Lisa Magana
Phone: 480-965-8473
Fax: 480-965-7165
Interdisciplinary B Building-Suite B165 B Tempe, AZ 85287-6303
Mail code: 6303Campus: Tempe
Lisa Magaña is a Professor in the School of Transborder Studies at Arizona State University (ASU). She has published in the area of immigration and Latino public policy issues. She is the author of, Straddling the Border and The Politics of Diversity and Arizona, Immigration and Latinos & Politics. She is also co-editor of the book Latino Politics and Arizona's Immigration Law SB 1070. She has a new co-authored book with César Silva: ¡Empoderados!/Empowered! How Latinos Transformed Politics in Arizona (2021) as well as Immigration and Latinos & Politics (2021). She has also published numerous chapters and book articles on immigration and Latino Politics. She has been interviewed in numerous media outlets.
- Ph.D. Political Science, Center for Politics and Economics, Claremont Graduate School 1995
- M.A. Public Policy, Center for Politics and Economics, Claremont Graduate School 1991
- B.A. Political Science, California Polytechnic University, Pomona 1987
7. Lisa Magaña and César Silva (2021) ¡Empoderados!/Empowered!
How Latinos Transformed Politics in Arizona. (in press) University of Arizona Press.
6. Lisa Magaña, (2021) Immigration, Latinos: Latinos & Politics.
Dubuque: Kendall Hunt Press.
5. Lisa Magaña, (2014) Arizona, Immigration, Latinos: Latinos & Politics.
Dubuque: Kendall Hunt Press.
4. Lisa Magaña and Erik K. Lee (2013) Latino Politics and Arizona’s Immigration Law SB 1070. Springer Press: New York.
3. Lisa Magaña, (2005) Mexican Americans and the Politics of Diversity, ¡Querer es poder! Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
2 Lisa Magaña, (2003) Straddling the Border: The Immigration Policy Process and Its Effect on the INS. Austin: University of Texas Press.
1. Lisa Magaña (1995) Mexican Americans: Are They an Ambivalent Minority?
Claremont: The Tomas Rivera Center Press.
Journal Articles
9. Lisa Magaña (2016) “Comparing Alabama’s Anti-Immigrant Law, HB 56 to SB 1070,” Journal of American Ethnic History, 35, no. 3: 2, 82-86.
8. Lisa Magaña, (2013) “SB1070 and the Implications of Negative
Social Construction of Latino Immigrants in Arizona,” Atzlan, September 2013, 151-162.
7. Adrian D. Pantoja, Cecilia Menjívar, and Lisa Magaña (2009) “ The Spring Marches of 2006: Latinos, Immigration, and Political Mobilization in the 21st Century. American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 52, Issue 4, 499-506.
6. Lisa Magaña and Robert Short (2002) “The Social Construction of Mexican and Cuban Immigrants by Politicians in Mainstream Newspapers,” The Review of Policy Research Vol. 19. No 4 Winter, 78-94.
5. Robert Short and Lisa Magaña. (2002) “Politics, Prejudice and Immigration.”
Journal of Social Psychology 142(6), (Translated into French, Maisons des Sciences de l’homme Le Portail du Ré seau, 701-712.
4. Lisa Magaña (1999) “The Implementation of Public Policies in Latino Los Angeles,” Latino Studies Journal Vol. 10 No. 3, 53-66.
3. Lisa Magaña (1999) “The Social Construction of Mexican Immigrants by Politicians” Transhistoric Thresholds Conference. , CD ROM of selected proceedings, edited by Gary D. Keller. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review Press
2. Lisa Magaña (1998-1999) “The Implementation of Public Policies in Latino Communities: A Theoretical Framework,” Harvard Hispanic Policy Journal This article, originally published in 1994-1995, was reprinted for the anniversary series as one of the decade’s five best articles, 79-88.
1. Harold K. Becker, George T. Felkenes, Lisa Magaña, and Jill Huntely (1997) “A Socioeconomic Comparison of Drug Sales by Mexican-American and Mexican Immigrant Male Gang Members,” Journal of Gang Research,
(Vol. 4, Issue 4, 37-48).
Book Chapters
11. Lisa Magaña (2021) “Trajectory Toward Full, Some Humble Advice” in Preparing for Full Professor: Critical Issues on Gender and Racial Equity in Research, Teaching, Service and Policy Making edited by Caroline Turner and Christine Stanley, project funded by the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (in press).
10. Lisa Magaña (2021) “The Politics of DACA and Trump: Social Construction and Rhetoric:” Trump: Anti-immigrant rhetoric, actions and policies 2017-2019, CISAN-UNAM, Mexico City (in press).
9. Lisa Magaña (2019) “Fear of Calling the Police When Joe Arpaio is in Charge: Regulation and Resistance” in Social Welfare Policy: Regulation and Resistance among People of Color edited by Jerome H. Schiele. Publications (Second Edition).
8. Rodolfo Espino and Lisa Magaña, “Latino Politics in Arizona” (forthcoming) in Latinos and the Elections, edited by Rodolfo de la Garza, Louis De Sipio and David Leal Notre Dame Press.
7. Lisa Magaña (2016) “Las politicas de inmigración de Arizona: Los processos de un enfoque general,” en Visiones de Acá y de Allá: Implicaciones de la politica anti-migratoria en las comunidades de origen Mexicano y Latinos de los Estados Unidos y México. Carlos G. Vélez-Ibañez, Roberto Sánchez, y Mariángela Rodríguez, Coordinadores, MéxicoD.F.: Porrúa, 61-76.
6. Lisa Magaña (2013) “Arizona’s Latino Politics and SB1070” in the book Arizona’s Latino Politics, Policies and International Relations? Edited by Lisa Magaña and Erik K. Lee, Springer Press, 19-26.
5. Lisa Magaña (2013) “The U.S. Border Patrol and Immigration Policy Implementation,” edited by David Leal, Immigration and the Border: Politics and Policy in the New Latino Century.” Notre Dame Press, 285-310.
4. Manny Avalos and Lisa Magaña (2013) “Proposition 187 All Over Again,” edited by David Leal, Immigration and the Border: Politics and Policy in the New Latino Century.” Notre Dame Press, 347-36
3. Lisa Magaña (2011) “Fear of Calling the Police: Regulation and Resistance” in Social Welfare Policy: Regulation and Resistance among People of Color edited by Jerome H. Schiele, Sage Publications, 255-269.
2. Manuel Avalos, Lisa Magaña, Adrian Pantoja (2010) “The Latino Vote in Arizona,” edited by Rodolfo de la Garza, Louis De Sipio and David Leal. Beyond the Barrio: Latinos in the 2004 Election, Notre Dame Press, 13: 978-0-268- -170
1. Lisa Magaña and Armando Xavier Meijia (2004) “Latino Protest Politics.” In Latino/a American Political Participation. Edited by Sharon Ann Navarro and Armando Xavier Meijia, Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 57-87.
Other Publications
18. Encyclopedia entries on IRCA, Luis Guiterrez and Raul Castro, (2019) for Latinos in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders, edited by Jessica Lavariega Monforti.
17. Lisa Magaña, Quartz (2016) Latino Voters Need More Than Candidates Who Look Just Like Us
16. Lisa Magaña, Book Review (2011) Kelly Lyttle Hernandez, Migra! The Historian, 2011, Volume 73. Issue 4, 821-822.
15. “Latino Politics in Arizona” (2009) Lisa Magaña, Miguel Montiel and James Garcia. 2009. Report to Arizona Latino Research Enterprise, 32-40.
14. Lisa Magaña, Book Review (2007) Nicholas de Genova. Working the Boundaries. Race, Space, and "Ilegality" in Mexican Chicano. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, 249.
13. Lisa Magaña (2007) “Mexican American Women and Politics,” in Chicana/o Survey and Analysis. This was a chapter from my book the Politics of Diversity. Edited by Dennis Bixler-Marquez and others, Kendall Hunt Press, 57-71.
12. Lisa Magaña, Encyclopedia Entries, (2006) The “Immigration Reform and Control Act, the Voting Rights Act,” for Latinas in the United States: An Historical Encyclopedia, Edited by Virginia Sanchez Korrol and Vicki Ruiz. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 341, 804.
11. Lisa Magaña, Book Review, (2005) Jose Pagan: “Worker Displacement in theUS/Mexican Border Region: Issues and Challenges,” Journal of International Migration and Integration, 117
10. Cecilia Menjívar and Lisa Magaña (2005) “Immigration to Arizona: Diversity and Change.” in Arizona Hispanics: The Evolution of Influence, 81st Arizona Town Hall, edited by Louis Olivas. Tempe: Arizona State University, 53-71.
9. Lisa Magaña, Book Review (2005) Bill Ong Hing “Defining America Through
Immigration Policy,” Journal of American Ethnic History, 324.
8. Lisa Magaña, Encyclopedia Entries (2004) “Mexican American Legal Defense
and Education Fund (MALDEF) “National Council of La Raza,” for Poverty and Social Welfare: An Encyclopedia, Edited by Gwendolyn Mink and Alice O’Conner, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO Press, 463, 485.
7. Lisa Magaña, Encyclopedia, Entries (2004) “Immigration” for the Encyclopedia of Latina and Latino Popular Culture in the United States, Edited by Cordelia Candelaria, Arturo Aldama and Peter Garcia, Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 386.
6. “Latino Parent Policies and Programs Assessment” (2003) Cartright Elementary School District. William Brown and Lisa Magaña, Department of Recreation Management.
5. “Curtailing Gang and Drug Violence and Alcohol Abuse Project in Los Angeles County” (1998) Assessment Report. Published for the Dora and John Haynes Foundation. Principal Researchers, George T. Felkenes, Harold Becker and Lisa Magaña.
4. “Los Angeles County Office of Education Student Violence, Drug, Alcohol, and Gang Prevention Program Index” (1997) Published for the Dora and John Haynes Foundation. Principal Researchers, George T. Felkenes, Harold Becker and Lisa Magaña.
3. “The Adams Middle School Care Program Assessment.” (1997) Published for the Dora and John Haynes Foundation. Principal Investigator Lisa Magaña.
2. “Latinos and the Los Angeles Uprisings Report,” (1993) Principal Researcher, The Tomas Rivera Center, Claremont, California, Principal Investigator Manuel Pastor.
1. “The Education of Teachers: A Bibliography.” (1992) Yolanda Rodriguez Ingle, Lisa Magaña, and Reynaldo F. Macias. Tomas Rivera Center, Claremont California.
Adrian D. Pantoja, Cecilia Menjívar, and Lisa Magaña, Editors “The Spring Marches of 2006: Latinos, Immigration, and Political Mobilization in the 21st Century. 2009. American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 52, Issue 4.
Lisa Magaña, Editorial Board Member (2005-2012) for the “Latinidad Series”
University of Rutgers Press.
Lisa Magaña, Textbook Editor & Consultant. 2007. “Day Without Immigrants: Rallying Behind America’s Newcomers” Coughlan Publishing.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 314 | Transborder Latin Am Migration |
TCL 314 | Transborder Latin Am Migration |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 494 | Special Topics |
TCL 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 314 | Transborder Latin Am Migration |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 494 | Special Topics |
TCL 494 | Special Topics |
TCL 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 314 | Transborder Latin Am Migration |
TCL 314 | Transborder Latin Am Migration |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 101 | Latinas/os in the U.S. |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 314 | Transborder Latin Am Migration |
TCL 314 | Transborder Latin Am Migration |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 101 | Latinas/os in the U.S. |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TCL 340 | Chicano and Latino Politics |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 101 | Latinas/os in the U.S. |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TCL 340 | Chicano and Latino Politics |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TSS 792 | Research |
TSS 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TCL 101 | Latinas/os in the U.S. |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TCL 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
JUS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
SGS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
POS 377 | AZ Immigration,Latino Politics |
TSS 790 | Reading and Conference |
TSS 792 | Research |
- Lisa Magana. "Immigration Politics in Arizona,". Congresso Internacional Migraciones Globales: Perspectivas de una Reforma Migratoria en Estadaos Uni (Oct 2010).
- Lisa Magana. Mexican Americans, Social Constructions and the Public Policy Process. Western Political Science Convention (Mar 2008).
- Magana, Lisa. The End of Big Government. Western Political Science Convention (Mar 2005).
- Magana, Lisa. U.S. Border Patrol and Immigration Policy Implementation. Siglo XXI: Latino Research Into the 21st (Feb 2005).
- Avalos, Manuel, Magana, Lisa. Proposition 200 in Arizona: Déjà vu All Over Again. Siglo XXI: Latino Research Into the 21st (Feb 2005).
- Magana, Lisa. Arizona and Immigration Policy. The Century Fund: Seminar on Immigration Issues in the Southwest (Feb 2005).
- Magana, Lisa, Bretting, John. The Social Construction of Eastern European Gypsies and Mexican Immigrants. The American Political Science Association Convention (Aug 2002).
- Magana, Lisa, Bretting, John. Roma y Raza- Myths and Misunderstandings: The Social Construction of Knowledge and Information Concerning Eastern European Gypsies and Mexican Migratory Workers. Western Political Science Association (Mar 2002).
- Magana, Lisa, Bretting, John. Policy Recommendations in Latino Communities. National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies (Apr 2001).
- Magana, Lisa. How Immigration Agencies Must Straddle the Border. The International Migration Conference (Sep 2000).
School of Transborder Studies
Chair of the Promotion and Tenure, 20212
Director Search Committee, 2018-2019.
Chair of Personnel Action Committee, 2013-2015.
Social Science Curriculum Development Committee 2011-2015 Scholarship Selection Committee, 2010-2013. Chair By-Laws Committee (Chair) 2011-2013.
Chaired tenure and or promotion review committees, 2010, 2011, 2012.
Department Chair Search Committee, 2005.
Social Science Search Committee, 2006.
College of Liberal Arts and Science (CLAS)
Justice Equity Education Inclusion Committee, 2020-2023
Dean of Social Science Search Committee, 2014-2015.
Chair Student Affairs and Grievance Committee, 2014-2015.
Member of the Student Affairs and Grievance Committee, 2015-2017. Member of the Committee of Review, 2013.
Southwest Borderlands Initiative Search Committee, Department of Geography, 2005-2006.
CLAS Senate Representative, 2004-2005.
President Faculty Women’s Association, 2020-2021.
Southwest Borderlands Initiative Selection Committee, 2018, 2019.
Presidential Professor Selection Committee, 2019, 2020.
Human Factor Collaborative, 2019-2020.
Consultant on the Starbucks Education Initiative, (2018-2019).
University Promotion and Tenure Committee, (2018-2021).
Committee for the Presidential Fellows at ASU, 2019.
The Chicano Latino Faculty and Staff Association (CLFSA), Executive Board Member, 2011-2020, CLFSA President, 2006-2007.
Executive Committee for the Faculty Women’s Association, 2019-2020.
Professional Offices and Committee Positions
Chair of the American Political Science Association (APSA) Committee on the Status of Latinos in the Profession, 2021-2022.
American Political Science Association (APSA) Committee on the Status of Latinos in the Profession, 2018-2021.
Western Political Science Association (WPSA) Chair of the Executive Nomination Committee
American Political Science Association Best Dissertation Committee, Race, Class and Ethnicity, 2015-2018.
Western Political Science Association (WPSA) Committee on the Status of Latinos/as in the Profession, and Executive Council, 2009-2012.