Yalin Wang
School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Phone: 480-965-6871
BYENG 432 TEMPE, AZ 85287-8809
Mail code: 8809Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
Professor Yalin Wang joined School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (SCAI) at Arizona State University in 2010. He took his postdoctoral training in mathematics and neuroimaging at University of California, Los Angeles. He was promoted to associate professor in 2017 and full professor in 2023. He received the “2016 Best Junior Faculty Researcher Award” from ASU CIDSE. He received multiple Best Paper and Best Paper Finalist awards. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Dr. Wang's research interests include medical imaging, computer vision, machine learning, computer graphics, geometric modeling, and statistical pattern recognition.
- PhD Electrical Engineering, University of Washington 2002
- MS Computer Science, Tsinghua University 1996
- BS Computer Science, Tsinghua University 1994
Research Website URL
Google Scholar URL
- Zhang J, Dong Q, Shi J, Li Q, Stonnington CY, Gutman BA, Chen K, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Thompson PM, Ye J, Wang Y, Predicting Future Cognitive Decline with Hyperbolic Stochastic Coding, Medical Image Analysis, 2021, In Press.
- Stonnington CM, Wu J, Zhang J, Shi J, Bauer III RJ, Devadas V, Su Y, Locke DEC, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Chen K, Wang Y, Improved prediction of imminent progression to clinically significant memory decline using surface multivariate morphometry statistics and sparse coding, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2021, In Press
- Wang G, Dong Q, Wu J, Su Y, Chen K, Su Q, Zhang X, Hao J, Yao T, Liu L, Zhang C, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Wang Y, Developing Univariate Neurodegeneration Biomarkers with Low-Rank and Sparse Subspace Decomposition, Medical Image Analysis, 2021, 67:101877
- Dong Q*, Zhang W*, Stonnington CM, Wu J, Gutman BA, Chen K, Su Y, Baxter LC, Thompson PM, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, Applying Surface-Based Morphometry to Study Ventricular Abnormalities of Cognitively Unimpaired Subjects Prior to Clinically Significant Memory Decline, NeuroImage: Clinical, 2020, 27:102338
- Kuang L, Jia J, Zhao D, Xiong F, Han X, Wang Y, Default Mode Network Analysis of APOE Genotype in Cognitively Unimpaired Subjects Based on Persistent Homology, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2020, 12:188
- Dong Q*, Zhang J*, Li Q, Wang J, Lepore N, Thompson PM, Caselli RJ, Ye J, Wang Y, Integrating Convolutional Neural Networks and Multi-Task Dictionary Learning for Cognitive Decline Prediction with Longitudinal Images, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2020, 75(3): 971-992
- Tu Y*, Mi L*, Zhang W, Zhang H, Zhang J, Fan Y, Goradia D, Chen K, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Gu X, Wang Y, ADNI Group, Computing Univariate Neurodegenerative Biomarkers with Volumetric Optimal Transportation: A Pilot Study, Neuroinformatics, 2020, 18(4): 531-548
- Shi J, Wang Y, Hyperbolic Wasserstein Distance for Shape Indexing, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020, 42(6): 1362-1376
- Dong Q*, Zhang W*, Wu J, Li B, Schron EH, McMahon T, Shi J, Gutman BA, Chen K, Baxter LC, Thompson PM, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, Applying Surface-Based Hippocampal Morphometry to Study APOE-e4 Allele Dose Effects in Cognitively Unimpaired Subjects, NeuroImage: Clinical, Mar. 2019, 22:101744
- Kuang L, Han X, Chen K, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Wang Y, A Concise and Persistent Feature to Study Brain Resting-State Network Dynamics: Findings from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Human Brain Mapping, 40(4), Mar. 2019, pp. 1062-1081
- Wang G, Wang Y, Towards a Holistic Cortical Thickness Descriptor: Heat Kernel-Based Grey Matter Morphology Signatures, NeuroImage, 147, Feb. 2017, pp. 360-380.
- Shi J, Zhang W, Tang M, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, Conformal Invariants for Multiply Connected Surfaces: Application to Landmark Curve-Based Brain Morphometry Analysis, Medical Image Analysis, 35, Jan. 2017, pp. 517-529.
- Li B, Shi J, Gutman BA, Baxter LC, Thompson PM, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, Influence of APOE Genotype on Hippocampal Atrophy over Time - An N=1925 Surface-based ADNI Study, PLOS ONE 11(4), e0152901, 2016.
- Wang G, Zhang X, Su Q, Shi J, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, A Novel Cortical Thickness Estimation Method based on Volumetric Laplace-Beltrami Operator and Heat Kernel, Medical Image Analys
- Shi J, Stonnington CM, Thompson PM, Chen K, Gutman BA, Reschke C, Baxter LC, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, Studying Ventricular Abnormalities in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Hyperbolic Ricci Flow and Tensor-based Morphometry, NeuroImage, 104(1), Jan. 2015, pp. 1-20.is, 22(1), Feb. 2015, pp. 1-20.
- Shi J, Leporé N, Gutman B, Thompson PM, Baxter LC, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, Genetic Influence of APOE4 Genotype on Hippocampal Morphometry ‒ An N=725 Surface-based Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Inituative Study, Human Brain Mapping, 35(8), Aug. 2014, pp. 3903-3918.
- Shi J, Thompson PM, Gutman B, Wang Y, Surface Fluid Registration of Conformal Representation: Application to Detect Disease Burden and Genetic Influence on Hippocampus, NeuroImage, 78, Sep. 2013, pp. 111-134.
- Wang Y, Yuan L, Shi J, Greve A, Ye J, Toga AW, Reiss AL, Thompson PM, Applying Tensor-based Morphometry to Parametric Surfaces can Improve MRI-based Disease Diagnosis, NeuroImage, 74, July 2013, pp. 209-230.
- Wang Y, Shi J, Yin X, Gu X, Chan TF, Yau S.-T., Toga AW, Thompson PM, Brain Surface Conformal Parameterizaiton with the Ricci flow, IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, Vol 31, No. 2, Feb. 2012, pp. 251-264.
- Wang Y, Song Y, Rajagopalan P, An T, Liu K, Chou Y, Gutman B, Toga AW, Thompson PM, Surface-based TBM Boosts Power to Detect Disease Effects on the Brain: An N=804 ADNI Study, NeuroImage, 56(4), June 2011, pp. 1993-2010
- Wang Y, Zhang J, Gutman B, Chan TF, Becker JT, Aizenstein HJ, Lopez OL, Tamburo RJ, Toga AW, Thompson PM, Multivariate Tensor-based Morphometry on Surfaces: Application to Mapping Ventricular Abnormalities in HIV/AIDS, NeuroImage, 49(3), February 2010, pp. 2141-2157
- Wang Y, Lui LM, Gu X, Hayashi KM, Chan TF, Toga AW, Thompson PM and Yau S-T, Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization using Riemann Surface Structure, IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, Vol. 26, No. 6, June 2007, pp. 853-865.
- Gu X, Wang Y, Chan TF, Thompson PM and Yau S-T, " Genus Zero Surface Conformal Mapping and Its Application to Brain Surface Mapping", IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, 23(8), Aug. 2004, pp. 949-958
Research Activity
- MRI Biomarker Discovery for Preclinical Alzheimers disease with Geometry Methods. HHS-NIH-NIA(7/15/2013 - 6/30/2016).
- Collaborative Research: Quantifying Human Retinotopic Mapping by Conformal Geometry. NSF-MPS-DMS(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2017).
- FY15: Arizona Alzheimer's Consortium. AADC(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- III: Small: Multi-modal Neuroimaging Data Fusion and Analysis with Harmonic Maps Under Designed Riemannian Metric. NSF-CISE-IIS(8/1/2014 - 7/31/2017).
- ENIGMA Center for Worldwide Medicine, Imaging & Genomics. HHS-NIH-NIBIB(9/29/2014-5/31/2018).
- Empowering Diffusion MRI Measures by Integrating White and Grey Matter Morphology. HHS-NIH-NIA(9/1/2015-4/30/2018).
- Multi-Source Sparse Learning to Identify MCI and Predict decline. HHS-NIH-NIA(6/1/2016-5/31/2020).
- Predicting the Early Childhood Outcomes of Preterm Brain Shape Abnormalities. HHS-NIH-NIBIB(9/22/2017-6/30/2021).
- Modeling Multi-modal Neuroimaging Biomarkers in the SVRIII Cohort in Relationship to Differential Genetic Risk for Late-Onset Alzheimers Disease. HHS-NIH-NHLBI(9/15/2018-4/30/2019)
- FY19: Arizona Alzheimer's Consortium. AADC(7/1/2018 - 6/30/2019).
- Integrating Genomic and Imaging Biomarkers for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease. ASU-Mayo Seed Grant (1/1/2019-12/31/2019).
- FY20: Arizona Alzheimer's Consortium. AADC(7/1/2019 - 6/30/2020).
- Developing a Univariate Neurodegeneration Imaging Biomarker with Optimal Transportation. HHS-NIH-NIA(8/1/2020-5/31/2022)
- FY21: Arizona Alzheimer's Consortium. AADC(7/1/2020 - 6/30/2021).
- Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Retinotopic Maps of the Human Visual Cortex with Conformal Geometry. HHS-NIH-NEI (9/1/2021-8/31/2025)
- Early joint cranial and brain development from fetal and pediatric imaging. HHS-NIH-NIDCR (9/15/21-5/31/26)
- FY22: Arizona Alzheimer's Consortium. AADC(7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022)
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEN 584 | Internship |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 220 | Programming for Computer Engr |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
DSE 799 | Dissertation |
DSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
DSE 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
DSE 580 | Practicum |
DSE 792 | Research |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 570 | Advanced Computer Graphics I |
DSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CEN 584 | Internship |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEN 792 | Research |
CSE 220 | Programming for Computer Engr |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CEN 584 | Internship |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
DSE 792 | Research |
DSE 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
DSE 792 | Research |
DSE 799 | Dissertation |
DSE 580 | Practicum |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 792 | Research |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
DSE 792 | Research |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 570 | Advanced Computer Graphics I |
DSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 494 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CEN 584 | Internship |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 220 | Programming for Computer Engr |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CEN 584 | Internship |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
DSE 792 | Research |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 792 | Research |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
DSE 792 | Research |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 570 | Advanced Computer Graphics I |
CSE 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CEN 584 | Internship |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 220 | Programming for Computer Engr |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 584 | Internship |
DSE 792 | Research |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 792 | Research |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 792 | Research |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEN 584 | Internship |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 220 | Programming for Computer Engr |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CEN 584 | Internship |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 584 | Internship |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 792 | Research |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 792 | Research |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CEN 584 | Internship |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 220 | Programming for Computer Engr |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CEN 584 | Internship |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 584 | Internship |