Robert J. Nemanich received his bachelor's and master's degrees in physics at Northern Illinois University before continuing on to obtain his doctorate at the University of Chicago. He joined North Carolina State University’s faculty and remained there for nearly 20 years before joining Arizona State University as a professor for the Department of Physics in 2006. Academics aside, Professor Nemanich is also heavily involved the fields of research including: diamond and other wide bandgap semiconductors, nanostructures, semiconductor surface processing, heteroepitaxy on Si, silicide formation, Raman scattering and surface science.
Modern electronic devices will be based on complex nanometer scale materials structures, and biological and chemical sensors will employ multifunctional nanostructures that integrate molecular, biological and electronic materials. It is only recently that techniques have been developed to image the dynamics of nanometer scale structures and to determine their properties. Our group has applied advanced microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to characterize the growth and properties of thin film interfaces and nanostructures. We have led the developent of photo electron emission microscopy (PEEM) with tunable UV light from a free electron laser. Our students have explored the dynamics and interactions of nanostructures as they grow or evolve. Scanning probe systems have also been used as a basis for imaging polar materials including ferroelectric materials and wurtzite structured semiconducting materials such as GaN. These techniques offer the possibility to develop nanopatterning approaches that can drive self assembly of molecular, biological and electronic nanostructures.
Research Group
The NanoScience Lab (NSL) at Arizona State University involves an interdisciplinary group of researchers dedicated to the study of semiconductor surfaces, interfaces, and processing, with a focus towards electronic and optoelectronic applications. Students from physics, electrical engineering, and materials science work together under the direction of Dr. Robert J. Nemanich
J. Garguilo, L. Hong, G.S. Edwards , R.J. Nemanich, and J.D. Simon . 2007 . The surface oxidation potential of melanosomes measured by free electron laser-photoelectron emission microscopy. Photochemistry and Photobiology . 83 . 692-697
J. N. Hanson, B. J. Rodriguez, R. J. Nemanich and A. Gruverman . 2006 . Fabrication of metallic nanowires on a ferroelectric template via photochemical reaction . Nanotechnology . 17 . 4946-4949
W-C. Yang, B.J. Rodriguez, A. Gruverman1 and R.J. Nemanich . 2005 . Photo electron emission microscopy of polarity-patterned materials . J. Phys.: Condens. Matter . 17 . S1415-S1426 File:
Photo electron emission microscopy of polarity-patterned materials
F.A.M. Koeck, J.M. Garguilo and R.J. Nemanich . 2004 . On the thermionic emission from nitrogen-doped diamond films with respect to energy conversion . Diamond and Related Materials . 13 . 2052-2055
Research Activity
Scowen,Paul Andrew*, Nemanich,Robert John, Yu,Hongbin. Building a Better ALD - Use of Plasma Enhanced ALD to Construct Efficient Interference Filters for the FUV. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(1/1/2016 - 12/31/2018).
Petuskey,William T*, Buttry,Daniel A., Chan,Candace Kay, Crozier,Peter, Goodnick,Stephen Marshall, Nemanich,Robert John. At the Interface: Hybrid Materials Leading to New Energy Conversion And Energy Storage Platforms. AZ BOARD OF REGENTS(1/1/2015 - 6/30/2016).
Nemanich,Robert John*. Diamond epitaxy and ALD dielectric layers for RF Devices. MIT(12/1/2014 - 9/30/2016).
Chowdhury,Srabanti*, Nemanich,Robert John. Ultimate Switches (US). UNIV OF CA AT SANTA BARBARA(3/10/2014 - 3/9/2017).
Nemanich,Robert John*, Chowdhury,Srabanti, Goodnick,Stephen Marshall. Diamond Power Transistors Enabled by Phosphorus Doped Diamond. DOE-ARPA(2/20/2014 - 3/31/2016).
Nemanich,Robert John*. In situ X-ray and UV Photoemission Spectroscopy for Interface Electronic State Characterization. DOD-NAVY-ONR(9/5/2013 - 3/2/2016).
Nemanich,Robert John*. Carbon Nanostructures and Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Vacuum Thermionic Energy Conversion. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV(6/1/2008 - 12/31/2008).
Nemanich,Robert John*. Diamond Materials for High Power Electronics. Denso Corp(10/17/2007 - 10/16/2009).