Aya Matsuda
Phone: 480-965-7504
Ross-Blakley Hall 218 PO Box 871401 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1401
Mail code: 1401Campus: Tempe
Aya Matsuda is a professor of applied linguistics in the Department of English at Arizona State University, where she directs undergraduate and graduate programs in linguistics and applied linguistics. Her research interests include World Englishes, the use of English as an international language, and the pedagogical implications of the global spread of English. She has published widely in various books and journals including English Today, JALT Journal, TESOL Quarterly, and World Englishes, as well as several encyclopedias. Matsuda also has edited books, Principles and Practices of Teaching English as an International Language (2012, Multilingual Matters) and Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language (2017, Multilingual Matters). She served on the Board of Directors for TESOL International Association from 2014 to 2017 and as the treasurer-secretary for the International Association for World Englishes from 2015 to 2019.
- Ph.D. English, Purdue University
- M.A. Linguistics, Purdue University
- B.A. English, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan
World Englishes, Use of English as an international language, Linguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English, Integration of a World Englishes perspective into the US education, Nonnative English speaking teachers in TESOL.
Notes: * indicates collaborators who are graduate students.
Matsuda, A. (Ed.) (2017). Preparing teachers of English as an international language. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Matsuda, A. (Ed.) (2012). Principles and practices of teaching English as an international language. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Encyclopedia Section Editorship
Matsuda, A. & Friedrich, P. (2012). (Eds.). Section on World Englishes. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Friedrich, P. & Matsuda, A. (2012). (Eds.). Section on Language Ideology. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Scholarly Journal Articles (Refereed)
Matsuda, A. & Friedrich, P. (2011). English as an international language: A curriculum blueprint. World Englishes, 30(3), 332-344.
Matsuda, A. & Matsuda, P. K. (2011). Globalizing Writing Studies: The case of U.S. technical communication. Written Communication, 28(2), 172-192.
Friedrich, P. & Matsuda, A. (2010). When five words are not enough: A conceptual and terminological discussion of English as a Lingua Franca. International Multilingual Research Journal, 4, 20-30.
Willey, I. & Matsuda, A. (2010). Teaching World Englishes in Japan. Journal of Higher Education and Research, 7, 141-146.
Matsuura, H., Chiba, R. & Matsuda, A. (2010). Evaluative reactions to L2 English: American, Hong Kong Chinese, and Japanese views. The Shogaku Ronshu [Journal of Commerce, Economics, and Economic History], 79(2), 27-38.
Matsuda, A. & Matsuda, P. K. (2010). World Englishes and teaching of writing. TESOL Quarterly, 44(2), 369-374.
Matsuda, A. (2009). Globalization and English language teaching: Opportunities and challenges in Japan. The Language Teacher, 33(7), 11-14.
Matsuda, A. (2006). The perpetual first-year teacher: The experience of an international exchange teacher in a Japanese language program. Journal CAJLE, 8, 15-33.
Matsuda, A., Dogancay-Aktuna, S., Rasekh, Z. E. & Nemtchinova, K. (2005). Demystifying the tenure-track job search: Stories of four NNES professionals. The CATESOL Journal, 17(1), 171-181.
Matsuda, A. (2003). Incorporating World Englishes in teaching English as an international language. TESOL Quarterly, 37(4), 719-729.
Matsuda, A. (2003). The ownership of English in Japanese secondary schools. World Englishes, 22(4), 483-496.
Matsuda, A. (2002). ‘International understanding’ through teaching World Englishes. World Englishes, 21(3), 436-440.
Matsuda, A. (2002). Representation of users and uses of English in beginning Japanese EFL textbooks. JALT Journal, 24(2), 182-200.
Matsuda, A. & Matsuda, P. K. (2001). Autonomy and collaboration in teacher education: Journal sharing among native and nonnative English-speaking teachers. The CATESOL Journal, 13(1), 109-121.
Reprinted in Kamhi-Stein, L. (Ed.). (2004). Learning and teaching from experience: Perspectives on nonnative English-speaking professionals (pp. 176-189). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Matsuda, A. (2000). The use of English among Japanese returnees: A communicative strategy. English Today, 16(4), 49-55.
Matsuda, A. (1999). Interlanguage pragmatics: What can it offer to language teachers? The CATESOL Journal, 11(1), 39-59.
Book Chapters (Refereed)
Matsuda, A. & Matsuda, P. K. (in press). Teaching English as an international language: A WE-informed paradigm for English language teaching. In E. L. Low & A. Pakir (Eds.), World Englishes: Re-thinking paradigms. Routledge.
Matsuda, A. (in press). World Englishes and English Language Teaching. In B. Kachru, C. Nelson, Z. Proshina & L. Smith (Eds.), The Handbook of World Englishes (2nd ed.), Wiley-Blackwell.
Matsuda, A. & *Duran, C. S. (2013). Problematizing the construction of US Americans as monolingual English speakers. In V. Ramanathan (Ed.), Language policies and (dis)citizenship (pp. 35-72). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Matsuda, A. (2012). Teaching materials in EIL. In L. Alsagoff, S. L. McKay, G. Hu & W. A. Renandya (Eds.). Principles and practices for teaching English as an international language (pp. 168-185). New York: Routledge.
Matsuda, A. (2012). Introduction. In A. Matsuda (Ed.), Principles and practices of teaching English as an international language (pp. 1-14). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Matsuda, A. & Friedrich, P. (2012). Selecting an instructional variety/ies for an EIL classroom. In A. Matsuda (Ed.), Principles and practices of teaching English as an international language (pp. 17-27). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Matsuda, A. & *Suwannamai, C. (Eds.). (2012). Pedagogical ideas. In A. Matsuda (Ed.), Principles and practices of teaching English as an international language (pp. 201-237). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Matsuda, A. (2011). “Not everyone can be a star”: Students’ and teachers’ beliefs about English teaching in Japan. In P. Seargeant (Ed.), English in Japan in the era of globalization (pp. 38-59). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Matsuda, P. K. & Matsuda, A. (2009). The erasure of resident ESL writers. In M. Roberge, M. Siegal & L. Harklau (Eds.). Generation 1.5 in college composition: Teaching academic writing to U.S.-educated learners of ESL (pp. 50-64). New York: Routledge.
Matsuda, A. (2009). Desirable but not necessary? The place of World Englishes and English as an international language in English teacher preparation programs in Japan. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), English as an international language: Perspectives and pedagogical issues (pp. 169-189). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Matsuda, A. (2006). Negotiating ELT assumptions in EIL classrooms. In J. Edge (Ed.), (Re)Locating TESOL in an age of empire (pp. 158-170). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
Translated by N. Chernikova and reprinted as
Мацуда А. (2012). "Английский язык как международный": пересмотр основ преподавания английского языка. Личность. Культура. Общество. [Personality. Culture. Society], 16(2), 177-188.
Matsuda, A. (2005). Preparing future users of English as an international language. In A. Burns (Ed.), Teaching English from a global perspective (pp. 63-72). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
Scholarly Journal Articles (Invited)
Matsuda, A. (2007). ‘Kokusaieigo’ kyouiku ni okeru bunka [Culture in teaching ‘English as an international language’]. Eigo Kyoiku [English Education], 56(4), 48-49.
Matsuda, A. (2002). Introduction: Symposium on World Englishes and teaching English as a foreign language. World Englishes, 21(3), 421.
Book Chapters (Invited)
Matsuda, A. (2016). Reconceptualizing teacher qualification. In F. Copland, S. Garton & S. Mann (Eds.), LETs and NESTs: Voices, Views and Vignettes (p. 257). London, UK: British Council.
Matsuda, A. (2009). Foreword. In S. Dogancay-Aktuna & J. Hardman (Eds.), Global English language teaching and teacher education (pp. v-vii). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
Matsuda, P. K., Ortmeier-Hooper, C. & Matsuda, A. (2009). The expansion of second language writing. In R. Beard, D. Myhill, J. Riley & M. Nystrand (Eds.), The SAGE handbook on writing development (pp. 457-471). London: Sage Publication.
Matsuda, A. & Matsuda, P. K. (2006). English as a global language. In L. Faigley (Ed.), The brief penguin handbook (pp. 412-413). New York: Longman.
Matsuda, A. & Matsuda, P. K. (2006). Understanding English as a global language. In L. Faigley (Ed.), The brief penguin handbook (pp. 527-530). New York: Longman.
Encyclopedia Entries (Invited)
Matsuda, A. (in press). World Englishes and Nonnative English Speaking Teachers. In M. DelliCaripni (ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English language teaching. Malden, MA: Wiley.
Matsuda, A. (2012). World Englishes and TESOL. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (pp. 6240-6246). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1293/pdf
Matsuda, A. (2012). World Englishes and language pedagogy. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (pp. 6224-6230). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1291/pdf&…;
Conference Proceedings (Invited)
Matsuda, A. (2011). Teaching English as an international language: FAQs. Panel proceedings. JACET. In Conference Proceedings for the JACET 50th Commemorative international Convention. Fukuoka, Japan: JACET.
Yoshikawa, H., Hino, N., Matsuda, A. & Ishikawa, R. (2011). Eigo kyoiku to bunka: Ibunka kan komyunikeishon nouryoku no yousei [English education and culture: Fostering abilities in intercultural communication]. In Conference Proceedings for the JACET 50th Commemorative international Convention. Fukuoka, Japan: JACET.
Newsletter Contribution (Invited)
Matsuda, A. (2014). Beyond the native speaker: My life as an NJS, NNES, and bilingual user of Japanese and English. NNESTNewsletter: The Newsletter of the TESOL NNEST Interest Section. Available at http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolnnest/issues/2014-09-09/2.html
Matsuda, A. (2014). Teaching English as an international language: What it is and what it isn’t. Global Neighbors: The Newsletter of the TESOL EFL Interest Section. Available at http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesoleflis/issues/2014-07-14/email…
Matsuda, A. (1997). Diversity: An asset in teacher development. TESOLIN’ 16(3), 10-11.
Book Reviews
Matsuda, A. (2012). Review of The NNEST Lens: Non Native English Speakers in TESOL (Mahboob, A. (Ed). (2010). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing). World Englishes, 31(4), 554-556.
Matsuda, A. (2008). Review of English in the World (Rubdy, R. & Saraceni, M. (Eds.). (2006). London: Continuum). Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 7(2), 164-168.
Matsuda, A. (2004). Review of Pathology of English in Japan (Suenobu, M. (2003). Kobe, Japan: Kobe University of Commerce). World Englishes, 23(4), 613-614.
Matsuda, A. (2001). Review of The English Language in Singapore: Current perspectives on the teaching of writing (Abraham, S.A. & Hsui, V.Y. (Eds.). (1996). Singapore: Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics). World Englishes, 20(3), 404-405.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 597 | Graduate Capstone Seminar |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
LIN 591 | Seminar |
LIN 591 | Seminar |
CTE 310 | Elements of Culture, Tech, Env |
CTE 310 | Elements of Culture, Tech, Env |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
APL 555 | Disciplinary Discourses |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 300 | Your Degree in the World |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
APL 518 | Englishes in Global Context |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 300 | Your Degree in the World |
ENG 300 | Your Degree in the World |
ENG 300 | Your Degree in the World |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
LIN 597 | MTESOL Capstone |
LIN 597 | MTESOL Capstone |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
LIN 597 | MTESOL Capstone |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 404 | Studies 2nd Lang Acquisition |
LIN 597 | MTESOL Capstone |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 319 | Future of English |
ENG 319 | Future of English |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 792 | Research |
LIN 655 | Adv Disciplinary Discourses |
Plenary, Keynote and Featured Talks
Matsuda, A. (February, 2016). English(es) in the World of Textbooks. Plenary talk at the Illinois TESOL-BE Convention: Naperville, IL.
Matsuda, A. (October, 2015). WE in TESOL: Past, present, and future. Focus lecture at the annual meeting of the International Association of World Englishes: Istanbul, Turkey.
Matsuda, A. (October, 2015). Preparing teachers to teach EIL Invited colloquium at the annual meeting of the International Association of World Englishes: Istanbul, Turkey.
Matsuda, A. (June, 2015). Revisiting Principles of Teaching English as an International Language (EIL). Keynote lecture presented at the 3rd ESOL Online Roundtable on Globalization and Teaching English as an International Language: Synchronously hosted by the University of Hong Kong, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Korea), Keio University (Japan), and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (IL, USA).
Matsuda, A. (April, 2014). English in the world of textbooks. Maria O’Neill Lecture at the DAL DAY (a conference and workshop day sponsored by the Department of English). Universitat de Lleida (University of Lleida), Lleida, Catalonia, Spain.
Matsuda, A. (February, 2014). Beyond the Native Speaker: My Life as a NJS, NNES, and Bilingual User of Japanese and English. Featured talk presented at the ELF (English as a lingua franca) Forum: Tokyo, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (September, 2011). Teaching English as an international language: Misconceptions and common questions. Featured talk presented at the annual meeting of Japan Association for College English Teachers: Fukuoka, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (September, 2011). Culture in ELT. Featured panel discussion at the annual meeting of Japan Association for College English Teachers: Fukuoka, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2011). Preparing for research, teaching and service in applied linguistics. Featured panel discussion at the annual meeting of American Association for Applied Linguistics: Chicago, IL.
Matsuda, A. (November, 2009). Globalization and English Language Teaching: Opportunities and challenges in Japan. Plenary talk presented at the annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Language Teaching: Shizuoka, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2007). Teaching English as an international language: Challenges and opportunities. Plenary talk presented at the ESL and First-Year Writing Conference: Temple University, PA.
Refereed Conference Papers: International and National
Matsuda, A. (June 2017). A growing tree: Examples from studies on WE-informed language pedagogy. Part of a colloquium titled “The WE family tree: Views on its vitality and viability.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Syracuse, NY.
Matsuda, A. (March 2017). World Englishes in TESOL. Part of a colloquium titled “A memorial panel on the life and legacy of Braj Kachru.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Seattle, WA.
Matsuda, A. (March 2015). Designing activities to teach English as an international language. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Toronto, Canada.
Matsuda, A. (March 2015). English as a key to success…or is it? Critical reflection on the language ideology and its implications for TESOL professionals. Part of a colloquium titled “My journey to English: A video story project.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Toronto, Canada.
Matsuda, A. (March 2015). My Journey to the Board of Directors. (Part of a colloquium titled “Opportunities, Engagement, and Support: Future of Leadership in TESOL.”) Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Toronto, Canada.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2014). Teaching English as an international language: What it is and what it’s not. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Portland, OR.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2014). Teaching English as an international language: What it is and how applied linguistics research can help. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics: Portland, OR.
Brady, B., Braine, G., Kamhi-Stein, L., Liu, J., Matsuda, A., Matsuda, P.K., and Selvi, A. F. (March, 2013). The birth, growth and development of the NNEST movement in TESOL. Panel presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Dallas, TX.
Matsuda, A. & Duran, C. S. (March, 2012). Problematizing the construction of US Americans as monolingual English speakers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics: Boston, MA.
Matsuda, A. (November, 2011). NNEST insights in teacher preparation programs: Current practices and teacher educators’ beliefs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Melbourne, Australia.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2011). Teaching English as an international language: Examining and negotiating assumptions. Colloquium organized and a paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: New Orleans, LA.
Matsuda, A. (July, 2010). Teaching English as an international language (2-day colloquium). Colloquium organized at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Vancouver, Canada.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2010). Preparing NESTs for EFL teaching. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Boston, MA.
Matsuda, A. (November, 2009). Raising multilingual families. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Language Teaching: Shizuoka, Japan.
Matsuda, A. & Hino, N. (November, 2009). Teaching World Englishes in Japan. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Japanese Association for Language Teaching: Shizuoka, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (October, 2009). World Englishes in EIL teacher preparation programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Cebu City, Philippines.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2009). NNEST issues in EFL teacher education programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Denver, CO.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2009). Mothering and conferencing. (Part of a colloquium titled “Negotiating Academe and Motherhood within TESOL”). Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Denver, CO.
Matsuda, A. (December, 2008). English as an international language: What do we exactly mean? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Hong Kong.
de Oliveira, L., Kamhi-Stein, L., Liu, J., Mahboob, A., Matsuda, A. & Moussu, L. (April, 2008). Ten years later: The NNEST movement and its impact. Panel presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: New York, NY.
Matsuda, A., Matsuda, P. K. & Sasaki, M. (March, 2008). Writing in dual voices: A case study of an expert bilingual academic writer. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics: Washington, DC.
Matsuda, P. K. & Matsuda, A. (February, 2008). Minding the home front: Lessons on internationalization from technical communication textbooks. Paper presented at the International Santa Barbara Conference on Writing Research: Santa Barbara, CA.
Matsuda, A. & Matsuda, P. K. (October, 2006). The internationalization of technical communication textbooks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Nagoya, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2006). Nonnative English speaking teachers as researchers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Tampa, FL.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2005). Teaching English as an international language: Negotiating ESL assumptions and practices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: San Antonio, TX.
Ligget, T., Matsuda, A., Matsuda, P. K., Ortmeier, C., Sharkey, J., & Wilson, J. (March, 2004). Cultivating a community of praxis. Panel presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Long Beach, CA.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2004). Autoethnography of L1 and L2 literacies: Acquisition and use of writing strategies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Long Beach, CA.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2003). Experiences and challenges of international teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Baltimore, MD.
Matsuda, A., Dogancay-Aktuna, S., Rasekh, Z. E. & Nemtchinova, K. (March, 2003). Tenure-track job search for NNES professionals. Panel organized and presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Baltimore, MD.
Matsuda, A. (December, 2002). Teaching multiple faces of the English language. Paper presented at the meeting of the World Congress of Applied Linguistics: Singapore.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2002). World Englishes and EFL. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Salt Lake City, UT.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2002). Sociolinguistic (re)presentation of English in EFL textbooks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Salt Lake City, UT.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2002). International understanding through teaching World Englishes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics: Salt Lake City, UT.
Matsuda, A. (February, 2001). Language and identity: Perspectives of Japanese high school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference: St. Louis, MO.
Matsuda, A. (December, 2000). The ownership of English: Perspectives of Japanese high school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Portland, OR.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2000). Diversity in teacher development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Vancouver, Canada.
Berns, M., Friedrich, P., Matsuda, A. & McHenry, T. (August, 1999). World Englishes: Perspectives on Japanese, Brazilian and Native American contexts. Panel presented at the meeting of the World Congress of Applied Linguistics: Tokyo, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (1999). Attitudes toward Japanese English: A case study of Japanese high school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Tsukuba, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (1998). What is “Japanese English”? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Urbana, IL.
Matsuda, A. (March, 1998). World Englishes in English textbooks in Japan. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Seattle, WA.
Matsuda, A. (February, 1998) In search of an identity: A critical review of interlanguage pragmatics. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning: Urbana, IL.
Matsuda, A. (March, 1997). Writing as empowerment: From the perspective of an ESL student and NNS instructor of English composition. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Orlando, FL.
Matsuda, A. (March, 1997). Socially constructed teachers: How our backgrounds influence our practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication: Phoenix, AZ.
Refereed Conference Papers: Local and Regional
Matsuda, A. (November, 2003). Teaching your language in a foreign country. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Northern New England Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Manchester, NH.
Matsuda, A. (October, 1999). “Not everyone can be a star”: Expectations of teachers and students in an EFL program in Japan.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Indianapolis, IN.
Matsuda, A. (November, 1997). World Englishes in the EFL curriculum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Indianapolis, IN.
Matsuda, A. (November, 1996). Using L1 in ESL composition classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Indianapolis, IN. 1996.
Invited Lectures: National and International
Matsuda, A. (September 1, 2016). What I wish I had known when I was a first year MA student. Special Topics in Second Language Teaching (Professor Dwight Atkinson), University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Matsuda, A. (July 2, 2016). Demystifying the principles and practices of teaching English as an international langauge (EIL). MA TESOL Program Public Lecture Series, Kanda University of International Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (June 17, 2016). “Principles of teaching English as an international language.” Zhengzhou University, Zhengzou, China.
Matsuda, A. (June 1, 2016). Current research trends in World Englishes and ELF. Kasetsart University Research Away Day, Hua Hin, Thailand.
Matsuda, A. (May 31, 2016). Demystifying the principles and practices of teaching English as an international langauge (EIL). Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Matsuda, A. (April 27, 2016). Teaching Englsih as an International Language: Q&A. English in a Global Context (Professor Christine Tardy), Univeristy of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Matsuda, A. (March 23, 2016). What I expect for the ELF program at Tamagawa. Guest panel presented at the ELF Study Hall Opening Ceremony, Tamagawa University, Tokyo, Japan.
Soai, M., Ikeda, N., Kagawa, F., Matsuda, A. & Saito, T. (October, 2015). Expectations and challenges for Super Global High Schools. Guest panel presented at Tamagawa Academy, Tokyo, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (September 25, 2015). English is a mess!: What World Englishes studies tell us about the English language today. Inaugural lecture for the English Language & Linguistics Speaker Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2014). EIL Representations in Japanese EFL Textbooks. Guest lecture presented at Universitat de Lleida (University of Lleida), Lleida, Catalonia, Spain.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2014). World Englishes and English as an international language. Guest lecture presented at Universitat de Lleida (University of Lleida), Lleida, Catalonia, Spain.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2014). Use of English in the expanding circle: Examples from Japan. Guest lecture presented at Universitat de Lleida (University of Lleida), Lleida, Catalonia, Spain.
Matsuda, A. (June, 2013). Teaching Materials in EIL (English as an international language). Guest lecture presented for JALT Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (January, 2011). Teaching English as an international language: FAQ. Purdue University ESL Speaker Series. Guest lecture presented at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Matsuda, A. (September, 2010). Globalization and preparation of future users of English. Guest lecture presented at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Matsuda, A. (July, 2009). English today: Implications for ELT in Taiwan. Guest lecture presented at National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Matsuda, A. & Matsuda, P. K. (May, 2009). The future of rhetoric and writing studies: Into the global and multilingual era. Guest lecture presented for the Rhetoric and Writing Studies Program, University of Texas at El Paso.
Matsuda, A. (June, 2005). World Englishes and English language teaching. Guest lecture presented for the TESOL graduate program, Temple University, Tokyo, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (June, 2002). Negotiation of identity and language uses. Guest lecture presented at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (June, 2001). Language and identity. Guest lecture presented at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan.
Matsuda, A. (June, 2016). Three-day workshop at Kasetsart University Research Away Day (Research retreat): Hua Hin, Thailand.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2009). Standard setting and standard(s) of English(es). Workshop presented for the World Learning Russian Project: Tucson, AZ.
Berns, M. & Matsuda, A. (December, 2008). World Englishes: Theory and methodology in the classroom. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes: Hong Kong.
Matsuda, A., Rainville, A. & Roemer, A. (March, 2006). TESOL awards information sessions. Two workshops presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Tampa, FL.
Todd, A., Matsuda, A. & Rainville, A. (March-April, 2005). TESOL awards information sessions. Two workshops presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: San Antonio, TX.
Benz, C., Todd, A. & Matsuda, A. (March, 2004). TESOL awards information sessions. Two workshops presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Long Beach, CA.
Matsuda, A. (November, 2001). TESOL awards are for you! Workshop presented at the annual meeting of Northern New England Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Manchester, NH.
Matsuda, A. (May, 2001). Literacy and non-English speaking head start families. Workshop presented at the New England Head Start Association Conference: North Conway, NH.
Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL (NNEST) of the Month, NNEST Interest Section, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2008.
Honorable Mention, Walter J. Johnson Award for the Best Paper in Teaching English as a Second Language, Purdue University, 2000.
Professional Development Scholarship, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2000.
Purdue University Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Teaching, Purdue University, 1999.
Subaru-Isuzu Award for the Best Expository Prose on Japan, Purdue University, 1999.
English Language and Linguistics Doctoral Examination, Passed with Distinction, Purdue University, 1998.
Walter J. Johnson Award for the Best Paper in Teaching English as a Second Language, Purdue University, 1998.
American Association for Applied Linguistics Arizona Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages International Association for World Englishes Japanese Association for Asian Englishes Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Since 2007 only. Chair. Sunshine Bia. PhD in Linguistics/Applied Linguistics. In Progress. Co-Chair. Tonya Eick. PhD in Applied Linguistics. In progress. Co-Chair. Karen Foltz, PhD in Applied Linguistics. In progress. Chair. Lizabeth Collier. “’Good Writing’ in Increasingly Internationalized US Universities: How Instructors Evaluate Different Written Varieties of English.” PhD in Applied Linguistics. May 2014. Chair. Sarah Newcomer. “Standing Our Sacred Ground: One School Community’s Struggle to Negotiate Restrictive Language Policy.” PhD in Curriculum and Instruction (Language & Literacy). December 2012. Member. Julieta C. Paulesc. PhD in Applied Linguistics. In progress. Member. Yuching Jill Yang, PhD in Rhetoric, Composition and Linguistics. In progress. Member. Jianing Liu, PhD in Rhetoric, Composition and Linguistics. In progress. Member. Youmie Kim. “A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Second Language Writing Strategies.” PhD in Applied Linguistics. July 2016. Member. Lusia Nurani. “Changing language Loyalty and Identity: An Ethnographic Inquiry of Societal Transformation among the Javanese People in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.” PhD in Applied Linguistics. December 2015. Member. Izabela Uscinski. “Exploring Student Engagement with Written Corrective Feedback in First-Year Composition Courses.” PhD in Applied Linguistics. May 2015. Member. Ayfer Gokalp. “Language and Literacy Practices of Kurdish Children Across Their Home and School Spaces in Turkey: An Ethnography of Language Policy.” PhD in Curriculum and Instruction. May 2015. Member. Amanda Lira Gordenstein Montes. “The Use and Perception of English in Brazilian Magazine Advertisements.” PhD in Applied Linguistics. May 2014. Member. Eduardo H. Diniz de Figueiredo. “Conceptualization of English as a Global Language: The case of Brazil.” PhD in Applied Linguistics. December 2012. Member. Chatwara Suwannamai Duran. “A study of Multilingual Repertoires and Accumulated Literacies: Three Karenni Families Living in Arizona.” PhD in Curriculum & Instruction (Language & Literacy). May 2012. External Member. Yiyang Li. PhD in English. “Kachruvian chronicle: a historical account of the Kachruvian paradigm’s development (tentative title). Purdue University. In progress. External Member. Rima Ibata. PhD in Linguistics. “English Language Learning in Japan: Representations of the English Language and the Worlds of English Language Users.” Simon Fraser University. Spring 2016. External Member. Joseph Mwelwa. “The didactics of an English-Bemba anthology of oral traditional narratives in the Zambian grade ten literature class.” University of South Africa. Spring 2016. External Member. Shih-Yu Chang. “Toward World Englishes Writing: Is it idealism in the first year composition class?” PhD in Second Language Studies. Purdue University. Summer 2015. Advisor. Hae Ryun Park. PhD in Applied Linguistics. 2016-present. Co-Chair. Toni Nguyen. “Presenting English: A content analysis of English-language newspapers in India.” MA in Curriculum & Instruction (English as a Second Language). May 2010. Chair. Nicole Chatelain. “English speaking exams at a Turkish university: A project in assessment design.” MTESOL. December 2016. Chair. Linda Hill. “Preparing foreign students for the internationalized American university: How American IEPs can incorporate insights from ICC and EIL research.” MTESOL. December 2012. Chair. Lynn Lo Giudice. “Implementing a successful dual language program in today’s global society.” MTESOL. December 2012. Chair. Karin Mayes. “English - a global language: Revisiting culture in TESOL teacher education.” MTESOL. December 2011. Chair. Sulaf Asaad. “Sociolinguistic profile of English in Saudi Arabia.” MTESOL. May 2011. Member. Jingwei Li. “Pragmatic transfer from Chinese to English.” MTESOL. May 2013. Chair. Yunely Ripley. MA in Bilingual Education. 2011-2012. Chair. Yiyang Li. MA in English as a Second Language. 2010-2012. Chair. Sixiang Xie. MA in English as a Second Language. 2009-2011. Chair. Chiu-Hui Fan. MA in English as a Second Language. 2010-2011. Chair. Ying Gong. MA in Bilingual Education. 2009-2011. Chair. Dinny Aletheiani. MEd in English as a Second Language. 2009-2010. Chair. Cyndriel Meimban. MEd in Language and Literacy. 2009-2010. Chair. Craig May. MEd in English as a Second Language. 2008-2009. Chair. Beth Chen. MEd in English as a Second Language. 2007-2008. Chair. Hiroshi Otani. MEd in English as a Second Language. 2007-2008. Member. Doris Logos. MEd in Bilingual Education. 2012. Member. Antonio Richard. MEd in Bilingual Education. 2011. Member. Amanda Sugimoto. MA in English as a Second Language. 2010. Member. Yanwei Wang. MA in English as a Second Language. 2010. Member. Ayfer Kerkutluoglu. MA in English as a Second Language. 2010. Angela Silvas. MEd in Language and Literacy. 2008-2009. Yvonne Delgado. MEd in Elementary School Education (TEACH+Me Program). 2008-2009. Desiree Cadieux. MEd in Elementary School Education (TEACH+Me Program). 2008-2009. Amanda Crawford. MEd in Elementary School Education (TEACH+Me Program). 2008-2009. Chair. Rich Gen-Shyuan Chang. MA in English as a Second Language. 2008. Karin Mayes. “World Englishes, EIL and TESOL.” MTESOL. Spring 2011. Ayfer Kerkutluoglu, Man-chiu Lin, Lusia Nurani. “Language and identity in bicultural families.” PhD in Applied Linguistics. Spring 2011. Lizabeth Collier, Teaching Internship, PhD in Applied Linguistics. Spring 2011. Shirin Nuruddin, Research Internship, PhD in Language and Literacy. Fall 2009. Chatwara Suwannamai, Teaching Internship, PhD in Language and Literacy. Fall 2009. Chair. Jessica Tinlin. “Meeting the Needs of ELL Students in Mainstream Math and Science Classes: The Teachers’ Perspectives.” May 2016. Member. Jessica Crandall. “Rise of the Korean wave: A brief glimpse into the confluence of two cultures.” May 2013. Member. Haydee Cruz. “The role of mathematics in social justice.” May 2011. Member. Aliya Zhakupova. “English education in Kazakhstan.” December 2009.
Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ), 2007-present. Kanda University of International Studies (Tokyo, Japan), 2014, 2016. University of New Hampshire (Durham, NH), 2000-2007. Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN), 1995-2000.
Professional Organizations and Conferences
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Board of Directors, 2014-2017.
Finance Committee, 2015-2017. Chair, 2016-2017.
Knowledge-based Membership Community (KBMC) Working Group, 2016.
Interest Section Task Force, 2015-2016.
Board Liaison, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, 2014-2016.
Board Liaison, Interest Sections Leadership Council, 2014-2016.
Mentor, TESOL Leadership Mentoring Program, 2015-2016.
Participant, Leadership Development Certificate Program, 2015.
Awards Committee, 2001-2006; 2008-2011, 2013.
Past Chair & Publicity, 2005-2006; Chair, 2004-2005; Incoming Chair, 2003-2004; Coordinator: TESOL Professional Development Travel Grants, 2008-2011; East Carolina University/TESOL Award on an Outstanding Paper on NNEST Issues, 2003-2004; Albert H. Marckwardt Travel Grants, 2002-2003; Virginia French Allen Award, 2001-2002. Reviewer, TESOL Award for Distinguished Research, 2013. Albert H. Marckwardt Travel Grants, 2000, 2001, 2002.
Contributed the following article:
Matsuda, A. (2002). TESOL awards are for you! The NNETESOL News, 22(1), 5.
NNEST (Non-Native Speakers in TESOL) Interest Section.
Member-At-Large, Steering Committee, 2009-2011.
Webmaster, 1999-2003.
Contributed the following articles:
Matsuda, A. (2002). NNEST caucus website update. The NNEST Newsletter, 4(1), 3.
Matsuda, A. (2000). NNEST caucus website. The NNEST Newsletter, 2(2), 2.
Matsuda, A. (2000). NNEST caucus website: Visit and contribute! The NNEST Newsletter, 2(1), 7, 10.
Convention Abstract Reader, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
International Association for World Englishes
Treasurer and Secretary, 2016-2019.
Chief Financial Officer, 2015.
Member, International Organizing Committee, 2015.
Conference Chair, 2013.
Conference Program Chair, 2010.
Conference Abstract Reader, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2010, 2013, 2015.
Conference Session Chair, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
TIRF—The International Research Foundation for English Language Education
Reviewer, James E. Alatis Prize, 2015-2016.
American Association for Applied Linguistics
Promotion & Tenure Taskforce Member, 2013-2014.
Conference Abstract Reader, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2013, 2014.
Conference Session Chair, 2001.
Applied Linguistics Conference in Turkey
International Scientific Committee, 2015.
Institute of International Education
Fulbright Screening Committee, 2012, 2013, 2014.
International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca
Conference Abstract Reader, 2012.
Symposium on Second Language Writing
Accommodation Coordinator, 2014.
Exhibits Coordinator & Registration Coordinator, 2009
Session Chair, 2000.
Local Representative, 1998.
Northern New England Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Publishers’ Liaison, 2002-2005.
Executive Board Member, 2002-2005.
Conference Session Chair, 2005, 2006.
Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Conference Session Chair, 1998.
Editorial Board
Editorial Board Member. Tokyo JALT Journal (2017-present).
Editorial Board Member. World Englishes (2011-present).
Editorial Board Member. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research (2012-present).
Editorial Board Member. TESOL Quarterly (2008-2011).
Other Professional Service
External Evaluator and Advisor (2014-present). Super Global High School Project (The government-sponsored curriculum development initiative to foster future global leaders). Tamagawa Academy, Tokyo, Japan.
Journal Manuscript Reviewer (2003-present). Asian English Studies; Asian Journal of English Language Teaching; Intercultural Education; International Journal of Applied Linguistics; JAFAE Journal; Journal of Asian and African Studies; Journal of Language, Identity, and Education(2014, 2016) ; Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (2015); Language, Culture and Curriculum; Language Policy; The Modern Language Journal (2015)Postgraduate Research Paper on Language and Literature of the School of Languages; Research in ELT; The Routledge Online Encyclopedia of World Englishes (2013); Sintagma; TESOL Quarterly (2016); World Englishes.
Book Manuscript Reviewer (2011-present). Multilingual Matters; Wiley-Blackwell.
Textbook Reviewer (2006). Pearson Longman.
Research Proposal Reviewer (2007). Hong Kong Institute of Education.
External Reviewer, Promotion and Tenure Cases (linguistics and TESOL) (2006, 2009).
Advisor (2001). Microsoft Encarta College Dictionary. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
University, College, and Department Service
Arizona State University
University & College
Panelist, International Teaching Assistant Final Evaluation, 2016.
Member, University Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, 2012-2014.
Member, Institute for Humanities Research Advisory Board, 2011-2012.
Member, Japan Council (ASU faculty group with professional interests in Japan), 2010-present.
Panelist, FWA Workshop “Success in the Early Years”, 2012.
Member, Human Rights and Relations Committee, College of Education, 2007-2009.
Director, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, 2017-present.
Reader, Wilfred Ferrell Memorial Fellowship, 2017.
Member, PhD Linguistics/Applied Linguistics Admission Committee, 2016-2017.
Member, Linguistics/TESOL Area Committee, 2010-present.
Mentor, Junior Faculty Mentoring Program, 2015-2016, 2016-2017.
Member, DEN/By-Law Committee, 2014-2015, 2016-2017.
Chair, School Model Task Force, 2015-2016.
Coordinator, Undergraduate TESOL Certificate Program Assessment, 2014-2016.
Member, MTESOL Admission Committee, 2011-2012, 2013, 2015-2016.
Member, Selection Committee, English International Graduate Student Book Scholarship, 2015.
Member, MA Linguistics Admission Committee, 2012-2014.
Advisor, Applied Linguistics Graduate Student Organization, 2010-2014.
Member, Faculty Awards Committee, 2012-2013.
Reader, English Department Dissertation Fellowship, 2013.
Member, Newsletter Committee, Department of English, 2010-2012.
Contributed the following articles:
Matsuda, A. (2011). Story on Sam Lowy. Accents on English, 14(2). Available at: http://english.clas.asu.edu/accents2011s-lowy
Matsuda, A. (2010). What is Applied Linguistics? Accents on English, 14(1), 8.
Matsuda, A. (2010). Biographic entry on Dr. Doris Warriner. Accents on English, 14(1), 7.
Workshop Presenter, Department of English.
Promotion & Tenure External Review Preparation, 2012.
3rd-year Review Preparation, 2011.
Taskforce on Personnel Procedures, Division of Advanced Studies in Educational Policy, Leadership, and Curriculum, Graduate School of Education, 2009.
Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics, 2007-2009.
Subcommittee on Colloquium Speaker Series, 2007-2009.
Lectures and Workshops
Matsuda, A. (November, 2016). What is World Englishes? Lecture at ENG312 English in its Social Settings, Department of English.
Matsuda, A. (October, 2016). World Englishes, Teaching EIL, and NNESTs. Lecture/discussion at the Linguistics/Applied Linguistics Seminar (APL555), Department of English.
Matsuda, A. (January, 2015). Use of L1 in L2 classroom (Panel). Second Language Writing Workshop, Department of English.
Matsuda, A. (February, 2010). World Englishes and EIL teacher preparation: Teacher educators’ perspectives. Lecture presented at the Brown Bag Symposium, Division of Advanced Studies in Education Policy, Leadership and Curriculum.
Matsuda, A. (February, 2010). Interviewing for Academic Jobs. Lecture presented at the meeting of the Graduate and Professional Student Association.
Matsuda, A. (September, 2009). World Englishes and teacher education. Lecture presented at the Language and Literacy Doctoral Seminar.
Matsuda, A. (March, 2009). Whose English? Implications of World Englishes for language policy. Lecture presented at the Language and Literacy Doctoral Seminar.
Matsuda, A. (February, 2009). English Today: Implications for English Language Teaching in Korea. Lecture presented at the American English and Culture Program.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2009). Adult ESL. Lecture presented at the Language and Literacy Doctoral Seminar.
Matsuda, A. (November, 2007). World Englishes and teaching English as an international language. Lecture presented at the Language and Literacy Doctoral Seminar.
University of New Hampshire
Founding Coordinator, Undergraduate Minor in TESOL, 2006-2007.
Assistant to Director, English Language Institute, 2006-2007.
Graduate Committee, Department of English, 2004-2007.
ESL Committee, Department of English, 2003-2007.
Founding Co-coordinator, ESL Resources and Referral Services for Faculty, 2001-2007.
Linguistics Committee, 2000-2007. Coordinator, January – August 2003.
Asian Studies Minor Committee, 2000-2007.
Teacher Education Pre-service Council, 2000-2007.
Undergraduate Committee, Department of English, 2000-2004.
Organizer, ESL Research Group, 2001-2002.
Foreign Language Examiner, Graduate Program, Department of English, 2002.
Reviewer for Credit Transfer Approval, Department of English, “Working with Second Language Learners: Issues, Problems, and Solutions (00SL1)” offered by Heinemann University, Portsmouth, NH, November, 2000.
Lectures and Workshops
Matsuda, A. (September, 2005). World Englishes and globalization. Workshop presented at the meeting of the First-year Writing Program.
Matsuda, A. (September, 2005). Planning your academic career. Workshop presented at the Alexander Advantage (First-year Student Program).
Matsuda, A. (August, 2004). Majors in the English department. Workshop presented at the First-year Orientation.
Matsuda, A. (2003). Japanese culture. Lecture presented in JPNS 425 Japanese Culture and Civilization.
Matsuda, A. (2003). Education in Japan. Lecture presented in EDUC800 Educational Structure and Change.
Matsuda, A. (2002). Education in Japan. Panel presented in JPNS 425 Introduction to Japanese Culture and Civilization.
Matsuda, A. (2002). Working with ESL students. Lecture presented in ENGL710/810 Teaching Writing.
Matsuda, A. (October, 2002). Working with ESL writers. Workshop presented for the Robert J Connors Writing Center.
Matsuda, A. (August, 2002). How to become a successful student: Academic expectations at UNH. Workshop presented at the New International Student Orientation.
Matsuda, A. (August, 2002). Faculty Resources at UNH. Workshop presented at the New Faculty Orientation.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2002). Cross-cultural pragmatics. Lecture presented in ENGL/LING 505 Introduction to Linguistics.
Matsuda, A. (February, 2002). New Hires and Research. Workshop presented at the Preparing Future Faculty Breakfast Series.
Matsuda, A. & *Ortmeier, C. (October, 2001). Working with ESL writers. Workshop presented for the Composition Program.
Matsuda, A. (September, 2001). Education in Japan. Panel presented in JPNS 425 Introduction to Japanese Culture and Civilization.
Matsuda, A. (August, 2001). Working with ESL students at UNH. Workshop presented at the New Faculty Orientation.
Matsuda, A. (August, 2001). How to become a successful student: Academic expectations at UNH. Workshop presented at the New International Student Orientation.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2001). Working with ESL students. Lecture presented in ENGL710/810 Teaching Writing.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2001). Case study: Japanese attitudes toward English. Lecture presented in ENGL/LING 505 Introduction to Linguistics.
Purdue University
English Language and Linguistics Committee, Department of English, 1998-2000.
Excellence in Teaching Committee, Department of English, 1996-1997.
Matsuda, A. (April, 2000). Japanese attitudes toward English language. Lecture presented in the World Englishes Seminar.
Matsuda, A. (March, 1999). Is there such a thing as ‘Japanese English’? Lecture presented at the Linguistics Lunch Talk.
Community Service
Member, Board of Trustees. Summit School of Ahwatukee, Phoenix, AZ, 2015-2018.
Secretary, 2016-2017.
Strategic Planning Implementation Team, 2015-2017; Co-chair, 2015-2016.
Volunteer. Lost Our Home (Animal Rescue Center), 2016-present.
Presenter. Give presentations on Japanese culture at various local gatherings, 2011-present.
Japanese-English Translator/Interpreter, 2002-present.
Judge. Annual Arizona Japanese Speech Contest, the Arizona Association of Teachers of Japanese and the Consulate General of Japan, Los Angeles, Mesa AZ, 2010; Phoenix AZ, 2012; Tempe AZ, 2014.
Presenter (with Paul Kei Matsuda). College Life in the USA, Tamagawa Academy, Tokyo Japan, June 2012.
Parent Advisory Committee, Mary Lou Fulton College of Education Preschool, 2007-2008.