (Jun 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. The nuts and bolts of recognition imaging: validating antibodies and _________. Scanning Probe Microscopy Annual Conference (Jun 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Bringing together solution chemistry and milecular electronics: a single molecule swithc. FNANO Conference - Foundations of Nanoscience (Apr 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Biophysics. American Physical Society Annual Meeting - DBP focus "Methods in Nanobiotechnology (Mar 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Biophysics. APS Annual Meeting, Methods in Nanobiotechnology (Mar 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Recognition Imaging Studies of Chromatin Remodeling. Georgia Tech, Nano-medicine Grant Planning (Feb 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single molecule techniques in nano medicine. Nanomedicine initiaitve workshop, Georgia Tech/Emory U (Feb 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Molecular Recognition Imaging Applies to Chromatin Reading. Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (Feb 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Frontiers in Bioinspired Materials and Nanosystems. AAAS Meeting: Biology Meets Physics: Consummating the Marriage (Feb 2005).
Lindsay, Stuart. Interfacing Molecules to Electronic Materials. Center for Molecular Electonics Symposium, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO (Nov 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. What can we learn about interfaces from electical measurements on single molecules?. Workshop on Molecular Conduction, Northwestern University, IL (Jul 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Nanotechnology. Department of Chemistry Seminar, University of Tokyo, Japan (Jun 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Nanotechnology. Joint Chemistry/Physics Colloquium, Curtin University, WA, Australia (Jun 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Biophysics. Nano Centre Symposium, University of Sydney, Australia (Jun 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Electronics. Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia (Jun 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Biophysics. Nankai University Department of Physics Seminar (May 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. New Recognition Imaging Mode applied to Chromatin. ASU-UA "Biophest" Tucson, AZ (May 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. New Recognition Imaging Mode Applied to Chromatin. International Conference of Scanning Probe Microscopy, Tianjing, China (May 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Great Unpublished Results of the Hager-Lindsay Labs. LRBGE Symposium, NIH (Apr 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Imaging in Controlled Conditions. Molecular Imaging Workshop at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (Feb 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. New Recognition Imaging Mode applied to Chromatin. Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (Feb 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single Molecule Electronics. International meeting on Advances in Molecular Electronics (Feb 2004).
Lindsay, Stuart. Making contacts to organic monolayers. American Chemical Society (Aug 2001).
Lindsay, Stuart. Making electrical contacts to organic monolayers. (May 2001).
Lindsay, Stuart. Biophysical applications of the scanning probe microscope. Biophysical Society (pre meeting workshop on AFM) (Feb 2001).
Lindsay, Stuart. Conformation and Rigidity of DNA Microcircles Containing waf1 Response Element for p53 Regulatory Protein. Single Molecule Biophysics Workshop (Feb 2001).
Lindsay, Stuart. Electrochemical Applications of Scanning Probe Microscopy. Electrochemical Society (pre-meeting workshop on AFM) (Oct 2000).
Lindsay, Stuart. Making Electrical Contacts to Molecules. Symposium on Nanostructures (Aug 2000).
Lindsay, Stuart. Measurement of Interfacial forces with Dynamic Force Microscopy. MSA Meeting (Workshop on AFM in Polymers) (Aug 2000).
Lindsay, Stuart. Conducting Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Electron Transfer. Canadian Chemical Society (May 2000).
Lindsay, Stuart. Single molecule mechanics by AFM. Linz International Workshop on Single Molecule Biophysics (Jan 2000).
Lindsay, Stuart. Studies of Chromatin Structure by Atomic Force Microscopy. 26th West Coast Chromatin Meeting, Asilomar, CA