Profiles in "Software Development Methodologies" Expertise Area

  • Allen Lee is a research software engineer who builds teams and cyberinfrastructure that support collective action research, complex adaptive systems modeling, and open, frictionless computationally enabled science.
  • Collofello leads the school’s student recruitment and retention, career development and placement, K-12 programming, new curriculum development, accreditation and oversight of Fulton Difference programming.
  • Dr. Flory has an interdisciplinary background with a BS in physics, seven years industry experience, and a PhD in biological design. He works with faculty to develop proposals and manages 2 DOE and 1 NSF funded projects.
  • I partner with pioneering thinkers and change agents who are creating innovative ways of educating students, preparing workers with modern skills, and nurturing the mindset of lifelong learning. 
  • Transforming Higher Education Through Responsible Innovation. Responsible Innovation Lab Founder. Global Future Scientist, College of Global Futures. Empowering students with ethical, sustainable and Principled Innovation.
  • Olson is co-creator of CritViz, an online framework for supporting real-time critique, conversation, and peer ranking of creative work in the classroom. Olson co-directs the Digital Culture Summer Institute.