Ross-Blakley Hall 347 PO Box 871401
TEMPE, AZ 85287-1401
Mail code: 1401
Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
In her research, Heather Maring explores the way that early English poems draw upon oral, literary, and ritual forms of signification for their meaning. Her book Signs that Sing: Hybrid Poetics in Old English Verse was published in 2017 with University Press of Florida ( and reviewed in the Times Literary Supplement (TLS), Speculum, and The Medieval Review (TMR). She has articles in English Studies, Studies in Philology, Oral Tradition, and The Midwestern Modern Language Association Journal (MMLA).
Her other specialties are poetry, poetics, and oral traditions. Her poems have appeared in The Southeast Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and other journals. She also served as a contributing editor on UNESCO’s project to create a "Manual on Oral Traditions and Expressions."
Ph.D. English (Literature and Creative Writing), University of Missouri-Columbia
M.F.A. Poetry, University of Iowa
Signs that Sing: Hybrid Poetics in Old English Verse. (University Press of Florida, 2017)
“Performing Pearl.” Approaches to Teaching the Middle English Pearl. Eds. Jane Beal and Mark Bradshaw Busbee. Approaches to Teaching World Literature Series. New York: Modern Language Association, 2017.
“Toward a Ritual Poetics: Dream of the Rood As a Case Study.” Oral Tradition, 26 (2012): 391-410. Special Issue ed. by Lori Ann Garner and Scott Garner (“A Festschrift for John Miles Foley”).
“Bright Voice of Praise: An Old English Convention.” Studies in Philology 108 (2011): 299-319.
"Two Ships Crossing: Hybrid Poetics in The Dream of the Rood". English Studies (2010).
"Oral Tradition." Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales (2007).
. . Review of: How Tradition Works: A Meme-Based Cultural Poetics of the Anglo-Saxon Tenth Century (2007).
"'Never the Less': Gift-Exchange and the Medieval Dream-Vision Pearl." The Midwest Modern Language Association Journal (2005).
"350 Sydney." The Southeast Review (2005)."
Heather Maring. "Oral Traditional Approaches to Old English Verse." Oral Tradition (2003).