Student Information
Graduate Student
The College of Lib Arts & Sci
Long Bio
Kyle Gresenz (he/him) is a PhD Candidate in Sociology at the School of Social and Family Dynamics. Kyle also serves as the Director of Foundation Development at the ASU Foundation. Kyle is an experienced fundraiser, with a specialty in charitable grants and foundation development, previously working in a consulting role for non-profits and educational grants. In Kyle's role at the ASU Foundation, he advises faculty and staff on philanthropic grant opportunities to advance research and fund programs across the ASU enterprise.
In his research, Kyle focuses on the intersections of healthcare, queer identity, and rural geography to understand the intersecting and compounding factors that contribute to distinct population-specific healthcare access limitations, utilization barriers, and relevant outcomes. Kyle's dissertation, entitled: "Queer Out Here: A Critical Approach to Quantifying Healthcare Access, Utilization, and Health Insurance Use for Queer People in the Rural United States of America", serves as a national quantitative study on the status of queer rural healthcare, providing a foundational perspective that situates geography, social identity, institutional dynamics, and social structures together to understand how to advance health equity.
Kyle is engaged in numerous collaborative research projects, including his work at the ASU Global Center for Applied Health Research, the Arizona Youth Identity Project, the Phoenix Community Relations Project, and other collaborative endeavors.
Kyle is a long-time Arizona resident, having been born and raised in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Kyle received his undergraduate degree in Human Communications from Arizona State University and his Master of Public Health degree from the University in Arizona. Kyle is completing his PhD in Sociology at Arizona State University.
PhD (c), Arizona State University
MPH, University of Arizona
BA, Arizona State University
Research Interests
LGBTQ+ health, quantitative methods, rural health, health communication, healthcare disparities, intervention science, resiliency, queer theory, intersectionality, social class and health, healthcare institutions, healthcare provider preparation, and community health.