David Zhu
Phone: 480-727-8737
BA 323 G Tempe, AZ 85287
Mail code: 4006Campus: Tempe
Zhu builds on social and psychological theories to examine strategic decision making of top executives and entrepreneurs, diversity in the upper echelons, innovation, corporate governance, and corporate strategy. He also studies how the structure of networks affects leadership behavior, TMT diversity, and firms' competitive advantages. His work has been published in top scholarly journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal, and has received several international awards from Academy of Management and Strategic Management Society. He is a Senior Editor of Organization Science and a Deputy Editor of Management and Organization Review. He also serves as the Chair of the Strategic Leadership and Governance group of SMS and the Vice President and Program Chair of International Association for Chinese Management Research. As the faculty director of W.P. Carey's DBA program in China, he has provided professional advice to many top executives around the world. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and BBC Future, among others.
- Ph.D. University of Michigan
- M.A. Nankai University, China
- B.S. Nankai University, China
- Strategic Decision Making
- Upper Echelons
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Digitalization, Digital transformation, AI
- Corporate Governance
- Social and exchange networks
- Corporate strategy
- Chinese Management
- Zhu, D.H., L. Jia, and F. Lei (forthcoming). Too much on the plate? How executive job demands harm firm innovation and reduce share of exploratory innovations. Academy of Management Journal.
- Westphal, J.D., D. H. Zhu, and R. Kunapuli (forthcoming). Seeking Input when the Train has Left the Station: The Decoupling of Participative Strategic Decision-Making Processes and the Role of New Technology in Symbolic Management. Strategic Organization.
- Zhu, D. H. and J. D. Westphal* (2021). Structural power, corporate strategy, and performance. Strategic Management Journal, 42(3): 624-65 (*equal contribution).
- Kang, Y., D. H. Zhu, and Y. Zhang (2021). Being Extraordinary: How CEOs' Uncommon Names Explain Strategic Distinctiveness. Strategic Management Journal, 42(2): 462-488.
- Westphal, J. D. and D. H. Zhu* (2019). Under the Radar: How Firms Manage Competitive Uncertainty by Appointing Friends of Other CEOs to Their Boards. Strategic Management Journal. 40(1): 79-107 (*authors listed in alphabetical order).
- Jebran, K., S. Chen, and D. H. Zhu. (2019). Board informal hierarchy and stock price crash risk: Theory and evidence from China. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 27(5): 341-357.
- Zhu, D. H. and W. Shen (2016). Why do some outside successions fare better than others? The role of outside CEOs' prior experience with board diversity. Strategic Management Journal, 37(13): 2695–2708.
- Zhu, D. H. and G. Chen (2015). Narcissism, director selection, and risk-taking spending. Strategic Management Journal,36(13):2075-2098.
- Zhu, D. H. and G. Chen* (2015). CEO narcissism and the impact of prior board experience on corporate strategy. Administrative Science Quarterly, 60(1): 31-65 (*equal contribution).
- Zhu, D. H. and J. D. Westphal (2014). How directors’ prior experience with other demographically similar CEOs affects their selection onto corporate boards and the consequences for CEO compensation. Academy of Management Journal, 57(3): 791-813.
- Zhu, D. H., W. Shen, and A. Hillman (2014). Recategorization into the in-group: The appointment of demographically different new directors and their subsequent positions on corporate boards. Administrative Science Quarterly, 59(2): 240-270.
- Zhu, D. H. (2014). Group polarization in board decisions about CEO compensation. Organization Science, 25(2): 552-571.
- Zhu, D. H. (2013). Group polarization on corporate boards: Theory and evidence on board decisions about acquisition premiums. Strategic Management Journal, 34: 800-822.
- Zhu, D. H. and J. D. Westphal* (2011). Misperceiving the beliefs of others: How pluralistic ignorance contributes to the persistence of positive security analyst reactions to the adoption of stock repurchase plans. Organization Science, 22(4): 869-886 (*equal contribution).
- Ethiraj, S. and D. H. Zhu (2008). Performance effects of imitative entry. Strategic Management Journal, 29: 797-817.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 721 | Seminar: Research in Action I |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 722 | Seminar: Research in Action II |
DBA 723 | Seminar:Research in Action III |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 706 | Strategic Visioning Leadership |
DBA 721 | Seminar: Research in Action I |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 799 | Dissertation |
WPC 480 | Capstone Course |
DBA 723 | Seminar:Research in Action III |
WPC 470 | Business Admin Capstone |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
WPC 480 | Capstone Course |
DBA 702 | Glob FIN Sys Mkt & Institution |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
DBA 715 | Current Trends Europe Module |
DBA 712 | Econ & Finance Domestic Module |
DBA 701 | MacroECN Policy in Global Envi |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 799 | Dissertation |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
DBA 702 | Glob FIN Sys Mkt & Institution |
DBA 723 | Seminar:Research in Action III |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 722 | Seminar: Research in Action II |
DBA 723 | Seminar:Research in Action III |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 799 | Dissertation |
DBA 706 | Strategic Visioning Leadership |
DBA 721 | Seminar: Research in Action I |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 589 | Strategic Management |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 799 | Dissertation |
WPC 480 | Capstone Course |
DBA 723 | Seminar:Research in Action III |
DBA 709 | Finance and Law |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
DBA 722 | Seminar: Research in Action II |
WPC 480 | Capstone Course |
DBA 702 | Glob FIN Sys Mkt & Institution |
DBA 707 | Risk Management |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
DBA 708 | Corporate FIN and Governance |
DBA 711 | Financial Innovations |
DBA 713 | Adv Topics in Strategy Mgt Dom |
DBA 707 | Risk Management |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
DBA 712 | Econ & Finance Domestic Module |
DBA 702 | Glob FIN Sys Mkt & Institution |
DBA 703 | Glob FIN Sys Institute Invest |
DBA 711 | Financial Innovations |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
DBA 706 | Strategic Visioning Leadership |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 589 | Strategic Management |
MGT 589 | Strategic Management |
DBA 721 | Seminar: Research in Action I |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 589 | Strategic Management |
MGT 589 | Strategic Management |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 722 | Seminar: Research in Action II |
WPC 480 | Capstone Course |
DBA 701 | MacroECN Policy in Global Envi |
DBA 723 | Seminar:Research in Action III |
DBA 791 | Seminar |
DBA 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
MGT 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 721 | Seminar: Research in Action I |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
WPC 480 | Capstone Course |
WPC 480 | Capstone Course |
WPC 480 | Capstone Course |
MGT 791 | Seminar |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 792 | Research |
DBA 721 | Seminar: Research in Action I |
MGT 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MGT 799 | Dissertation |
MGT 792 | Research |
- Inclusion in Administrative Science Quarterly Editor's Choice Collection as one of eight important studies on the Diffusion and Abandonment of Practices
- Co-winner of the William H. Newman Award for the Best Paper Based on a Dissertation, Academy of Management, 2010
- Winner of the Louis R. Pondy Award for the Best Paper Based on a Dissertation, Organization and Management Theory division, Academy of Management, 2010
- Runner-up for Organizational and Management Theory Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, 2010
- Winner of the Best Conference Paper Award, Strategic Management Society International Conference, Washington D.C., 2009
- Winner of the Rensis Likert Dissertation Paper Prize, ICOS, University of Michigan, 2009-2010
Senior Editor
- Organization Science
Deputy Editor
- Management and Organization Review
Academy of Management
International Association for Chinese Management Research
Strategic Management Soceity
PhD student supervision
Wookyung Lee (chair), current
Zeyu Zhao (advisor), current
Yungu Kang (chair), joined Hong Kong Baptist University in 2021
Qi Zhu (co-chair), joined Hong Kong Polytech University in 2019
Jisun (Sun) Kim (committee member), joined University of Mississippi in 2018
Wes Herche (advisor) (2014-2015)
Jatinder Jassal (advisor) (2011-2012)
DBA student supervision
Dissertation co-chair (graduation year in parentheses)
Jun Zhou (2018), President and Vice Board Chair, Shanghai Industrial Holding
Jianping Liu (2018), CEO, Zhong Ou AMC
Wenqing Shi (2018), Board Chair, Shanghai Yuan Yang Group
Hongwei Zhang (2018), Vice CEO, Ping-An Asset Management
Huan Wang (2019), Vice CEO, Rosefinch Investment
Yang Wang (2019), CEO, Time-Space-Universe
Suo Qin (2020), Author and former Editor in Chief, China Business Network
Guiji Li (2020), Board Chair, Xinlibao Real Estate Group
Zhubin Li (2020), Founder and CEO, Wisevirtue Consulting
Yang Yao (2020), Board Chair, Zuomo Investment; President, Panying Fund
Zheng Xiang (2020), CEO, SCM Designs
Shan Zhong (2020), Board Chair, Pacilink Engineering
Limin He (2020), Vice CEO, Kelida Building and Decoration
Jie Li (2020), Chief Investment Officer, Hwabao Securities
Wei Fan (2021), CEO and Executive Partner, Shanghai Zhongyi Investment Management
Jie He (2021), President, Shanghai Yufeng Financial Lending
Qingling Zhu (2021), President, Shanghai Mingliang Investment and Consulting
Weiyang Wu (2021), President, Yungquan Huili
Dissertation co-chair for currently enrolled students
Xiaobin Zhang, co-founder and Executive Director, Yizhun Biomedical Limited.
Jin Li, Vice President, SANY group
Donghui Liu, Board Chair, DHD Design & Engineering.
Xiaoqin Ru, CEO and Executive Director, Yicun Capital
Yihua Tu, Executive Director, Astrazeneca University
Xiquan Wang, CEO, Wolong Real Estate Group
Xiuqin He, CEO of Jingang International and co-founder of Tsingshan Holding Group
Min Chen, Executive Director and CFO, Greenland Broad Greenstate
Lingli Deng, Vice President, Central Wealth Group Holdings Limited
Qun Ouyang, Senior Partner, Hiwayslaw Group
Jiayi Lin, Executive Director, IGB Group
Dongya Mei, Board Chair and CEO, Maodian Asset
Hongzhe Zhang, Vice President, ANNEC
Chun Chen, Vice President, Sinvo Group
Sheng Bao, Chief Investment Officer, Sujia
Pei Zhang, Chief Investment Officer, Huarong Tianze Investment
Liping Gao, Board Chair, Shanghai Yinghan Asset Management Hongqian Shi, CFO, Rockcheck Group
Dissertation committee member (graduation year in parentheses)
Laili Zheng (2019), Vice President, Kangnai Group
Qimin Wu (2019), President, Jupai Holdings Fengdong Liao (2020), CEO, Meian Pharmaceuticals
Dissertation committee member for currently enrolled students
Jing He, Board Chair, Wanhe Chuangjing Group
Di Wu, CEO, Huawan Investment Management
Arizona State University: 2009-present
Previous Appointments: University of Michigan
Strategic Management Society
Strategic Leadership and Governance group
Program Chair, 2022-2023
Associate Program Chair, 2021-2022
Representative-at-Large, 2017-2019
International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR)
Vice President and Program Chair elect, 2022-present
English Program Macro Chair, 2020-2022 conference
Research Committee Macro Chair, 2018-2022
Representative-at-large (Americas), 2018-2022
Faculty Director
ASU's China DBA Program, 2022-present
Editorial Board Member
Academy of Management Journal (2020 to 2022)
Academy of Management Review (2018 to 2022)
Administrative Science Quarterly (2011 to 2022)
Strategic Management Journal (2013 to 2022)
Strategic Management
Psychology of Strategic Decision Making and Strategic Leadership
Scientific Thinking