Maxim Sukharev
Phone: 480-727-1398
WANER 340M Mesa, AZ 85212
Mail code: 2780Campus: Poly
Maxim Sukharev is a professor of physics. He received his master's degree in theoretical physics under the supervision of Prof. Vladimir Krainov from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute in 1997. During his postgraduate studies Dr. Sukharev was working with Prof. Krainov, Prof. Michael Fedorov, and Prof. Nikolai Delone. The trio had a tremendous impact on Maxim's scientific views and interests. In 2000, he defended his doctoral thesis in laser physics at the Department of High-Power Lasers (General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences). From 1998 to 2001, he worked as a research assistant at the Fiber Optics Research Center, Moscow. In 2001, he received the French Ministry of Research Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined the research group of Professor Annick Suzor-Weiner at the CNRS Laboratory of Molecular Photophysics (University of Paris South, Orsay). During his appointment, he was involved in the research of optimal and coherent control of atoms and molecules in strong laser fields. In summer of 2003, he joined the research group of Professor Tamar Seideman at the Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University as a postdoctoral fellow. He joined Arizona State University as a faculty in 2008. His current research interests include computational nano-optics; coherent control, and physics of light-matter interaction in strong and ultra-strong coupling regimes.
- Ph.D. Laser Physics, Department of High-Power Lasers, General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2000. Dissertation: “Interactions between diatomic molecules, their ions and strong laser fields”.Advisor: Professor Mikhail V. Fedorov. Co-advisor: Professor Vladimir P. Krainov.
- M.Sc. Theoretical Physics, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia 1997. Thesis: “Ionization and dissociation of H2 in laser fields”. Advisor: Professor Vladimir P. Krainov
- computational nano-optics;
- coherent control of light and matter;
- light-matter interaction.
More info at
Current graduate/undergraduate students
- Susmeet Bakshi, Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University (Spring 2025 - present), Ph.D. student.
- Richard Richardson, Physics, Arizona State University (Spring 2025), Ph.D. research rotation.
- “Unveiling the Dance of Molecules: Ro-Vibrational Dynamics of Molecules under Intense Illumination at Complex Plasmonic Interfaces”, M. Sukharev, J. Subotnik, A. Nitzan, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2025, accepted).
- “Harnessing complexity: nonlinear optical phenomena in L-Shapes, nanocrescents, and split-ring resonators”, M. R. Clark, S. A. Shah, A. Piryatinski, M. Sukharev, Journal of Chemical Physics161, 104107 (2024).
- “Nanophotonics out of equilibrium”, A. Manjavacas, M. Pelton, M. Sheldon, M. Sukharev, Nanophotonics (2024). DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2024-0215.
- “Interplay of gain and loss in arrays of nonlinear plasmonic nanoparticles: toward parametric down-conversion and amplification”, S. Shah, M. R. Clark, J. Zyss, M. Sukharev, A. Piryatinski, Optics Letters 49, 1680 (2024).
- “On nature of two-photon transitions for a collection of molecules in a Fabry-Perot cavity”, Z. Zhou, H. T. Chen, M. Sukharev, J. E. Subotnik, A. Nitzan, Journal of Chemical Physics 160, 094107 (2024).
- “Nature of polariton transport in a Fabry-Perot cavity”, Z. Zhou, H. T. Chen, M. Sukharev, J. E. Subotnik, A. Nitzan, Physical Review A 109, 033717 (2024).
- “Comparing semiclassical mean-field and 1-exciton approximations in evaluating optical response under strong light-matter coupling conditions”, Bingyu Cui, Maxim Sukharev, and Abraham Nitzan, Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 164113 (2023).
- “Short-time particle motion in a one-dimensional lattice with site disorder”, Bingyu Cui, Maxim Sukharev, and Abraham Nitzan, Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 164112 (2023).
- “Degenerate parametric down-conversion facilitated by exciton-plasmon polariton states in nonlinear plasmonic cavity”, A. Piryatinski and M. Sukharev, Nanotechnology 34, 175001 (2023).
- “Dissociation slowdown by collective optical response under strong coupling conditions”, M. Sukharev, J. Subotnik, A. Nitzan, (Editor’s Choice) Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 084104 (2023).
- “Efficient parallel strategy for molecular plasmonics – a numerical tool for integrating Maxwell-Schrödinger equations in three dimensions”, M. Sukharev, Journal of Computational Physics 477, 111920 (2023).
- “Advances in Modeling Plasmonic Systems: Editorial”, F. Della Sala, R. Pachter, M. Sukharev, Journal of Chemical Physics 157, 190401 (2022).
- “Interplay between disorder and collective coherent response: superradiance and spectral motional narrowing in the time domain”, H.-T. Chen, Z. Zhou, M. Sukharev, J. E. Subotnik, A. Nitzan, Physical Review A 106, 053703 (2022).
- “Fano plasmonics goes nonlinear”, M. Sukharev, E. Drobnyh, R. Pachter, Journal of Chemical Physics 157, 134105 (2022).
- “High yield synthesis and quadratic nonlinearities of gold nanoprisms in solution: the role of corner sharpness”, H. M. Ngo, E. Drobnyh, M. Sukharev, Q. K. Vo, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux-Rak, Israel Journal of Chemistry e202200009 (2022).
- “Coupling, lifetimes, and “strong coupling” maps for single molecules at plasmonic interfaces”, M. Mondal, M. A. Ochoa, M. Sukharev, A. Nitzan, Journal of Chemical Physics 156, 154303 (2022).
- “Strong coupling between an inverse bowtie nano-antenna and a J-aggregate”, A. Weissman, M. Sukharev, A. Salomon, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 610, 438 (2021).
- “Second harmonic generation by strongly coupled exciton-plasmons: the role of polaritonic states in nonlinear dynamics”, M. Sukharev, A. Salomon, J. Zyss, Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 244701 (2021).
- “Second-harmonic generation in nonlinear plasmonic lattices enhanced by quantum emitter gain medium”, M. Sukharev, O. Roslyak, A. Piryatinski, Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 084703 (2021).
- “Second harmonic generation from a single plasmonic nanorod strongly coupled to a WSe2 monolayer”, C. Li, X. Lu, A. Srivastava, S. D. Storm, R. Gelfand, M. Pelton, M. Sukharev, H. Harutyunyan, Nano Letters 21, 1599 (2020).
- “Wavelength and polarization dependence of second harmonic responses from gold nanocrescent arrays”, H. Maekawa, E. Drobnyh, C. A. Lancaster, N. Large, G. C. Schatz, J. S. Shumaker-Parry, M. Sukharev, N.-H. Ge, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 20424 (2020).
- “Plasmon enhanced second harmonic generation by periodic arrays of triangular nanoholes coupled to molecular emitters”, E. Drobnyh and M. Sukharev, (Editor’s Choice) Journal of Chemical Physics 152, 094706 (2020).
- “Energy transfer and interference by collective electromagnetic coupling”, M. Gómez-Castaño, A. R. Cubero, L. Buisson, J. L. Pau, A. Mihi, S. Ravaine, R. A. L. Vallée, A. Nitzan, M. Sukharev, Nano Letters 19, 5790 (2019).
- “Harmonic generation by metal nanostructures optically coupled to a few-layer thin transition metal dichalcogenides”, E. Drobnyh, R. Pachter, M. Sukharev, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 6898 (2019).
- “Modeling optical coupling of plasmons and inhomogeneously broadened emitters”, T. Purcell, M. Sukharev, T. Seideman, Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 124112 (2019).
- “Ehrenfest+R Dynamics II: A semiclassical QED framework for Raman scattering”, H.-T. Chen, T. E. Li, M. Sukharev, A. Nitzan, J. E. Subotnik, Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 044103 (2019).
- “Ehrenfest+R Dynamics I: A Mixed Quantum-Classical Electrodynamics Simulation of Spontaneous Emission”, H.-T. Chen, T. E. Li, M. Sukharev, A. Nitzan, J. E. Subotnik, Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 044102 (2019).
- “A necessary tradeoff for semiclassical electrodynamics: accurate short-range Coulomb interactions versus the enforcement of relativistic causality?”, T. E. Li, H.-T. Chen, A. Nitzan, M. Sukharev, J. E. Subotnik, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9, 5955 (2018).
- “Mixed quantum-classical electrodynamics: understanding spontaneous decay and zero point energy”, T. E. Li, A. Nitzan, M. Sukharev, T. Martinez, H.-T. Chen, J. E. Subotnik, Physical Review A 97, 032105 (2018).
- “Effects of exciton-plasmon strong coupling on third harmonic generation by two-dimensional WS2 at periodic plasmonic interfaces”, M. Sukharev, R. Pachter, Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 094701 (2018).
- “Topical Review: optics of exciton-plasmon nanomaterials”, M. Sukharev, A. Nitzan, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 443003 (2017).
- “Molecular plasmonics: strong coupling at the low concentration limit”, L. Efremushkin, M. Sukharev, A. Salomon, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 14819 (2017).
- “Plasmonic opals: observation of collective molecular exciton mode beyond the strong coupling”, P. Fauche, C. Gebhardt, M. Sukharev, R. A. L. Vallee, Scientific Reports 7, 4107 (2017).
- “Molecular plasmonics: the role of ro-vibrational molecular states in exciton-plasmon materials under strong coupling conditions”, M. Sukharev, E. Charron, Physical Review B 95, 115406 (2017).
- “Photon echo in exciton-plasmon nanomaterials: a time-dependent signature of strong coupling”, A. Blake, M. Sukharev, Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 084704 (2017).
- “Non-Hermitian wave packet approximation for coupled two-level systems in weak and intense fields”, R. Puthumpally-Joseph, M. Sukharev, E. Charron, Journal of Chemical Physics 144, 154109 (2016).
- “Plasmon transmission through excitonic subwavelength gaps”, M. Sukharev, A. Nitzan, Journal of Chemical Physics 144, 144703 (2016).
- “Surface plasmon-polaritons in periodic arrays of V-grooves strongly coupled to quantum emitters”, A. Blake, M. Sukharev, Physical Review B 92, 035433 (2015).
- “Optical response of hybrid plasmon-exciton nanomaterials in the presence of overlapping resonances”, M. Sukharev, P. N. Day, R. Pachter, ACS Photonics 2, 935 (2015).
- “Coherent phase control of internal conversion in pyrazine”, R. J. Gordon, Z. Hu, T. Seideman, S. Singha, M. Sukharev, Y. Zhao, Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 144311 (2015).
- “Theoretical analysis of dipole-induced electromagnetic transparency”, R. Puthumpally-Joseph, O. Atabek, M. Sukharev, E. Charron, Physical Review A 91, 043835 (2015).
- “Collective effects in subwavelength hybrid systems: a numerical study”, M. Sukharev and S. Malinovskaya, Molecular Physics 113, 392 (2014).
- “Dipole-induced electromagnetic transparency”, R. Puthumpally-Joseph, M. Sukharev, O. Atabek, E. Charron, Physical Review Letters 113, 163603 (2014).
- “Control of optical properties of hybrid materials with chirped femtosecond laser pulses under strong coupling conditions”, M. Sukharev, Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 084712 (2014).
- “Numerical calculations of radiative and non-radiative relaxation of molecules near metal particles”, M. Sukharev, N. Freifeld, and A. Nitzan, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 10545 (2014).
- “Ultrafast energy transfer between molecular assemblies and surface plasmons in hybrid nano-materials in the strong coupling regime”, M. Sukharev, T. Seideman, R. J. Gordon, A. Salomon, and Y. Prior, ACS Nano 8, 807 (2014).
- “Non-Hermitian wave packet propagation for the calculation of optical properties of ensembles of coupled quantum emitters”, E. Charron and M. Sukharev, Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 024108 (2013).
- “Molecular nanoplasmonics: self-consistent electrodynamics in current carrying junctions”, A. White, M. Sukharev, and M. Galperin, Physical Review B 86, 205324 (2012).
- “Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage as a route to achieving optical control in plasmonics”, M. Sukharev and S. A. Malinovskaya, Physical Review A 86, 043406 (2012).
- “Strong coupling between molecular excited states and surface plasmon modes of a slit array in a thin metal film”, A. Salomon, R. J. Gordon, Y. Prior, T. Seideman, and M. Sukharev, Physical Review Letters 109, 073002 (2012).
- “Numerical studies of the interaction of an atomic sample with the electromagnetic field in two dimensions”, M. Sukharev and A. Nitzan, Physical Review A 84, 043802 (2011).
- “Light-induced current in molecular junctions: local field and non-Markov effects”, B. D. Fainberg, M. Sukharev, T.-H. Park, and M. Galperin, Physical Review B 83, 205425 (2011).
- “Surface-enhanced Raman scattering from silver-coated opals”, W. Mu, D.-Q. Hwang, R. P. H. Chang, M. Sukharev, D. B. Tice, and J. B. Ketterson, Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 124312 (2011).
- “Computational nano-optics: parallel simulations and beyond”, M. Sukharev, Optics and Photonics News 22, 29 – 33 (2011).
- “Transport and optical response of molecular junctions driven by surface plasmon-polaritons”, M. Sukharev and M. Galperin, Physical Review B 81, 165307 (2010).
- “One-dimensional long-range plasmonic-photonic structures”, W. Mu, D. B. Buchkolz, M. Sukharev, J. Jang, R. P. H. Chang, and J. B. Ketterson, Optics Letters 35, 550 (2010).
- “Nonadiabatic photodissociation dynamics of F2 in solid Ar”, M. Sukharev, A. Cohen, R. B. Gerber, and T. Seideman, invited paper Laser Physics 19, 1651 (2009).
- “Perfect coupling of light to surface plasmons with ultra-narrow linewidths”, M. Sukharev, P. R. Sievert, T. Seideman, and J. B. Ketterson, Journal of Chemical Physics131, 034708 (2009).
- “Optical properties of metal tips for tip-enhanced spectroscopies”, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 7508 (2009).
- “Laser field alignment of organic molecules on semiconductor surfaces: toward ultra-fast molecular switches”, M. G. Reuter, M. Sukharev, and T. Seideman, Physical Review Letters 101, 208303 (2008).
- “Optimal design of nanoplasmonic materials using genetic algorithms as a multi-parameter optimization tool”, J. Yelk, M. Sukharev, and T. Seideman, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 064706 (2008).
- “Nanoparticle spectroscopy: birefringence in 2D arrays of L-shaped silver nanoparticles”, J. Sung, M. Sukharev, E. M. Hicks, R. P. Van Duyne, T, Seideman, and K. G. Spears, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 3252 (2008).
- ”Optical properties of metal nanoparticles with no center of inversion symmetry: observation of volume plasmons”, M. Sukharev, J. Sung, K. G. Spears, and T. Seideman, Physical Review B 76, 184302 (2007).
- ”Numerical analysis of a slit-groove diffraction problem”, M. Besbes, J.P. Hugonin, P. Lalanne, S. van Haver, O. T. A. Jansse, A.M. Nugrowati, M. Xu, S. F. Pereira, H. P. Urbach, A. S. van de Nes, P. Bienstman, G. Granet, S. Helfert, M. Sukharev, T. Seideman, F. I. Baida, B. Guizal, D. Van Labeke, Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications 2, 07022 (2007).
- “Light trapping and guidance in plasmonic nanocrystals”, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 204702 (2007).
- “Coherent control of light propagation via nanoparticle arrays”, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics 40, S283 (2007).
- “Surface quality and surface waves on subwavelength-structured silver films”, G. Gay, O. Alloschery, J. Weiner, H. J. Lezec, C. O'Dwyer, M. Sukharev, and T. Seideman, Physical Review E 75, 016612 (2007).
- “The response of nanostructured surfaces in the near field”, G. Gay, O. Alloschery, J. Weiner, H. J. Lezec, C. O'Dwyer, M. Sukharev, and T. Seideman, Nature Physics, 2, 792 (2006).
- “Coherent control approaches to light guidance in the nanoscale”, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Journal of Chemical Physics, 124, 144707 (2006).
- “Phase and polarization control as a route to plasmonics nanodevices”, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Nanoletters, 6, 715 (2006).
- “Optical control of nonradiative decay in polyatomic molecules”, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Physical Review A, 71, 012509 (2005).
- “Optimal control approach to suppression of radiationless transitions”, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Physical Review Letters, 93, 093004 (2004).
- “Influence of electron correlations on strong field ionization of calcium”, E. Charron, M. Sukharev, and A. Suzor-Weiner, Laser Physics Letters, 1, 18 (2004).
- “Approximations of adiabatic elimination of the continuum for the calculation of photodissociation in intense laser fields”, M. Sukharev, E. Charron, A. Suzor-Weiner, and M. V. Fedorov, International. Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 99, 452 (2004).
- “Enhancement of strong-field two-electron ionization”, M. Sukharev, E. Charron, and A. Suzor-Weiner, Laser Physics, 13, 484 (2003).
- “Excitation of sound waves upon propagation of laser pulses in optical fibers” (invited paper), A. S. Biriukov, M. Sukharev, and E. M. Dianov, Quantum Electronics, 32, 765 (2002).
- “Quantum control of double ionization of calcium”, M. Sukharev, E. Charron, and A. Suzor-Weiner, Physical Review A, 66, 053407 (2002).
- “Interference stabilization of molecules with respect to photodissociation by a strong laser field”, M. Sukharev and M.V. Fedorov, Physical Review A, 65, 033419 (2002).
- “Strong-field interference stabilization in molecules”, M. Sukharev and M.V. Fedorov, Laser Physics, 12, 491 (2002).
- “Population effects in high-order harmonic generation by the hydrogen molecular ion in a strong laser field”, M. E. Sukharev and V. P. Krainov, Physical Review A, 62, 033404 (2000).
- “Electrostrictive response in single-mode ring-index-profile fibers”, E. M. Dianov, M. E. Sukharev, and A. S. Biriukov, Optics Letters, 25, 390 (2000).
- “Vibration, rotation, and dissociation of molecular ions in a strong laser field”, M. Sukharev and V. P. Krainov, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 15, 2201 (1998).
- “Rotation and alignment of diatomic molecules and their molecular ions in strong laser field”, M. Sukharev and V. P. Krainov, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 86, 318 (1998).
- “Dissociation of hydrogen and deuterium molecular ions by strong low-frequency laser field”, M. Sukharev and V. P. Krainov, Laser Physics, 7, 803 (1997).
- “Field-dependent Franck-Condon factors for the ionization of molecular hydrogen and deuterium”, M. Sukharev and V. P. Krainov, Laser Physics, 7, 323 (1997).
“Franck-Condon factors for the ionization of hydrogen and deuterium molecules in laser fields”, M. Sukharev and V. P. Krainov, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 83, 457 (1996).
- “Optics of hybrid nanomaterials in the strong coupling regime”, A. Blake and M. Sukharev, in “Nanoscale Materials and Devices for Electronics, Photonics and Solar Energy”, ed. S. Goodnick, A. Korkin, and R. Nemanich (ISBN 9783319186337, Springer, 2015).
- “Linear optical properties of periodic hybrid materials at oblique incidence: a numerical approach”, A. Blake and M. Sukharev, in Review Volume “From Atomic to Mesoscale: The Role of Quantum Coherence in Systems of Various Complexity”, ed. I. Novikova and S. Malinovskaya (ISBN 9789814678698, World Scientific, 2015).
- “Plasmonics – computational approach”, M. Sukharev, in “Mathematical Optics: Classical, Quantum, and Imaging Methods”, ed. V. Lakshminarayanan (ISBN 9781439869604, CRC Press, 2012).
- “Finite-difference time-domain technique”, M. Sukharev, in Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, Section on Nano-optical Devices (ISBN 9789048197514,Springer, 2012).
- “Plasmonics: towards a new paradigm for light manipulation at the nanoscale”, M. Sukharev, in “Nanobiophotonics”, ed. G. Popescu, (ISBN 9780071737012, McGraw-Hill, 2010).
- “Debunking pseudoscientific claims in the era of Internet and alternative news”, M. Sukharev (2019), arXiv:1906.06165.
“Physics of nano-optics spur sophisticated models”, M. Sukharev, Laser Focus World Magazine 47, 39 (2011).
- “Phase-Polarization Control as a Route to Plasmonics Nanodevices”, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Proceedings of SPIE, 6115, 611517 (2006).
- “Electrostriction-induced acoustic response in single-mode ring-index profile fibers with larger than 100µm2 effective mode area”, Y. Jaouën, E. M. Dianov, L. du Mouza, A. S. Biriukov, M. Sukharev, G. Debarge, P. Nouchi, and L. A. de Montmorillon, Proceedings of European Conference of Optical Communication 2000, 3, 95 (2000).
- “Electrostrictive response in single-mode ring-index-profile fibers”, E. M. Dianov, M. Sukharev, and A. S. Biriukov, Proceedings of SPIE, 4083, 23 (2000).
“Electrostrictive response in single-mode ring-index profile with large effective mode area”, E. M. Dianov, M. E. Sukharev, and A. S. Biriukov, IEEE Proceedings (Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2000), paper ThR5-1, 3, 264 (2000).
- Sukharev,Maxim*. Exploring molecular strong coupling in complex electromagnetic environments. DOD-ONR (11/1/2024 - 10/31/2028).
- Sukharev,Maxim*. Nonlinear electrodynamics at plasmon-exciton interfaces: multiscale modeling and applications . DOD-AFOSR (4/1/2022 - 3/31/2025)
- Sukharev,Maxim*. Understanding and controlling high harmonic generation processes in hybrid materials at the nanoscale . DOD-AFOSR (11/1/2018 - 10/31/2021)
- Sukharev,Maxim*. Photochemistry and Photophysics at Plasmonic Interfaces. US-ISRAEL BINATL SCIENCE FDN (9/1/2015 - 8/31/2019).
- Sukharev,Maxim*. Optics of Plasmon-Exciton Nanomaterials in the Strong Coupling Limit: Self-Consistent Studies. DOD-AFOSR (8/15/2015 - 8/14/2018).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 111 | General Physics |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 792 | Research |
CHE 599 | Thesis |
PHY 131 | Univ Physics II: Elctrc/Magnet |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 315 | Quantum Physics II |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 592 | Research |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 131 | Univ Physics II: Elctrc/Magnet |
PHY 314 | Quantum Physics I |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 111 | General Physics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 599 | Thesis |
PHY 131 | Univ Physics II: Elctrc/Magnet |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 315 | Quantum Physics II |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 592 | Research |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 460 | Numerical Methods in Physics |
PHY 314 | Quantum Physics I |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 599 | Thesis |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 460 | Numerical Methods in Physics |
PHY 314 | Quantum Physics I |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 111 | General Physics |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 599 | Thesis |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 131 | Univ Physics II: Elctrc/Magnet |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 592 | Research |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
PHY 460 | Numerical Methods in Physics |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 111 | General Physics |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 599 | Thesis |
PHY 131 | Univ Physics II: Elctrc/Magnet |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 315 | Quantum Physics II |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 592 | Research |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 314 | Quantum Physics I |
PHY 416 | Quantum Physics III |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 111 | General Physics |
PHY 121 | Univ Physics I: Mechanics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 795 | Continuing Registration |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 599 | Thesis |
PHY 131 | Univ Physics II: Elctrc/Magnet |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 315 | Quantum Physics II |
- Invited talk, TSRC Conference, Emerging phenomena in the strong light-matter coupling regime, Telluride, Colorado, June 2024.
- Invited talk, Special Physical Chemistry seminar, Princeton University, April 2024.
- Invited talk, ACS Spring Meeting, New Orleans, March 2024.
- Invited talk, Frontiers of Chemistry, Wayne State University, January 2024.
- Invited talk, PQE Conference, Snowbird, Utah, January 2024.
- Invited talk, Polaritonics from first principles, Max-Plank Institute Conference, Germany, October 2023.
- Invited talk, University of Houston, Chemistry colloquium, Houston, Texas, September 2023.
- Invited overview presentation for graduate students and postdocs, Los Alamos National Lab, August 2023
- Invited talk, TSRC Conference, Nanophotonics out of equilibrium, Telluride, Colorado, July 2023.
- Invited colloquium, Bar-Ilan University, March 2023.
- Invited colloquium, Tel Aviv University, March 2023.
- Invited physical chemistry colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, February 2023.
- Invited physical chemistry colloquium, University of California Irvine, November 2022.
- Invited physical chemistry seminar, Northwestern University, October 10, 2022.
- Invited colloquium, Western Kentucky University, Physics webinar, March 28, 2022.
- Invited webinar, Nonlinear optics at exciton-plasmon interfaces, Polariton Chemistry Webinar, April 14, 2021.
- Journal of Chemical Physics Editor's Choice Awards “Plasmon enhanced second harmonic generation by periodic arrays of triangular nanoholes coupled to molecular emitters”, APS March meeting, March 16, 2021.
- Invited physics webinar, Center for Photonics and Quantum Materials, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia, November 25, 2020.
- Invited physics webinar, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, October 28, 2020.
- Western Kentucky University, Physics webinar, October 4, 2020.
- Metamaterials 2020, virtual conference, September 28 – October 3, 2020.
- “Predicting and understanding optical properties of exciton-plasmon nanomaterials”, invited talk, Chemical Physics Seminar, Tel Aviv University, December 19, 2019.
- “Optics of exciton-plasmon materials”, invited talk, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) 2019 Annual Meeting, Los Alamos National Laboratory, September 22 – 24, 2019.
- “Electrodynamics of exciton-plasmon materials: strong coupling and beyond”, invited talk, Gordon Research Conference, Quantum Control of Light and Matter, Salve Regina University, August 11 – 16, 2019.
- “Electrodynamics of exciton-plasmon materials: strong coupling and beyond”, invited talk, the Penn Conference on Theoretical Chemistry, August 14 – 16, 2019.
- “Exciton-plasmon materials go nonlinear”, invited talk, TSRC Conference, Nanophotonics out of equilibrium, Telluride, Colorado, July 16 – 20, 2019.
- “Crafting light-matter interactions at plasmonic interfaces: strong coupling and beyond”, invited talk, TSRC Conference, Nonequilibrium Phenomena, Nonadiabatic Dynamics and Spectroscopy, Telluride, Colorado, July 16 – 20, 2019.
- “Crafting light-matter interactions at plasmonic interfaces: strong coupling and beyond”, invited seminar, Weizmann Institute of Science, June 18, 2019.
- “Crafting the light-matter interactions at metal interfaces: strong coupling and beyond”, invited colloquium, Nanoscience Seminar, Arizona State University, March 18, 2019.
- “Exciton-plasmon nanosystems: modeling, understanding, and predicting new phenomena”, invited colloquium, College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, November 15, 2018.
- “Calculating optical response of hybrid materials at the nanoscale: the need for speed”, invited talk, DOD HPC Users Meeting, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, September 24-28, 2018.
- “Optics of hybrid nanomaterials: from collective exciton resonances to nonlinear spectroscopy”, invited talk, IEEE RAPID, August 22-24, 2018.
- “Optics of exciton-plasmon nanomaterials beyond the strong coupling”, invited talk, TSRC Conference, Plasmon-Exciton Coupling, Telluride, Colorado, June 16, 2018.
- “Optical properties of exciton-plasmon nanomaterials: from collective exciton resonances to nonlinear spectroscopy”, invited colloquium, Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, September 6, 2017.
- “The quest of strongly coupled nanomaterials: from collective exciton resonances to nonlinear spectroscopy”, invited seminar, Center de Recherche Paul Pascal, CNRS, Pessac, France, July 6, 2017.
- “The quest of strongly coupled nanomaterials: from collective exciton resonances to nonlinear spectroscopy”, invited seminar, invited seminar, Laboratory of Charles Fabry, Institute d’Optique, France, June 22, 2017.
- “Modeling aspects of molecular plasmonics”, invited seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of California at San Diego, December 13, 2016.
- “Molecular plasmonics: optics of molecular aggregates at plasmonic interfaces”, invited seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of California at Los Angeles, October 11, 2016.
- “Molecular plasmonics”, Special seminar, Institute of Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan University, Rama-Gan, Israel, July 31, 2016.
- “Modeling aspects of optical phenomena in exciton-plasmon materials”, Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, April 27, 2016.
- “Modeling aspects of optical phenomena in exciton-plasmon materials”, Physical Chemistry Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 21, 2016.
- “Optical functionality of plasmon-exciton nanomaterials in the strong coupling regime”, invited talk, APS meeting, Baltimore, March 14, 2016.
- “Optical phenomena at plasmonic interfaces”, invited seminar, Center de Recherche Paul Pascal, CNRS, Pessac, France, February 19, 2016.
- “Optical phenomena at plasmonic interfaces”, invited seminar, ISMO, University Paris-SUD, Orsay, France, February 17, 2016.
- “Optical properties of molecular aggregates at plasmonic interfaces”, invited talk, QuASI: Workshop on Quantum Sensing and Atom-Surface Interaction, Natal, Brazil, August 17 – 19, 2015.
- “Optics of hybrid nanomaterials”, invited talk, Seminar on Multiphoton Processes, General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, December 24, 2014.
- “Ultra-fast optics of hybrid materials under strong coupling conditions”, invited talk, ITAMP workshop – from atomic to mesoscale: the role of quantum coherence in systems of various complexities, Cambridge, March 10 – 12, 2014.
- “Optical properties of nanoscale hybrid materials”, invited talk, Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics, and Renewable Energy, Tempe, March 10 – 14, 2014.
- “Nano-optics 101: why do we need this and why should we care?” invited colloquium, Department of Physics, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, October 28, 2013.
- “Transient spectroscopy of hybrid materials: ultra-fast energy transfer between surface plasmons and molecular aggregates”, invited oral presentation, Workshop on Surface Plasmons, Metamaterials, and Catalysis, Rice University, Houston, October 21 – October 23, 2013.
- “Molecular nanoplasmonics: a self-consistent approach”, invited hot topic presentation, Gordon Research Conference: Quantum Control of Light and Matter, Mount Holyoke College, July 29 – August 2, 2013.
- “Optics of hybrid nano-materials: merging electromagnetics with quantum dynamics”, invited seminar, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, April 19, 2013.
- “Optics of hybrid nano-materials: merging electromagnetics with quantum dynamics”, invited seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, April 18, 2013.
- “Optics of hybrid nano-materials: merging electromagnetics with quantum dynamics”, invited Nanoscale Seminar Series, Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, April 4, 2013.
- “Molecular nanoplasmonics in linear and nonlinear regimes”, plenary lecture, 2nd International Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanomaterials, National Autonomous University of México at Ensenada, Mexico, March 4 – 8, 2013.
- “Optical properties of quantum systems strongly coupled to metal nano-materials: linear and nonlinear dynamics”, invited talk, 6th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2012), Singapore, October 15 – 19, 2012.
- “Optics of hybrid nano-materials: self-consistent studies”, invited University seminar, Nanotechnology Program Seminar Series, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, September 26, 2012.
- “Linear and nonlinear optics of nano-materials – a self-consistent approach”, invited seminar, Institute of Physics at São Carlos, University of São Paulo, Brazil, December 14, 2011.
- “Electrodynamics of quantum many-body systems optically coupled to plasmonic materials”, invited seminar, ISMO at University Paris South XI, Orsay, France, June 10, 2011.
- “Computational nano-optics: parallel simulations and beyond”, plenary lecture, Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Autonomous University of México, Ensenada, Mexico, February 23 – 25, 2011.
- “Optics at the nanoscale: computational studies”, invited seminar, Seagate Technology, Research Division, Bloomington, Minnesota, February 4, 2011.
- “Ab initio electrodynamics of multi-level media optically coupled to metal nanostructures”, invited talk, the Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, January 2 – 6, 2011.
- “Ab initio description of spatiotemporal dynamics of multi-level atoms resonantly coupled to plasmonic materials”, plenary lecture, 2010 NanoBiophotonics Summer School, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June, 2010.
- “Computational aspects of nano-optics”, invited colloquium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Western Kentucky University, April 12, 2010.
- “Optimal design of advanced plasmonic materials for nano-optics optics”, plenary lecture, 2009 NanoBiophotonics Summer School, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 2009.
- “Optimal design of advanced plasmonic materials for subwavelength optics”, Nanotechnology Program Seminar Series, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, February 11, 2009.
- “Optics at the nanoscale: coherent control of light and matter beyond the diffraction limit”, invited seminar, Nanoscale Science Seminar, Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, September 22, 2008.
- “Optics at the nanoscale: coherent control of light and matter beyond the diffraction limit”, invited seminar, Department of Chemistry, Loyola University, Chicago, March 27, 2008.
- “Plasmon resonance assisted manipulation of light in nanoscale”, invited colloquium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Western Kentucky University, April 30, 2007.
- “Plasmon resonance assisted manipulation of light in nanoscale”, invited seminar, The Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March 1, 2007.
- “Optics of nanomaterials: coherent and optimal control of light in nanoscale”, invited colloquium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, August 11, 2006.
- “Applications of phase, polarization and optimal control techniques in nanoplasmonics”, invited seminar, Field and Optics Seminar, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, April 28, 2006.
- ONR annual contractors meeting, Materials Design Through Quantum Interactions, review talk, September 11, 2024.
- AFOSR annual contractors meeting, Theoretical Nonlinear Optics, review talk, March 6, 2024.
- AFOSR annual contractors meeting, Theoretical Nonlinear Optics, review talk, March 1, 2023.
- AFOSR annual contractors meeting, Theoretical Nonlinear Optics, review talk, March 1, 2022.
- AFOSR annual contractors meeting, Theoretical Nonlinear Optics, review talk, March 2, 2021.
- AFOSR annual contractors meeting, Theoretical Nonlinear Optics, review talk, March 3, 2020.
- AFOSR annual contractors meeting, Theoretical Nonlinear Optics, review talk, March 6, 2019.
- AFOSR annual contractors meeting, Theoretical Nonlinear Optics, review talk, March 7, 2018.
- MRS 2018, contributed talk, April 2018.
- AFOSR annual contractors meeting, Theoretical Nonlinear Optics, review talk, March 7, 2017.
- Poster presentation: “Optics of molecular aggregates at plasmonic interfaces”, Maxim Sukharev (presenter), Gordon Research Conference: Plasmonics & Nanophotonics, Sunday River, July 7 – July 15, 2016.
- “Nonlinear optics of hybrid nano-materials under strong coupling conditions”, Maxim Sukharev (presenter), APS meeting, Denver, March, 2014.
- Poster presentation: “Optics of hybrid nano-materials: merging coherent control with nano-optics”, Maxim Sukharev (presenter), Gordon Research Conference: Quantum Control of Light and Matter, Mount Holyoke College, July 29 – August 2, 2013.
- “Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage as a route to achieving optical control in plasmonics”, Maxim Sukharev (co-author), Svetlana Malinovskaya (speaker), the Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, January 6 – 10, 2013.
- “Ab initio spatiotemporal dynamics of atoms resonantly coupled to plasmonic materials”, Maxim Sukharev (speaker), Nano-optics Plasmonics Conference, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, April 22, 2010.
- “Perfect coupling of light to surface plasmons with ultra-narrow linewidths”, Maxim Sukharev (speaker), John B. Ketterson (co-author), Tamar Seideman (co-author), APS meeting, Pittsburgh, March, 2009.
- Poster presentation: “Genetic algorithms as a multi-parameter design tool for plasmonic devices”, Joseph Yelk (undergraduate student, presenter), Maxim Sukharev (co-author, mentor), Tamar Seideman (co-author, mentor), Gordon Research Conference: Quantum Control of Light and Matter, Salve Regina University, Newport RI, USA, August 12 – 17, 2007.
- Poster presentation: “Coherent and optimal control of light at the nanoscale”, Maxim Sukharev (presenter), Tamar Seideman (co-author), Gordon Research Conference: Quantum Control of Light and Matter, Salve Regina University, Newport RI, USA, August 12 – 17, 2007.
- “Coherent control of light via plasmon resonance in nanoscale”, Maxim Sukharev (speaker), Tamar Seideman (co-author), 13th International Conference on Unconventional Photoactive Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, August 5 – 9, 2007.
- (hot topic): “Applications of phase, polarization and optimal control techniques in nanoplasmonics”, Maxim Sukharev (speaker), Tamar Seideman (co-author), Gordon Research Conference “Multiphoton processes”, Tilton School, NH, USA, June 11 – 16, 2006.
- “Applications of phase, polarization and optimal control techniques in nanoplasmonics”, Maxim Sukharev (speaker), Tamar Seideman (co-author), SPIE International Conference “Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XIV”, San Jose, CA, USA, January 21 – 26, 2006.
- Poster presentation: “Phase, polarization and optimal control as a route to the new types of plasmonic nanodevices”, Maxim Sukharev (presenter), Tamar Seideman (co-author), Gordon Research Conference: “Quantum control of light and matter”, Colby College, Maine, USA, July 31 – August 5, 2005.
- Poster presentation: “Optimal control of internal conversion of polyatomic molecules”, Maxim Sukharev (presenter), Tamar Seideman (co-author), Gordon Research Conference: “Multiphoton processes”, Tilton School, New Hampshire, USA, June 13 – 18, 2004.
- “A coherent control approach to suppression of radiationless transitions”, Maxim Sukharev (speaker), Tamar Seideman (co-author), Building computational devices using coherent control, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, June 7 – 9, 2004.
- Poster presentation: “Quantum control of double ionization of calcium”, Maxim Sukharev (presenter), Eric Charron (co-author), Annick Suzor-Weiner (co-author), DPG-Schule für Physik: Optimal Femtosecond Laser Control of Microscopic Dynamics, Bad Honnef, Germany, September 22 – 27, 2002.
- Poster presentation: “Quantum control of single versus double ionization of calcium”, Maxim Sukharev (presenter), Eric Charron (co-author), Annick Suzor-Weiner (co-author), ICTCP IV, France, July 10 – 15, 2002.
- (Post Deadline Paper) “Quantum control of single versus double ionization of calcium”, Maxim Sukharev (speaker), Eric Charron (co-author), Annick Suzor-Weiner (co-author), International Quantum Electronics Conference, Moscow, Russia, June 22 – 28, 2002.
- “Stabilization of H2+ with respect to photodissociation by a strong laser field”, Maxim Sukharev (speaker), Mikhail Fedorov (co-author), International Quantum Electronics Conference, Moscow, Russia, June 22 – 28, 2002.
- “Strong-field interference stabilization in molecules”, Maxim Sukharev (speaker), Mikhail Fedorov (co-author), 10th International Laser Physics Workshop, Moscow, Russia, July 3 – 7, 2001.
- “Electrostriction-induced acoustic response in single-mode ring-index profile fibers with larger than 100 µm2 effective mode area”, Eugeny M. Dianov (speaker), Maxim Sukharev (co-author), and A. S. Biriukov (co-author), European Conference on Optical Communications, Munich, Germany, September 4 – 7, 2000.
- Oral presentation: (Post Deadline Paper) “Electrostrictive response in single-mode ring-index profile with large effective mode area”, Eugeny M. Dianov (speaker), Maxim Sukharev (co-author), and A. S. Biriukov (co-author), Optical Fiber Communications, Baltimore, USA, 2000.
- Poster presentation: “Vibration, rotation and dissociation of molecular ions in a strong laser field”, Maxim Sukharev (presenter), Vladimir Krainov (co-author), 7th International Laser Physics Workshop, Berlin, Germany, July 6 – 10, 1998.
- Summer Faculty Fellowship Award by the US Air Force, AFRL Sensors Directorate at WPAFB, Dayton, OH (2024).
- Journal of Chemical Physics Editor’s Choice Award (2021) for the manuscript JCP 152, 094706 (2020).
- IdEx Bordeaux Visiting Professor (to be visited in 2021/2022), IdEx Bordeaux Scholarship, Centre de Recherche Paul-Pascal, France.
- IdEx Bordeaux Visiting Professor (June – July 2017), IdEx Bordeaux Scholarship, Centre de Recherche Paul-Pascal, France.
- Sackler Visiting Chair (July – August 2016), School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- CNRS Invited Professorship (Spring of 2016) at CNRS Laboratory of Molecular Photophysics, University of Paris South XI, Orsay, France.
- Summer Faculty Fellowship Award by the US Air Force (10 weeks in the summer of 2013) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Materials and Manufacturing Directorate), Dayton, OH. The award included a stipend for a Ph.D. student.
- São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Visiting Professorship (Summer of 2012) at Institute of Physics at São Carlos, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil.
- CNRS Invited Professorship (Summer of 2011) at CNRS Laboratory of Molecular Photophysics, University of Paris South XI, Orsay, France.
- Department of Energy Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) award (2007).
- The French Ministry of Research Postdoctoral Fellowship (2001 – 2002).
- Soros Postgraduate Student Award (2000).
Current graduate/undergraduate students
- Susmeet Bakshi, Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University (starts in the spring of 2025), Ph.D. student.
- Anjini Kannanthara, Physics, Arizona State University (Fall 2024), Ph.D. research rotation.
Former graduate/undergraduate students
- Michael Clark, Arizona State University (Fall 2022 – Fall 2024). Ph.D. Thesis: Nonlinear optics at nanoscale plasmonic interfaces. Michale successfully defended his thesis on October 25th, 2024.
- Alec Serra, Arizona State University (Fall 2022). Undergraduate research.
- Hung Nguen, Arizona State University (Fall 2022). Undergraduate research.
- Maximus Smith, Arizona State University (Fall 2022). Undergraduate research.
- Elena Drobnyh, Arizona State University (Fall 2018 – Fall 2022), Ph.D. Thesis: Second harmonic generation at plasmonic interfaces and its interactions with quantum emitters under strong coupling conditions. Elena successfully defended her thesis on November 1st, 2022.
- Annyun Das, Arizona State University (Fall 2022). Ph.D research rotation: Superfluorescence at plasmonic interfaces.
- Austin Bartunek, Arizona State University (Spring 2022 – Fall 2022), Undergraduate research project: many-body physics in strong coupling regime.
- Noa Freifeld, Tel Aviv University (Fall 2014 – Fall 2022), co-advising with Prof. Abraham Nitzan (University of Pennsylvania & Tel Aviv University). Ph.D. Thesis: Energy transfer processes in coupled exciton-plasmon systems.
- Addison Olsen, Arizona State University (Spring 2022), Undergraduate research project: superfluorescence in resonant optical cavities. Addison is currently working as an engineer at ThorLabs.
- Chao Ji, Arizona State University (Spring 2022). Ph.D research rotation: entangled systems in 1D optical cavities.
- Undergraduate student Tanner Saadi, Arizona State University (Fall 2021 – Spring 2022). Honors Thesis: Dynamics of a Gaussian wavepacket in different optical environments. Tanner successfully defended his Honors thesis in April 2020.
- Undergraduate student Alexander Gavrilov, Arizona State University (Fall 2021 – Spring 2022). Honors Thesis: Boltzmann Dilemma and the Kac ring simulations. Alex successfully defended his Honors thesis in April 2022.
- Undergraduate student Alia Gilbert, Arizona State University (Spring 2019 – Spring 2020). Honors Thesis: Slit groove diffraction. Alia successfully defended her Honors thesis in April 2020. Alia has been accepted to the graduate program at the University of Michigan.
- Undergraduate students Dana Miller and Madelyn Shrum, Arizona State University (Spring 2019 – Spring 2020). Honors Thesis: Factors influencing science attitudes and beliefs. Dana and Madelyn successfully defended their Honors thesis in April 2020.
- Undergraduate student Brandon Thornton, Arizona State University (Spring 2015 – Spring 2018). Honors Thesis: Computational electrodynamics – applying CPML to dispersive media. Brandon successfully defended his Honors thesis in May 2018. Brandon is currently a graduate student at Arizona State University.
- Andre Brewer, Arizona State University. Master’s Thesis: Surface plasmon-polariton enhanced lasing: numerical studies. Andre successfully defended his thesis on April 7th, 2017. Andre worked as a Photonics Engineer at Optilab LLC. Now he is at Chemours. Andre also defending an honors thesis in 2016 as an undergraduate student with me before he was admitted to the graduate program.
- Adam Blake, Arizona State University. Ph.D. Thesis: Optical properties of hybrid nanomaterials. Adam successfully defended his thesis on November 2nd, 2016. Adam is currently employed as a physics teacher at Mesa Highschool.
- Raijumon Puthumpally Joseph, Université Paris Sud (Orsay, France), co-advising with Prof. Eric Charron (Université Paris Sud). Ph.D. Thesis: Quantum interferences in the dynamics of atoms and molecules in electromagnetic fields. Raiju successfully defended his thesis on February 29th, 2016. Raiju is currently a postdoctoral fellow at The Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel).
- Undergraduate student Jordan Swenson, Arizona State University, Tempe (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014). Honors Thesis: Physical aspects of refractive index measurements using Michelson interferometer. Jordan has successfully defended his thesis in May 2014. Jordan is currently a science high school teacher at Mountain View High School (Arizona).
- Undergraduate student Thomas Nagy, Arizona State University (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012). Honors Thesis: curriculum development – advanced laser laboratory for engineering students. Tom successfully defended his thesis in November 2012.
Additional mentoring
- Undergraduate student Austin Bullock, Arizona State University (Fall 2017). Project: Quantum electrodynamics of coupled emitters.
- Graduate student Clark Miller, Arizona State University (Fall 2017 – Summer 2018). Project: Second harmonic generation by periodic nanohole arrays.
- Graduate student Thomas Purcell, Northwestern University (Fall 2016), co-advising with Prof. T. Seideman (Northwestern University). Project: Modeling of optical coupling between surface plasmons and inhomogeneously broaden quantum emitters. Tom visited my lab for 1 month and completed his project. We recently submitted a manuscript based on his work.
- Graduate student Andrew White, Arizona State University (Fall 2015). Project: Optical bistability enhanced by plasmon resonances.
- Graduate student Cody Petrie, Arizona State University (Spring 2015). Research rotation project: Optics of silver nano-islands deposited on silica substrate.
- Undergraduate student Anthony Angus, Arizona State University (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015). Project: Optimization of FDTD algorithm for massively parallel computers. Tony successfully completed this project and presented a highly efficient FDTD code, which is now partially used in my research.
- Undergraduate student Jacqueline Shortridge, Arizona State University (Fall 2015). Project: Simulations of photon echo dynamics in dense systems.
- Undergraduate student Andrew Knapp, Department of Physics, Arizona State University (Spring 2011 – Fall 2011). Project: Parallel simulations of atomic clusters coupled to metal nanostructures.
- Graduate student Qiushi Mou, Arizona State University, Tempe (Summer 2010). Research rotation project: Nonlinear optics of atomic clusters near metal interface.
- Graduate student Yanan Zhao, Arizona State University, Tempe (Spring 2009). Research rotation project: Classical dynamics of atoms near metal surfaces.
- Undergraduate students: Thomas Nagy, Geoffrey Clark (both engineering majors), Derek Nasir, and Andrew Knapp (both physics majors) (Fall 2011) – advanced laser laboratory with several hands-on projects such as building and utilizing various interferometers (Michelson, Mach-Zehnder, Sagnac), using high-power laser for sound wave detection. The work was presented as a poster at the Innovation Showcase at Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus at the end of the semester.
- Undergraduate student Thomas Nagy, Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus (Spring 2009 – Spring 2011). Project: Optics of subwavelength gratings, new parallel schemes for FDTD. Later on in his studies Tom wrote and defended an Honors Thesis partially based on our interaction and his simulations.
- Obama Scholar[1] mentor – undergraduate student James Harris, Arizona State University (Fall 2010).
- Obama Scholar mentor – undergraduate student Starr Worthy, Arizona State University (Fall 2010).
- Undergraduate student Anton Bashnev, Arizona State University (Fall 2008). Project: Simulations of electromagnetic wave propagation at the nanoscale.
- Undergraduate student Margaret Stucky, Arizona State University (Fall 2008). Project: Classical dynamics of a dielectric particle near plasmonic materials.
- Graduate student Matt Reuter, Northwestern University (2007-2008). Project: Nonadiabatic alignment of organic molecules influenced by metal tips.
- Undergraduate student Joseph Yelk, Northwestern University (2005 – 2008). Project: Optimal control of light at the nanoscale.
- Mentoring high school teachers via the Research Experience for Teachers (RET) NSF program (summer 2006, summer 2007).
[1] Obama Scholarship is provided to outstanding undergraduate students from low-income families. A mentor’s job is to guide a student through his/her university life both academically and personally.
- [05/2020 - present] Professor of Physics, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus.
- [05/2014 - 05/2020] Associate Professor of Physics, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus.
- [01/2013 - 04/2014] Assistant Professor of Physics, School of Letters and Sciences, Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus.
- [08/2010 - present] Graduate faculty, Ira A. Fulton School of Electrical Computer, and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe.
- [10/2008 - present] Graduate faculty, Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe.
- [08/2008 - 12/2012] Assistant Professor of Physics, Department of Applied Sciences and Mathematics, Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus.
- [07/2003 - 08/2008] Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University.
- [09/2001 - 01/2003] Post-doctoral fellow, Laboratoire de Photophysique moleculaire du CNRS, Universite Paris Sud, France.
- [10/1998 - 10/2001] Research Assistant, Fiber Optics Research Center at General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
- [04/1997 - 04/2000] Postgraduate Student, Department of High-Power Lasers, General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
- Proposal reviewer: BSF, DOE, ISF, NASA, NSF, RGC.
- Referee: ACS Photonics, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, Journal of Optics, Journal of Physical Chemistry A/C, New Journal of Physics, Optica, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Physical Review A/B, Physical Review Letters, Scientific Reports.
- Organizing Committee Co-Chair, Nanophotonic, Optoelectronics, and Plasmonics, Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics, and Renewable Energy, Phoenix, March 10 – 14, 2014.
- Organizing Co-Chair, Division of Chemical Physics, American Physics Society, 2014 APS Meeting, Denver, March 3 – 7, 2014.
- Section editor: Nano-optical devices in Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, ISBN 978-90-481-9751-4, Springer, 2012.
- Organizing Committee Member, Workshop on Nano-Optics, Plasmonics, and Advanced Materials, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology at NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 19 – 22, 2010.
- Physics Program Lead (2010 – present): coordinating Applied Physics program at the Polytechnic campus. The duties include managing teaching load/assignments for physics instructors/faculty, physics courses scheduling, proposals for new physics courses, developing/promoting Applied Physics major and Physics minor at the Polytechnic campus.
- Articulation task force (ATF) for Physics (2010 – present): member, statewide committee responsible for helping students navigate higher education options in the State of Arizona.
- College grievance committee (Spring 2018 – present).
- College personnel committee, (Spring 2016 – Spring 2018).
- Search committees:
Physics Instructional Professional (member, 2012; chair, 2014; chair, 2017),
Physics Lab coordinator (chair, 2014),
Physics Instructor (chair, 2015),
Physics Lecturer (chair, 2017).
- The search committee for Dean of College of Letters and Sciences (Fall 2014).
- Departmental Curriculum development committee (2010 – 2012).
- Departmental Awards committee (2009 – 2012).
- University Faculty coordinating committee for Physics (2010 – 2012): member, representing the physics program at the Polytechnic campus.
- Science fair judge (both at state fairs and local high schools).
- "Scientific breakthroughs or baloney: what's true on Internet?", lecture at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Januare 29th, 2020.
- ASU Now interview:
- Public lectures: (2017) Debunking pseudoscientific claims: science in the era of alternative facts and Internet; (2018) The spookiness of the quantum world.