Jeffrey Englin
Phone: 480-727-1124
Santan Hall 235C Tempe, AZ 85287
Mail code: 1780Campus: Poly
Jeffrey Englin currently serves as a professor in the Morrison School of Agribusiness, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. He previously served as director of the Morrison School and was professor and chair at the University of Nevada, Reno, a visiting scientist with the Canadian Forest Service, a visiting professor at the University of Alberta, and was a senior research economist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
He has published more than 50 scholarly contributions on issues related to the environment and natural resources. His publications have appeared in many outlets including Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Rand Journal of Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, Ecological Economics, and Journal of Environmental Management.
- B.S. University of Minnesota 1979
- M.A. University of Washington 1980
- Ph.D. University of Washington 1986
- Long Term Effects of Social Change on the Valuation of the Environment.
- Information Criteria Selection Methods
- Travel Cost Demand Modeling
Czajkowski, M., M. Giergiczny, J. Kronenberg and J. Englin. 2019. “The Individual Travel Cost Method with Consumer-Specific Values of Travel Time Savings.” Environmental and Resource Economics. 74(3):961-984.
Valdez-Lafarga, O., T. Schmitz and J. Englin 2019. "The Role of Exchange Rates on Country-Differentiated Demand: The Case of United States Tomatoes" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.44(1):52-79.
Holmes, T., M. Bowker, J. Englin, E. Hjerpe, J. Loomis, S. Phillips, R. Richardson. 2016. "A Synthesis of the Economic Values of Wilderness" Journal of Forestry. 114(3):320 –328.
Bartczak, A., J. Englin and A. Pang. 2012. "When are forest visits valued the most? An analysis of the seasonal demand for Polish forests" Environmental and Resource Economics. 52(2):249-264.
- Aukema, JE., Leung B., Kovacs K., Chivers C., Britton KO., Englin, J., Frankel, SJ., Haight, RG., Holmes, TP., Liebhold, A., McCullough, DG., Von Holle, B. 2011. “Economic Impacts of Non-Native Forest Insects in the Continental United States.” PLoSONE 6(9): e24587. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024587.
- Hilger, J. and J. Englin. 2009. “Utility Theoretic Semi-logarithmic Incomplete Demand Systems in a Natural Experiment: Forest Fire Impacts on Recreational Values and Use.” Resource and Energy Economics. 31:287-298.
- Shonkwiler, J.S. and J. Englin. 2005. "Welfare losses due to grazing on public lands: A count data system-wide treatment." American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 87: 302-313
- Moeltner, K. and J. Englin. 2004. “Choice Behavior under Dynamic Quality Changes: State Dependence Versus 'Play-It-By-Ear' in Selecting Ski Resorts.” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 22:214-224.
- Cameron, T. and J. Englin. 1997. "Welfare Effects of Changes in Environmental Quality Under Individual Uncertainty About Use." Rand Journal of Economics. 28(0):S45-S70.
- Englin, J. and J.S. Shonkwiler. 1995. "Estimating Social Welfare Using Count Data Models: An Application to Long Run Recreation Demand Under Conditions of Endogenous Stratification and Truncation." Review of Economics and Statistics. 77:104-112.
$15,007. J. Englin. “Using Social Media Data to Improve Estimates of Wilderness Demand and Value” U.S. Forest Service. 2017-2019.
$44,936. J. Englin “Long-term Trends in the Use and Value of Wilderness” US Forest Service. 2017-2019.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 702 | Adv AGB II: Applied Econometr |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 702 | Adv AGB II: Applied Econometr |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 702 | Adv AGB II: Applied Econometr |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 702 | Adv AGB II: Applied Econometr |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AGB 484 | Internship |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
AGB 250 | Resource Allocation |
SOS 792 | Research |
North American member of the Selection Committee for the 2018 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Member of Faculty Council WP Carey School of Business (2013 – 2016), WP Carey Promotion and Tenure Committee (2016 - current) President of the National Association of Agricultural Economics Administrators (2006-2008) Editorial Board of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (1993-1996)
MS Students: Natalie Tucker M.S. (1993), Kalyan Chakraborty M.S. (1994), Kevin House M.S. (1994), Gong Chen M.S. (1995), Janet Baker M.S. (1996), James Hilger M.S. (1998), Jered McDonald (2001), Rebecca Niell (Epanchin-Niell) (2003), Margaret Pennington (2005), Laura Nalle (2005), Juan Marcos Gonzales (2005), Adam Longhorn (2006), Michelle Da Pra (2008), Amy Phillips (2008), Aubrey Oliphant (2008).
PhD Student: Octavio Valdez (2017).
Arizona State University 2011-present. Previous Appointments: Professor, University of Nevada, Reno, Visiting Professor, University of Alberta
Member of the WP Carey School of Business Personnel Committee (2015 - present)
Chair of Faculty Council WP Carey School of Business (2015 – 2016)
Youth, Agribusiness, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship Summit on Innovation Meeting Steering Committee (2015- 2016)
Member of Faculty Council WP Carey School of Business (2013 – 2016)
Member of Morrison School of Agribusiness PhD Committee (2013 - present)
Member of Morrison School of Agribusiness Personnel Committee (2013 - 2015)