Mina Johnson
Phone: 602-831-9888
Mail code: 1104Campus: Tempe
Mina Johnson works in two arenas: academia and industry. After graduating with a doctorate in cognitive psychology, she went on to work as a research scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She moved to Arizona State University in 2009. She has been the principal investigator, or co-PI, on over a dozen private and public grants, including National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation and the Gates Foundation. She publishes under the name Mina C. Johnson-Glenberg and her current research focuses on STEM education, using games, augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR) a specturm now called eXtended Realities (XR).
Johnson is an entrepreneur who has started three companies. The first, called the NeuronFarm, was funded with four Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants. Its flagship product was one of the first text comprehension training apps to use neural networks or Artificial Intelligence (AI) to give user feedback. Her current company, Embodied Games LLC, creates STEM content for lifelong learners using state-of-the-art augmented and virtual reality meshed with motion capture. Experience the team's latest educational games for free at https://www.embodied-games.com/games/
- Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology, University of Colorado-Boulder 1998
- M.A., Cognitive Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder 1996
- B.A., Film and Video Production/German, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany 1983
- Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio 1980-84
Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality (VR) called XR. STEM education, embodied learning, learning assessment, game design, AI, Neural Networks, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), Experimental design, Equity in STEM, Machine learning
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Kosa, M. and O'Rourke H. P. (2022). STEM learning, science identity and immersivity: Giant screen films comparing 2D, 3D, and dome formats including a videogame assessment. Front. Educ. 7:1096889.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2022). Evaluating Embodied Immersive STEM VR: Quality of Education in Virtual Reality Rubric (QUIVRR). S. L. Macrine and J. Fugate (Eds.) Movement Matters: How Embodied Cognition Informs Teaching and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Ulrich, M., Evans, B., Liu, F. W., Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., & LiKamWa, R. (2021). AR-some Chemistry Models: Interactable 3D Molecules through Augmented Reality. MobileHCI '21 Adjunct: Adjunct Publication of the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction. 20, 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1145/3447527.3474874
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Bartolomea, H., & Kalina, E. (2021). Platform is not destiny: Embodied learning effects comparing 2D desktop to 3D virtual reality STEM experiences. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcal.12567
Huang, W., Roscoe, R. D., Craig, S. D., & Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2021). Extending the Cognitive-Affective Theory of Learning with Media in Virtual Reality Learning: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Journal of Educational Computing Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/07356331211053630
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Kosa, M., Balanzat, D., Nieland, R., Apostol, X., Rayan, J. A., Taylor, H., Bartolomea, H., & Kapadia, A. (2021). COVIDCampus Game: Making Safer Choices. Proceedings of the International Conference on Immersive Learning Network 2021 (ILRN).
DiBenigno, M., Kosa, M., & Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2021). Flow Immersive: A Multiuser, Multidimensional, Multiplatform Interactive Covid-19 Data Visualization Tool. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.661613/full
Ioannou, A. Bhagat, K. K., Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2021). Learning Experience Design: Embodiment, Gesture, and Interactivity in XR: Editorial. Educational Technology & Society.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Jehn, M., Cheung, R., Nieland Zavala, R., Apostal, X., Rayan, J., & Bartolomea, H. (2021) Genesis of the Interactive CovidClassroom Simulation. Frontiers in Communication. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcomm.2021.657756/full
Huang, W., Roscoe, R., Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., & Craig, S, (2020). Motivation, engagement, and performance across multiple virtual reality sessions and levels of immersion. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37, 3 745-758.
Johnson-Glenberg, M.C., Su, M., Bartolomeo, H., Ly, V., Nieland Zavala, R., Kalina E. (2020). Embodied Agentic STEM Education: Effects of 3D VR Compared to 2D PC. Immersive Learning Research Network. Proceedings of 6th International Conference, iLRN 2020, Online, June 21-25, 2020. Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-0-4.
Ioannou, M., Georgiou, Y., Ioannou, A., & Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2019). On the understanding of students’ learning and perceptions of technology integration in low- and high-embodied group learning. In Lund, K., Niccolai, G. P., Lavoué, E., Hmelo-Silver, C., Gweon, G., and Baker, M. (Eds.). A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), V. 2. Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2019). The Necessary Nine: Design Principles for Embodied VR and Active STEM Education (pp. 83-112). In P. Diaz, A. Ioannou, K.K. Bhagat, & J.M. Spector (Eds.), Learning in a Digital World: Perspective on Interactive Technologies for Formal and Informal Education. Singapore, Springer. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-8265-9_5
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2018). Immersive VR and education: Embodied design principles that include gesture and hand controls. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 5, 81. Open source https://doi.org/10.3389/frobt.2018.00081
Poppelaars, A., Scholten, H., Granic, I, Veling, H., Johnson-Glenberg, M.C., & Luijten, M. (2018). When winning is losing: A randomized controlled trial testing a video game to train food-specific inhibitory control. Appetite, 129, 143-154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2018.06.039. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666317317592)
Hermans, R.C. J, van den Broek, N., Nederkoorn, C., Otten, R., Ruiter, E.L.M., & Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2018). Feed the Alien! The effects of a nutrition instruction game on children’s nutritional knowledge and food intake. Games for Health Journal, 7, 3, 164-174.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2017). Embodied education in mixed and virtual realities: Results and principles for content design. In Liu, D., Dede, C., Huang, R ., & Richards J. (Eds). Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Realities in Education.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., & Megowan-Romanowicz, C. (2017). Embodied science and mixed reality: How gesture and motion capture affect physics education. Cognitive Research: Practices and Implications. 2, 24. 10.1186/s41235-017-0060-9. https://cognitiveresearchjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41235-017-0060-9
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. Birchfield, D., Megowan-Romanowicz, C. & Savio-Ramos, C. (2016). Effects of embodied learning and digital platform on the retention of physics content: Centripetal force. Frontiers in Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01819
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Birchfield, D., Megowan-Romanowicz, C., & Snow, E. L. (2015). If the gear fits, spin it! Embodied education and in-game assessments. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-based Simulations. 7, 4.
Johnson-Glenberg, M.C., Savio-Ramos, C., & Henry, H. (2014). “Alien Health”: A Nutrition Instruction Exergame using the Kinect Sensor. Games for Health Journal. Open Access. http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1089/g4h.2013.0094
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Savio-Ramos, C., Perkins, K.K., Moore, E.B., Robb Lindgren, R., Clark, D., Brady, C., Sengupta, P., Martinez-Garza, M., Killingsworth, S., Adams, D., Gaydos, M., Barany, A., & Squire, K. (2014). Science Sims and Games: Best Design Practices and Fave Flops. Proceedings from the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS): Learning and becoming in practice, Boulder, CO. 3, 1201-1202. June 2014.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2014). Embodied Cognition for Education. In Denis, P. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. Sage Publications.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Birchfield, D. A., Tolentino, L., & Koziupa, T. (2013).Collaborative Embodied Learning in Mixed Reality Motion-Capture Environments: Two Science Studies. Journal of Educational Psychology. 106, 1, 86-104. doi: 10.1037/a0034008
Lindgren, R. & Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2013). Emboldened by Embodiment: Six Precepts regarding the Future of Embodied Learning and Mixed Reality Technologies. Educational Researcher. 42, 8, 445- 452. doi: 10.3102/0013189X13511661
Johnson-Glenberg. M. C., & Hekler, E. (2013). Alien health game: An embodied, exergame to instruct in nutrition and MyPlate . Games for Health Journal: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications, 2, 6, 354-361. http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/g4h.2013.0057. doi: 10.1089/g4h.2013.0057.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., & the EGL Lab Group. (2013). Using motion sensing for learning: A serious nutrition game. In R. Shumaker (Ed.): Human Computers and Interactions International VAMR/HCII 2013, Part II, LNCS 8022, . 380–389. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Cohen, T., Portiz, P., Kahol, K., MacKenzie, J. Olson, C., Johnson-Glenberg, M., & Patel, V. (2012). Avatar–Based Simulation in the Evaluation of Diagnosis & Management of Mental Health. Disorders in Primary Care. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2012.07.009
Abrahamson, D., Black, J. B., DeLiema, D. J., Enyedy, N., Hoyer, D., Fadjo, C. L., Gutiérrez, J. F., Martin, H. T., Petrick, C. J., Steen, F. F., Trninic, D. Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2012). In D. Abrahamson (Chair & Organizer). You’re it! Body, action, and object in STEM learning. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences: Future of Learning (ICLS) (Vol. 1, pp. 283-290). Sydney: University of Sydney / ISLS.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Birchfield, D., Koziupa, T., Savio-Ramos, C. & Cruse , J. (July, 2012). Seeing It versus Doing It: Lessons from Mixed Reality STEM Education. Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences (ICLS), 2, Sydney, Australia.
Johnson Glenberg, M.,C. & Cruse, J. (June, 2012) Serious Games in Technology-enabled Embodied Learning Environments: Two Games for Health with the Kinect. Proceedings from Games Learning and Society (GLS). Madison, WI.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. & the EGL Group (Embodied Games for Learning). (April, 2012). Learning in the K-12 Classroom: a Taxonomy. Symposium and Proceedings from the Annual Conference of the American Education Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, British Columbia.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Koziupa, T., Birchfield, D. & Li, K., (2011). Games for Learning in Embodied Mixed-Reality Environments: Principles and Results. Proceedings for Games, Learning, and Society Conference, Madison, WI.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Birchfield, D., Savvides, P., & Megowan-Romanowicz, C. (2011). Semi-virtual Embodied Learning – Real World STEM Assessment. In L. Annetta & S. Bronack (eds.)
Serious Educational Game Assessment: Practical Methods and Models for Educational Games, Simulations and Virtual Worlds. pp. 241-258. Rotterdam: Sense Publications.
Birchfield, D., & Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2010). A next gen Interface for embodied learning: SMALLab and the geological layer cake. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-mediated Simulation, 2, 1, 49-58.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2010). Embedded Formative e-Assessment: Who Benefits, Who Falters? Educational Media International, 47, 2, 153-171.
Birchfield, D., Campana, E., Hatton, S., Johnson-Glenberg, M., Kelliher, A., Olson, L., Martinez, C. Savvides, P. & Tolentino, L. (2009). Embodied and mediated learning in SMALLab: A student-centered mixed-reality environment. ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Birchfield, D., & Uysal, S. (2009). SMALLab: Virtual Geology Studies using Embodied Learning with Motion, Sound, and Graphics. Educational Media International, 46, 4, 267-280.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Birchfield, D., Megowan-Romanowicz, C., Tolentino, L., & Martinez, C. (2009). Embodied Games, Next Gen Interfaces, and Assessment of High School Physics. International Journal of Learning and Media,1, 2. Access at http://ijlm.net/node/12813
Tolentino, L., Birchfield, D., Megowan-Romanowicz, C., Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., Kelliher, A., & Martinez, C. (2009). Teaching and learning in the mixed-reality science classroom. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 18, 6, 501-517. doi: 10.1007/s10956-009-9166
Buckley, S., & Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2008). Increasing literacy learning for individuals with Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome. In S.F. Warren & M.E. Fey (Series Eds.) & J.E. Roberts, R.S. Chapman, & S.F. Warren (Vol. Eds.), Communication and language intervention series: Speech and language development and intervention in Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome (pp. 233-254). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2007b). Web-based Reading Comprehension Instruction: Three studies of 3D-Readers. In D. McNamara (ed.) Reading Comprehension Strategies: Theory, Interventions, and Technologies. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2005) Web-based training of metacognitive strategies for text comprehension: Focus on poor comprehenders. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 18:1 - 33, 755-786.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., & Chapman, R. S. (2004). Predictors of parent-child linguistic tuning and label requests during play: A comparison between children who are typically developing and individuals with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Research, 48, 3, 225-238.
Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2000). Training reading comprehension in adequate decoders/poor comprehenders: Verbal vs. visual strategies. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 4, 772-782.
- Currently Co-PI on 3 NSF grants
- Glenberg,Arthur Mitchell*, Campana,Ellen, Campana,Ellen, Coleman,Grisha, Johnson,Mina Catherine, Johnson,Mina Catherine, Johnson,Mina Catherine, , Megowan,Colleen, Megowan,Colleen, Savenye,Wilhelmina C, Tinapple,David A. Embodied STEM Learning Across Technolog-Based Learning Environments. NSF-EHR(8/15/2010 - 7/31/2016).
- Birchfield,David A*, Gee,Elisabeth Ruth, Gee,James Paul, Glenberg,Arthur Mitchell, Johnson,Mina Catherine, Kelliher,Aisling G, Kelliher,Aisling G. Gaming SMALLAB: a game-like approach to embodied learning. MACARTHUR FDN(7/1/2008 - 1/31/2011).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 592 | Research |
SHS 592 | Research |
HON 493 | Honors Thesis |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PSY 399 | Supervised Research |
SHS 592 | Research |
HON 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 399 | Supervised Research |
PSY 399 | Supervised Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 592 | Research |
HON 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 592 | Research |
HON 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
SHS 592 | Research |
HON 493 | Honors Thesis |
PSY 498 | Pro-Seminar |
PSY 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 592 | Research |
HON 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
SHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
HON 493 | Honors Thesis |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 592 | Research |
PSY 498 | Pro-Seminar |
PSY 598 | Special Topics |
HON 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 598 | Special Topics |
PSY 598 | Special Topics |