Profiles in "English and Chicano and Latino Studies" Expertise Area

  • Marivel Danielson's areas of research interest are Chicana/Latina literature, sexuality, gender, performance, race/border/diaspora theory.
  • Hernández-G. received his Ph.D. from Stanford University. At ASU, he has directed dissertations in Chicano/a letters and culture, and lectured in Mexico, Spain, Colombia, and Venezuela.
  • Mendoza is a professor of Latina/o literary and cultural studies. His scholarship focuses on Latina/o cultural history, immigration, oral history, and social justice.
  • Monica De La Torre earned her doctorate in Feminist Studies from the University of Washington in 2016. Her research and and teaching practices bridges Chicana feminist theory, Latina/o media studies, and radio production.
  • Critically acclaimed performer, author and social engagement artist, RobertFaridKarimi, designs interactive immersive game-performance experiences to spark players to imagine worlds of mutual community nourishment.