Ross-Blakley Hall 204 PO Box 871401
TEMPE, AZ 85287-1401
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Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
David Hawkes took his bachelor's at Oxford University, and his master's of art, master's of philosophy and doctorate at Columbia University. He is the author of seven books: "Idols of the Marketplace: Idolatry and Commodity Fetishism in English Literature, 1580-1680" (Palgrave: 2001), "Ideology" (Routledge: second edition 2003), "The Faust Myth: Religion and the Rise of Representation" (Palgrave: 2007), "John Milton: A Hero of Our Time" (Counterpoint: 2009), "The Culture of Usury in Renaissance England" (Palgrave: 2010), "Shakespeare and Economic Criticism" (Bloomsbury, 2015) and "The Reign of Anti-logos" (Palgrave: 2020). He has edited John Milton’s "Paradise Lost" (Barnes and Noble: 2004), John Bunyan’s "The Pilgrim’s Progress" (Barnes and Noble: 2005) and "The Book of Nature and Humanity" (Brepols: 2013). Professor Hawkes has published more than 150 articles and reviews in such journals as The Nation, The New Criterion, In These Times, Literature and Theology, Modernist Cultures, Clio, Cabinet, English Literary Renaissance, English Literary History the Journal of the History of Ideas, the Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, the Huntington Library Quarterly, Renaissance Studies, Milton Studies, Milton Quarterly, Shakespeare Quarterly, Shakespeare Studies, Critical Survey, Modern Philology and Studies in English Literature. He reviews books regularly for the Times Literary Supplement and he has appeared on National Public Radio. Professor Hawkes has held visiting appointments in Turkey, India, Japan and China. He has received such awards as a year-long fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities at the Folger Shakespeare Library (2002-03), and the William Ringler Fellowship at the Huntington Library (2006).
‘Commodification and Performance in the Eucharistic Ethics of Luther and Calvin,’ Literature and Theology, forthcoming 2017
‘Literalism, Slavery and the New Atheism,’ CrossCurrents, 66:3 (September, 2016), 321-36
'Proteus Agonistes: Shakespeare, Bacon and the ''Torture'' of Nature,' in Embodied Cognition and Shakespeare’s Theatre: The Early Modern Body-Mind ed. Laurie Johnson (Routledge, 2014)
‘Zombie Dawn: Slavery and the Self in the Twenty-first Century,’ in Brain and Mind: The ''Hard Problem” in the History of Neuroscience eds. C. Smith and Harry Whitaker (Springer Books: London and New York, 2014)
‘Boundaries of the Human’ (with Richard G. Newhauser) in The Book of Nature and Humanity ed. David Hawkes and Richard G. Newhauser (Tournhout: Brepols, 2013), pp.xi-xxv
‘Middleton and Usury’ in The Oxford Handbook to Thomas Middleton ed. Gary Taylor (Oxford UP, 2012) pp.281-95
Against Idealism Too: A Response to Critics’ Early Modern Culture 10 (2012)
‘Against Materialism in Literary Theory,’ Early Modern Culture 9 (2012)
‘Milton and Usury’ English Literary Renaissance 41:3 (Autumn 2011), pp. 503-528
‘Against Materialism in Literary Theory’ in The Return of Theory in Early Modern English Studies: Tarrying with the Subjunctive eds. Paul Cefalu and Bryan Reynolds (Palgrave: London and New York, 2011), pp. 237-57
‘Raising Mephistopheles: Magic and Alienated Labor in The Tempest’ in Michelle Dowd and Natasha Korda (eds.), Working Subjects: Labor and Representation on the Renaissance Stage (Routledge: London and New York, 2011), pp. 177-92
David Hawkes. ‘Against Materialism in Literary Theory,’. Early Modern Culture (2011).
David Hawkes. ‘Islam and the Economy of the Senses in Renaissance English Literature'. The Senses and Society 5:1 (March 2010) (2010).
David Hawkes. ‘Thomas Gresham’s Law, Jane Shore’s Mercy: Value and Class in the Plays of Thomas Heywood'. English Literary History (2010).
David Hawkes. The Culture of Usury in Renaissance England. (2010).
David Hawkes. ‘Raising Mephistopheles: Magic and Alienated Labor’. Working Subjects: Labor and Representation on the Renaissance Stage (2010).
David Hawkes. John Milton: A Hero of Our Time. (2009).
. . Review of: Transversal Enterprises in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (2009).
. . Review of: Writing Lives: Biography and Textuality, Identity and Representation in Early Modern England (2009).
David Hawkes. ‘Milton Among the Pragmatists’. University of Toronto Quarterly (2008).
. . Review of: Fiction Sets You Free: Literature, Liberty and Western Culture (2008).
. . Review of: Shakespeare and the Economic Imperative (2008).
. . Review of: Shakespeare in French Theory: King of Shadows (2008).
David Hawkes. The Faust Myth: Religion and the Rise of Representation. (2007).
. . Review of: Law and Representation in Early Modern Drama (2007).
. . Review of: Treason by Words: Literature, Law, and Rebellion in Early Modern England and Solon and Thespis: Law and Theater in the English Renaissance ed. Dennis Kezar, Times Literary Supplement (5/4/2007) (2007).
. . Review of: English Biography in the Seventeenth Century (2006).
. . Review of: English Witchcraft 1560--1736 , in 2006) (2006).
. . Review of: John Bunyan and the Language of Conviction (2006).
. . Review of: Shakespeare and Republicanism (2006).
. . Review of: Sonnet Sequences and Social Distinction in Renaissance England (2006).
David Hawkes. ‘Against Materialism in Literary Theory,’. International Shakespeare Association (Aug 2010).
David Hawkes. "The Marxist Critical Tradition Today". Lecture to the Modern Languages Department Faculty, Bogazici University, Istanbul (Mar 2010).
David Hawkes. "The Marxist Critical Tradition Today". Lecture to the Modern Languages Department Faculty, Bogazici University, Istanbul (Mar 2010).
David Hawkes. ‘Milton and Usury'. lecture to the English Department, Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, (Oct 2009).
David Hawkes. ‘Milton and Usury'. lecture to the English Department, Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, (Oct 2009).
David Hawkes. ‘Sensuality and Slavery in the English Revolution,’. Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Philadelphia PA, (Nov 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Sensuality and Slavery in the English Revolution,’. Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Philadelphia PA, (Nov 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘The Scrivener’s Son: Milton in Debt,’. Triennial International Milton Symposium, London UK, (Jul 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘The Scrivener’s Son: Milton in Debt,’. Triennial International Milton Symposium, London UK, (Jul 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Milton and Usury,’. lecture to the Department of English, University of Arizona, Tuscon AZ, (Apr 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Milton and Usury,’. lecture to the Department of English, University of Arizona, Tuscon AZ, (Apr 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Milton’s Economic Theology,’ Shakespeare Association of America, Dallas TX,. Shakespeare Association of America, Dallas TX, (Mar 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Milton’s Economic Theology,’ Shakespeare Association of America, Dallas TX,. Shakespeare Association of America, Dallas TX, (Mar 2008).
David Hawkes. Chair of panel on ‘Legitimizing Discourses: Kings, Colonies, and Ideas,’ Arizona Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe AZ, February 2008. Arizona Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe AZ, (Feb 2008).
David Hawkes. Chair of panel on ‘Legitimizing Discourses: Kings, Colonies, and Ideas,’ Arizona Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe AZ, February 2008. Arizona Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe AZ, (Feb 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Usury, Literature and Logic in the Thought of Milton,’ , January 2008. Renaissance Society of Southern California, San Marino CA (Jan 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Milton and Usury,’ January 2008. International Quatrocentennial Milton Conference, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India, (Jan 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Quantity and Quality in Milton’s Debate with Salmasius,’. International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu HI (Jan 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Usury, Literature and Logic in the Thought of Milton,’ , January 2008. Renaissance Society of Southern California, San Marino CA (Jan 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Usury, Literature and Logic in the Thought of Milton,’ , January 2008. Renaissance Society of Southern California, San Marino CA (Jan 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Milton and Usury,’ January 2008. International Quatrocentennial Milton Conference, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India, (Jan 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Quantity and Quality in Milton’s Debate with Salmasius,’. International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu HI (Jan 2008).
David Hawkes. ‘Thomas Gresham’s Law, Jane Shore’s Mercy: Social Mobility in Thomas Heywood,’. South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta GA, (Nov 2007).
David Hawkes. ‘Agency and Economy in City Comedy,’. Shakespeare Association of America, (Apr 2007).
David Hawkes. ‘Value, Class and Magic in the Plays of Thomas Heywood,’. Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies (Feb 2007).
David Hawkes. ‘Faust and the Human,’. American Comparative Literature Association, (Mar 2006).
British Literature Committee, Department of English, Arizona State Universi, Chair (2008 - Present)
Hiring Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, Member (2008 - Present)
Library Liaison Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, Chair (2008 - Present)
Library Liaison Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, Chair (2008 - Present)
Hiring Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, Member, Reporter (2010 - 2011)
Brepols, Reader (2008 - 2008)
Clemson University, External Evaluator for Promotion Case (2008 - 2008)
Syracuse University, External Evaluator for Promotion Case (2008 - 2008)
Shakespeare Quarterly, Reader (2008 - 2008)
Renaissance and Reformation, Reader (2008 - 2008)
Search Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, Member (2007 - 2008)
Admissions Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, Member (2007 - 2007)