Xihong Peng
Phone: 480-727-5013
WANER 340N Mesa, AZ 85212
Mail code: 2780Campus: Poly
Dr. Xihong Peng joined ASU, Polytechnic campus, as an assistant professor in 2008 and was promoted to associate professor in 2014, professor in 2021. She received her doctorate in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, in 2007. She was a visiting assistant professor at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York for the 2007-2008 academic year before joining ASU.
Dr. Peng's research group perform first-principles electronic structure calculations to explore novel materials and seek their application in nanoelectronics and renewable energies, as well as to gain a fundamental understanding of the materials’ properties at the atomic level.
- Ph.D. Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), New York, 2007
- B.S. Physics, Beijing Normal University, China, 2000
Peng's primary field of expertise is first-principles calculations of the electronic structures of a variety of materials and systems. The advantage of first-principles calculations is that the key properties and behaviors of physical systems, including energies, structural and electronic properties, can be readily predicted using Schrodinger’s Equation from Quantum Mechanics without having to rely on fitting parameters. First-principles calculations are also applicable to solving problems across various fields, ranging from physics and chemistry to biology and material sciences. They are playing an essential role in modern scientific research and explorations.
Peng's research interests are to explore novel materials and seek their application in nanoelectronics and renewable energies, as well as to gain a fundamental understanding of the materials’ properties at the atomic level.
Key research interests:
- First-principle density-functional theory calculations of electronic properties, strain effect and photo-chemical characteristics of group IV, V, III-V, II-VI nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoribbons and phosphorene for potential application in nano-electronic devices.
- Investigation of novel materials for photocatalysts and high capacity Li-ion battery electrodes through theoretical calculations.
- Investigation of physical and photo-chemical properties of transition metal oxide catalysts via density-functional theory.
- Guang Yang, visiting graduate student, fall 2017.
- Andrew Copple, Ph.D student, fall 2010 - summer 2016.
- Tianxing Ma, visiting professor, Sept. 2012, Mar. 2016.
- Qun Wei, visiting professor, summer 2013 - summer 2014.
- Sean Caudle, Master student, fall 2011 - fall 2013.
- Nathaniel Ralston, Master student, fall 2011 - spring 2012.
- Paul Logan, Ph.D student, spring 2009 - fall 2000.
- Guang Yang†, Tianxing Ma*, and Xihong Peng*, “Superior mechanical flexibility and strained-engineered direct-indirect band gap transition of green phosphorene”, Applied Physics Letters 112, 241904 (2018).
- Kwai S. Chan*, Michael A. Miller, Xihong Peng, “First-Principles Computational Study of Hygrogen Storage in Silicon Clathrates”, Materials Research letters 6 (1), 72-78 (2018).
- Kwai S. Chan*, Xihong Peng, “First-Principles Study of the Electronic Structure of Type I Hybrid Carbon-Silicon Clathrates”, Journal of Electronic Materials 45 (8), 4246-4255. DOI 10.1007/s11664-016-4621-3 (2016)
- Xihong Peng, Qun Wei†, Ying Li, Candace Chan* “First principles study of lithiation of type I Ba-doped silicon clathrates”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(51), 28247-28257. (2015).
- A. Arvay, J. French, J.-C. Wang, X.-H. Peng and A.M. Kannan*, “Modeling and simulation of biologically inspired flow field designs for proton exchange membrane fuel cells”, The Open Electrochemistry Journal 6, 1-9. (2015)
- Xihong Peng, Man Li, Candace Chan* “Investigation of the optical absorbance, electronic, and photocatalytic properties of (Cu1-xCox)2(OH)PO4 solid solutions”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 4684-4693. (2015).
- Zhigang Liu*, Zili Wu, Xihong Peng, Andrew Binder, Songhai Chai, Sheng Dai, “Origin of active oxygen in a ternary CuOx/Co3O4-CeO2 catalyst for CO oxidation”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 27870-27877 (2014).
- Xihong Peng*, Qun Wei†, “Chemical scissors cut phosphorene nanostructures”, Materials Research Express 1, 045041 (2014).
- Xihong Peng*, Andrew Copple, Qun Wei†, “Edge effects on the electronic properties of phosphorene nanoribbons”, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 144301 (2014).
- Xihong Peng*, Qun Wei†, Andrew Copple, “Strain engineered direct-indirect band gap transition and its mechanism in 2D phosphorene”, Physical Review B 90, 085402 (2014).
- Qun Wei†, Xihong Peng*, “Superior mechanical flexibility of phosphorene and few-layer black phosphorus”, Applied Physics Letters 104, 251915 (2014).
- Nicholas A. Wagner, Rahul Raghavan, Ran Zhao, Qun Wei†, Xihong Peng, Candace K. Chan*, “Electrochemical cycling of sodium-filled silicon clathrate”, ChemElectroChem Volume 1, Issue 2, pages 347-353, (2014).
- M. Li, Q. Cheng, R. M. Wittman, X.-H. Peng and C. K. Chan*, “Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Properties of the Copper Hydroxyphosphate Mineral Libethenite”, ChemElectroChem, Volume 1, Issue 3, pages 663-672, (2014).
- Kwai S. Chan*, Michael A. Miller, Wuwei Liang, Carol Ellis-Terrell, and Xihong Peng, “First principles computational design and synthesis of hybrid carbon-silicon clathrates”, Journal of Materials Science 49, 2723-2733 (2014).
- X.-H. Peng*, A. Copple, “Origination of the direct-indirect band gap transition in strained wurtzite and zinc-blende GaAs nanowires: a first principles study”, Physical Review B 87, 115308 (2013).
- A. Arvay, J. French, J.-C. Wang, X.-H. Peng and A. M. Kannan*, “Nature inspired flow field designs for proton exchange membrane fuel cell”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38, 3717-3726 (2013).
- Q. Cheng, X.-H. Peng, C. K. Chan*, “Structural and photoelectrochemical evaluation of nanotextured Sn-doped AgInS2 films prepared by spray pyrolysis”, ChemSusChem 6 (1), 102-109 (2013).
- A. Copple, N. Ralston, X.-H. Peng*, “Engineering direct-indirect band gap transition in wurtzite GaAs nanowires through size and uniaxial strain”, Applied Physics Letters 100, 193108 (2012).
- X.-H. Peng*, F. Tang, A. Copple, “Engineering the work function of armchair graphene nanoribbons using strain and surface functional species: a first principles study”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 075501(2012).
- M. M. Rodriguez, X.-H. Peng, L. Liu, Y. Li, and J. M. Andino*, “A density functional theory and experimental study of CO2 interaction with brookite TiO2”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (37), 19755-19764 (2012).
- A. Arvay, E. Yli-Rantala, C.-H. Liu, X.-H. Peng, P. Koski, L. Cindrella, P. Kauranen, P. M. Wilde, and A. M. Kannan*, “Characterization techniques for gas diffusion layers for proton exchange membrane fuel cells – a review”, Journal of Power Sources 213, 317-337 (2012).
- A. Arvay, A. Ahmed, X.-H. Peng, A. M. Kannan*, “Convergence criteria establishment for 3D simulation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37, 2482-2489 (2012).
- X.-H. Peng*, F. Tang, P. Logan, “Band structure of Si/Ge core-shell nanowires along the [110] direction modulated by external uniaxial strain”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 115502 (2011).
- X.-H. Peng*, S. Velasquez, “Strain modulated band gap of edge passivated armchair graphene nanoribbons”, Applied Physics Letters 98, 023112 (2011).
- X.-H. Peng*, P. Logan, “Electronic properties of strained Si/Ge core-shell nanowires” Applied Physics Letters 96, 143119 (2010).
- J. F. Lin, C. W. Mason, A. Adame, X. Liu, X.-H. Peng, A. M. Kannan*, “Synthesis of Pt nanocatalyst with micelle-encapsulated multi-walled carbon nanotubes as support for proton exchange membrane fuel cells”, Electrochimica Acta 55, 6496-6500 (2010).
- P. Logan, X.-H. Peng*, “Strain-modulated electronic properties of Ge nanowires: a first-principles study”, Physical Review B 80, 115322 (2009).
- X.-H. Peng*, A. Alizadeh, S. K. Kumar, and S. K. Nayak, “Ab-initio study of size and strain effects on the electronic properties of Si nanowires”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics 1, 483 (2009).
- Y. Zhang, X.-H. Peng, Y. Chen, A. Curino, W. Andreoni, S. K. Nayak*, X.-C. Zhang, and “A first principle study of terahertz (THz) spectra of acephate”, Chemical Physics Letters 452, 59-66 (2008).
- S. Sreekala*, X.-H. Peng, P. M. Ajayan, and S. K. Nayak, “Effect of strain on the band gap and effective mass of zigzag single-wall carbon nanotubes: first-principles density-functional calculations”, Physical Review B 77, 155434 (2008).
- X.-H. Peng, S. K. Nayak*, A. Alizadeh, K. K. Varanasi, N. Bhate, L. B. Rowland, and S. K. Kumar, “First-principles study of the effects of polytype and size on energy gaps in SiC nanoclusters”, Journal of Applied Physics 102, 024304 (2007).
- X.-H. Peng*, A. Alizadeh, N. Bhate, K. K. Varanasi, S. K. Kumar, and S. K. Nayak, “First-principles investigation of strain effects on the energy gaps in Si nanoclusters”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 266212 (2007).
- X.-H. Peng*, S. Ganti, A. Alizadeh, P. Sharma, S. K. Kumar, and S. K. Nayak, “Strain-engineered photoluminescence of silicon nanoclusters”, Physical Review B 74, 035339 (2006).
- K. Iyakutti*, A. Bodapati, X.-H. Peng, P. Keblinski, S. K. Nayak, “Electronic band structure, electron-phonon interaction, and superconductivity of (5, 5), (10, 10) and (5, 0) carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review B 73, 035413 (2006).
- X.-H. Peng, S. Ganti, P. Sharma*, A. Alizadeh, S. K. Nayak, S. K. Kumar, “Novel scaling laws for band gaps of quantum dots”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2, 469 (2005).
- N. P. Adhikari, X.-H. Peng, A. Alizadeh, S. Ganti, S. K. Nayak, and S. K. Kumar*, “Multiscale modeling of the surfactant mediated synthesis and supramolecular assembly of cobalt nanodots”, Physical Review Letters 93, 188301 (2004).
- M. Zhan*, Z.-G. Zheng, G. Hu, X.-H. Peng, “Nonlocal chaotic phase synchronization”, Physical Review E 62, 3552 (2000).
Awards and Sponsored Research Grants
- Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Materials Research, “Collaborative Research: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Electrochemical Studies of Framework Substituted Germanium and Tin Clathrates”, Funding period: September 1, 2017 – August 31, 2020, Award amount: $195,000, Role: Co-PI(PI: Candace Chan; Co-PI: Xihong Peng).
- Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Undergraduate Education, “Identifying and addressing mathematical difficulties in introductory physics courses”, Funding period: September 1, 2015 – August 31, 2019, Award amount: $250,000, Role: Co-PI(PI: David Meltzer; Co-PIs: Yun Kang & Xihong Peng).
- Funded by Arizona ABOR, Materials Research Seed Initiative, “Tri-University Advanced Materials Project, at the interface: hybrid materials leading to new energy conversion and energy storage platforms”, Funding period: January 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016, Award amount: $200,000, Role: Senior Personnel (ASU PI: Robert Nemanich; UA PI Neal Armstrong; NAU PI Constantin Ciocanel).
- Funded by School of Letters and Sciences, Arizona State University, “Development of novel materials/catalysts for applications in alternative renewable energies – preliminary data collection”, Funding period: Summer 2013, Award amount: $15,000, Role: PI.
- Funded by Salt River Project, “Reliability and performance evaluation of batteries in hot/dry climate”, Funding period: 6/15/2012 – 6/30/2013, Award amount: $44,938, Role: Co-PI.
- Funded by School of Letters and Sciences, Arizona State University, “Earth-abundant metal oxysulfides as active layer in next-generation photovoltaics – preliminary data collection”, Funding period: 1/1/2013 – 6/30/2013, Award amount: $14,714, Role: PI.
- Funded by College of Technology and Innovation, Arizona State University, “Synthesis effects of catalytic defect and strain in hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of MgH2 – preliminary data collection”, Funding period: 2/1/2011 – 6/15/2011, Award amount: $16,951, Role: PI.
Conference Presentations
- X.-H. Peng*, Q. Wei†, A. Copple, “Strain engineered direct-indirect band gap transition and its mechanism in 2D phosphorene”, American Physical Society (APS), 2016 March (international) meeting, Baltimore, MD (Poster presentation, March 15th, 2016).
- X.-H. Peng*, Q. Wei†, “Chemical scissors cut phosphorene and their novel electronic properties”, American Physical Society (APS), 2015 March (international) meeting, San Antonio, TX (Oral presentation, March 3rd, 2015).
- X.-H. Peng*, A. Copple, Q. Wei†, “Size and strain dependence of electronic properties in ultrathin ZnO nanowires”, American Physical Society (APS), 2014 March (international) meeting, Denver, CO (Oral presentation, March 3rd, 2014).
- X.-H. Peng*, A. Copple, N. Ralston, “Strain manipulated direct-indirect band gap transition in GaAs nanowires”, American Physical Society (APS), 2013 March (international) meeting, Baltimore, MD (Oral presentation, March 18th, 2013).
- A. Copple*, N. Ralston, X.-H. Peng, “Engineering direct-indirect band gap transition in wurtzite GaAs nanowires through size and uniaxial strain”, APS, 2012 4-Corners-Section (regional) meeting, Socorro, NM (Oral presentation, October 27th, 2012).
- S. Caudle*, M. Tao, X.-H. Peng, “First-principles study of transition metal (TM=Pb, Cu) oxides/sulfides”, APS, 2012 4-Corners-Section (regional) meeting, Socorro, NM (Oral presentation, October 26th, 2012).
- X.-H. Peng*, F. Tang, S. Velasquez, and A. Copple, “Engineering electronic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons using strain and functional species”, APS, 2012 March (international) meeting, Boston, MA (Oral presentation, February 29th, 2012).
- X.-H. Peng*, F. Tang, P. Logan, “Electronic properties of strained Si/Ge core-shell nanowires”, International Symposium on Clusters and Nano-Structures (ISCAN), Richmond, VA (Poster presentation, November 7th, 2011).
- A. Copple*, X.-H. Peng, S. Velasquez, F. Tang, “Tunable electronic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons from first-principles calculations”, APS, 2011 4-Corners-Section (regional) meeting, Tucson, AZ (Poster presentation, October 21st, 2011).
- A. Copple, N. Ralston*, P. Nguyen, X.-H. Peng, “Ab initio study of wurtzite InAs and GaAs nanowires”, APS, 2011 4-Corners-Section (regional) meeting, Tucson, AZ (Poster presentation, October 21st, 2011).
- K. Ashe*, X.-H. Peng, “Strain-modulated Fermi velocity of charge carriers in 2D graphene: A first principles study”, APS, 2011 4-Corners-Section (regional) meeting, Tucson, AZ (Poster presentation, October 21st, 2011).
- X.-H. Peng*, P. Logan, “First principles study of Si/Ge core-shell nanowires along [110] direction”, APS, 2011 March (international) meeting, Dallas, TX (Oral presentation, March 24th, 2011).
- P. Logan*, X.-H. Peng, “Electronic properties of strained Si [111] nanowires”, APS, 2010 March (international) meeting, Portland, OR (Poster presentation, March 15th, 2010).
- P. Logan*, X.-H. Peng, “Quantum confinement in strained Si/Ge core-shell nanowires”, APS, 2009 4-Corners-Section (regional) meeting, Golden, CO (Poster presentation, October 23rd, 2009, won the “Best Paper Award”).
- S. Velasquez*, P. Logan, X.-H. Peng, “Strain and edge passivation induced band gap modulation and effective mass tuning in armchair graphene nanoribbons”, APS, 2009 4-Corners-Section (regional) meeting, Golden, CO (Poster presentation, October 23rd, 2009).
- P. Logan, X.-H. Peng*, “The effects of strain and quantum confinement on the electronic properties of germanium nanowires”, APS, 2009 March (international) meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (Oral presentation, March 17th, 2009).
- X.-H. Peng*, J. Anderson, G. Tepper, S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Nayak, “Quantum confined Stark effect in organic fluorophores”, APS, 2008 March (international) meeting, New Orleans, LA (Oral presentation, March 14th, 2008).
- X.-H. Peng*, S. K. Kumar, S. K. Nayak, “First principles study of strain effects on the electronic properties in silicon nanowires”, APS, 2007 March (international) meeting, Denver, CO (Oral presentation, March 9th, 2007).
- Y. Zhang*, X.-H. Peng, Y. Chen, S. K. Nayak, X. -C. Zhang, “First principles simulations of THz spectra of acephate: insight into the phonon signatures”, APS, 2007 March (international) meeting, Denver, CO (Oral presentation, March 8th, 2007).
- X.-H. Peng*, A. Alizadeh, N. Bhate, L. B. Rowland, S. K. Nayak, S. K. Kumar, “The effect of polytype on energy gap in SiC nano-clusters”, APS, 2006 March (international) meeting, Baltimore, MD (Oral presentation, March 13th, 2006).
- X.-H. Peng*, A. Alizadeh, N. Bhate, S. Ganti, P. Sharma, S. Nayak, S. Kumar, “Density functional study of strain effects on the energy gap in silicon nanoclusters”, APS, 2006 March (international) meeting, Baltimore, MD (Poster presentation, March 14th, 2006).
- S. K. Kumar*, N. Adhikari, X.-H. Peng, S. K. Nayak, “Multiscale modeling of the surfactant mediated synthesis and supramolecular assembly of cobalt nanodots”, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2004 November (international) meeting, Austin, TX (Oral presentation, November 2004).
- N. Adhikari*, X.-H. Peng, S. K. Nayak, S. K. Kumar, “Modeling the surfactant mediated synthesis of quantum nanodots and their arrays”, APS, 2004 March (international) meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Oral presentation, March 2004).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 444 | Fundamentals of Nanoscience |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 321 | Vector Mechanics and Vibration |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 444 | Fundamentals of Nanoscience |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 321 | Vector Mechanics and Vibration |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 444 | Fundamentals of Nanoscience |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 111 | General Physics |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 444 | Fundamentals of Nanoscience |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 321 | Vector Mechanics and Vibration |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 321 | Vector Mechanics and Vibration |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 444 | Fundamentals of Nanoscience |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 321 | Vector Mechanics and Vibration |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 321 | Vector Mechanics and Vibration |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 252 | Physics III |
- Member of the American Physical Society
- Member of Sigma Pi Sigma Honor Society
- Member of the American Chemical Society
- Graduate Faculty, Department of Physics, ASU, Tempe October 2008 – present
- Graduate Faculty, Materials Sciences, ASU, Tempe February 2012 – present
- Graduate Faculty, SMACS Program, ASU, Polytechnic May 2011 - present
- Graduate Faculty, Systems Engineering, ASU, Polytechnic/Tempe Aug 2018 - present
Graduate Students mentoring:
As a Committee Chair
- Ph.D. student Andrew Copple (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the dissertation of “Tuning the Electronic Properties of Nanoscale Semiconductors” and received the Ph.D. in Physics in August 2016.
- Master student Sean Caudle (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the project of “Earth abundant photovoltaic materials”, and received the MS degree in Nanoscience in Dec. 2013.
- Master student Andrew Copple (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the projects of “Strain effects on the edge passivated graphene nanoribbons” and received the Master Degree of Science (MS) degree in Physics in May 2012.
- Master student Nathaniel Ralston (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the projects of “III-V nanowires” and received the MS in Physics in May 2012.
- Ph.D. student Paul Logan (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the project of “Group IV semiconductor nanowires”. Spring 2009-summer 2000.
As a Committee Co-Chair
- Ph.D. student Xuan Shi (ASU, Polytechnic, Systems Engineering Program) on the project of PEM fuel cells, Spring 2018 – present.
- Master student Abshir Ahmed (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the applied project titled “Mesh sensitivity analysis for proton exchange membrane fuel cells” and received the MS degree in Technology in December 2011.
- Ph.D. student Adam Arvay (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the project of “Nature-inspired flow field design in PEM fuel cells”. 2011-2014
- Master student Jui-Chieh Wang (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the project of “PEM fuel cell flow field design”. 2011
As a Committee Member
- Master student Mathan Moorthy (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the project of “fuel cells”, MS degree in Technology in May 2015.
- Ph.D. student Jialing Yang (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the thesis titled “Interface electronic state characterization of remote plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition high-k/low-k dielectric on GaN”, and received the Ph.D. in Physics in May 2014.
- Master student Sri Harsha Kolli (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the project of “Potential materials for fuel cells”, and received the MS degree in Technology in Dec. 2014.
- Master student Ben Folsom, (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the project of “Carbon pillars and metallic nanoframes: a density functional theory study”, and received the MS degree in Nanoscience in May 2014.
- Master student Prashanth Ganeshram (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the project of “Impedance measurement of batteries”, and received the MS degree in Technology in May 2014.
- Ph.D. student Tianyin Sun (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the thesis titled “Combined photo- and thermionic electron emission from low work function diamond films”, and received the Ph.D. in Physics in December 2013.
- Master student Maxx Patterson (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the thesis titled “A study of PV, batteries and fuel cells system based hybrid micro-grid model for intermittent community services” and received the MS degree in Technology in May 2013.
- Ph.D. student Xinyang Wang (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the thesis titled “Relativistic matter under extreme conditions”, and received the Ph.D. in Physics in summer 2013.
- Master student Ximo Chu (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the project of “Characterization of batteries”, and received the MS degree in Technology in December 2013.
- Master student Jason French (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the applied project titled “Modeling and simulation of bio-inspired flow field designs for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells” and received the MS degree in Technology in December 2012.
- Master student Yen Huang (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the applied project titled “Synthesis of single walled carbon nanotubes” and received the MS degree in Technology in December 2012.
- Master student Anthony Adame (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the thesis titled “Development of platinum-copper core-shell nanocatalyst on multi-walled carbon nanotubes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells” and received the MS degree in Technology in May 2012.
- Master student Rashida Villacorta (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the thesis titled “Graphene based gas diffusion layers for use in fuel cells and hydrogen storage” and received the MS degree in Technology in May 2012.
- Master student Aditi Jhalani (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the applied project titled “Porphyrin group as cathode catalyst for alkaline fuel cells” and received the MS degree in Technology in May 2012.
- Ph.D. student Sourabh Sinha (ASU, Tempe, Physics Department) on the thesis titled “Models for amorphous calcium carbonate” and received the Ph.D. in Physics in December 2011.
- Master student Kartik Kinhal (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the thesis titled “Effects of sputtered platinum counter electrode and integrated TiO2 electrode with SWCNT on DSSC performance” and received the MS degree in Technology in December 2011.
- Master student Adam Arvay (ASU, Polytechnic, Engineering Department) on the thesis titled “Proton exchange membrane fuel cell modeling and simulation using Ansys Fluent” and received the MS degree in Technology in May 2011.
- Professor, ASU at the Polytechnic campus, Mesa, AZ July 2021 – present
- Associate Professor, ASU at the Polytechnic campus, Mesa, AZ May 2014 – June 2021
- Assistant Professor, ASU at the Polytechnic campus, Mesa, AZ August 2008 – May 2014
- Postdoctoral Researcher, RPI, Troy, NY October 2007 – August 2008
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Skidmore College, NY September 2007 – May 2008
- Research Consultant, General Electric, Global Research, NY May 2005 – December 2005
- Research Intern, GE, Global Research Center, NY May 2004 – August 2004
Unit Level (Science and Mathematics Faculty and Dept. of Applied Sciences and Mathematics)
- Teaching Evaluator of Instructional Specialists within the unit. (Fall 2008 – present).
- *Chair on the Search Committee for the Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Applied Chemistry (Fall 2016 – Spring 2017).
- *Chair (finished candidate screening and paperwork, skipped onsite interviews due to travel) of the Search Committee for the Physics Instructor (Summer 2015)
- Member of the Search Committee for the Tenure Track Assistant Professor in ABS/PreVet (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015)
- Chair of the Search Committee for the Physics Instructor (Summer 2014).
- Chair of the Search Committee for the Physics Instructional Professional (Spring 2014).
- Committee Member of Faculty Teaching Evaluation (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014).
- Committee Member of Unit Sabbatical Review (Fall 2013)
- Member of the Search Committee for Lab Manager (Spring 2013).
- Member of the Committee of Curriculum and Instruction (Fall 2010-Spring 2012).
- Member of the Committee of Awards (Fall 2012 - present).
- Member of the Search Committee for Physics Instructional Professional (Summer 2012).
- Member of the Search Committee for two Physics Instructional Professionals (Summer 2011).
- Member of the Search Committee for Physics Coordinator (Fall 2010).
- Member of the Search Committee for Physics Instructional Specialist (Spring 2009).
- Evaluator of Instructional Specialists’ teaching in Physics annually.
College Level (Colleges of Letters & Sciences, Technology & Innovation)
- Committee Member of the College Personnel Committee (Spring 2016 – Spring 2019)
- Member of the Search Committee for the Dean of College of Letters and Sciences (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015)
- Member of the Committee of Alternative Energy Curriculum (Fall 2011 and Spring 2012).
Book Editor
- “Nanowires – Recent Advances”, ISBN 978-953-51-0898-6, Xihong Peng (Editor), 2012 In Tech. http://www.intechopen.com/books/nanowires-recent-advances/
Journal Editor
- Review Editor at Frontiers which is an open-access academic publisher and research network. Frontiers was launched in 2007 now has become one of the largest and fastest-growing open-access scholarly publishers. Fall 2014 – present
Referee for the Following Journals: (review on average ~ 6 or 7 per year)
- Nature Communications
- Nano Letters
- Nanoscale
- Advanced Functional Materials
- Nanotechnology
- Applied Physics Letters
- Journal of Applied Physics
- New Journal of Physics
- Journal of Physical Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
- Physica B: Condensed Matter
- Chemical Physics
- Chemical Physics Letters
- Surface Science
- Nanoscale Research Letters
- Materials Research Letters
- Computational Materials Science
- Semiconductor Science and Technology
- Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
Reviewer for Funding Agencies:
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Growth Initiative.
- National Science Foundation (Division of Material Research).
- Czech Science Foundation (for standard proposals).
Reviewer for Books or Book Chapters
- “University Physics for the Physical and Life Sciences”, authored by Kesten and Tauck, Chapter 13 Waves, W. H. Freeman & Company, March 2012.