I provide technical vision, direction, and support to a variety of computationally assisted research initiatives at the Center for Behavior, Institutions, and the Environment and the School of Complex Adaptive Systems. At ASU I serve as an individual contributor and technical lead running small (2-6) teams of staff and student developers, and have been senior personnel and co-PI on over $8m in funding from the US National Science Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Mellon Foundation. My work mostly centers on building replicable, production-grade research software and computational tools, including science gateways and cyberinfrastructure that support open and FAIR computational science.
Past and current projects include:
- CoMSES Net, the Network for Computational Modeling for Social and Ecological Sciences, a science gateway to help researchers develop, document, publish, and share FAIR computational models that explore the complex dynamics of the social and ecological systems we all share
- the Open Modeling Foundation, an alliance of modeling organizations that coordinates and administers a common, community developed body of standards and best practices among diverse communities of modeling scientists.
- the Port of Mars, a computational social science experiment sponsored by the National Science Foundation and ASU's Interplanetary Initiative
- Synthesizing Knowledge of Past Environments (SKOPE), a National Science Foundation-funded online resource that enables users to easily discover, explore, visualize, and synthesize knowledge of environments in the recent or remote past
- the Digital Archaeological Record, a trusted digital repository for archaeological data
- the Virtual Commons, a collection of open source software for collective action experiments
- the Social Ecological Systems Library, a collection of descriptions of social-ecological systems (SES) and coupled infrastructure systems (CIS) from around the world.