Profiles in "Corporate Governance" Expertise Area

  • Zhu studies strategic decision making of top executives and entrepreneurs, corporate governance, innovation, and corporate strategy. He also studies corporate elite networks and resource exchange networks.
  • Laura Lindsey's research interests include entrepreneurial finance, venture capital and private equity, financial contracting, governance, and boundaries of the firm.
  • Wei Shen is a professor of strategic management, and a noted researcher on topics of strategic leadership, corporate governance, organizational search, and research methodology.
  • Michael Hertzel is Professor of Finance at ASU W. P. Carey School of Business and a Dean's Council of 100 Distinguished Scholar. Formerly, he was the Richard Kraemer Professor of Finance, and a Ford Honors Program Faculty Fel
  • Trevis Certo studies how corporate governance structures and top management teams influence firm performance.
  • Dr. Bates is Dean’s Council Scholar and Associate Professor of Finance at the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. Bates also serves as Director of Executive MBA programs for the W. P. Carey school.
  • Semadeni's research studies focus on competitive strategy, corporate strategy, knowledge, and top management teams.
  • Marie Sushka's research focuses on banking, corporate governance and private equity.
  • Mathias Arrfelt's research focuses on behavioral, cultural, environmental, and learning related aspects of strategic decision making, including how these factors influence firm performance.
  • Christine Shropshire's research is broadly in the area of corporate governance, including board composition and effectiveness, diversity in the upper echelons, and stakeholder management.