Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Center for Games & Impact Farmer Education Bldg, room 140
TEMPE, AZ 85287
Long Bio
James Paul Gee is the Mary Lou Fulton Presidential Professor of Literacy Studies and Regents Professor. He is a member of the National Academy of Education. Professor Gee's book "Sociolinguistics and Literacies" (Fifth Edition, 2015) was one of the founding documents in the formation of the "New Literacy Studies". His book "An Introduction to Discourse Analysis" (Fourth Edition, 2014) brings together his work on a methodology for studying communication in its cultural settings, an approach that has been widely influential over the last two decades. Professor Gee's most recent books have dealt with video games, language, and learning. "What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy" (Second Edition 2007) argues that good video games are designed to enhance learning through effective learning principles supported by research in the learning sciences. "Situated Language and Learning" (2004) places video games within an overall theory of learning and literacy and shows how they can help us in thinking about the reform of schools. Women as Gamers: The Sims and 21st-Century Learning (2010) and Language and Learning in the Digital Age (2011), both written with Elisabeth Hayes, have continued his earlier work on games and learning. "The Anti-Education Era: Creating Smarter Students through Digital Media" appeared in 2013 and "Literacy and Education" in 2014.
Professor Gee's newest book is "Reconceiving Teaching, Learning, Literacy, and Development in our High-Risk High-Tech World Before it's Too Late" (Teachers College Press, 2017). The book offers a cross-disciplinary view of the role of language, learning, literacy, and identity in development. It also highlights new types of teaching and learning that are emerging out of schools thanks to digital technologies. Finally, the book places human development in the context of the serious problems we face in today's high-risk, fast-changing, and highly polarized world. Professor Gee has also published widely in journals in linguistics, psychology, the social sciences, and education.
Ph.D. Linguistics, Stanford University
M.A. Linguistics, Stanford University
B.A. Philosophy, University of California-Santa Barbara
Gee is finishing up a new book called "Reconceiving Teaching, Learning, Literacy, and Development in our High-Risk High-Tech World Before it's Too Late". The book will appear in 2017 from Teachers College Press. The book offers a cross-disciplinary view of the role of language, learning, literacy, and identity in development. It also takes up new types of teaching and learning that are emerging out of school thanks to digital technologies. Finally, the book places human development in the context of the serious problems we face in today's high-risk, fast-changing, and highly polarized world.
Gee has been working on a project that seeks to reconceive the role of architecture in a world where people spend a good deal of time crossing between physical spaces and virtual ones. This is a part of his on-ongoing work on "affinity spaces" as forms of distributed teaching and learning outside of school. What would modern architecture of teaching and learning look like the blended physical and virtual spaces.
Gee continues work, first reported in my book Unified Discourse Analysis, seeking to broaden my approach to discourse analysis to work on multi-modal texts like video games.
Gee, James Paul. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. (2011).
Gee, James Paul. How to Do Discourse Analysis: A Toolkit. (2011).
Gee, James Paul; Hayes, Elisabeth. Language and Learning in the Digital Age. (2011).
Gee, James Paul. Digital media and learning as an emerging field, Part I: How we got here. International Journal of Learning and Media (MIT Press) (2010).
Gee, James Paul. Q & A with ED Tech Leaders: Interview with James Paul Gee. Educational Technology (2010).
Gee, James Paul. Video games: What they can teach us about audience engagement. Nieman Reports (The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University) (2010).
Gee, James Paul. What can we learn from video games. Imagine (2010).
Gee, James Paul & Hayes, Elisabeth. "No Quitting without Saving after Bad Events": Gaming paradigms and learning in The Sims. International Journal of Learning & Media (MIT Press) (2010).
Gee, James Paul & Shaffer, David. Looking where the light is bad: Video games and the future of assessment. EDge (Phi Delta Kappa International) (2010).
Gee, James Paul. New Digital Media and Learning as an Emerging Area and "Worked Examples" as One Way Forward. (2010).
Gee, James Paul; Hayes, Elisabeth. Women as Gamers: The Sims and 21st Century Learning. (2010).
Gee, James Paul. A situated-sociocultural approach to literacy and technology. The New Literacies: Multiple Perspectives on Research and Practice (2010).
Gee, James Paul. Afterword. Design Literacies: Learning and Innovation in the Digital Age (2010).
Gee, James Paul. Commentary on Richardson Bruna’s Ways with words: Language play and the science learning of Mexican Newcomer Adolescents. Science Education as a Pathway to Teaching Language Literacy (2010).
Gee, James Paul. Human action and social groups as the natural home of assessment: Thoughts on 21st learning and assessment. Innovative Assessment for the 21st Century: Supporting Educational Needs (2010).
Gee, James Paul. Media Literacy. Cross-Media Communications: An Introduction to Integrated Media Experiences (2010).
Gee, James Paul. Science, literacy, and video games. Science Education as a Pathway to Teaching Language Literacy (2010).
Gee, James Paul & Hayes, Elisabeth. Public pedagogy through video games: Design, resources, and affinity spaces. Handbook of Public Pedagogy (2010).
Gee, James. "Multiliteracies": New literacies, new learning. Pedagogies (2009).
Gee, James Paul. Games, learning, and 21st century survival skills. Virtual Worlds Research (2009).
Gee, James Paul & Levine, Michael. Welcome to virtual worlds. Educational Leadership (2009).
Gee,James Paul. Bons videogames e boa aprendizagem. Perspectiva: Revista Do Centro Ciencias Da Educacao (2009).
Gee, James Paul. Deep learning properties of good digital games: How far can they go?. Serious Games: Mechanisms and Effects (2009).
Gee, James Paul. Identity without identification. Why Writing Matters: Issues of Access and Identity in Research and Pedagogy (2009).
Gee, James Paul. Playing Metal Gear Solid 4 Well: Being a Good Snake. Well Played 1.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning (2009).
Gee, James Paul. Questions A James Gee. Apprendre de la Vie Quotidienne (2009).
Gee, James Paul. The classroom of popular culture. Spotlight on Student Engagement, Motivation, and Achievement (2009).
Gee, James Paul. Cats and portals: Video games, learning, and play. American Journal of Play (2008).
Gee, James Paul. How video game are strengthening learning. On Campus: The National Publication of AFT Higher Education Faculty and Professional Staff (2008).
Gee, James Paul & Levine, Michael. Commentary: Let’s get over the slump. Education Week (2008).
Gee,James Paul. Es ist sn der zeit, auf neue weise, "Die zukunft zu spielen": Interview mit dem experten für video-games und lernprozesse Professor James Paul Gee. Quarterly Das Trenddossier des Zukunftsinstituts (2008).
Gee, James Paul. Getting over the slump: Innovation strategies to promote children’s learning. White Paper. (2008).
Gee, James Paul. What Video Games Have To Teach Us About Learning and Literacy. (2008).
Pamela A. Moss, Diana C. Pullin, James Paul Gee, Edward H. Haertel, Lauren Jones Young. Assessment, equity, and opportunity to learn. (2008).
Duncan, Sean C. & Gee, James Paul. The hero of timelines. The legend of Zelda and philosophy: I Link therefore I am (2008).
Gee, James Paul. "Decontextualized language" and the problem of school failure. Breaking the silence: Recognizing the social and cultural resources students bring to the classroom (2008).
Gee, James Paul. "Surmise the possibilities": Portal to a game-based theory of learning for the 21st century. Clash of Realities 2008: Spielen in Digitalen Welten (2008).
Gee, James Paul. A sociocultural perspective on opportunity to learn. Assessment, equity, and opportunity to learn (2008).
Gee, James Paul. Being a lion and being a soldier: Learning and games. Handbook of research on new literacies (2008).
Gee, James Paul. Forward. Adolescents and online fiction (2008).
Gee, James Paul. Game-like learning: An example of situated learning and implications for opportunity to learn. Assessment, equity, and opportunity to learn (2008).
Gee, James Paul. Games and comprehension: The importance of specialist language. Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practice (2008).
Gee, James Paul. Learning theory, video games, and popular culture. The International Handbook of Children, Media, and Culture (2008).
Gee, James Paul. Video games, learning, and "content". Games: Purpose and potential in education (2008).
Gee, James Paul. What is academic language?. Teaching Science To English Language Learners: Building on Students' Strengths (2008).
Gee, James Paul. Good Video Games and Good Learning: Collected Essays on Video Games, Learning and Literacy (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies). (2007).
Gee, James Paul. Social Linguistics and Literacies. (2007).
. . Gaming lives in the Twenty-First Century: Literate Connections (2007).
Gee, James Paul. Forward to Catherine Compton-Lilly. Re-Reading Families: The Literate Lives of Urban Children, Four Years Later (2007).
Gee, James Paul. Forward to David Hutchinson. Playing to Learn: Video Games in the Classroom (2007).
Gee, James Paul. Good videogames, the human mind, and good learning. Children's Learning In A Digital World (2007).
Gee, James Paul. Learning and games. The Ecology of Games:Connecting Youth, Games, and Learning (2007).
Gee, James Paul. Learning to read as a cultural process. Toward Defining and Improving Quality in Adult Basic Education:Issues and Challenges (2007).
Gee, James Paul. Literacia critica. Multiculturalismo, Currículo e Formação Docente - Ideias de Wisconsin (2007).
Gee, James Paul. Pleasure, Learning, Video Games, and Life: The Projective Stance. A New Literacies Sampler (2007).
Gee, James Paul. Forward to David Williamson Shaffer. How computer games help children learn (2006).
Gee, James Paul. Learning by design: Good video games as learning machines. Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication (2006).
Gee, James Paul. Self-fashioning and shape-shifting: Language, identity, and social class. Reconceptualizing the Literacies in Adolescents' Lives (2006).
Luria, Harriet,Seymour, Deborah M.,Smoke, Trudy. What is Literacy?. Language and Linguistics in Context: Readings and Applications for Teachers (2005).
Gee, James Paul. Digital media and learning as an emerging field, part II: A proposal for how to use "worked examples" to move forward. . International Journal of Learning and Media (MIT Press) (0).
Research Activity
Gee,James Paul*. Edmund W Gordon MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for 21st Century Learning and Assessment. MACARTHUR FDN(2/1/2013 - 1/31/2016).
Birchfield,David A*, Gee,Elisabeth Ruth, Gee,James Paul, Glenberg,Arthur Mitchell, Johnson,Mina Catherine, Kelliher,Aisling G, Kelliher,Aisling G. Gaming SMALLAB: a game-like approach to embodied learning. MACARTHUR FDN(7/1/2008 - 1/31/2011).
Gee, James Paul. 21st Century Learning and Digital Media, Webinar. Gates Foundation Webinar (Jan 2011).
Gee, James Paul. You are what you learn. Monadnock Summer Lyceum (Aug 2010).
Gee, James Paul. The future of digital media. Games for Change, New York (May 2010).
Gee, James Paul. A new paradigm for learning in the 21st Century learning (and where libraries fit in). WILU 2010, McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario, Canada (May 2010).
Gee, James Paul. 21st century learning. Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Texas-Pan American (Apr 2010).
Gee, James Paul. Games and 21st century learning. New York University, NY (May 2009).
Gee, James, Jenkins, Henry, & Spector, Warren. What can we learn from games. South by Southwest, Austin, TX (Mar 2009).
Gee, James Paul. Using technology for families-Across the divide. National Conference on Family Literacy, Orlando, Fl (Mar 2009).
Gee, James Paul. Getting over the slump: Innovation strategies to promote children’s learning. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop (May 2008).
Gee, James Paul. Identities, literacies, and Discourses at (Digital) play in the global world. Colloquium on Discourses, Identity, and Educational Practices, the Universidad Autónoma de Baja Cal (Apr 2008).
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Summit, Keynote Address (2011 - Present)
Provost Innovation Committee, Member (2010 - Present)
Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media, Member, Editorial Board (2009 - Present)
Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Street, Board Member (2009 - Present)
Applied Linguistics Prorgam Committee, Member (2008 - Present)
Cognition and Instruction, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Digital Culture and Education, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Entertainment Computing, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Innovate: Journal of Online Education, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
International Journal of Educational Research, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Journal of Educational Psychology, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Language and Intercultural Communication, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Linguistics and Education, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Multiperspectival Approaches to Digital Game Studies (Book Series, Contiinuum), Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
NSF Research Grants (many), Board Member/Advisor (2008 - Present)
Reading Research Quarterly, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Research on Language and Social Interaction, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Review of Educational Research (RER), Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
Symbolic Interaction, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
The International Journal of Language Studies, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
The International Journal of Learning and Media, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
The Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, Member, Editorial Board (I have no record of start date) (2008 - Present)
English Department TESOL Search Committee, Member (2010 - 2011)