Elizabeth Wentz is the Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate College and a professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University. She is the Director and PI of the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience, an ASU initiative to support Maricopa County, Arizona by sharing knowledge, catalyzing discovery, and exchanging responses to challenges together, in order to build community resilience. She is the former PI of ASU ADVANCE, to become a higher education leader in inclusion and diversity at all levels of the university, from undergraduates to academic leadership. Her research focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of geographic technologies with particular emphasis on how such technologies can be used to understand urban environments. Geographic technologies, which include Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and spatial analysis, offer insight into how human activities and physical space relate in urban systems by using quantitative methods to measure and analyze such activities.
Professor Wentz's teaching focuses on geographic technologies and graduate-level research design and proposal writing. Her book, "How to Design, Write, and Present a Successful Dissertation Proposal," guides students through the dissertation proposal process.
Ph.D. Geography, Pennsylvania State University 1997
Shape and pattern analysis, geographic information science, applications of GIS to urban environment, urban remote sensing, water resource management
Wentz, Elizabeth A. How to design and write a dissertation research proposal. Sage Publications (2013).
Other Refereed Publications:
Zhao, Qunshan, Soe Myint, Elizabeth Wentz and Chao Fan . Rooftop surface temperature analysis in urban residential environment, Remote Sensing, 7, 12135-12159; doi:10.3390/rs70912135 (2015).
Jia, Jessica, Kelli Larson, and Elizabeth A. Wentz, Quantifying the trade-off between landscape vegetation height, surface temperature, and water consumption in single-family homes in Tempe, AZ, Inquire 1: 16-35. (2015).
Deitrick, Stephanie and Elizabeth A. Wentz, A dual theory of uncertainty for decision making, Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2015).
Li, W., Chen, T., Wentz, E. A., & Fan, C., 2014, NMMI: A Mass Compactness Measure for Spatial Pattern Analysis of Areal Features. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(6), 1116-1133. (2014).
Wentz, Elizabeth A., Angela J. Wills, Won Kyung Kim, Soe W. Myint, Patricia Gober, and Robert C. Balling Jr., Factors Influencing Water Consumption in Multifamily Housing in Tempe, Arizona. The Professional Geographer, 66(3): 501-510, DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2013.805627 (2014).
Shimizu, Melinda, Randall S. Cerveny, Elizabeth A. Wentz, and Kevin E. McHugh, Geographic and Virtual Dissemination of an International Climatic Announcement. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2014).
Wentz, Elizabeth A., Sharolyn Anderson , Michail Fragkias , Maik Netzband, Victor Mesev , Soe W. Myint , Dale Quattrochi , Atiqur Rahman and Karen C. Seto , Supporting Global Environmental Change Research: A Review of Trends and Knowledge Gaps in Urban Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing, 6, 3879-3905; doi:10.3390/rs6053879 (2014).
Ouyang, Yun, Elizabeth A. Wentz, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Sharon L. Harlan, 2013, A Multi-Scale Analysis of Single-Family Residential Water Use in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12133 (2013).
Myint, Soe W., Elizabeth A. Wentz, Anthony Brazel, Dale Quattrochi, 2013, The impact of human-made features and natural landscapes on urban warming, Landscape Ecology 28(5):959-978, DOI: 10.1007/s10980-013-9868-y (2013).
Talen, Emily, Eliot Allen, Amanda Bosse, Josh Ahmann, Julia Koschinsky, Elizabeth A. Wentz, and Luc Anselin, 2013, LEED-ND as an Urban Metric, Landscape and Urban Planning 119: 20-34 DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2013.06.008 (2013).
Wentz, Elizabeth A., Angela J. Wills, Won Kyung Kim, Soe W. Myint, Patricia Gober, and Robert C. Balling, Jr., 2013, Factors Influencing Water Consumption in Multifamily Housing in Tempe Arizona, The Professional Geographer DOI:10.1080/00330124.2013.805627 (2013).
Wentz, Elizabeth A., Dale Quattrochi, Maik Netzband and Soe Myint 2012. Synthesizing urban remote sensing through application, scale, data and case studies, Geocarto International, DOI:10.1080/10106049.2012.687400 (2012).
Larson, Kelli L., Dorothy C. Ibes, and Elizabeth A. Wentz. Identifying the water conservation potential of neighborhoods in Phoenix, AZ: an integrated socio-spatial approach. In Geospatial Approaches to Urban Water Resources. Ed., P. Lawrence. Springer Series Geotechnologies and the Environment: Planning and Socioeconomic Applications, 39 pp. (2012).
Gober, Patricia, Elizabeth A. Wentz, Timothy Lant, Michael Tschudi, and Craig Kirkwood 2011. WaterSim: A Simulation Model for Urban Water Planning in Phoenix, Arizona, USA Environmental and Planning B doi:10.1068/b36075 (2011).
Garrity, Colleen, Randall Cerveny, and Elizabeth A. Wentz. Vertical Moisture Profile Characteristics of Severe Surface Drought and Surface Wetness in the Western U.S.: 1973-2002. International Journal of Climatology (2010).
Wentz, Elizabeth A., Donna J. Peuquet, Sharolyn Anderson. An ensemble approach to space-time interpolation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (2010).
Harms, Tamara K., Elizabeth A. Wentz, and Nancy B. Grimm. Spatial heterogeneity of denitrification in semi-arid floodplains. Ecosystems (2009).
P. Karnick, D. Cline, A. Razdan, E. Wentz, P. Wonka. A Shape Grammar for Developing Glyph-based Visualizations,. Computer Graphics Forum (2009).
Yabiku, Scott T., Jennifer E. Glick, Elizabeth A. Wentz, Steven A. Haas, and Li Zhu. Migration, health, and environment in the desert southwest. Population Environment (2009).
Elizabeth Wentz, David Nelson, Atiqur Rahman, William Stefanov, Shoursaseni Sen Roy. Expert System Classification of Urban Land Use/Cover for Delhi, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing (2008).
Emily Williams, Elizabeth Wentz. Pattern Analysis based on Type, Orientation, Size, and Shape Geographical Analysis. Geographical Analysis (2008).
Jason WALKER, Robert BALLING, John BRIGGS, Madhusudan Katti, Paige Warren, Elizabeth Wentz. Birds of a feather: interpolating distribution patterns of urban birds. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems (2008).
Seung-Jae Lee, Elizabeth Wentz. Applying Bayesian Maximum Entropy to Extrapolating Local-Scale Water Consumption in Maricopa County, Arizona. Water Resources Research (2008).
Elizabeth Wentz, Patricia Gober. Factors Influencing Water Consumption for the City of Phoenix, Arizona. Water Resources Management (2007).
Eric Keys, Elizabeth Wentz, Charles Redman. The spatial structure of land use from 1970-2000 in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. Professional Geographer (2007).
ERIC KEYS, Elizabeth Wentz, Charles Redman, Charles Redman. The Spatial Structure of Land Use from 1970-2000 in the Phoenix, Arizona Metropolitan Area. The Professional Geographer (2007).
Robert Edsall, Elizabeth Wentz. Comparing strategies for active learning in introductory undergraduate geography courses: physical models vs. computer visualization. Journal of Geography in Higher Education (2007).
Robert Edsall, Elizabeth Wentz. Comparing strategies for learning in introductory undergraduate geography concepts: physical models vs. computer visualization. Journal of Geography in Higher Education (2007).
Soe Myint, Elizabeth Wentz, Sam Purkis. Is Getis index more effective than spatial autocorrelation in detecting spatial pattern? A case study of an urban land use and land cover mapping. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (2007).
Ruddell, Darren, Wentz, Elizabeth. Scale; Population; and Spatial Analysis: A Methodological Investigation. (2007).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Structural Analysis of Land Use Pattern in Delhi India. Proceedings for the 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. (2007).
Wentz, Elizabeth Ann. Cognitive models of space. Encyclopedia of Human Geography (2006).
Elizabeth Wentz, William Stefanov, Corinna Gries, Diane Hope. A comparison of land use and land cover mapping approaches in an arid urban environment. Computers Environment and Urban Systems (2006).
DiBiase, D, DeMers, M, Johnson, A, Kemp, K, Luck, A, Plewe, B, Wentz, Elizabeth Ann. Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge. (2006).
DiBiase, D, DeMers, M, Johnson, A, Kemp, K, Luck, A, Plewe, B, Wentz, Elizabeth Ann. Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge, 1st Ed. (2006).
Elizabeth Wentz, William Stefanov, Corinna Gries, Diane Hope. A comparison of land use and land cover mapping approaches in an arid urban environment. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems (2005).
Cole, Christopher, Wentz, Elizabeth, Christensen, Philip. Expert system approach for classifying land cover in New Delhi India using ASTER imagery. (2005).
Moeller, Matthias, Wentz, Elizabeth. ISPRS WG VII/I "Human Settlements and Impact Analysis". IEEE, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science (2005).
Brenda Koerner, Elizabeth Wentz, Robert Balling. Projected carbon dioxide (CO2) for the year 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona. Environmental Management (2004).
Elizabeth Wentz, Aimee Campbell, Robert Houston. Implementing and testing two methods of spatio-temporal data interpolation applied to tracking the movement of monkeys. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (2003).
Harvey Miller, Elizabeth Wentz. Geographic Representation in Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2003).
. . Review of: Modelling Scale in Geographical Information Science (2003).
Elizabeth Wentz, Patricia Gober, Robert Balling, Day Thomas. Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Carbon Dioxide in an Urban Environment. The Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2002).
Thomas Day, Patricia Gober, Fusheng Xiong, Elizabeth Wentz. Temporal patterns in near-surface CO2 concentrations over contrasting vegetation types in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (2002).
. . Review of: Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems, 3rd edition (2002).
Elizabeth Wentz, Barbara Trapido-Lurie. Structured Internships in Geographic Information Science Education. Journal of Geography (2001).
Elizabeth Wentz, Brandon Vogt, Michael Kuby. Use of geographic information systems for extraction of peak and canyon locations in the State of Arizona. Cartography and Geographic Information Science (2001).
Michael Kuby, Elizabeth Wentz, Brandon Vogt, Randall Virden. The Arizona 20-20 Challenge. Tourism Geographies (2001).
Michael Kuby, Elizabeth Wentz, Brandon Vogt, Randy Virden. Experiences in Developing a Tourism Web Site for Hiking Arizona's Highest Summits and Deepest Canyons. Tourism Geographies (2001).
Wentz, Elizabeth, Anderson, Sharolyn, Stefanov, William, Briggs, John. Desert Fire History and Effects on the Phoenix, Arizona, Metropolitan Area. (2001).
Elizabeth Wentz. Development and Testing of a Trivariate Shape Measure for Geographic Analysis. Geographical Analysis (2000).
George Hepner, Carolyn Merry, Dawn Wright, Elizabeth Wentz, Sharolyn Anderson, Amy Budge. Remotely Acquired Data and Information in GIScience. UCGIS Research Initiative (2000).
Wentz, Elizabeth A. Harvey J. Miller. Encyclopedia of Geography, Barney Warf (ed) (0).
Garrity, Colleen, Randall Cerveny, and Elizabeth A. Wentz. Vertical Moisture Profile Characteristics of Severe Surface Drought and Surface Wetness in the Western U.S.: 1973-2002. International Journal of Climatology (0).
Gober, Patricia, Elizabeth A. Wentz, Timothy Lant, Michael Tschudi, and Craig Kirkwood. WaterSim: A Simulation Model for Urban Water Planning in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Environmental and Planning B (0).
Lee, Seung-Jae, Elizabeth A. Wentz, and Patricia Gober. Temporal Geographic Information Systems (TGIS) to Forecast Future Water Consumption in Phoenix, Arizona. Journal of Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (0).
Ruddell, Darren and Elizabeth A. Wentz. Multi-tasking: scale in geography. Compass Geography (0).
Elizabeth A. Wentz, William L. Stefanov, Matthias Möller, Maik Netzband, and Anthony Brazel. The Urban Environmental Modeling (UEM) Project 100 Cities: the legacy of the first phase and next steps. Global Mapping of Human Settlement: Experiences, Data sets, and Prospects (0).
Research Activity
White,Dave Douglas*, Abbott,Joshua K, Aggarwal,Rimjhim M, Anderies,John M, Bliss,Nadya T, Eakin,Hallie C, Gober,Patricia, Hanemann,William Michael Micha, Hanemann,William Michael Micha, Johnston,Erik W, Larson,Kelli Leigh, Larson,Kelli Leigh, Maciejewski,Ross, Mack,Elizabeth Anne, Miller,Clark Anson, Pfeiffer,Deirdre A, Quay,Raymond G, Redman,Charles L, Redman,Charles L, Sabo,John L, Sampson,David Arthur, Schoon,Michael L, Turner II,Billie Lee, Turner II,Billie Lee, Vivoni,Enrique, Vivoni,Enrique, Wang,Zhihua, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann, Westerhoff,Paul, Wiek,Arnim, Wutich,Amber Yoder, York,Abigail. DMUU: DCDC III: Transformational Solutions for Urban Water Sustainability Transit. NSF-SBE(9/1/2015 - 8/31/2019).
Wentz,Elizabeth Ann*. Synthesis of LCLUC Studies on Urbanization:State of the Art Gaps in Knowledge. YALE UNIV(1/1/2015 - 12/31/2017).
Yabiku,Scott Thomas*, Glick,Jennifer Elyse, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann. Innovation in the Measurement of Community Contextual Features. HHS-NIH-NICHD(6/15/2013 - 3/31/2016).
Myint,Soe W*, Aggarwal,Rimjhim M, Selover,Nancy Joan, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann. Evaluation of Drought Risks and its Impact on Agricultural Land and Water Use to Support Adaptive Decision-making. DOC-NOAA(8/1/2012 - 7/31/2016).
Wentz,Elizabeth Ann*, Myint,Soe W. International Workshop on Geospatial Solutions to Analyze Rapid Urbanization. NSF-SBE(9/1/2010 - 8/31/2012).
Wentz,Elizabeth Ann*, Edsall,Robert M. Advancing watershed N management at the local level: Incorporating stream reach ecosystem N sinks into an environmental spatial decision support syste. UNIV OF RHODE ISLAND(9/1/2007 - 5/31/2012).
Wonka,Peter*, Razdan,Anshuman, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann. SEI(GEO): Visual Geo-Analystics. NSF-CISE(2/14/2007 - 7/31/2010).
Wonka,Peter*, Razdan,Anshuman, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann. SEI(GEO): Visual Geo-Analystics. NSF-CISE(8/1/2006 - 2/13/2007).
S. Myint, A. Brazel, E. Wentz. The impact of detailed land-cover categories on urban warming. ASPRS meeting (Apr 2010).
E. Wentz, A. Brazel, S. Myint, A. Wills. Outdoor water consumption and the impact on the urban heat island in Phoenix AZ. Annual meeting of the association of american geographers (Apr 2010).
E. Wentz. The urban environmental monitoring project. ASU, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning (Feb 2010).
E. Wentz. Computational spatial analysis techniques for better understanding urban water demand. Department of Geography, University of California – Los Angeles (Feb 2009).
Elizabeth Wentz. The Urban Environmental Monitoring Project: 100 cities. Department of Geography, Florida State University (Oct 2008).
Robert Edsall and Aileen Buckley and Elizabeth Wentz. The interface between cartography and remote sensing with. American Association for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (May 2008).
Elizabeth A Wentz. Geographic pattern analysis: an exploration of methodological, applied, and theoretical problems. School of Human Evolution and Social Change, ASU (Apr 2008).
Elizabeth Wentz. Geographic pattern analysis: an exploration of applied, methodological, and theoretical problems. Association of American Geographers (Apr 2008).
Yabiku, Scott T., Jennifer E. Glick, Steven Haas, and Lu Zhu, . Migration, Health, and Environment in the Desert Southwest. Population Association of America (Apr 2008).
Elizabeth Wentz. The Urban Environmental Monitoring Project: 100 cities. Department of Geography, University of New Mexico (Apr 2008).
Elizabeth A Wentz. Geographic pattern analysis: an exploration of methodological, applied, and theoretical problems. Department of Geography, University of Texas – Austin (Feb 2008).
E. Wentz J. Howard, K. Larson, and D. White. The Use of GIS as a Decision-Support Tool by Water Managers in Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona State University CAP – LTER, (Jan 2008).
E. Wentz S. J. Lee. Spatial Extrapolation Mapping Based on Aggregated Data: Countywide Extrapolation of Phoenix Water Use Data. Arizona State University CAP – LTER, (Jan 2008).
E. Wentz S.J. Lee, and P. Gober. Temporal Geographic Information Systems (TGIS) to Forecast FutureWater Consumption in Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona State University CAP – LTER, (Jan 2008).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Defining pattern for data mining and spatial data analysis. Autocarto (Jun 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth. A spatial decision support tool for regional water managers: scenarios for predicting residential water consumption. Decision Support Systems Symposium (May 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth, Lant, T. A spatial decision support tool for regional water managers: scenarios for predicting residential water consumption. Decision Support Systems Symposium, Tucson AZ (May 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Classifying land cover in New Delhi India using ASTER imagery. Association of American Geographers (Mar 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Factors Influencing Water Consumption for the City of Phoenix, Arizona. AAG annual meeting, Chicago IL (Mar 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Factors Influencing Water Consumption for the City of Phoenix, Arizona. Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (Mar 2006).
Nelson, David, Wentz, Elizabeth. Classifying land cover in New Delhi India using ASTER imagery. AAG annual meeting (Mar 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Factors Influencing Water Consumption for the City of Phoenix, Arizona. Decision Center for a Desert City (Feb 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth, Gober, P. Factors Influencing Water Consumption for the City of Phoenix, Arizona. DCDC Water Briefing (Feb 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth, Gober, P. Factors Influencing Water Consumption for the City of Phoenix, Arizona. CAP LTER poster symposium (Jan 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Factors Influencing Water Consumption for the City of Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona State University CAP-LTER (Jan 2006).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Expert system approach for classifying land cover in New Delhi India using ASTER imagery. 3rd International Symposium Remote Sensing and Data Fusion Over Urban Areas (URBAN 2005) (Mar 2005).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Expert system approach for classifying land cover in New Delhi India using ASTER imagery. 5th International Symposium Remote Sensing of Urban Areas (URS 2005) (Mar 2005).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Polygon Pattern Analysis based on Type, Orientation, Shape, and Size. GIScience (Oct 2004).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Implementing and testing two methods of spatio-temporal data interpolation applied to tracking the movement of monkeys. (Sep 2004).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Implementing and testing two methods of spatio-temporal data interpolation applied to tracking the movement of monkeys. (Apr 2004).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Projected carbon dioxide (CO2) for the year 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona. Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (Mar 2003).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in an Urban Environment. Department of Geological Sciences (Feb 2003).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Desert Fire History and Effects on the Phoenix, Arizona, Metropolitan Area. Arizona State University CAP-LTER (Jan 2002).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Implementing and testing two methods of spatio-temporal data interpolation applied to tracking the movement of monkeys. (Nov 2001).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Implementing and testing two methods of spatio-temporal data interpolation applied to tracking the movement of monkeys. (Mar 2001).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Implementing and testing two methods of spatio-temporal data interpolation applied to tracking the movement of monkeys. (Feb 2001).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Implementing and testing two methods of spatio-temporal data interpolation applied to tracking the movement of monkeys. GIScience 2000 (Oct 2000).
Wentz, Elizabeth. GIS research and teaching from a North American perspective. (Sep 2000).
Wentz, Elizabeth. Use of geographic information systems for extracting peaks and canyons. Association of American Geographers (Mar 2000).