Profiles in "Inorganic and Materials Chemistry" Expertise Area
- David Wright's primary expertise is experimentation with potentially hazardous substances under extreme conditions to make and modify advanced materials for fundamental research and applied development.
- Chizmeshya's current research interests span a broad range of topics in computational physical chemistry and materials science.
- Vice provost and professor in the School of Molecular Sciences. Jones' research interests are in bioinorganic chemistry, energy-relevant redox chemistry, and electrochemistry.
- Associate professor at ASU's School of Molecular Sciences. Wolf's research interests include fundamental studies of liquids and the amorphous state, and carbon sequestration, among others.
- John Kouvetakis research interests include solid-state and molecular inorganic chemistry, as well as materials science of main group semiconductors.
- Chan's research group works on synthesis and evaluation of engineered nanomaterials to address critical issues in lithium batteries, electrochemical energy conversion and storage, photocatalysis and water treatment.
- O’Keeffe's research interests included materials chemistry, crystal chemistry, special interest in geometry of periodic structures (nets, tilings, surfaces and weavings) and their relevance to materials design.
- Associate Research Professor at ASU's School of Molecular Sciences. Has taught CHM 433/531 (Advanced Organic Chemistry I), CHE 122 (General Chemistry II), and CHE 402/602 (Scientific Software).