Robert E. (Bob) Bjork was born in Virginia, Minnesota, and attended Pomona College (Claremont, California), Stockholm University, and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he received his doctorate in 1979. His teaching interests, both in the classroom at all levels and as mentor to master's and doctoral students, range over the whole of medieval English language and literature, but his research has centered squarely in the Anglo-Saxon period. Bjork co-edited with colleagues from Wisconsin and Indiana "Klaeber's Beowulf" (U Toronto Press, 2008), the 4th edition of Fr. Klaeber's, "Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg" (the most important edition of the Old English epic ever published), and he is general editor of the 4-volume "Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages" (Oxford U Press, 2010). Besides being Foundation Professor of English, for 24 years, he directed the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (ACMRS), which houses a number of interesting programs. And he is currently Academic Director of Arc Humanities Press ( in the UK.
Engaged though he is in medieval and renaissance studies, Bjork also has two subsidiary research interests: Scandinavian studies and medical writing. From 1984 to 1994, he was general editor of "Modern Scandinavian Literature in Translation" for the University of Nebraska Press, and from 1993 to 2001, he was co-general editor (with George C. Schoolfield of Yale University) of "Studies in Scandinavian Literature and Culture" for Camden House / Boydell & Brewer. He has translated a number of short stories and novels from Swedish, winning one translation prize in 1987 and honorable mention for another in 1989. Since 1981, Bjork has published on medical writing as well and every year has taught a course on writing for biomedical journals for the UCLA School of Medicine. That course is the longest running medical writing course in the country. When time allows, he transmutes it into appropriate, digestible form and offers it to graduate students in English at ASU. Bjork is a fellow of the Medieval Academy of America and the English Association (UK).
Bjork, Robert E. Acta Sanctorum. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Aethelstan, king of the Anglo-Saxons, king of the English. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Aethelwold, St. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Agrip af Noregs konunga sogum. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Alcuin. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Bautastein. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Berserk. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Birnius, St. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Brunanburh, battle of. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Burley, Walter. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Byhrtnoth. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Cynewulf. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Fitzralph, Richard. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Fornsvenska legendariet. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Geoffrey of Vendome. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Guthlac, St. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Holcot, Robert. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Ibn Fadlan. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Krak des Chevaliers. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Marsh, Adam. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Mirror for Princes. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Prester John. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Solfege. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Usk, Thomas. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Witenagemot. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Bjork, Robert E. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages. (2010).
Robert E. Bjork. "Afterword" to R. E. Bjork's 1991 translation of Ivar Lo-Johansson's _Only a Mother_. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (2009).
Robert E. Bjork. "Ivar Lo-Johansson's Statarna and the Aesthetics of Social Con¬sciousness". Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (2009).
Bjork, Robert E. "Afterword". Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (2009).
Bjork, Robert E. "ivar Lo-Johansson's Statarna and the Aesthetics of Social Consciousness". Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (2009).
Bjork, Robert Eric, Fulk, R D, Niles, John D. Frederick Klaeber's Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg. (2008).
Bjork, Robert Eric. A Viking Slave's Saga. (2007).
Bjork, Robert Eric (Author) . Modern Scandinavian. The Oxford History of Literary Translation in English (2006).
Robert Bjork. A Bibliography of Modern Scandinavian Literature (Excluding H. C. Andersen) in English Translation, 1533 to 1900, and Listed by Translator. Scandinavian Studies (2005).
Bjork, Robert Eric (Author) . The Symbolic Function of Job in Ælfric's Homily on Job, Christ II, and The Phoenix. Latin Learning and English Lore: Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature for Michael Lapidge (2005).
Robert Bjork. Foreword. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies (2004).
. . Review of: Textual Histories: Readings in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (2003).
. . Review of: The Anglo-Saxon Warrior Ethic: Reconstructing Lordship in Early English Literature (2003).
Bjork, Robert Eric (Author) . N. F. S. Grundtvig's 1840 Edition of the Old English Phoenix: A Vision of a Vision of Paradise. Unlocking the Wordhord: Anglo-Saxon Studies in Memory of Edward B. Irving, Jr (2003).
Bjork, Robert Eric. J. M. Hill, The Anglo-Saxon Warrior Ethic: Reconstructing Lordship in Early English Literature. Speculum (2003).
Bjork, Robert Eric. N. F. S. Grundtvig's 1840 Edition of the Old English Phoenix: A Vision of a Vision of Paradise. Anglo-Saxon Studies in the New Millennium: Essays in Memory of Edward B. Irving, Jr (2003).
Bjork, Robert Eric. T. A. Bredehoft, Textual Histories: Readings in the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Speculum (2003).
Robert Bjork. In deserto vita: The Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Medieval Academy News (2002).
Robert Bjork. The Portfolio for Medieval Studies. English in Medieval Studies in Twenty-First Century Higher Education (2002).
Bjork, Robert Eric (Author) . Jan Fridegård. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Twentieth-Century Swedish Writers Before World War II (2002).
Robert Bjork. Skulls and Scholder: A Meditation. Exhibition of Skulls and Related Images, Tweed Museum of Art, University of Minnesota Duluth (2001).
Bjork, Robert Eric (Author) . Scandinavian Relations. A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature (2001).
Research Activity
Lehman,Peter Robert*, Bjork,Robert Eric. Game of Thrones: Hierarchy and Violence - Analyzing Society in the Historical Landscape of the Imagination. (10/27/2014 - 12/31/2015).
Bjork,Robert Eric*. The Emergence of a Discipline: The Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxon Literary Studies. NEH(9/1/2006 - 5/31/2007).
Bjork,Robert Eric*. The Scandinavian Involvement in Anglo-Saxon Literary Studies. Inst. for Advanced Study(9/1/2004 - 8/15/2005).
Bjork,Robert Eric*, Aannestad,Per A, Rees,Ellen Rebecca. LANTERNA MAGICA: A CELEBRATION OF SCANDINAVIAN FILM. AMER-SCANDINAVIAN FDN(1/1/2001 - 4/15/2001).
Bjork, Robert E. Building a Humanities Research Center. Consortium for Humanities Centers and Institutes, Taiwan branch, National Sun Yat-sen University (Nov 2009).
Bjork, Robert E. The Many Migrations of Beowulf. Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences at National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan (Nov 2009).
Bjork, Robert E. Old English Poetry. Medieval Studies Centre, National Chung-Cheng University (Nov 2009).
Bjork, Robert E. Beowulf and Old English Poetry. National Taiwan University (Nov 2009).
Bjork, Robert E. The Many Guises of Beowulf. Classics, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Program, University of Saskatchewan (Sep 2009).
Bjork, Robert E. Beowulf och dess receptionshitoria. Centrum för medeltidsstudier, Stockholms universitet, Sweden (Jun 2009).
Bjork, Robert E. "Representations of Anglo-Saxon Mentality in Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century Scandinavia". A Burdick-Vary Symposium, U Wisconsin Madison (Apr 2009).
Robert E. Bjork. "N.F. S. Grundtvig's Contributions to Anglo-Saxon Literary Studies". Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea (Nov 2008).
Robert E. Bjork. "Why Investing in the European Middle Ages and Renaissance Matters". University Guest of Honor (Nov 2008).
Bjork, Robert. Klaeber's Beowulf. (Nov 2007).
Bjork, Robert. “The Context of Kemble’s 1833 Edition of Beowulf”. John Kemble: A Commemorative Conference (Jul 2007).
Bjork, Robert. Scandinavian Translations of Old English Literature after Grundtvig (and a Few Before). Plenary address for the annual meeting of the Viking Society for Northern Research (Nov 2006).
Bjork, Robert. Establishing a CARA in Europe. International Congress on Medieval Studies, Leeds, England (Jul 2006).
Bjork, Robert. N. F. S. Grundtvig's Danishing of Old English Poems. Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association (Jun 2006).
Bjork, Robert. Publications Programs: the Should We's, Why's, How's, Pitfalls, and Joys Thereof. Annual meeting of the Committee on Centers and Regional Associations, Medieval Academy of America (Oct 2005).
Bjork, Robert. Creating The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages and "Scandinavian Contributions to Anglo-Saxon Literary Studies". Medieval Studies Program, Princeton University (Nov 2004).
Bjork, Robert. Neo-Disciplinarity in Anglo-Saxon Studies. International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, England (Jul 2004).
Bjork, Robert. Making Interdisciplinary Medieval (and Renaissance) Studies Work. International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (May 2004).
Bjork, Robert. The Structural, the Historical, the Bibliog. 4th edition of Fr. Klaeber's Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg at the Modern Languages Association convention (Dec 2002).
Bjork, Robert. The View from the North: Scandinavian Contributions to Anglo-Saxon Literary Studies. International Society of Anglo-Saxonists conference (Aug 2001).
Bjork, Robert. The Symbolic Role of Job in Ælfric's Homily on Job, Christ II, and The Phoenix. Anglo-Saxon Colloquium, Columbia University
Bjork, Robert. Ballads, Brunanburh, and Grundtvig's Beowulf. Biannual Fell-Benedikz Lecture
CARMEN (Consortium for the Advancement of Research through a Medieval European Network), Member, Standing Committee (2005 - Present)
Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre Mittelal, Member, Editorial Board (2008 - 2012)