Profiles in "Computer Vision" Expertise Area

  • Li's general research interests are on visual computing and machine learning, especially their application in the context of human-centered computing
  • Karam's research interests include image/video processing, compression and transmission, computer vision, machine learning, visual quality assessment and perception, multidimensional signal processing, digital filtering and biomedical imaging.
  • NAI Fellow; Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science, Computer Science and Engineering, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, and Biomedical Engineering; 100+ publications; 40 patents; received several awards.
  • Their research in machine learning has resulted in new algorithms for geometrical analysis of feature-spaces which leads to increased robustness in several end-applications.
  • Strong in biomath/biostats/ML/AI/neuroimage/AD methodology research. Dr. Chen has >600 papers w/ h-index 109 in Google scholar and 93 in ResearchGate. ranks him in Medicine 6741 worldwide and 3663 in US, 2024
  • Research staff with the School of Arts, Media, and Engineering
  • Wang's research interests include medical imaging, computer vision, machine learning, computer graphics, geometric modeling, and statistical pattern recognition.
  • LiKamWa directs Meteor Studio, which explores the research and design of software and hardware for mobile Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, and visual computing systems for storytelling and sensemaking.
  • Yang's research interests include cognitive robotics, computer vision, robot perception, manipulation actions, vision and language.